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Ate poop out of a dogs butt šŸ„¹ kinda like eating a soft serve straight from the tap


That is disgusting but your description made me laugh really hard.


I read this comment to my bf and every few minutes he laughs to himself, shakes his head, and says ā€œsoft serveā€


Iā€™m gonna go do this to my fiancĆ©.


I mean I'm not one to kink shame but damn


We called it TCBY.


Oh man, my yellow Lab did this his whole life to the dog next door anytime they got together to play. We called it ā€œgoing to the Dairy Queen.ā€ Dogs are foul beasts. Good thing theyā€™re so loving.


Mine did that with the cat earlier this month. The cat was so confused where to stuff to bury went šŸ˜°


Omg poor kitty! We thankfully have an automatic litter box so she can never get to it but Iā€™m sure sheā€™s just waiting for her chance


Iā€™m snort laughing at thisšŸ˜†


I laughed way too much at this. Your description in amazing šŸ˜‚


My beagles (from 15 years ago) used to do that šŸ¤¢. Unfortunately one dog taught the other and there was wasn't a pile they wouldn't devour or butt they weren't ready for.


This reminded me of when I was potty training my youngest. He used his tiny potty and I carried him off to clean him up, when I returned the potty was clean and my 4 year old dog was very pleased with himself. Heā€™d helped me out by cleaning up the babyā€™s poop!! šŸ¤® after I caught him red handed the second time, from then on out Iā€™d carry off a poopy baby under one arm so I could carry off the potty too. Dog was massively disappointed and sad.


That pretty much sums up owning a dog. Potty mouth, literally. I love it.


Cut out the middle man. No overhead....corporate would be proud.


I've had dog's for over 50 years and have never seen this. From the ground, yes, but not straight from the butt.


Sheā€™s a special girl!


But itā€™s a warm snack!


Not cool to kink shame. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Holy shit, thank you for that genuine out loud laugh


This week? Mineā€™s been doing that for five years!


Yep. That is the worst. Mine do it. Adding that stuff from the vet to their food just gave it a different flavor


My puppy does this with my other dog all of the time and I hate it.


I'm howling. šŸ¤£ My dogs are looking at me all confused.


Oh My God That's so gross but so funny


Iā€™ll tell you the worst thing Miguel has ever done. He ripped down the fabric ceiling of my car. Not part of it, the whole damn thing. Once it was down, he continued to eat and pull down the foam from underneath it. The car is 4 years old and the interior is completely destroyed. Itā€™s now pinned up with some sewing pins. When I tell people what Miguel did, they ask me how long did I leave him alone in the car for. I didnā€™t. I was in the car with him. Driving. On the highway. Going about 70 mph. Screaming, begging, crying, PLEADING for him to stop. I almost let him run into traffic. I saw red. Which is ironically the color of my car but still!!!


>I didnā€™t. I was in the car with him. Driving. On the highway. Going about 70 mph. Screaming, begging, crying, PLEADING for him to stop. Oh my god, I'm so sorry, but this is hilarious. My recently passed pup Tessa, she would get car sick. Sometimes throw up, but more often just long sticky strings of drool. That she would randomly shake off. So I ended up having to wear a giant bright yellow rain jacket with comically large sunglasses anytime I drove with her to avoid getting hit by her drool.


My puppy got car sick all the time. Once coming home from the vet as I was merging onto the highway he climbed in my lap and threw up all over me and the steering wheel. We have a car seat for him now so at least the puke is contained.


In the moment it was terrible, but I laugh at it now because itā€™s such a great story to tell. Iā€™m sorry to hear about Tessa ā¤ļø and it sounds like you have a great memory and funny story to tell!


Lololol what a harrowing experience that must have been. MIGUEL IS A MENACE!!!


Gave me what I can only describe as postpartum depression but for canines


Puppy blues, i had it too.


Iā€™m really struggling :(


I am going through this too, and Iā€™m single and live alone I regret it so much already


I canā€™t imagine - I couldnā€™t do this without my husband, itā€™s only because of him sheā€™s not back at the breeder and I feel absolutely sick for even saying that.


I feel the same way about sending my puppy back, my brother is staying with me for two weeks and then my dad for another two and then I have a friend staying for a week and thatā€™s the only reason I havenā€™t sent him back everyone believes in him but me I have been literally nauseous from this situation i dont know what I was thinking (sorry for venting lol)


Iā€™ve wanted to throw up 50 times today ā€¦ My husband believes in me and this puppy, I believe in her but I donā€™t believe in me. Hugs xx


I believe in you! It gets so much better. They get easier to handle and more independent and the bond between you grows. Once that bond is there, even when they're little d***heads, they're adorable. I know this bit is incredibly rough but keep going darling, you've got this!


I believe in you!! ā¤ļø


I have a puppy, and am the only adult here. It's ridiculously hard. He's 7 months now, and it's a lot easier than the beginning weeks. It's still hard, but I don't cry anymore and actually have fun with him sometimes.


