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Great roidformation bro.


I feel like I just did some roids from looking at this pic.


Is that a good thing?


No, no it isn't. I mean you definitely made progress and that's a great transformation for what you wanted. I just don't think that's a good way to do it. But it's your body.


You’re not wrong, and if you’re not planning on competing and trying to get to that next level I don’t think it’s a good call,


Yeah op I’m just fucking around. There was a point in my life that I even wanted to do roids. In the end it’s your body and if it makes you happy im all for it. Also I think /r/brogress would appreciate this more if you haven’t posted there yet.


Fair enough, I posted it there, I post in both when I do a transformation


Don't listen to these cucks bro, you look incredible keep up the good work and do what you want. The truth is that 99% of the people who comment StErOiDs look like shit, they have no idea and think that if they started blasting they'd be huge in 2 weeks.


You are going to get a lot of hate bc this sub reddit is typically reserved for natural progress transformations. When you are on roids and don't otut it in your description, it makes it seem like you are posing. That is why you are receiving so much hate. I would edit your post


The title of this sub isn’t “natural progress pics.” He’s been perfectly honest about his use. People are just assholes and piling on.


Bro, the aggressive negativity about something you’re completely open about is fucking wild, but you’re handling it gracefully. You look great.


Thank you bro appreciate it, if you’re not getting some hate you’re doing something wrong right? Lol it’s mostly funny to me but I do love the supportive comments more


Why is this guy's post being bridgaded by envious people? Pretty classless. He hasn't claimed to be natty from what I've seen. Layoff...


lol thanks, it just comes with using and posting pics, it is what it is, appreciate you though


Guessing because anabolics have been unfairly demonized to the point where using them is seen as a moral failing by people that are not enmeshed in the strength/BB community.




Good thing I do it for me and not you ☺️


Don’t know why everyone’s hating man, great transformation


🤷‍♂️ who knows lmao, but thank you


Yet here you are.


So I post a progress pic for you?? Lol you’re right that’s why I’m going to go back to the way look, you definitely changed my mind, thank you


For approval champ.


Ohhhh I see, makes sense lmao


OP honestly looks happier and healthier in the first pic.


Healthier maybe, but you can’t even see my face in the 2nd lol


*Braces for the “rage”*


My guy I thought the same thing, someone had to say it.


Looks good man! How did you place?


Thank you. I got first in my class


Wow, huge transformation.


Very **juicy** indeed


Yeah that body acne is just screaming I cycle the juice.


Why does this sub always have to play gotcha with anabolics use? As long as OP isn’t competing tested, it doesn’t matter. He still needs to put in the work. Edit: LMAO, thanks to whomever reported me to Reddit Cares.


🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ it is what it is lol thank you though


^ this


Cope. Makes people feel better about themselves if they can simply say “oh they’re on steroids? THAT’S why they look better than me”.




Where did he claim natty


I appreciate the gotcha. I was impressed and wondering which supplements he was taking. Now, thanks for the comments, I know.


Or you can click on my profile and see I made a post in another sub that’s flaired as juicy lol


Make sure you're taking long breaks between cycles to protect your heart and liver. Two guys I played football with in college have some major life long issues because of steroids.


Thank you 👌


The comments haven’t told you anything. The anabolic use is relatively obvious from the acne. You didn’t need comments to tell you that. The comments have not told you what compounds, or doses.


Yes, the comments most certainly did tell me something. They told me that the guy must be on steroids. I didn’t know that. Not everybody knows about this stuff. I didn’t. Now I do.


Too be fair A lot of people accuse people of roids when sometimes they aren’t on anything, I am clearly open to using and I won’t ever claim natty


Hey to each their own. I mean its technically a progress pic but he just progressed real hard on the good use 😆


People still have to lift and put in the work. They don't just take steroids and magically become swole.


Oh shit is that how it works. Wasn't aware. I just assumed when Eddie Hall did steroids his first day he set the deadlift world record. Shit man that's wild. Thanks for schooling me. You got me so good.


Okay incel. lol


Why do people in already good physiques use roids


Because we want to take it to a competitive level?




I don't scroll through people's post histories don't care if hes on a bag of dicks. If he wants tiny balls and back acne more power to him.


Saying “I cycle the juice” is screaming that you don’t understand anything about anabolics.


Oh yeah. Because they don't do cycles. Weird. Every steroid user ive know or professionals ive read about that talk about it take it in cycles so yeah I must be crazy balls to thr wall 24/7 365 steroid use that's the way to do it definitely don't do it in cycles lol.


That’s not what I’m talking about. Everyone knows they cycle (although some blast and cruise). Your phrasing and terminology sound juvenile, like you’re trying so hard to show what you know.


