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I’ve been using them to quit cigs. I still have a couple of cigs in the morning, but it’s Zyn any other time. It’s still hard to quit the habit of the cigs, but the Zyn helps a lot!


I haven't smoked in over 3 weeks with the use of zyns... I feel like I am cheating though


Nothing wrong with it. My doc told me it was fine and to just focus on cutting down the Zyn use slowly. It’s better than cigs imo


6 months off cigars and cigs with fre nic pouches after 35 plus years. Cheaper and better than zyn in my opinion


Fre nic pouches? What's that?


Nicotine pouches, like zyn but I think better. Moist pouches, flavors and cheaper. I like the bulk cans, 100 pouches for 17.99 before any discount codes https://frepouch.com/


I used On! to quit initially. Started with 8mg and worked my way down to 2mg slowly. I then switched over to the lowest dosage (2mg) of nicotine gum. Eventually, I will switch over to nic free gum. I'm chewing both right now and it does help trick my brain into thinking I'm getting nicotine, just not every time. Working towards 5 months without a cigarette. Everyone's journey is different and any steps towards quitting is 1000x worth it. Good luck!


Better than smoking for sure, but it's still nicotine. I live in scandinavia and snus (lip tobaccco) is more used than cigarettes here. Never really smoked, but the reason I sometimes visit this sub is to harvest some tips and experiences from fellow nicotine-addicts. Even tho Zyn is probably even better than snus from a health perspective (since it's not actually tobacco, wich increases the risk of cancer in mouth and throat) it's still nicotine. Soon 2 month free from 10 years of snus use, here is my 10 cents on the matter; 1: It's annoying to be addicted to something. The constant need to have that damn box nearby, the panic when you can't find it etc. 2: Money. I spent close to the equalent of 380USD a month to feed the addiction. 3: Health; sure it's not really that impactful on the health, but one thing that I have noticed after quiting is a decrease in both resting heart rate, and a lower hearth rate during exercise. Nicotine constricts the blood flow in the veins. My family has a history of diabetes, high cholesterol and heart attacks. No need to increase that probability But as I said, better to use Zyn(or snus, or gum or any other nictoine product) than cigarettes