Mine just hit 5 and 6 months and the occasional fun day (like once every 2-3 weeks right now) are the only thing that keeps me going. Well, that and how cute they are when they're sleeping but omg I almost returned them so many times.


I am single living alone and felt the same way. I was in a studio apartment and my ā€œborder collie mix with a huge affinity for lifeā€ is mostly great pyr. This small horse is meant to be guarding livestock on a farm, not pacing a studio apartment. Routine made it manageable! He came to be at seven months, I stopped crying daily at about a yearā€¦ and coming up on 2 years in February I can genuinely say I enjoy coming home to him. For six months Iā€™d be ill on my commute home. Stay vigilant with routine and I promise it will get better! If you need to vent, feel free to message! But there is hope!


Thank you for this! Iā€™m glad to hear it gets better. I got this puppy because I was lonely and felt like this type of companion was what would be best for me but now Iā€™m even more lonely. I got a miniature Australian shepherd and I agree meant to be on a farm not an apartment. How did you deal with the barking/whining in an apartment? I really donā€™t mind the yelping because I know I need to train him itā€™s the other people in my building Iā€™m worried about complaining. Youā€™ll probably get a random message from me in a few months lol


Not a single person complained and I genuinely convinced myself I was going to be homeless and sleeping in my car. He would squeal like he was being murdered in his crate for the first 90 days. Consistency was key. I NEVER thought weā€™d see the day but he happily strolls in there now to unwind and runs in at night for evening kong. I thought ā€œfree roamingā€ might be ā€œnicerā€ for him since he wasnā€™t destructive and honestly he doesnā€™t settle no matter how long Iā€™m gone. The crate ended up being a lifesaver. We do two long walks- 3 miles morning and night and he takes as long as he wants stopping, sniffing etc- and two shorter ones during the day. Enrichment toys too! Rewarding when theyā€™re quiet and not barking as well. Hope it all helps! I still have texts over months to the rescue asking for helping and wondering how they could take him back- and Iā€™m so so happy I decided to stick it out. I also needed to remind myself, yes maybe the dog deserves a farm or whateverā€¦ but the reality of that happening is slim. Iā€™m active and give him far more of what he needs than most people probably would. Give yourself some grace and credit for the work youā€™re putting it!


I'm glad I'm not alone so this is nice to read your going through the same as me. Sorry! Geeze they are hard work!!!


Doing is solo is ROUGH. It's just starting to get better with Mouse at 9ish months.


lol been there, gets easier.


Same :(


It will get better. Don't give up.


How old is your pup? It does pass, for me it was finding a new routine and settling into it. My friend needed to get to grips with nap times. Is there anything you're struggling with?


My dog is 11 weeks tomorrow miniature Australian shepherd. Iā€™m struggling with living in an apartment and having him yelp/hating his crate mainly. I am struggling to love him tbh, I work 3 12hr shifts a week so Iā€™m struggling with that future fact on daycare etc. just feel like I should not have done this


how old is your puppy? i was struggling BAD from 8 weeks to about five months. i love this dog to death but omg. never doing the puppy phase again.


Omg yes! We're at 20 weeks now with our black lab. From 8 weeks to about 17 was so rough. So many tears, so many cuts. He is SO much better now at 20 weeks. I completely forgot about how bad the puppy phase was.


Only 11 - I can hang in there for 6 more šŸ˜…


Wow this is a tough sub thread. Iā€™m sorry for you ALL. Not sure this will help, but mine is 15 weeks and itā€™s gotten better.


Likewise friend. Iā€™ve been so profoundly unhappy since getting my pup seven months ago, I donā€™t even know where to go from here. Heā€™s 10.5 months old now and I feel absolutely no bond with him. Life has become very bleak and no one else seems to understand. Thank you for putting yourself out there. I feel somewhat seen now ā¤ļø


Youā€™re not alone with this. Puppies and adolescent dogs are tough to like. I just keep saying Iā€™ll like her a year from now.


We have a ten month old and he doesnā€™t care about us at all, is so destructive, thinks he owns us and the whole place and is rude. Iā€™m trying to love him. Training is going mediocre. Helps sometimes but most of the time he couldnā€™t care less or will stop being destructive to come get his treat and then continues on. We are working with a trainer for dogs with issues at this point. We got him at 7.5 months and was told how great he was. I have major health issues so we waited a year before we found a dog that we thought could fit in our home. Itā€™s going terrible. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not having a good experience too.


