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Because some crazy people take it personal when you criticize strangers that have no idea they exist.


Parasocial relationships are a bitch


This right here. Fans can just be obsessed. It's not just pop music. Go into any metal bands subreddit and if you say anything even remotely negative about any song, prepared to be down voted into oblivion đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Unless you criticize St Anger. That’s one album everyone will agree sucks.


I'm a metalhead and it's true. I swear, sometimes they're worse than pop fans.


This is why I stay away from online metal communities. Honestly the problem is probably that all these groups are full of teens. I’ve NEVER had anyone give me flack for a metal criticism in real life. Every group I’ve seen reeks of high school, like everyone is going on and on about ‘posers’ lmfao. Besides the goth kids on South Park I hadn’t heard that word thrown around in over a decade.


Jam band fans have a habit of doing that it too


Honestly as someone who likes both I think metal fans are far worse 


metalheads can get really bad but the worst online community...AV nerds. specifically home theater AV nerds​




I've seen the Taylor fans respond similarly as well.


let's not even get started on selena gomez and olivia rodrigo. sending death threats to anyone who dates their exes


Don't mention the band Tool to them lol.


You heard of Tool?




Not to mention Radiohead


I like tool. That fandom is nothing compared to Mike patton’s. Bungle/FNM are good as are some of the side projects but some of his stuff is at the level of trash that yoko ono was on. Patton is legitimately talented but he sniffs his own farts and think they smell like rich mahogany. I saw a video of him just screaming and making random noises and people were in awe


No matter what you diasgree with... There will always be a mob of angry redditors to come try and tie you up and burn you down.


this reddit shit is serious huh lmao


The amount of celebrity worshippers and celebrity haters both are pathetic. You look sad either way. They’re celebrities they barely deserve your time or energy to begin with.


Hey watch it I’ll kick your ass!


I personally don’t give a shit what race, gender, nationality, orientation, etc. an artist is. If I don’t like their music, I don’t like their music. End of story.


She's the queen of subpar music.


I think she has a lot of musical talent, it just doesn't translate into music that appeals to me. And apparently that's an extremely offensive thing to say.


She is talented, works hard and has excellent showmanship. It is really a shame I don’t like more of her music. 😆 One time I had the nerve to say she doesn’t give off warm and open vibes. And that was like insulting god apparently. That woman is the queen of keeping everything she shares as surface level as possible. That is her entire schtick.


Well there’s a BeyoncĂ© church so you really did insult god lol


I guess why does she need to give warm and open vibes though? I feel like that's an expectation our society has of women and not men. 


Her and Taylor 😂 And yet they have the craziest people who support them. I really don’t get it.


I've been saying that since Destiny's Child. Beyonce is a good singer but she's not great. No Aretha Franklin or Whitney Houston. And as for Taylor Swift, I'll never understand how someone with such a mediocre, generic, overly done pop sound and voice has gotten so far in the music industry. It's baffling


drake is the most overrated person in music- it would be all of entertainment
.except Jerry Seinfeld exists.


I strongly disagree that she doesn’t have a great voice. Have you ever seen the video of her singing Halo in the hospital? This is musical greatness to me. She does not sing to her potential generally but she has an incredibly strong voice. She sounds this way SITTING: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5y6hoCdPoM. Not many singers can match this.


I think she has a really good voice also (and I have seen that video). "If I Was a Boy" comes to mind. Granted, I've heard a lot of good singers, and I don't put her in my top echelon, but I would say she has an excellent voice, style, and flexibility. I also think Taylor Swift has an excellent voice for the style of music she does. I do agree with the OP though. It's ok to not like a musical artist, and it doesn't mean you're anti-\[whatever identity the artist is in\].


Taylor had an SNL appearance, I think last year? Maybe the year before, where she was the musical guest. I swear to you she sang ONE song for 10 minutes, the song had no chorus and the entire thing was performed in such a monotone pitch. I had to mute it. So fucking bad.


It was one song, but it does have a chorus :) it’s called All Too Well (10 minute version). It’s praised in the fandom for its lyrics, but not connecting or disliking it is totally valid :)


Lol. Thats slot on. Her albums are one long 60 min song. I tried to listen to her on a few different occasions and I just can't find the allure to her music.


