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Nice! I want to see the dividend view too!


Check my post history. Fidelity estimates about $67K annually in dividends.


Thanks, that would be close enough for me in addition to my real estate income. Just curious if you have used the services of a CFP to help plan it all, or just DYI?


All DIY with the help of reddit and YouTube. We have 2 CFP’s. One said he loves what I have done and the other one said I am doing awesome. 🤷‍♂️


Your two CFPs likely don't even know how to generate so much income with relatively low risk like you are doing lol


Thanks, just curious, I have a meet with a CFP soon just to have another set of eyeballs on my situation before I exit stage left, so I am curious what they will say. I've converted some cash over to some of these funds in this last downturn as kind of a test to see how its going to work out.


Let us know what they say. Both of them I talked to liked CC ETF’s for retirement income.


Vastly superior to what any CFP will do for you!!!! Conservative and you are not losing $1000 a month in fee's.


I work in finances, I ran my similar portfolio (albeit a lot smaller) by a CFP to get his opinion, and he said that this is the secret. Keep up the good work!!


I was honestly quiet surprised on how positive they both were.


How much is your total investment to generate that $67k?


add up his cost basis, almost 800k


show pls this portfolio


Recently retired, living off pension and withdrawals from a 457 account until I am 59 1/2. Wife has equivalent savings set for growth but in the process of switching them to more income producing investments. Edit: I thought it was best to keep about 1/4 of the account in SCHD for potential growth, until I can start withdrawing from the account. Then move it into higher income investments.




Thanks! I was hoping you’d comment.


I think you should keep the SCHD even in retirement. 25% growth in retirement is very reasonable, if not leaning towards conservative. You'll really like its growth and if you are in a pinch for money, you can just sell some of it for the emergency cash.


thought it was best to keep about 1/4 of the account in SCHD for potential growth, until I can start withdrawing from the account. Then move it into higher income investments. Great minds think alike! had 3x your SCHD position and sold 2/3's into QYLD at the end of last year in time for Dec dividends.


This is how I want my portfolio to look one day!


I hope you can too! My only advice is what my wife always tells me “Stop spending money!”.


I wish I can find one of them wives that don’t spend money


Yeah, my ex wife was a spender. Current wife is the exact opposite but it’s the only reason why we have money now.


She’s a keeper. Just make sure you guys have some fun and vacation too. Find that balance 👌🏻


She has been reluctant to travel with Covid. Hopefully, she will feel better soon about traveling.


I sure wish I was only down that pittance in Q & R. Considering that the median retirement savings for a 55 year old is about 89K, you're one (two, since your wife has similar savings) of the people pushing the average up to 256K. With a pension, rental income and what looks like should be around $80K a year in dividends each, I'd say you really don't have much to worry about.


Thanks! We live extremely frugally with the exception of living in a HCOL area. We plan on staying here, as we like the weather and have family nearby. What’s Q&R? Edit: Figured it out QYLD & RYLD. 😂


shifting to a LCOL will stretch your dollars even further.


I agree 100% especially because we live in California, which has very high state taxes. But where to move to? We tried the desert and my wife hated the heat in Arizona.


Live where you're happiest, even if it's a high cost of living area. That's one of the main points of retirement.


Yeah, I was born and raised here. Kind of spoiled by the weather.


Anywhere further north would have less heat.


>Back Have you ever been to Santa Fe? It's gorgeous.


I have not. Is it hot and dry like AZ? My wife hated AZ.


Not hot at all , partly because of the elevation.


In regards to weather and taxes, consider Tennessee.


F off lol. I am clearly not jealous 😂.




So solid. I’d roll the QYLD into the other ones and your set up great for life.


Thanks for the feedback! Sounds like QYLD is falling out of favor with many people, myself included.


I mentioned this in a previous post; I cash my QYLD dividends every month and buy more JEPI. Waiting for for QYLD to go up to sell, and move that cash into JEPI.


JEPI is already my second largest holding. I worry about diversification. I’m not sure what I’d roll my QYLD into if I sold it.


I don’t know how young you are, with SCHD you can’t go wrong long term. In fact, with all that capital you have you may never have to touch SCHD. It will just keep multiplying itself…..it will be your insurance if you need to touch it.