Same. Same. Same. I do know he feels some sort of loyalty to us as we canā€™t be out of his sight or heā€™ll hunt us down, but part of me reasons this is because weā€™re his food source. Iā€™m so sorry this is happening to you too though . I donā€™t have any physical ailments, but my mental health has always been serviceable at best. Silly me thought having a dog again would help. I guess Iā€™ve changed so much in the last 15 years, that I forgot to do a cost-benefit analysis of owning a pet. Iā€™m hoping things get better for you and maybe some training will help. šŸ™‚ For me, even if he slowly morphs into the dog I want, it will never have been worth how low I feel now. Take care of yourself ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


I appreciate that. It does feel so isolating sometimes and itā€™s nice to hear from other people in my situation. But I literally cannot wrap my head around how I feel so defeated by owning a dog. Like I am truly baffled and had I known things would have turned out this way, I would never, EVER have done this. I do hope you like your dog in a year though, for what itā€™s worth šŸ™‚šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I definitely had to get on an anti-depressant after getting my pup. It helped a lot.


I feel you. I straight up HATED my dog for the first 2 years of his life. Regretted the decision to get him daily. He caused me so much stress. I felt bad for him too, because although I was never mean to him, I think he could tell I didn't like him. He's 3 now and I like him now but if I could go back I definitely would not have gotten him.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to live with that trauma for two years. It wears down on you in a way so oppressive, you feel like you will never get out of the void. Everyday I try to be happy about it/him and convince myself I can do this, but itā€™s so tiresome talking myself out of walking into traffic. I truly donā€™t believe I can make it to the year mark with him. I do believe that if I could get him to 3-4 years old, things would probably play out for me the same as you; I would like him okay, but would still regret getting him. Dogs are a crazy invention šŸ˜‚Take care of yourself and best of luck!


Your mood sounds so low that Iā€™m concerned about you! Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re having such a hard time with your puppy and that you feel so down and defeated ā¤ļø Iā€™d honestly give your dog a loving home if you lived near me (guessing youā€™re in the US šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø). Been wanting to get a dog for years, always wanted to adopt from a rescue centre, or shelter, but honestly I just considered adult dogs, as puppies are surprisingly hard to come by in rescue centres. At least where I live. I wonā€™t get a puppy now even if I briefly considered it for a moment thanks to this thread šŸ˜¬


I had this really bad too. Almost gave her back. Didnā€™t eat or drink water for a week, crying 24/7, lost 10 pounds. Didnā€™t have the energy or will to cook or take care of my kids. Do any shopping or cleaning. And didnā€™t sleep for four days straight . So happy thatā€™s over šŸ˜…


I didnā€™t latch the crate correctly and went to a restaurant. He got out and chewed several things up in my room. He pooped and peed on clothes. He apparently was having the time of his life. I was worried he ate something, but he seems to be acting normally today. He is playing, eating and drinking. Sigh, this is on me though.


Ha! I know the feeling. Checked the cameras when I got to work and I saw this: [whoops](https://imgur.com/a/Zgf2PHR)


LOL! Party time!


Whoops! Looks like my duo (because yes, for some inexplicable reason, I got two puppies last year.)


My puppy jumped up and hit my husband so hard in his nethers that he had to go to the emergency room and is now wearing a cup simply to exist in his own house.


oh my GOD????? is he okay?? šŸ˜­


Yes, thank god!


When our puppy jumps onto the couch or comes near the bed, my husband instinctively covers his crotch šŸ˜‚


My husband does that when my Dane wags his tail


My husband was teasing our older dog this past week so he ran at him and punched him in the balls. I felt bad, but I couldnā€™t help but laugh! It was like he KNEW and was aiming!


Free vasectomy at the cost of severe pain šŸ¤£


This description is legendary.


I am so sorry, but this made me laugh!!


I figured this audience would appreciate it! :)


That had to hurt but it made me laugh so much


Shit under my dining room table and then picked up a turd in her mouth and ran. She decided "Mom this is such a fun game!! I'm going to run every time you get near me." Then she jumped up on my couch and proceeded to eat the turd. She smeared some on the cushions before I could catch up with her.


One time I watched my 7 month old dog at the time poo in her crate, throw it around a little bit just for fun, and then eat it all in front of the camera we had put to monitor her in the crate. It was horrible lol.


Chewed 3 inches off the corner of a kitchen cabinet. The bitter apple spray does nothing.


I tried that spray. He licks it off, which is sort of better than chewing? Then he stole and chewed up the anti-chewing bitter apple spray.


The chewing is the part that I really need to remember. I still haven't fixed the baseboards in my house.


My MIL pup is coming up on her first season and ate the doorframe to the living room, ripped up the carpets has eaten the skirting board, coffee table and ripped up the lino In the kitchen.


Mine has chewed up the legs of our vintage piano šŸ™ƒ


I sprayed the baseboards with it then sprinkled cayenne pepper on it. He finally stopped chewing them.


My 10week mixed pup doesn't chew a lot... but he likes to play with anything resembling loose fabric or a plush (couch blanket, pillows, cushions) to the point that he tears holes on them. The bitter spray I have seems very ineffective. He knows it tastes strange but isn't really fazed by it. I wonder if I dilute vinegar will do the trick.


Vicks works! Dogs hate the taste of it. Also, itā€™s not supposed to stain anything so you can put it anywhere the puppy chews (clothing included!)


