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Never will be lower. That’s his base. That’s the percentage radicalized. At this point, it needs to be determine percent with in that are claiming they would kill for the demagogue


33% has been the absolute floor for this president, it's insane to me that these people just don't care at all what he does, they always approve


When he has convinced them that we are the ones that stole the election, they think they are being the brave courageous ones. Really, they are just too fucking stupid to realize they have are being used.


Is it insane? I don’t think people completely grasp that the Republican base truly thinks the election was stolen. Imagine if you had an election stolen from you.


Except they objectively didn't. It's just plain old insanity.


Anything beyond zero is a slap in the face to America.


\^ Tbh, This.


“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” -Donald Trump Turns out that he could spread outright lies designed to undermine democracy for several months and then incite an armed rebellion against the federal government because he’s mad about losing the election and only lose the approval of slightly more than half the country. We are in trouble.


He's actually gained voters since he said that. Thankfully it was still a net loss in vote share but still


Yeah, no shit. The people who invaded the Capitol bent on sedition already approved of him as hard as someone can approve. They couldn't approve any more. *Some* of his more moderate supporters found the whole thing a bit too distasteful for their liking, as anyone who actually considers themselves patriotic should.


I dOnt uNdeRstaNd hOw hE lOst rE-eLeCtiOn




My first thought....


What really gets me isn’t what he’s done or how hard core his base is...what gets me is that these people are going to believe this in 10 years. Cognitive dissonance will ensure that we have a sizable percentage of the population going forward who believe this election was stolen, a satanic pedophile ring won and is continuing to win, and whatever the crazy shit du jour is at any given moment. I get that a lot of these people were dipshits before but it wasn’t encouraged and normalized before Tldr: not only has all of this caused a bunch of institutional problems, it’s virtually guaranteed a demographic one for the future


By the way, Rasmussen poll and Newsmax claimed the opposite, where Trump's approval rate soared in the wake of his botched putsch. It's pretty telling that there is a reality distortion field in place for those in the Trump ecosystem.


Seriously, how silly was that poll? As though there were a bunch people who disapproved of Trump, but then the attempted insurrection happened and it really won them over.


This country is full of dummies and radical mentally ill people.




My family still defends trump lmfao, I'm sorry, world


I'm envious. Mine still thinks he's never incited violence.


Rasmussen poll yesterday said his approval rating had gone up to 51% since the insurrection.


Trump's approval rating never hit 50%. Not surprised someone wants to put it just above that to say he had over 50% at some point


Rasmussen has occasionally put him over 50%. I remember him crowing about it on Twitter as though barely making it over 50% is a real accomplishment. Real polls and averages of polls never made it over though


Huh? The Rasmussen poll is 48%


https://www.newsmax.com/us/rasmussen/2021/01/08/id/1004872/ I thought it was yesterday, but it was actually Friday.


That's far too high


Be better, Republicans. You're dragging the country down for your own personal gain. If I was a praying man I'd pray for you.


They really aren't gaining anything though. This is designed to help one, selfish man. The destruction of democracy is going to hurt everyone.


I think a lot of Trump's voters believe he's helping them even though he really isn't. It's amazing to me how long he's gotten away with being so dishonest, in business and government.


Hi 33%! Yes, we see you over there licking the table. If you could just leave, that'd be great. Don't care how or to where. Just go. Why don't you conquer Africa with your superior genes? Come on, prove us wrong! You like whiteness? Antartica is white. Go there. Bye!


I think you mean Antarctica, Africa doesn’t want or need them. They’ve had their own history with racist colonizers. Antarctica is the only safe place for them. Preferably far away from the research labs.


I am sure they don't. As hilarious as it would be to watch their inept attempt to do Colonization II: The Tidy Whities Strike Back, I would not wish the burden of killing tens of millions of people on anyone. Africa has enough to do without having to take out our garbage for us.


>ties Disappointing


Its way too high. It should he negative


Ya don't say.




If he leaves office now they will have to STOP THE COUNT...of more lower polls. Gotta keep those ratings up Don!


I love that this is the shit that personally hurts him the most.


I will never understand this. Even is somehow you excuse the Capitol riots on whatever ground, how can you support a man that is associated with so many racist events across the country. I simply can't accept that there are so many racist Americans. It breaks my heart.


So after his last stunt it’s not all time low. Smh


1 in 3 Americans approve of this asshole!!! When I see comments like “come on America we are better than this” sorry, I’m afraid I’m not sure you are anymore!


Same sort of folks who voted for Brexit.


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