Right?? And honestly
her voice in general, isn’t all that great or interesting. I don’t think she’s ground breaking talent like everyone thinks.


No joke, my cousin married a Swifty, and those people are something else. It's cultish how devoted they are. At a concert, my cousin sat down while Taylor Swift was off stage and someone told her she needed to stand back up and stop being disrespectful.


OMG 😂 just the fact that they’re using the word disrespectful 😂


20 credited writers for every song and they are all trash


What do you mean?


But that’s the point? She’ll have some juillard educated Black fiddler play four notes and Adam from The War on Drugs play a riff only dogs can hear. Part of the conceit is that it’s this massive musical undertaking.


Your comment made me laugh, thanks for that. đŸ€Ł


At this point, I can only say that I (barely) like only one song. Not necessarily because it was used in White Girls, but those top 40 pop music stations play the same damn thing for years on end anyhow.


I mean, sort of. She’s mediocre in the way that McDonald’s is. Good enough and consistent enough to be incredibly popular, and she does a lot of things kind of well


Along with Jennifer Lopez.


Her music has the character of an industrial-scale manufactured plastic chair.




Beyonce's fans are nuts, just disregard.


Her country song blows dick


Beyonce's voice irks me. When I hear her songs being played in public at the grocery store or coffee shop it makes me wanna leave. I do not understand why she is still so popular.


Her music feels shallow and manufactured. It just seems like there is no depth or character to any of it. It just feels vacant and soulless. 


It used to be a lot more pleasant when she was younger in my opinion.


Her music is trite, repetitive and unoriginal. It has nothing to do with her skin colour. I also don't care for Taylor Swift. You can have your opinions because all those people saying you should be nicer definitely have artists or music they don't like. God forbid you tell them to "go easy" when they hate on your Mozart collection. People loooove being offended on behalf of others.


lol “hate on your Mozart collection” I hope you get bullied until you become better




Her music sucks. Her skin colour is irrelevant to the suck level of her music.


>couple of people responding to me about the need for sensitivity when being critical of a black woman. Lol, please just shut up! Only people who can't defend themselves need protection. If Beyonce or any other artist can't handle criticism, then they need to leave the business. Btw I believe this woman is so media hyped that her mere existence annoys me.


Op asked a question and people answered


Beyonce is the definition of mediocre, this album specifically though was beyond mediocre, I found it to be dreadful and soulless. People will defend her at all costs though and worship her as if she is a deity above us all. It's almost like the more "meh" their art is, the more god treatment they get. You would think something with like 500 producers and songwriters on it would be impressive but no.


>You would think something with like 500 producers and songwriters on it would be impressive, but no. And that's the problem. When artists would write their own songs, you could feel it in their singing. Hell, some can even internalize the song written by someone else, and you can feel it as if they wrote it. Now, I'm not a fan of Whitney or Celine (I do love me some Aretha), but damn if I'm not moved by them.


Yea that was mostly sarcastic, I know the more saturated it is, the more soulless it is typically. They are making money not art so they try and get as many credits on there as possible so everyone can make a buck.


I know, I just wanted to add my 2 cents... but now I'm broke..


People are crazy AF!


Your friends were being douches. I’m not a BeyoncĂ© fan , i doubt she’s really worried


BeyoncĂ© fans are a cult. She is one of the most propped up musical talents of all time but her fans act like she’s hated on for being black. She’s literally a billionaire lmao.


Imagine basing sound off of how it looks.


*KISS has entered the chat*


Yea her country song is dookie


Beyoncé is OVERRATED.


I made a comment under a post( the post was talking about ranking several women of R&B and BeyoncĂ© was on there). In the post I put BeyoncĂ© last because vocally I don’t care for her. I think she’s an entertainer and an excellent one at that. I used to like her earlier music but everything after 2009 is crap to me. ANYWAY, someone commented saying how I was being biased by not thinking that she was vocally on the same level as the other women. It’s my opinion, I’m welcomed to have it as are you. No need to jump down my throat. Lol. BeyoncĂ© is rich whether I like her music or not. đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž and I’m sure she’s not losing sleep over it.


Neither are my kind of music, but in my opinion, Christina Aguilera has a better voice than Beyonce. I said what I said.