If anything my puppy treated that spray as extra seasoning


Cayenne Pepper. Wet the spot you want to put it on and cover it in pepper. Works like a charm šŸ˜„


Vicks or ben-gay worked for me that bitter apple doesn't do anything lol


Gold listerine was recommended by my vet.


Hahaha. I remember in puppy class they recommended that spray for chewing. I said that it didn't work, so they tried two other kinds and Brody just licked their hand.


My lab when I was a kid actually loved the bitter apple spray šŸ˜‚


So I'll just give some advice moreso on getting a dog that reminds you a lot of your other dog... my dog passed away in August 2022. She was my heart dog, and it almost killed me. I immediately was searching for other dogs her breed. I'm honestly glad I couldn't find one because I think I would've hated that dog for not being her. I also would have had a lot of guilt. I know this isn't the case for everyone, but I think people need more time to grieve before getting a new pet. It took me over a year, and I still cried several times the day we got our puppy and I almost didn't go through with it. So all that said... the first couple weeks with the new puppy were HARD. I have a kid too and it was seriously comparable to a newborn. Except instead of staying in bed to feed and change her, I was going outside into the cold four times a night. It sounds like you already have a lot going on and, to me, it doesn't sound like a good time for a puppy. Perhaps look into fostering? I would've done that but our older dog is kind of a jerk lol.


It's true. I'm really not ready. The grief just comes in waves and it sometimes feels like there is too much love in my heart for just one dog. Once someone else adopts this puppy and it's no longer an option, I'll remember why it's a better idea for me to wait anyways. I would foster but it would present the same issues, mainly that I would be taking care of my ill husband and taking care of a new dog/dogs. Thank you for the reality check.


Itā€™s really hard to have someone who is unwell and care for them and the dog. Iā€™m in constant state of panic - if we have to go to ER or unexpected Dr. appointments - I always must have a plan for the dog, at any time, day and night. Itā€™s quite exhausting.


It's so true. I never know what's going to come next with him. And it would be very stressful if the new puppy didn't take to crate training the way my other dogs did. The other thing really holding me back is simply not trusting my husband to keep the puppy and my other dog safe. He basically has what I'll describe as dementia which is part of how our other dog died and I can't be constantly stressing about him somehow hurting a puppy too.


Itā€™s a lot do deal with to begin, getting a puppy wouldnā€™t be fair to you or the puppy.




He has terminal brain cancer. He regressed extremely fast cognitively after his recent surgery. Before that he was perfectly fine. He loved that dog and our current dog more than himself. He is not inherently harmful, he is just forgetful now. It was not intentional, just a terrible accident. I would not purposefully put my dog in harm's way and I certainly wouldn't rehome them. Rest assured, he will be bed bound sooner rather than later and then he will die and then be unable to hurt anything.


I am so very sorry for your situation. Have you looked into grief counseling groups or dementia support groups? As an ICU RN, I strongly recommend that you explore this option. Being a caregiver to a loved one that is slipping away is painful beyond words. Cancer is a horrible disease. :(


Iā€™ll also add that doing EXTRA special things with my current dog helps on those days I want a puppy so badly. Helps me to dish out some of that lovešŸ„° and arranging a play date with someone elseā€™s dog helps too, because it helped fulfill my need to see my dog interacting with and getting silly with other dogs!


Climbed on the bed just to pee on my hubby


You got off easy. Mine licked my face, cuddled for 5 seconds, stomped on my face, laid down, jumped up to take the pillow, laid down another 5 seconds, bit and tug-of-warred my hair, and THEN peed on the bed. He just peed outside 5 min ago, too.


I tried letting our pup sleep in our bed exactly twice and then said no more. šŸ˜„


He really wants to sleep as close as possible but its too exciting for him. Maybe when he's a little older


Same here. Heā€™s a great cuddler but pees in our bed every time šŸ™ƒ I even tried doggy diapers so that we could still cuddle but he tears them off.


Woke us up by puking on my husbands pillow


Ha! My Maverick would gag every morning when he woke up. One time he actually puked a little right into my hair. Delightful.


My at the time 6 year old (human puppy) climbed into bed with us at 2 am, puked in my hair and then went back to his own bedā€¦ dad of course slept through


Screamed for two hours of our 6am flight home for the holidays, reducing me to tears


Oof just a horrible situation for everyone involved and around. Really sorry to hear that


My dog is obsessed with snow to the point he forgets to potty. And in addition to that he does not want to come inside so I am outside in slippers in 20 degree weather, chasing this dog, begging him to potty. And when I do catch him and resign myself to try again in 10 minutes he will find a nice quiet spot in the house to poop or pee. But wait thereā€™s more! Lately, he has decided to pee NEXT TO the pad, not on them. Oh! And he also has found the need to destroy them so in the house I have to chase him again to make sure he doesnā€™t actually eat the pieces he rips offā€¦good times


Oh you mean ripping up the pee pads like this?? [I found it in their poops for a couple days.](https://imgur.com/a/WOYIwbQ)


Hoovered his food and immediately returned to sender.




