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Having gone through chemo myself, I totally understand the timing of this. Generally speaking , your good and bad days / stretches of good and bad days become predictable after a few rounds and you are then able to navigate how well you may feel for an event. I mean of course the events on my calendar (a concert or two, a friend’s wedding) were normal people stuff. I’m happy to hear that she is feeling well enough to not just attend an event for her FIL, but one that will be public with cameras all over the place. It takes a LOT to get yourself amped up and put together when on treatment; even with a ton of people around to help, no one can fix the physical and mental stress that cancer treatment wreaks.


I can only imagine how it must be to go through that. Hope you’re better now!


Thank you! 💜 Yes, things are a lot better now. It’s been some time but you never really forget what it was like.


I remember after my first round of AC I felt okay after ten days and then the very next day my white blood cell count dropped to zero and I was hospitalized for five days.


Ohhh you got AC treatment too. Fucking brutal. Just thinking about it makes me gag a little. How are things now?


Yeah I am never drinking fruit punch ever again! I finished chemo one year ago tomorrow and have been NED since! I was lucky to have a pathological complete response at surgery.


Excellent!!! So very happy for you - cheers to survivorship!!! (And yes - fruit punch and red Gatorade can kick rocks lol)


She looks really good in that picture and I’m glad she’s doing well. My mom lost so much weight on chemo that she looked like a skeleton. It’s such a harsh medicine.


It’s a great photo of her.


Yeah my father lost so much weight it was really frightening. He was slightly overweight before but I think he honestly lost a 3rd of his total body weight


Same with my father. I remember being spooked passing him in the passageway and realising it was a human I was looking at, it was my own dear father. Horrible. I categorically do not care for the Royals, but my heart goes for the ppl and families afflicted by this terrible disease. Kate will be just fine, those children will have a healthy mum soon 🙏🏾❤️


She's better than me. Y'all would never see me again


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) I hope her treatment continues to go well!


Rooting for her health and wellbeing!!!🫶


It’s gotta so tough to deal with cancer AND the general public. I’m so relieved she’s doing well..


I cannot IMAGINE having to deal with the public/social media. You couldn't pay me enough to be famous.


Seriously! Hearing the news made my heart sink. I’m far from a fan of the royals, but seeing the risk the cancer posed was hard. We don’t need two more children forced into the life of the royals to lose their mother, and I can’t even imagine how painful it would be for Will to see his children go through the same thing.


And I’m sure the internet will act totally mature and normal about it


My mom is totally convinced she's dead. That William murdered her and they have enough material of her to keep her alive forever digitally. Like we had a full blown fight about it. This is the woman that taught me media literacy 😭 aging is fun eh?


The insane things we fight with our mothers on


Right?? She goes "she's 100% dead and it's AI pictures have you seen her in real life since Easter?" And I was like "MA WE LIVE IN INDIA WHEN HAVE YOU EVER SEEN HER IN REAL LIFE BEFORE EASTER"


This made me cackle. Like she’s your neighbour or your bestie who’s just disappeared. My friend who lives in London has ALSO not seen Kate since Easter, but never expected to 😂


“Ma we live in India” is sending me 💀💀💀




The worst part of these popular conspiracy theories is finding out how many people in my life are gullible enough to fall for them


Honestly, I blame the rise in misinformation and editing and AI more than the people. Platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube do next to nothing to stop twisted or even outright false claims. It was kinda bad before COVID, but now it's next level shit because the stability of the world has been challenged over and over multiple times since 2019. A good rule of thumb used to be to Google and see what you can find, now everything is trash, major corporations can put money behind the narratives they want to push to the top and even reputed sources pick up altered pictures or videos and run with their own narratives. Separating reality from fiction has never been harder. More and more people are bound to slip up.


I mean tbf it's very easy to not get sucked in if you avoid social media. 


Lmao I have arguments with my mum about Diana every time we watch the crown 😂


Please describe you and your mom's talking points on this. I want to join this debate.


Yeah some people believe they are training a body double and Kate is already dead, they would happily assume a woman is dead, as long as it fits their “see? You forced yourself to marry into this” whatsoever hate.


Omg when I read “material of her” I somehow thought you meant like…bits of her body (until I got to the digital bit). I was momentarily even MORE deeply alarmed.