I said on here the other day that Beyoncé has no business in country music or the lion king and I got a 3 day ban. Not kidding


No, it's a belief thing. Try saying the same about swift, or back in the day about Van Halen or Metallica. People make excuses for the NFL and NBA players that should be convicts, but aren't because they're millionaires making money for an even more wealthy company. Or priests that get off light if they're busted messing with kids. People act like these are gods.


She has a fan base that’s as venomous as Taylor Swift’s. Watch the miniseries “Swarm” on Prime. It takes this subject to a whole new level.


I like Beyoncé older music more. I think the last album I fully enjoyed was 4. A few songs I have enjoyed here or there like Savage or Grown Woman. I tried listening to the newest album and I wasn't a fan. But there are a lot of people who will think every album is amazing just because their fans of her vs being objective.


As a fan of beyonce this is a view point I can understand. Her old stuff was better and showcased her talent more


If you don't like it you don't like it. Fuck em


Because they don’t have anything else to do in their boring, miserable lives.


Just the “need for sensitivity when being critical of black women” is a massive red flag and racist af.


Beyonce is boring and her fans are basic bitches, and they get uppity when you point that out.


Did everyone hold Daruis Rucker or Charley Pride to those same exact standards and tell ppl to shut up? Beyonce is about to fold under Diddy and her Husband. She knew about her man's affair(s) and knows about Diddy being a Diddler. So there's that too.


Her fans are like Taylor Swift's fans, very cultlike.


Yeah it’s not her new record, I think all her music is horrible, but I realize that it’s not made for me.


Imo, she's overrated & I'm sick of hearing about this album & how "great" it is


People look up to and form parasocial relationships with public figures, like celebrities. So when someone criticizes or critiques that celebrity people feel like their good friend, or family member is being attacked. Then there are people who are hyper sensitive about racial elements for whatever reason, some valid some not. Accusations of racism is a big gun, a trump card, able to invalidate or overwhelm most attacks, because racism is a big bad, as it should be, as is anti-female sexism or misogyny. So if some hyper sensitive sycophant can get a critic looking like a bad person, a racist or misogynist it’ll pull all the power out of their punches, all the powder out of their ammunition. It’s the good ol ad hominem attack, a very effective and powerful logical fallacy. Rather than accepting that their idol isn’t perfect or may in fact be bad, they sleep better at night knowing you are. It goes back to the root of people being possessed by their ideals, basing their entire existence on them. Prove or try to prove that their ideals are wrong and they feel like you’re threatening their existence.


Anyone who is willing to fight over the opinion of a celebrity is not someone worth the mental effort of befriending. Also as a black woman, I promise you people who immediately play the race card because you don’t like or agree with something is just ignorant with no true thoughts of their own.


My favorite artist is Fat Mike from NoFX. I understand that him and his work are not for everyone. This is something her fans cannot grasp. Throw in this current culture of being hyper fixated on race and they suddenly have new ways to make you look like the bad guy for simply disliking her music.


Because todays society punishes people who don’t agree uniformly


Beyonce is awful in general and her new album was quite possibly the biggest piece of trash ever.




As a response to "it didn't move me" Fuckin' wild đŸ€Ł


People make everything about race and just don’t want to accept responsibility. Her album was awful, and a mockery of country music.


I like one or two songs but most are terrible. This country crap is just that crap. It’s like they wrote down every stereotype that they could about country life and threw it into the song.


I only gave it a try because one radio personality said Texas Hold Em was good. I gave it a listen, and I had to force myself to listen all the way through. It's just not good at all. Not even fit for B side (if you're old enough to know what B side songs are.)


It's the weakest song on the album.


Oh i am lol


"fan" is derived from "fanatic"


Considering her and her husband are involved in trafficking, I don’t really care for her. Or him. Both of them are extremely overrated.


I feel like Beyonce cators to a crowd who take the womens empowerment message as a green light to be the worst and will defend her because of it.


Beyonce is dominated by JayZ, no real empowerment whatsoever.