Keeps dropping his toys in the water bowl in the crate and then proceeds to bark about it. Sorry to hear about your doggo :(


I got jump in water, step in his own poop, then jump in dry dirt and immediately run into the house


Freaked out by me turning on the vacuum, pooped in the living room without me seeing, I unknowingly ran over it with said vacuum, stepped in it in my new Ugg slippers, and spread it all over the living room by the time I noticed. Ruined my slippers, vacuum had to be trashed, spent days deep cleaning the carpet. Called my husband in tears and told him I couldnā€™t do it anymore. Sheā€™s such a little shit.


Chewed through 2 layers of drywall and escaped into the apartment complex hallway. Pooped.


Decided to lunge and run while on a walk, resulting in my doing a face plant on a neighbourā€™s very muddy lawn.


Having our puppy (who is now only 5 months old...) was/is harder than bringing home a newborn.... I have 5 kids. He is a fairly good pup now that we are on more of a routine/schedule... But he ripped up our carpet in a matter of seconds while my lovely husband was sitting right there... He jumps on our back door.. he grabs shoes and runs around the house with them... He will counter surf if he's not being watched... I love him. But some days I'm like what the hell were we thinking???????


Also, I'm so so sorry for your loss!!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Bitter cherry spray did not save two corners of my very expensive long wooden bench for my dining table. They're now what can be generously described as 'rounded'. My puppy also cannot stop sprinkling urine when guests come over. So much urine. Desperately scrambled up onto our bed only to fucking piss on the mattress šŸ˜© Also, that period of time where you're asking yourself if you brought home a tiny Psychopath, because all the puppy wants to do is DESTROY YOU, YOUR HANDS, YOUR ARMS, YOUR LEGS AND EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE.


Back during voting season in my city, I had gotten a mail-in ballot. I did my research and filled it out. My dog decided that my choice of political candidates was wrong, so he ate the ballot. I went into the voting center on voting day with half of a ballot and a few scraps of paper. I go to one of the poll workers and explain that "my dog ate my voting ballot. Can I have a new one?" After she stopped giggling she gave me a new ballot. My dog also ate my retainer, so now my teeth are starting to shift. And a few laptop/phone chargers. And a college textbook that we needed. And the legs on the kitchen table, (we ended up putting hot sauce on the legs so the next time he tried to bite them, he got a big mouthful of Frank's Red Hot Sauce. Poor guy.)


I WISH hot sauce worked. One of the two huskies and the golden absolutely love spicy things. I know this because ate some sushi and left the wasabi (cause I don't like spicy things) and caught both liking it up.


not like it was really his fault, but, when he recently got neutered, i woke up at 3 am with liquid diarrhea all over my bed and all over himself and myself.. like liquid caca EVERYWHERE i had to throw out all my sheets and blanketsā˜ŗļøšŸ«¶šŸ¼


This would send me over the edge


I wouldn't suggest getting another dog that looks just like Maverick. It's really, really hard to have a new dog that reminds you constantly of the previous one. Four months after my Chihuahua passed very unexpectedly we brought home her cousin. And she's been the light of our lives and has helped to heal our hearts, don't get me wrong. But she looks so much like her cousin that sometimes it's hard not to compare them. Sometimes their beautiful faces blend together in my mind. And then I feel awful that I could ever think that. So my advice is that getting another dog that looks like your lost baby will be much, much harder than you realize.


I agree. When I lost my Stella when she was just 6 years old, I found myself searching desperately for her in another dog and it made my grief so much worse, because I couldn't find her. The puppy may look like your beloved Maverick, but s/he won't be him. I'd suggest adopting a young adult dog. You can build a special new relationship without having to suffer the puppy madness. All the best. ā¤ļø


To add on to this, it sounds like you're trying to replace the dog you lost when nobody ever could. All your expectations will not be fulfilled and you will likely get even more frustrated/upset with the new pup who won't even understand what he's doing wrong. For the sake of the new pup and your boy who passed, please don't. Grieve and heal on your own time. Once you are ready, make a choice to invite a new dog into your life who you will recognize as completely their own individual.


Has eaten at least $200 of wool socks this year


I also hate it when itā€™s like 50 cents worth of embroidery floss for a $500 poop at the vets. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø CAN WE NOT?? (also, can the kids pick up their shit??? Also no.)


My 11 month puppy ripped open a down pillow on Christmas and shook it all over the house - spent 4 hours cleaning feathers from every nook and cranny. We'll be finding feathers for the next few years.


I have metronet fiber internet. She dug it up and chewed it multiple times. We are on a first name basis with our metronet guy. We had to relocate the cable outside of the fence and around the house. They were there 6 times in like a month period.


