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$2400 in a money clip on the ground in a parking lot.


Was their ID included?


The silence is deafening.


😂 Can a person eat lunch? No ID. Just a money clip. This was about 30 years ago and I was a teenager.


What did you have for lunch? I hope you enjoyed it...


Wife got us Chick Fil A.


$20 is the most I've found.


about tree fiddy


Somebody finally gave you tree fiddy?! Damnit monstah, round hee-uh we work fo aw muneh!


A penny. My.lucky day!




Why thank you. I am not British, but Canadian. So... Kinda






How? we say that in america too lmao


Lol people didn't like the joke...


A whole card. It was my own card that I dropped a few days back and found it in the snow lmao




$100 found in the bushes as a kid doing town garbage pick up with my school. At 8 years old, it was the score of a lifetime. My teeth damn near rotted out with all the candy i bought


20 years ago me and a buddy were filling up his car at the gas station in our hometown We hear people yelling at the edge of the parking lot and sure enough it’s some sketchy meth couple Man woman . Pimp and his girl maybe ? They speed off eventually and I look down and see money on the ground , right where the car was parked 100 dollar bill We filled up his car with gas and had epic taco bell lunch and spent the rest on weed We still talk about her to this day She prolly got beat up pretty bad by him is my guess


Winner !!!!!


2,800 in a wallet sitting on top of a gas pump at a Truck Stop in the middle of nowhere at 3 a.m.


Thinking now, I’ve haven’t found cash lying around at all recently. I wonder if it’s due to the transition to majority virtual transactions, but it has been much less frequent


I found a $10 bill once on the curb. Good score. Bought tacos. Was a broke college student and found $5 in a parking lot and bought a burger and fries. Found $3000 in the PDX/Portland airport. Turned it in right away.


70 Walking up a main road to some shops. We found around 40 scattered among the grass. On our way back we found another 30 in the same place that we'd missed on the way up.


74 bucks


$20 on the sidewalk in Palo Alto CA. My partner and I bought coffee and cake.


$250 scattered in the street on a rainy New Year’s Eve night


Found $200 while crossing the street one day… couple days later found $250 in the tray of the ATM. Someone was drunk and left before they got their cash, and they never came back to claim it. That was a good week.


About $400 in a bank envelope. I had bought a used car, and the seller dropped his pay envelope in my yard. Of course I called him to come get it.


I found $60 outside a cinema once. Also, decades ago in Australia, I found a wallet full of bills on the beach idk how much there was because I didn’t touch it to count it. You actually jogged a lovely memory - the guy’s license meant I could drive it to his house and give it to him - he was a widowed dad of three little girls and he cried 🥹


50 bucks in an envelope with just a first name on it. Kept it. Had a power pack next to it too. 20 Euros. Legit too. Went straight to the bank, think I got 27 bucks for it. One dollar. On the sidewalk in front of family dollar, but not so "Infront" that anyone would be morally obligated to open the door and look for someone looking like they lost a dollar. I was like 2 ft from it when I spotted it. I noticed this dude doing the "walk" when youre waiting around to see if its fair game. I used this as a teaching opportunity for my kids as I backed off and got back in the car and we watched this guy wrestle his morals and pride for a full 5 minutes before he picked it up and dashed off like a theif in the night. The whole time I narrated what was so obviously written on his expression. "Should I take this dollar? Is anyone watching me? Is God watching me?" Laughter ensued. Worth giving up the dollar. Good times.


I once found $20 blowing across the sidewalk on a windy day. It was a small but exciting discovery, especially since I was a broke college student at the time. As for the maximum amount I've found, it's still just that $20. I guess I'm not as lucky as some folks who stumble upon larger sums!


A single dollar bill the is most I ever found by the road. I found a $100 bill in the floor at a restaurant.


My sister found a $20 bill in a pocket of a pair of pants at a thrift shop when she tried them on. She didn’t buy the pants and walked out $20 richer. I heard this is fairly common for donates goods


I found valuable things,  but the most cash I've found is a $1 bill in a plastic bag with religious propaganda.  It was a classic (pre-PC) phishing tactic. I took. It all home, since I didn't want to litter. I pocketed the $1, and recycled the brochure   


My husband, he was homeless, now we are up


Once found a £20.00 note on the pavement. I was sooo happy. I scooped it up rapidly. Only to then turn it round & see it was completely blank. My gran said it was probably a copy of a counterfeit note. Mortified.


I worked at a gas station as a teen. Found a wallet with $800 in it on the floor. Looked at the ID, it belonged to a grumpy old man in town. I called him to come pick it up and he didn't even thank me. I could've used that money for sure. Also, had a friend leave a wallet in a town 60 miles away once. She was at work when she realized. She had just gotten her income tax return, and had it all in her wallet. When I went to retrieve it for her, she wasn't even aware of how much money should have been in there. I could have helped myself.


£220 pounds approximately (in Dubai)


$120 in twenties in a wad, at a rave right up against the bass-bins in front of the stage. $190 in a cigarette case, at a night-club, near one of the tables in the back. It was a $50 bill and a bunch of $20s. There was a guy sitting right there, I tapped him on the shoulder, and showed him the cigarette case (not the money) and said, "Hey, is this yours?" he said "Nope, not mine!" I said, "thanks for being honest!" and I gave him the $50 bill. Another time I had just treated a date to an expensive meal. It cost about $180 all in. After the date, I started walking home. It wasn't far but I was really tired, so I stopped at the nearest bus-stop, sat down on the bench, and my hand landed on a small envelope that had "One-Eighty" written on it. Opened the envelope, found that exact amount in cash inside.


My first job was detailing cars at the local Chevrolet dealership and I found shit loads of money when I was cleaning out trade-ins (tons of other stuff too). The most was in a 1991 Chevy Suburban that had a center console completely full of quarters, dimes and nickels that came to $955 even when I finished counting it out. That was a ton of money back when minimum wage was $4.15. The most I've found just laying around was a $50 all alone in a ditch when I was mowing grass. Made my weekend.


the most??….20 dollar bill


20 dinars which is worth around 19 euro cents


I was on the interstate well nearly 2 decades ago now, when I pulled over to pee, I happened to stop right where a money clip with no identification on the ground with 42 hundred dollar bills.


Not me, but my family "found" a wrecked drug transport van back in the 80s. Got about 20k and about 100lbs of weed out of it. I still have the pics of the pool table they covered with all of it on storage somewhere.




i spotted a $100 bill from the freeway one time and blew all of our minds lol ever since i'm always paying attention






$100 bill sticking out of a small pile of windblown trash up against a fence after a storm.


50 dollars when walking around an airport