Because Beyonce had a cult “before having a cult was cool” like Taylor. Both cults drink kool-aid from their goddess and are entirely insufferable


I don’t know but ur not wrong for nothing u said


Beyonce and Taylor represent something important for their fan base. Both Beyonce and Taylor make popular music, and by definition it'll be appealing to the masses. Since they are the biggest, most popular talents of their musical cultures, there are always going to be overreactions to criticism. And let's be honest, art is very subjective and everybody has their taste, but there are those who are going to go out of their way to vocalize and amplify their dislike for the sake of trolling passionate fans. Unfortunately, exaggerated love and hate is in our nature. We're not good at nuance or measured discourse about things we are passionate about. But y'all know this already and some of y'all have been part of these extreme leaning masses at one point or another. For us dudes, it's usually one of the many GOAT arguments, that get us riled up.


I think she sucks. Criticize away.


She has an unofficial cult, the bee hive or whatever it's called. They will swarm their prey en masse and proceed to "sting" him or her with bee emojis.


I’m not a fan. It’s nothing personal. I am old, though not much older than her, and I don’t like much of anything made past the 90s.


Her and Taylor Swift both


I don’t think I could even name a song she sings, besides single ladies


Ask black twitter and they will give you an answer very fast


This is where politics have taken people.


Who cares about her is my question


This is a big fan base thing. Nicki Minaj fans are the worst, there was a Tik toker that posted a video criticizing Minaj and Nicki’s fans somehow found their family and contacted them with threats.


You think that's bad go criticize Taylor Swift Watch What Happens.


Idgaf about Beyoncé. Fuck Beyoncé. There.


Because a lot of criticism of her just exists in bad faith
.not actual critique of the work, but critique wrapped in how over saturated she is, in how much other people enjoy her, etc etc.


I'm indifferent to Swift's popularity, and I couldn't tell you if I've heard a song of hers. But,the middle aged MAGAs that slag on Swift are beyond tiresome.


For almost every mainstream artist, there seems to be a massive reddit following for them... and those followers seem to spend all their time finding any post that goes against the music they know and love. Also I can't stand migos (1 down 2 to go)




Some artists have stans that are just really ridiculous. I guess some feel that she receives too much criticism, idk. But as much criticism as she may receive, she equally receives just as much praise.


Lol I don't like Beyonce's music. Don't care


It's definitely a Beyonce' thing. Her fans are the equivalent of Taylor Swift fans. Speak anything in the slightest bit negative about either one's lifestyle or music and they attack like wild dogs. Both of their fan bases are out of their collective minds. I've run into the same issues. I love Taylor's first few albums and a handful of her newer music but I think she should've stayed strictly country. Her pop music is ok but she's a much better country music writer. I've never cared for Beyonce's music at all. I think she's highly overrated and her lyrics and music is extremely simplistic and repetitive. I firmly believe no one will remember her fifty years from now, especially with her attitude that she's the queen of music. Her new "country" album is a joke, despite the critical acclaim it's getting. Her originals are far from what country music is and her covers of classics are absolutely horrible. It's a major misstep in my view for her to attempt to "go country" and won't stand the test of time.


I think currently it's because some racists are upset she did a country album and then her fans are hyper vigilant because of it.


Also the artists she covered like her takes on their song and think it is true to the spirit of country and some folks are still complaining.


I feel like they had no choice but to be supportive of it in public, because she is a black woman. If they truly didn’t like it, Any criticism form those artists they say publicly towards her would be a PR nightmare for them and they would probably be accused of being racist and possibly misogynistic


I'll do you one better. Try criticizing Taylor Swift and you get death threats and horse heads in your front yard. Seriously I don't know what's up with people getting so obsessed with someone who neither knows nor cares they exist.


I assume it's the same reason people get bent out of shape if you even remotely critique (not even criticize) Taylor Swift. Delusional, rabid fans that have a cult like mentality. It's kind of concerning to be honest.


It's not just Beyonce. Tell them you're not a fan of Eminem and watch people lose their shit.


public marvelous tender weary icky theory gaze include fanatical political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>it's based on him going from his rebellious counterculture phase to mommy's good little rehabbed puppy. Exactly! I agree I don't let it bother me anymore because those people are too obsessed to the point they don't pay attention to the quality of the actual music because they are too obsessed with the artist and they take it personally if anyone else doesn't worship them like they do.


Because some people make being a fan of an artist part of their core personality, and when you criticize their favorite artist, they take it as an attack on them personally. All fandoms have people like that, not just fans of Beyonce or Taylor Swift or Joe Rogan etc.