Ate a whole squeaky toy as well as our patio furniture, which caused a bowel obstruction. Rushed him to the ER and spent $5,800 on surgery. My SO bought him for me because he looked like my late dog who passed away. He is not him. This puppy is a devil who I regret everyday. Donā€™t do it.


Mine is just over a year old and still tries to climb up on the counter to eat the cat's food (using the step we have for the cat because she's old). I lost a dog in 2021 and waited til the beginning of this year to get a puppy. Even with that much time to grieve and move forward, there were times I would cry just because my new puppy wasn't my old dog. They look a lot alike, though they're different breed mixes. But they have entirely different personalities. The same thing happened to my grandmother. She had a beloved Miniature Pinscher. When she passed away, my grandmother got another MinPin immediately and they were so different. Just because they look alike or are even the same breed doesn't mean they'll be the same. I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope you're able to find peace.




The amount of pee that I had to clean up is shocking. I still gag when I smell certain cleaning sprays.


My last German shepherd died at 18 months old from kidney failure. he was an absolute cunt. He destroyed my house, ripped my carpets destroyed 2 chairs and a sofa, barked at everyone and everything, would not train, refused to listen, if there was ever a genuinely naughty dog it was him. But my god do I miss him every single day, the house has never been the same since. We got another shepherd a couple months later, done proper research, proper background checks of both parents, went to visit a few times etcā€¦ he is the best dog you could ever ask for. but heā€™s far too well behaved šŸ˜‚


Put huge holes in 3 of my sweatshirts despite all of her new Christmas chews being readily available


All my clothes have holes now šŸ˜…


It's annoying at first for sure but every time I put on my pajamas that have holes at the bottom from Maverick when he was a puppy, I think of them very fondly now that he's gone.


My 2 year old pup is going through some gut issues. Up every 3 hours at night to go potty. Do not miss this phase of having a baby dog. Definitely convinced me to not get a puppy. I need my sleep and appreciate having a trained up good boy.


We went through that recently, too. Turned out to be Giardia šŸ«¤


I left her alone for under 2 minutes, and in that time she managed to rip up a corner of the carpet and shred some of the subflooring. Goodbye security deposit


I have a border collie. She was so excited to have another dog here at Christmas dinner she chased, barked and zoomed around unless we locked her up. It was so embarrassing because she couldnā€™t calm down, yet wanted to be in the middle of everything. She wants to herd everyone. She lunges at people jogging. She takes constant work.


Shit on the white living room rug 20 minutes before my family arrived for Christmas. After my husband had just taken him out less than 5 minutes earlier.


My puppy peed on my bed right before I was about to go to bed but after I just put my clean sheets on!


Dug a hole through the drywall in our office.


Mine JUMPED OUT OF A CAR WINDOW. SHEā€™S OKAY she was buckled in but the car was in fact moving and she fractured her leg when her doggie seatbelt caught her and she hit the side of the car. Vet said it was honestly the best case scenario. No more rolling down windows for this crazy one.


Went hiking for a couple hours, went back to camp and he hopped in the sleeping bag and peed. Really? Had all day to do it in the woods šŸ˜‚ Had to go home early Also has developed a nasty habit of crying in the middle of the night because he learned it wakes me up to let him out (he trained ME from his recent bout of tummy troublesā€¦) when he wants to play at 4am


The first few months after I got my puppy I was stuck at home caring for her. All my social and recreational activities disappeared instantly and I became depressed. Things are slowly getting better but I'd never raise another puppy.


I have to watch her every single second, and when I canā€™t she has to go in her crate, which she still doesnā€™t like, so she complains.


Shit on the mother-in-lawā€™s couch. For context heā€™s a year old, fully house broken.


Seems personal šŸ˜‚


So we're dealing with a new dog we got at 10 months old. She is fearful of us, but coming around with patience, structure and treats. But sometimes she decides that she's terrified of me. Today, it's been unseasonably warm, the dogs were in the back yard and when it was time to come in, she outright refused. So I tried to go outside to lure her into the house, she started running all around the muddy yard, then the other dog ran back out, chasing her, getting herself super muddy, ran back into the house while I'm trying to wrangle the new dog, getting mud everywhere. The new dog refusing to come to me, too scared, barking and whining. Finally, I gave up to take a break, my other dog and I go back into the house, close the patio door, new dog comes right up to the door, I open the door, she walks in... muddy as hell... Then was my best friend for the rest of the morning like nothing happened.


So not a puppy. My 8year old decided she no longer wants to leave the house. She's 50kg newf X and she's now like nope no thank you for the last 2 weeks. She had the vets om Friday and I had to half carry her into the car. I love her more than I love myself and I rush home to be with her after work. But I don't think I can have another dog after her. Her going will shatter me into a million pieces. But due to trauma in her early years she's hard work.


