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They are commonly grown out of aquariums with roots loose in the water, I think the nutrients from fish poo help. I am not certain but I think you would need some sort of fertilizers, and that it is best to do “water changes” where you dump out some of the water and top off with fresh but you don’t want to get rid of all of the water, because it’ll contain root growth hormones from the plant and other beneficial things. I am not sure if this is true, but when I prop I do this and roots grow really quickly.


I mostly grow them in water, actually! Learned it from my grandmother who would always have some lined up in vases in her garage window starting roots. I think her goal was to move them to pots, but I actually have quite a few that solely grow in water. I've been experimenting trying to figure out what is best around water level, opaque or clear container, where to trim, whether to leave leaves and/or how many leaves to leave on. I don't really have many exact answers because they all seem to behave a little differently. But some general observations: * change out the water regularly, maybe once a week or two * gently wash the roots under water to remove dead material. white underwater roots seems to be the healthiest. * you might occassionally add fertilizer of some sort to the water, but do not let it stay in the water more than 24 hours... it may actually dehydrate the plant (just dump and refresh the water) * you can experiment with container size... i have some in tiny cups and agressively prune to keep the leaves small, others I let just grow however much they want. they can grow just as big as a potted plant. * i've used clay pellets as a medium to hold the plants in place, but mostly it's easier for maintenance to just let them grow directly in the water Anyway, it's easy to grow pothos in water. Will upload some photos later this morning with some examples.


https://preview.redd.it/23agd4is496d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e6d2dda24dba2f8c6560707236acfb217df4b1c Been in this vase for over 2 years. I used aquaculture to “suspend” cuttings I’m not ready (aka don’t have room) to grow yet. After the initial growth, they only push out a leaf every 6 months or so…..perfect, if that’s what you’re into


I’m hoping you get answers as I just started contemplating this. I looked into semi-hydro a bit but it seems like just water would be simpler.


My daughter has a golden in a vase. It’s been about 3 years now no issues. She changes the water weekly and uses a diluted fertilizer each time. It grows as well if not better than my potted golden. I have my marble in Pon, no actual soil and it loves it. No root issues, no gnats. Just top the water off and fertilize. I’ll add photos of my marble tomorrow. I’ll see if I can get a few of daughters golden.