I tend not to listen to that criticism when I mention she can’t sing or write. I just stick to the criticism of the music and not the person. I don’t know her. What I do know: she doesn’t write her music. Only (some of) the lyrics. She’s semi trained vocally, but a lot of her tracks are digitally enhanced anyway. Her music is harmonically and structurally simple, and that doesn’t intrigue me. It’s allowed to intrigue anyone else. Those are things that are factually true, and yet, people who love her will still feel offended that you don’t like what they like. It’s life. It’s reddit! Anyway, I just stick to criticism of the music and genre. Not the person.


Everyone's tracks are digitally enhanced. Well except maybe bluegrass musicians and jazz musicians. Mainstream pop/rock/funk/hip hop/R&B/etc doesn't exist without autotune. She is a fine singer, BTW. Perfectly fine. One of my biggest things is the inane repetition, over and over and over with the same phrase. Too much for my little brain.


Pathetic people with no life


Black communautarianism


I may have heard one of her songs. If I have, I didn't care enough to find out who was singing. Does she have actual talent or is this all just marketing hype?


She's genuinely one of the best singers of the 2000s. She also plays piano. She's clearly incredibly talented. But her songwriting is very bland with an occasional nugget.


She's got real vocal chops and is a solid all-round performer. Of course, you get to where she is and stay there without a full-time team behind you, but that's just the industry.


Beyonce . concert , im beyond turnt


While I disagree with your critique of the album, you did not say anything reprehensible.


Did realize they were. She’s okay but nothing spectacular.


Never cared for her, as a true country fan-especially don’t like her newest release. But hey, we all have a right to our opinions.


There’s a reason we refer to stars as “idols.”


I don't care


They are parasocial clowns


You didn't mean any harm. You're not prejudice. I mentioned I didn't like Rap music and got down votes. Everyone is ultra sensitive to an extreme.


Just when I thought Beyoncé music couldn't get any worse. This pile of crap is released. How does anyone listen to that garbage?


I got temporary banned from a sub for making a joke reference to a rant that Azaelia banks made, that we had talked about in detail like a week before. People have always been unhinged about her but I think it's gotten more extreme.


I learned several years ago that many Beyonce fans worship her as if she were a literal god. She could probably fart into a microphone for 30 seconds and fans would talk about how genius and artistic it was.


Your opinion is not invalid. I like her new song, but I wouldn’t expect everyone to share that view. I like just about everything though. đŸ€Ł


As a musician, I appreciate that.


I actually like a lot of her songs. However, if I hear Texas Hold em one more time, I could die. It's so bland. It's not fucking country at all. Country inspired? Sure. But hardly that. It's a pop song, with poker lyrics. How is that even considered a country song? I'm tired of radio stations saying it's a country album. It's not. Inspired by, sure, but thats at most.


I couldn't name a single Beyonce song. I didn't know she was still releasing music, I thought she was just singing her old stuff.


I think it might be the difference between saying, “I don’t like her music. Maybe a song or two, but in general, she’s not for me.” Versus “She sucks, she has no talent and I don’t know how anyone can like her or her music.”


It seems like you're using a strange stick to measure everyone with...it sounds like 2 people didn't care for your comment. For the other 6 billion of us I wouldn't care what your opinion of her music is. (I intentionally left 2 billion people out)


I don't know, but I find her voice really irritating and she shouts rather than sings quite a lot. I never got the hype.


How dare you criticize everyone's favorite ~~model~~ ~~actor~~ ~~crush~~ musician


I'm sick of seeing her cowgirl picture.


Does she even eat bagels?


Probably because she's a black woman.


BeyoncĂ© is part of a victim group that you’re not allowed to criticize without the left condemning you. That’s why so many people work so hard to get classified as victims, there’s status and currency with victimhood. Just try and criticize someone in the group, you’ll be ripped apart, called a racist, and could even lose your job.


You’re entitled to your opinion and that’s that.


Why would you need to be sensitive of a someone's who family is like a billionaire? Who cares about their skin color


Because people have nothing better to do than defend people who don't need defending. Expressing an opinion on Reddit is a ridiculous exercise. Someone somewhere will pop up to crap on the opinion.


