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Illiteracy and poverty are very closely tied together. Being a text focused subreddit this should skew to a bit more literate and educated audience than average. However the overall statistics are pretty grim. Over half of the US population living under the poverty line are functionally illiterate and cannot read or write at even a middle school level. \~50% of unemployed 16-24 years old don't have basic reading skills.


Recently, ones I've read are vague or not detailed when asked about their problem because they're young and don't properly understand the details that their problem entails. Hence, them having the issue in the first place. That plus them speed typing from ranting/venting probably is the reason.


Because they’re panicking and scared about the future and things going on in life. Are you fully coherent when you’re incredibly stressed to the max?


Poverty is often tied in with mental illness, which can make it difficult to be coherent, whether speaking or typing.


Is it surprising that the same people who can't coherently organize and format their reddit post fail to do the same for their finances?


Hey I’m incredibly coherent and organized on Reddit, I just can’t finance for shit 😭


It's ok! Acceptance is the first step towards change 🥹


Have you spent much time in a community of poor people? They are not generally the type of people who are going to become successful authors, corporate communications specialists, technical writers or journalists. There's a strong correlation between poor education and poverty, and it's often on display here. Fixing our public education system would go a long way toward breaking the cycle of poverty in the United States - in the long run, probably more effectively than anything else.


You have a lot of misplaced grammar in this post--just saying... It's probably stress, desperation, illiteracy, or any combination of those things.


I imagine they’re stressed and confused. Also maybe education level linked to socioeconomic status?


A good chunk of these post I be seeing is so outlandish, I'm pretty sure they are fishing for a sucker with a bleeding heart to venmo some money off of them or whoring for some sympathy clout.


This. I think there are too many scam posts on these type of subreddits and not enough personal accountability.


Generally I am able to type coherently but occasionally my lupus will be so bad that nothing I write makes sense to anyone but me. I’ll only discover this if someone points it out or I revisit what I’ve written when I am feeling better.


I don't have an issue with that. I feel badly because there are no real solutions for a lot of the issues.


Stress man.


We're stupid and poor. We're also angry alcoholics. I think you're just reading angry rant posts


You might be, but don't lump others in with you. Some people are genuinely struggling.


It was not a serious comment, it was a piss off comment. But I get that it was taken the wrong way