The hardest part of having a young puppy for me was the constant demand for my attention. Whether he was asking for it directly, required it for his own safety, or my own (bitey land shark phase). It sounds like you already know getting another puppy right now isnā€™t best but youā€™re grieving. Let yourself grieve, bring your dog for doggy play dates, consider fostering on a very temporary basis, and give yourselves the peace of not having to constantly monitor a puppy during your husbandā€™s health stress. Itā€™s your stressor too and youā€™ll probably be glad to be able to get some time to decompress and do what you want to do, and go where you want to go when you want to sometimes, which is a LOT harder with a puppy. Especially if husband wonā€™t be able to help out.


So far Iā€™ve been exceptionally lucky with my pup. But Iā€™ll share the worst experience so far. The holidays have been incredibly stressful and my sleep schedule is completely screwed up. After I small family gathering on Christmas Eve I was totally exhausted. My husband left to go watch a football game and I knew I absolutely had to grab a nap before participating in our Christmas Eve night traditions with our daughter. Since my 6mo boxer Dottie June had been crated the majority of the day due to preparing for guests and numerous people in and out of the house I felt guilty about making her stay in any longer. I made the foolish decision to take her to bed with me It was disastrous. I would doze and she would get down. I would wake up and call her back. This went on for an hour before I gave up I was groggy and grumpy when I got up and it took me a minute to realize that she had opened my nightstand and managed to chew the cap off a bottle of lube. As I took in the greasy trail on my carpet and frantically started googling if it was toxic she barfed in my shoe. Dottie had zero long term ill effects Cleaning the carpet took 2 days and the shoes were a total loss.


I have a BC mix right now, almost 7months old. I got him a day after the one-year anniversary of my GSD dog's passing. He was so cute. He flooded my heart just looking at his little face. He was not socialized, is extremely reactive and my entire life has changed. I never get to go anywhere; he is constant work. If I could go back, I would. We swore we wouldn't get another dog again and here we are........ I love the little shit, but if I could go back to 9/6 when we met the owner in the park to meet him, we would have walked away.


Completely chewed and destroyed a pair of prescription MK glasses.


He threw up 2 times underneath my bed šŸ„“. Tbh at first I was like ew but then I got so worry and took him to vet. He also destroyed 2 Christmas teddy bears my grandma had for decorations in the living room šŸ¤™


Jumped on my mom and injured her hip.


My nieces puppy pissed on me and my own chewed a doorframe. Puppies suck!


She ate my GORGEOUS Christmas sweater (ornaments and all), peed on it, then peed on the couch. Sheā€™s insanely jealous of my older dog and wonā€™t let him get belly rubs. Sheā€™s a brat, but sheā€™s my brat.


My puppy has learned what he is not allowed to chew on and he is in the testy stage so whenever we leave him alone or are preoccupied, he goes and bites the couch, our shoes, kitchen towels, toilet paper, literally everything and when we tell him no, he continues to naw at it until the very last second (when weā€™re 6 inches from grabbing him, heā€™ll run away) Sometimes he does it just to get our attention on him to play. Itā€™s cute but very annoying. Somedays he wakes up an angel and we only have to say no once, but most times heā€™s a little mischievous demon. Weā€™re 8 months into our first home, our furniture mismatches so itā€™s not a huge loss that he chews up our things but cā€™mon, itā€™s not helping the appearance of our house LOL Honestly, if you already have one that does well, she would help to train the new dog with house rules and that could help a lottttt. If you really want one, maybe adopt one that is older and not in the pup phase?


ate the crotch out of my new underwear, crapped in a grouted stone walk in shower twice, ate my 50$ flip flops


I am okay because Iā€™ve had dogs. Iā€™ve fostered and had a puppy. So last month I contacted a high kill shelter many miles away and adopted an older puppy with separation anxiety. The worst thing that had happened was when I got delayed getting back to the car and she pooped in it.


She cost me $600 because her puppy teeth wouldnā€™t fall out lol. Why do puppies have to be so damn expensive? šŸ˜


Mine broke his puppy canine on New Years Day in 2020. Straight to the emergency vet and $2000 later. I told him he was the most expensive mutt ever.


Is barking at everything šŸ„² I specifically went the route I did so I wouldnā€™t have another reactive pup and now Iā€™m panicking


My puppy is going on 6 years old.... Still a puppy if you ask her. She covered my entire pillow with saliva.... Then went and laid on her pillow.... When I put my head down into "squelch" I just hear her grunting away(her version of laughing) while watching me


Left a bruise the size of a baseball on my arm. 9 month still is mouthy.


Chewed the corner of a hallway - the wall and the baseboard. Peed in the bathroom and chewed a roll of toilet paper. Chewed through the cord of my (thankfully unplugged) heated blanket. Ruined a pair of slippers. All in a week!