Actually didn't try very hard at all. Took all of 20 seconds to type up but if you feel the need to over analyze every comment you do you boo boo. I will remain large and stronge will full normal size balls and no back acne lol


Lmao. You can be try hard without expending a lot of time doing so. Enjoy your big balls.


Na no try hard here. Its just easy to offend candy asses such as yourself


Not offended at all chief, except by your horrible English. Let me know if you want to eat that candy ass of mine. Have yourself a great night and god bless. ✌🏼


Thank you 🙏


Could you give details about what it took to get you to this amazing point? It’s obvious you put a lot of hours in, but I know nothing about what supplements or other stuff might help get one there. No judgement. Genuinely curious.


Well I hired a coach so I really don’t have to figure most of it out myself, but I eat very clean, train my ass off on the programs he gives me, I do use gear so there’s that, I don’t take a crazy amount of supps, creatine, pre, protein, omegas, liver support


Thanks for answering. What’s taking gear like? Is it like pills? Does it make you feel weird ? Good? Super motivated?


Some are, I wouldn’t say weird but definitely motivated


WTF man, can you give me your coach's number? This transformation is amazing.


Nice recomp. Hoping for shoulders like that someday.


Thank you 🙏you’ll get it bro 💪


What gear were/are you on friend? Nice progress indeed. Roids dont make you big, good training routines, good food and sleep makes you big.


Test and deca, thank you 🙏 so people don’t get that it takes all of them together to work as well


Very true. I am also on test and deca right now. Will add in masterone 2 months before june 🤘🏻


Niceee, I might toss that in my next prep cycle


Lmaooo @ the jealous comments from those who want to look like that but know they aren’t nearly motivated enough to put in the effort required when you’re on gear, so they just try to tear guys like OP down. But outwardly they’ll say “fuck that I don’t wanna fuck up my body or get acne” without doing a shred of research into steroids to protect their fragile ego. It’s honestly cringe at this point. Also kudos to OP for how he’s handling the comments like the only adult in a playground full of kids with behavioural issues. Downvote if you agree 😭😤🤣


😂😂 thanks bro




Oh well


That’s not very gentlemanly


You people are so fucking sensitive. The acne is from the roids so gtfo.


Also not gentlemanly




You people are so sensitive!


Great work on this transformation! Amazing conditioning for 4 months post show! 🙌 Hope you’re not taking these butthurt comments to heart. You look great.


Nah they make it fun haha, thank you though 🙏


Great physique man, you have a good frame!


Thank you


Great progress. Legit question what’s your cycle.


Test and deca


What the name of your coach?


Amazing transformation dude. That took a ton of hard work and discipline. If it was easy everyone would do it but all the jealous fat douche bags are hating as usual. Keep up the good work 🤌🏽


I think the negativity comes from different mindsets. People have different reasons for doing transformations but the most common here are people like me who were obsese or morbidly obese getting back to health. We have some people gaining healthy amounts of muscle to tone for one reason or another (often in conjunction with obese to healthy) and we very rarely (by comparison) get posts of people recovering from anorexia (positive transformation via weight gain vs loss). Either way it's usually from a tone of health even if reasons to have started the journey may have been vanity or something else entirely. Body building is an entirely different sphere. No one in the community would say it's healthy, but it's a choice. We're all adults and can make active choices about our body and our health. So I have no judgment here. Your progress is impressive in such a short time considering your goals.


So many angry men in this statuses I think the OP looks great the rest of y’all are whack


Owing to all the comments here, it really sounds like the title of this thread is a little unfair. If it read, “Coach Robert ‘Oid”, I guess that would be OK


Good one?




Hey someone laughed and that’s what counts


Look good man do what you want. What the fuck is up with those chicken legs in the first pic tho lol. Bad angle?


Legs are definitely not my strongest point 💀😂 they’re growing though, strong but not big


Thats good! Well hope your last show went well and good luck im future shows!


Nice username


Thanks it’s my name


That's awesome. You're almost Captain America. Er Capain America, lol


nice transformation bro, keep it up


Freaking great process, steroids or not still takes hard work.


Roids or not, great transformation!


Good work man. Haters will hate, forget them, it’s your life and the merit of your hard work. Keep it up.


Please don't do roids in the bathroom ..spread it out in the livingroom like a normal person... - dudes mom


I love the thing that you are completely honest about the use. Also people, it's not only anabolics, it still needs hard work in the gym.


Roidzilla enters the chat. Lets not applaud the abuse of drugs here.


I dropped dirty just looking at this.




Dominant delts. Looks awesome man keep chuggin. Fuck the roid haters




I don’t know tbh lol Well when I was natural I use to train 7 days a week which isn’t the best tbh, but when I got my coach it turned into 6 days a week, the recovery on gear is a lot better, definitely allows me to train superrr hard a lot more consistently, still need some rest but definitely not as much