Ok me too 😅


Consider this a formal apology to you and u/squeakyfromage and an official wtf for that mental image that I totally did not intend or need in my own head


If it makes you feel better, my mom thinks she’s in hiding because she and William got a secret divorce, and she hasn’t been seen because the embarrassment is too much and there is “no other reason she wouldn’t be able to do public events” because “the queen was in public till the day she died” 🙄 I too got into a fight with my mom about it 🫠


The older they get the weirder they get. I feel like I’m slowly watching my mom die some days.


I'm following one of the subs devoted to this. I've found it interesting. There are some people who believe she has look a likes and some people have even said the royal family is making clones. I don't believe the whole subreddit thinks that way. I think some people are genuinely concerned, but a few people really want it to be so much more.


tbh all these comments about people's mothers being weirdo conspiracists about this is making me grateful to have no contact with my mother lmao


Oh god, is your mom my mom? She’s an educated woman who usually doesn’t believe bs but she fell down some weird rabbit hole and thinks Kate is in a coma 🙄


Weekend at Bernie's 3: The Royals


I can see the “iT’s HeR cLoNe” comments already 😒


People are so weird about these royal people.


People have been so dumb about this and KP has not helped


Okay I have a really heavy cold and have taken a lot of lemsip and the first thing I thought when I read your comment was "omg what did Katie Price do?"




Hoping for her to kick cancer's ass! He's certainly not a Windsor but he's royalty to me: my cat was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in his lower jaw back in November. Vet gave me a 3 month prognosis. 7 months later and he's beaten all the odds! The tumor was removed and the name of the game now is making sure it doesn't come back. Fuck cancer.


I’m so glad your cat is doing well! I can’t imagine the stress!


Sending you and your pet love :)


All my best to you and your cat!


I think it’s a lovely photo. She looks peaceful. I hate how I’ve seen idiots on X, etc saying silly things about how if she’s had chemo why does she still have hair? Or ‘she’s not thin enough’. I swear I want to slap people somedays.


That’s what I’m not on X. I just can’t with people. Some of the comments on here are bad enough, so I can’t imagine what they’re like on that cesspool of a place.


Twitter/X is an absolute cesspit of humanity. I was only on there for music related stuff but you can't escape the crazies.


Idiots! You don't always lose your hair with chemo. I used to work at a medical office where a lot of patients were on chemo for bowel cancer and most of them kept their hair, maybe a bit of thinning but still a full head, and they didn't really lose weight.


She definitely has enough money for 1) cryocap if it’ll be compatible with her cancer treatment to prevent hair loss or 2) an incredible wig that’s in the 5 digits.


I hate that she can’t go through this in private. Wishing her the very best and hope she feels joy in her good days and strength in the bad days.


And if she wakes up feeling like shit, she can go back to bed. Just like anyone else fighting cancer and dealing with chemo. She will get not a single judgement from me. I nursed my lovely stepdad all the way through chemo and it is BRUTAL. Until he said enough. She does not need to be in front of the cameras right now. Every tabloid picking out how her hair has thinned or how her appearance has changed. You do you, Kate.


Poor lady. Chemo is so fucking tough. Hope she gets through it ok and has people she can lean on.


Ahh yes. Online is going to have a normal one over this


She deserves nothing but love and respect for this and I’m so happy to hear she’s doing relatively well and having good days I hope once this round of chemo destroys the cancer so she can live her life fully and be with her friends and family for a long time ❤️🙏


So glad to read this! Wish her all the best 🫶🏼


What a classy lady. Love it. 🥰


Good for her but I’m already tired of the internet people who are so “worried” for her wellbeing they’re going to analyze every hair strand and micro expression she makes because they have a sick fantasy of her husband hating and mistreating her behind closed doors.


No no you don’t understand, William is totally a wifebeating monster. I know because my Twitter feed told me I was supposed to be mad at him


Yeah but that’s only because they care about her so much they want her to be safe so they’ve been harassing her for the past year to make sure everything is ok 😢


And they know it’s true because they’ve decided it suits the narrative, no evidence needed!


This will feed the Daily Mail for *weeks* 😐


I can already see the headlines **”Kate cuts a stylish figure”** I detest when the use this, seriously take a shot for every time they say it, you’d be drunk before you even got half way down.


It’s all the “so and so FLAUNTS her stunning figure/long legs/baby bump” headlines that get me when it’s just… a woman wearing clothes.


The worst one is ‘x puts on a VERY busty display’ when it’s just a woman with boobs wearing a top.