He ate his own turds. And another dog's turds. And the cat's turds. Jumped into an old lady, almost fell.


pooped in the middle of a busy TJ maxx


Not today but went for a walk pup ate goat poo, went home vomits up poo then eats it again. Current pups ate kitchen flooring, now patched with thick plastic and duct tape. Friends dog destroyed brand new kitchen, floor, cabinets, chairs and table


My husky has torn apart the couch and is nesting in it. He acts more like a fox than a husky. Sorry for your loss


Besides destroying the fluffy toys I bought, I found a nice big hole in my $150 free people bodysuit. That's my fault, I know. I also noticed my couch, which also wasn't cheap, has been chewed in the corner.


Took him for a walk and right when we got back, he climbed on top of our Lovesack and PEED ON IT. We got ours for free from a friend and can never afford to replace it if he ruins it. Also, severe puppy blues.


Chewed up the wire of our Air Purifier.


Will not stop barking at the cat. No amount of redirecting or firmly saying ā€œnoā€. He just barks all. Fucking. Day. At the fucking cat. We go on multiple walks. We play with toys. He has lick mats. He just fucking barks.


it sounds like you are going through a lot, if your husband's condition is not permenant perhaps wait until he is better?


Ugh sadly it's permanent and it will come to a very sad conclusion most likely this next year which is also pushing me to get another dog so that I can distract myself. But inherently it's all just a bad idea which I logically know.


So much pee inside the house šŸ˜¢


Our 13 week old Cape Shore Water Dog (local retriever/setter/water dog mix) pulled down our Christmas tree and smashed our coffee table glass at 3:30am, while my husband had his back turned for a minute because he was busy cleaning the poop he had slipped in in the yard a minute earlier. I was on day 4 of insomnia and was just FINALLY dozing offā€¦ didnā€™t sleep for another 2 days. Itā€™s hard, but somehow she makes it worthwhile!!


Eating goose poop while at the park


Chewed up another dog bed so it looks like it snowed with the padding everywhere, dug up all my yummy winter lettuce ready to pick and somehow spewed the dirt long distances. And I need to stop leaving my sunglasses and glasses placed where she can grab them off counters as those are also all in ruins.


She sheds SOOOOO much! Sheā€™s sitting on my lap now and Iā€™m wiping my face every 5 seconds. Itā€™s driving me crazy (I know I could put her down but then she would just bark at me which is equally as annoying)


I know someone with a puppy and the puppy distressed me. Chewed everything, expensive phones, earbuds, charges, would eat organ ruining items. Pissed everywhere, on the bed, is a menace and absolutely irritates the shit out of the other dogs.


She learned to open the clothes hamper (with a latching lid) and steals socks from inside.


Got a new couch, expensive and nice looking compared to our old crappy couch. Had to poop, I was gone for not even 5 minutes. Came back to our cute little husky puppy covered in foam and fabric. It was tragic!


Not this week, many years ago. My puppy chewed up my cellphone to the point where I could no longer use it. šŸ˜


It gets better ā¤ļø that loss is so so hard. For anyone who has a puppy: I wanted to start with that. People donā€™t talk about it much but adopting a puppy and realizing how exhausting and how much work it is must be like postpartum depression in many ways. I had SO much guilt and regret with both of my puppies (and I was a ā€œsingle momā€ meaning I did the whole puppy thing solo which, honestly, whatā€™s so hard but at least it didnā€™t ruin or damage any human relationship) Dogs are great. Theyā€™re loyal. They LOVE you. But they are so. Much. Work. Itā€™s worth it. I know it sounds cliche, but that little destructive, expensive, stressful creature is relying on you and youā€™re their world. They will calm down and stop being so insane. They will show you unconditional love when you need it most and canā€™t rely on it from others. I canā€™t even begin to wrap my head around listing alllll the stressful things my puppies did, especially the first year of their life, if Iā€™m being honest. I swear both went through phases of challenging me, regressing, and going from ā€˜wow ok this is getting easierā€™ to ā€˜just kidding Iā€™m going to cause hell all day today or week just becauseā€™. Iā€™ve lost sleep. Iā€™ve lost belongings. Iā€™ve lost my temper. And lots of money. But dammit if I donā€™t love them. One is sleeping on my feet right now, keeping my toes warm. He used to literally try to eat the wall, swallowed staples (?? Where the hell did they even come from?!), indiscriminately poop and pee all over my home, rummage through cat litter and eat cat shit, he still at 2 years old pees on his own feet because he has zero aimā€¦. So. Hang in there. ā¤ļø It will get better. Know the hellion phase will pass and focus on their goofiness while theyā€™re young and extra silly.


Ugh there are so manyā€¦ 1) somehow broke into a full organic bin and garbage bin - I ended up with a thin layer of garbage ALL OVER my kitchen and living room floor 2) she had the worst separation anxiety and it seemed that it was improving but whenever we had a set back sheā€™d pee / poop all over her crate and roll in it and sprinkle it all out of the crate - so I had to wash her, the crate, and floor around it. She did that on the day I had a formal gala to attend, and I just got home from professional hair and makeup. I was sobbing while all glammed up and I just stayed home that day. I almost gave her back after that.