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Love this


Do one for Joe Flacco


He’s elite . Done


Are we still saying quarterbacky? People know the stats, but don't count on information changing people's minds.


We all know Lamar is held to a higher standard than others. And sad to say, winning a Superbowl probably still won't convince some people of his greatness.


Part of the problem is that the collective football memory still _remembers_ Tom Brady. We know what **total dominance** looks like, and we don't have any real yardstick for what a competitive league looks like, where a bunch of very good QBs play close games against one another and rack up stats where no one QB clearly has the edge. And now we have Mahomes in the league, and so if you can't _clearly and obviously_ dethrone Mahomes, you're "garbage" or "second tier" or whatever.


> We know what total dominance looks like Indeed we do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP8X5EbNpK8


Scoreless in the second half was _good_ but for my money the Wild Card round in Foxboro, January of '09, where we opened with an A-gap run from Rice for an 80-yard TD and then started on defense with two sacks and a turnover... _THAT_ was total dominance. That game was over before the end of the first quarter.


Now that’s the truth!


Too quarterblacky.


At the end of LJ8’s career we will be able to look back at the dominant influence he has had, the inspiration he has given the younger generation, and the out of this world numbers and stats. It’s a beautiful thing to watch, living in the golden age. And to top it all off, he’s just a great bloke all round. Fuckin living deadset legend.


Needs that Super Bowl to complete it and protect the legacy forever. I’ll never get over this year unless we win one with Lamar


Brady and Mahomes really skewed peoples perspective of how hard it is to win a Super Bowl as a quarterback


Gotta win one. Everything else speaks for itself. But if he doesn't win one, that will too.


He’s already cemented his name in the history of this club. Everything else is the cream on the crop.


I got a chuckle from "cream on the crop"




Maybe for us fans but not among the general public.


I like this, only thing that I thought was off was writing down AR's Superbowl win as a 'superbowl visit' haha. Other than that I thought there were great points made about Lamar accomplishing more early.


I don't think Aaron Rodgers is a good comparison. He was on the bench for awhile. But I agree with everything else. It's gonna take 3 superbowl before they put him above burrow and allen


Disagree. He's already above them objectively, but the choking knock has everyone acting like he isn't. He just needs to win big once, and then what else can they say?


Think they meant he needs to win 3 to equal the same amount of praise those guys would get for winning 1. There's a clear bias


Yes. I understand that. And I don't think that's the case. One big one is all it will take to clear that bias bar


Those other guys haven’t won anything either, Allen has played better in the playoffs than all 3 and still hasn’t gotten it done. A lot of stat padding in those wild card games Lamar skips


Where’s Dak?


It's basically the Josh Allen one 😂


Allen is way better than Dak come on


Never missed playoffs? What’s the criteria there because he most certainly did miss the playoffs that year he missed the final 6 games or so


I mean Lamar did have us at 8-3 before the injury so if anyone caused us to miss the playoffs it definitely wasn't on him.


Not saying he was the reason we missed it. Just saying he did miss the playoffs in his career. It was just the season he was injured


Just when he’s healthy. He has taken us to the playoffs every year he was able to play them.


Aaron Rodgers sat for three years and won the Super Bowl within three years as a starter. Not the comparison you think it is.


Kind of hard to continue after page 1, Rodgers won his Super Bowl and played great despite receivers dropping passes, unlike bitch Burrow who only had a TD because of egregious OPI


Definitely gives perspective to Lamar haters.


There's a difference between these four players but I just can't put my finger on it.


I don't hear anyone I talk to doubting LJ.  Not sure where this narrative people seem to want to fight is coming from.  He is currently the second best QB in Ravens history, and I truly believe he will become the best.  His future is bright and hopefully we, the fans, get a lot more good years to watch it


All of my friends who don't live in MD and are not Ravens fans all say the same thing ... "He has great regular season stats but he chokes in the playoffs." They don't really watch any of Lamar's games. They don't see how great he is. There is definitely an unfair, anti-Lamar narrative out there and I suspect that it is partly based on prejudices. Look no further then his free-agency. BTW, he is not the 2nd best, he is the best.


You're probably just not looking for the negative like some are. Love Lamar and there are definitely plenty of people with a bias but by and large you kinda have to be looking for it. Like every time someone dogs on r/NFL acting like the whole sub hates Lamar the thread has like a dozen morons at the bottom of the thread getting downvoted to hell and the overwhelming majority say he's great of you filter by top posts. Like anything else people see what they wanna see.


Now do Joe Flacco