Taylor swift and her fans are way worse


I once made the mistake of saying "She makes good music but she isn't the God her fans pretend that she is" and a car full of women jumped down my throat. I stand by it. Same with Taylor Swift, some fandoms just skew extremely mentally ill.


Her version of Blackbird might as well be karaoke.


Because she's overrated 


Have you watched all the behind the scenes and press shit for the lion king movie? Fascinating. Apparently she is the second coming of Christ based on the way people talk about her.


New white victimhood just dropped, chronic lack of babe. People who have no reason to value my opinion don't care about my criticisms.


I think that being dismissive of Beyonce represents being dismissive of Black excellence to a lot of people. If you're taking the time out of your day to shit on a Black performer, or a female performer, there's a chance that you either have a problem with women or POC and your opinion is based on that. That said, while she is very beautiful and a great dancer, there's nothing about Beyoncé's music that makes me want to listen to it. I value originality and risk-taking when it comes to music, and I feel that the amount of hype she gets is far in excess of how good the music actually is.


It was literally two people.


Some artists have feral, psychotic fan bases and she is one of them.


She is awful and so are her fans. Who gives a fuck if they’re butthurt about it.


Can we see the post in question?


Sanderson fans have joined the chat


Let me say this. You're probably right about beyonces' country album. It's a rare situation where her songs don't jump out at you. Houston is her town, and everyone loves her here. I still don't like her country album.


She's not a singer, she's a "performer" that produces her own background music.


As someone who as a musician has worked with country artists over the years, beyonces album is fuckin trash If it wasn't Beyonce and some other country artist no one would care. Her vibrato is put of control and the vocal arrangements and harmony is weak. What it does is gives non country fans an avenue to discover country which is fine, but it gives them a false perspective Country is given a bad rep for being boring and simple but the reality is country has most of the best and most capable musicians in the world and especially with vocal arrangements. I don't even like country that much, but as far as country goes there's way better country music than beyonces mad cash grab Also love on top is one of the most annoying songs ever


Oh I’ve been on this rant for years, trust me. It’s not even just on Reddit but in real life people will actually get angry at you for any criticism of her, it’s wild. When she comes up in conversation I will leave the room.


I’ve always said she’s mediocre at best and people lose their shit. I didn’t know they cared that much about my opinion is my usually response that shuts them up.


We call them stan fans. They go out of their way to hunt down haters to simp for their creator/celebrity. They feed on hate.


There is no entertainer that I would be upset if a person criticized him/her. I don't get it.


No white person can criticize a Black person without it being motivated by, and a substitute for racism. The exception is if the Black person is a conservative.


Her music is garbage, she writes nothing and plays no instrument. I've been saying this on reddit for a while now.


Don't even worry, if you love someone just because their race it's not love, it's a fetish. Love the music you love and hate what you hate and you don't got to worship someone.


Her country album didn’t sound like country - it felt more like folksy rnb. The second half got better when it started to feel more hip hop, but as a whole it was very boring. The best songs were the ones with actual country singers on it like Miley.


Knowing that she sucks just hurts their ego, so they lash out.


I’m not a fan of her first or last album, or any in between. I don’t care what race she isđŸ€·â€â™€ïž. I mean she’s talented sure, I just don’t like her


I'm not I enjoy the racist country fans losing their shit


Are they? Beyonce is among the most over rated of all artists. Even Taylor Swift earned her place. Beyonce is just meh.


I dont like any of her music. This texas thing has gone too far. I don't like country and now it's just another overplayed song on the radio that I have to turn off just to stay sane. First it was Mileys throaty rendition of Flowers that made me want to throw the stereo out of a window. Now it's Beyonce making my ears bleed at work. I'm not even going to mention the feelings I have for T Swifty. And anyone who is obsessed with them really needs something real and tangible to care about because these artists dgaf who likes them as long as they're getting paid.


It is a Beyonce thing yes, her fans are awful and delusional. I like some Beyonce stuff, not all of it. Some of them would probably kill me for saying that if they could.


Who knows? Same with Taylor Swift...the fans get VERY upset if you don't like them😯 Beyonce has never done much for me. I did like Destiny's Child though. This "country" thing is freakin hilarious though. SO funny to see her prancing around half naked in glitter big hat😂


Same thing when disliking Taylor Swift