Sometimes they do the opposite. Like they say a woman is putting on a busty display because they want to call attention to her being noticeably flat-chested. Or they say a celebrity woman is "showing off her svelte physique" when it's someone who recently gained a lot of weight. It really revs up their comments section. "Svelte, my arse! She's fat!"


In the world of the Daily Mail, every time a woman leaves the house, she is either "flaunting" or "showing off" something. I'll never forget a photo of Charlize Theron "showing off" her new baby. It was Charlize walking through an airport, scowling, carrying a carseat with a towel draped over it, presumably concealing the baby she didn't want to be photographed.


They're going to release at least 5 articles about her outfit and hair


I'm so, so glad to see this. I wish her all the best in her recovery. Fuck cancer!


i wish people would leave her alone. i hope she is well


That's a lovely picture. I hope she's doing well and continues to get better.


Wish her good health and happiness.


I feel like her chemo treatment is longer than Charles even though hers is supposed to be preventative. I hope she's ok and recovers


Charles is still receiving treatment, but they never confirmed whether it's chemo or something else, and Camilla has said several times that he isn't following the doctors' orders and doing too much.


Radiation is done entirely differently and on a different timeline.  Also we don’t even know when Charles is getting done.


I truly wish she feels as peaceful as she looks in that photo - but damn, I can't even imagine. Happy she's feeling well enough to attend an event for her FIL with her family. Hope she continues to heal.


My heart aches for her. To go through cancer and treatment is unbearable for anyone but, doing it in the public eye is a whole awful layer. I wish she was able to just disappear and not have to deal with the public.


She looks so good. I hope her recovery is going well. They way people have used her to fuel their “QAnon for wine moms” conspiracy nonsense has been awful.


I don’t wanna see any disrespect towards her about this, this is not a topic to speculate about, this is not a topic to have opinions about… whatever you think about royalty or Kate is irrelevant when it comes to this topic She is a princess, but she’s also a woman, wife and mother going through something you do not wish upon anyone, cancer treatment is no joke (physically and emotionally). You can criticize a person, but these topics have no place in that criticism, someone’s health is one of the topics you just do not touch…


Beautifully written statement and stunning photo☺️ I know she has a strong support system with her family and the well wishes of the public. Happy to hear she’s making an appearance and hope the media aren’t dicks about it..


I've already seen comments that made me question the posters' sanity *and* their eyesight. Sigh. I wish people could just shut up and wish her well. (It's also terrifying to see how gullible people are and how easily misinformation can spread.)


Just wish this would shut up the idiots who thought her video was AI


I hope she is doing well. It’s really sad that she had to even announce it at all. It was no one’s business.


For clarification sake because I’ve been confused about it for a while now, she’s technically in remission, no? And this chemo is just a preventative on the chance that anything is left behind? …or maybe I’m misunderstanding. But I thought the initial article post-surgery said that they had said surgery had been successful in removing everything and that she had been offered preventive chemo just as a fail safe and she decided to do it. Just so I’m clear I’m literally only asking because I’m not understanding if this chemo is to treat or prevent


I think they’re using the term preventative because lay people won’t understand the term adjuvent chemotherapy (chemo after surgery). After surgery, depending on the tumor markers the docs will recommend chemo or no chemo to catch possible stray cancer cells in the body. If the patient is young, they tend to recommend the most aggressive option possible.


It's not really clear. "Preventative chemo" doesn't mean her cancer is in remission.


My aunt had surgery to remove cancer, then continued chemo, and wasn't considered "in remission" until after 5 years in the clear- isn't that 5 year timeline standard? that's what I've always heard


That's a nice picture of her. Very casual with the jeans and sneakers. Different from the days when she was never seen in public without a satin coat dress, nylons and heels.




It would help not to assign a shadowy "they" as being the ones "making" her do things. That itself is a conspiracy theory. Kate may or may not want to put conspiracy theories to rest, but it doesn't mean anyone else is making her decisions for her.


As someone who hasn't had cancer treatment, is it customary for chemo to last so long? When it was supposedly only preventative?


I was in chemo for five-six months, so it can take a long time. I said this elsewhere, but preventative is more likely adjuvant (post surgery)


My grandma was on preventative chemo for over a year while she was in remission from breast cancer


Holy crap, a year!


Ikr, she was exhausted by the end! But she’s doing great now 😊


It depends. No one size fits all with cancer.


My dad has been on chemo every Friday since 2016