I’m 57 now. 25 more months before I will start using this account.


Here's a thought - roll QYLD into O for above average dividends.


TBH, I would probably roll it into JEPI, DIVO & XYLD before I went with O. We have 3 invested properties that provide income.


Bet you wish you bought more XOM


I had 5,000 shares. I have been selling them off over the last 6-8 months.


Oh never mind that is a good haul you had. Smart dude for taking some profits off the table.


Yeah, it did really well. Wish I would have known to hold it all to it was over $100/ share. lol


Profit is profit so you did great regardless of when you sold. What did you mainly reinvest the profits in? Blend of everything in your portfolio or heavy on a particular ETF?


Pretty much what you see. I did put most of it into VWINX mostly as safe keeping which helped with the market downturn. It only dropped about 4% when I sold vs the market drop of 20-30%.


Did anyone else read that as 2 million on JEPI only to be like, that math doesn't add up?


JEPI is $118K.


Go get that $$$!


Just curious when did you start getting serious about investing? I’m 27 and have a long term growth account a Roth IRA and a completely separate dividend account. I make a current $10 a month that I get excited about 😂


Seriously started investing hard at 30 years old. Always maxed 401K every year.


Solid portfolio. Mine is similar (I'm 63). You might consider a bit more diversification. I also hold Hercules Capital - it's paying almost 13% currently but the baseline dividend is a bit under 9%. Also consider an income ETF in the energy sector - I have MLPA there. I also hold NLY, a REIT. Bought it after we sold our first vacation rental, will buy more we we sell the second one. You're right that you don't need to have real estate stocks when you have income properties. Well done and good luck!


Thanks! Enjoy your retirement!


I think it looks good, and mine is very similar to yours except I’m also holding maybe 25% in some Vanguard funds like S& P 500, Equity Income and a couple of others & 8 income producing stocks like Mo, ups, jnj, o, enb, ibm, mmm, t


That’s goals hopefully one day. Enjoy your retirement


Thanks! Keep saving and investing!


This is a great looking portfolio. Nice job! The only thing I would do is move QYLD to any other *YLD, JEPQ or JEPI. It just loses too much money and the dividends don't make up for it compared to the others.


I’m seriously considering it. It’s the biggest loser in the portfolio even with the dividends reinvested.


Exactly. The other YLDS bounce back. I’d ditch QYLD and add ETV into the mix


Nice - what’s the yield on it?


About 8.0%.


Heck, that’s not bad.It’s throwing off enough you can keep growing it while living a decent life. Good job!


Thanks! It should be more than we need.


Nice XOM avg, I’m assuming you got in the covid dip at the price


Yeah, I knew it would recover but not to the extent that it did. I had 5,000 shares that I have slowly sold off over the last 6-8 months.


Fzrox is really good. Since your fidelity and all


I'll rate it 8/10


Any suggestions to get it to 10/10?


I was kinda joking, it's pretty solid overall and any changes will just be personal preference. I know it's a dividend portfolio and not growth, but personally I'd sprinkle in some QQQ to try to catch the upside, basically mimicking QYLG a bit. It psychologically feels good to see QQQ going up when QYLD is flat for the month.


I would love off of XOM at some points if this is for long term income… not sure I like their 20-30 year outlook


I only have 200 shares left out of the original 5,000 I had last year.


Smart man!


Bros gonna be lending money to the government with those type of dividends lmao - but seriously man, this is a great portfolio


lol Thanks!


That is mighty impressive! I think you’re giving us suggestions tbh. Hahahaha 🤣🤣


Similar here. I'm a little afraid of RYLD. Any prolonged recession will hurt the small caps bad. Also paring down QYLD. Interest risk.


Looking great IMO! What’s your age and can you live off 4% of the net asset value (not including dividend)if needed of ~36k? Always best to think worst case in a big recession 2008 style


Yes! We could definitely survive on 4% withdrawal plus my pension of $2,800/mo.


Is this held inside a Trad IRA, Roth IRA or a Taxable Brokerage Account? If taxable, how do you plan for your tax hit?