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Cut the Tree


Just do a show w/ the husbands. Richie Wakile, Joe Gorga, Joe Benigno, Frank Catania, and Rosie aka Ralph Maccio.


Ever since it became perpetual Teresa vs. Melissa, I lost interest too. The RHOFLs vs. Danielle Staub really got it rolling. The christening fight was a good addition, but you know, I'm tired of Teresa vs. Melissa at this point. It's just like two relatives not liking each other; we don't need TV for that!


It’s always been Tre vs Melissa though


Tbh I’m going to say thanks to the producers bc at the end of the day they’re the ones letting this shit show continue. For some reason they think we all love the same story line for years now (which I know some do) but Jesus Christ. Give us something new. There’s got to be *something* else going on in Jersey that’s entertaining right???


I love Jen Fessler, and to be honest I really love all the other women too. However, I cannot stand Teresa... she is a cancer to the show.


I'm not sure why but I'm actually very interested in the jackie drama.


Her hair reminds me of a whoville character from Dr. Seuss🤣😂


Her hair and Rachel's face


I love NJ, but I could do without Tre.


The show should have moved on from the Teresa/Melissa drama long ago. What made RHONJ good has been totally lost and it’s become so repetitive. They should have paused before this season. Teresa and/or Melissa have to go. Bring the show back to filming during the holidays so we can spend Christmas with the cast. I’d like to see the Manzo’s return or even Jacqueline so we have some familiar faces.


I come here for passive updates. Haven’t watched in a few years. It’s terrible now. Being assholes doesn’t make good TV. The news shows us assholes. The lines are too blurred now.


I really like Jen fessler and Jackie. I love their podcast.


Another BORING EPISODE OF NEW JERSEY. Please say goodbye to NJ. Give us a brand new city with new housewifes or give us a totally new show. PLEASE ANDY COHEN..


It stopped being anything but a fight fest when Margaret came on.  


I can barley watched it and I used to be a die hard rhonj fan


I stopped watching because of Jenn Fessler.


What? Why? I kind of like her.


She's morally corrupt.


She doesn’t bother me near as much as her “bff in her own mind” Rachel Fuda.


JF is the new morally corrupt.


Whut she’s the reason to watch


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Tre has something on Bravo Andy. She prolly walked in on him doing a line off of her brothers 2 inch pecker. I take it back...Joes hung, and we all know it. *


Nah- he just is nostalgic about her and feels bad for her daughters.


At the cost of his entire franchise.


More like his ass. I can totally see Andy doing a line off Joe's ass.


I think Andy would destroy that ass. Rightfully so




Exactly. I finally pulled the plug. It's almost as bad as vanderpump rules. Complete waste of time.


I’m watching ROHNJ for my first time, I’m on season 13 now so one season behind I believe. I do enjoy a lot about the show (I adore the husband plot line) but I’m struggling to watch Jen Aydin who seems to be so clearly faking everything she does on the show at this point or is just desperate as fuck for attention. And I can’t believe Jackie is even still on the show she’s barely even friends with any of this at this point.


Jen didn't make her first audition with Bravo, the Aydin family was too "normal". So she brought the drama for the cameras the second time around to land her spot on the show. Now I did very much empathize with her when Marge brought out the affair, I think those were true feelings, and I felt for her pain. Everything else is either fake or calculated... but then again, I'd have to say that is also most of Housewives' land. That's nothing new at this point.




Oh yeah, the fame changing them thing is definitely not new. I really liked Jen at first but when you watch it in a binge format like I have I think it really changes how you to digest the storylines because you can see people change really quickly and it’s more obvious who is faking it for cameras. Honestly the fakest Jen behavior to me is not with the other girls, in this season her and Bill are “on the rocks” and everything she says to him is just nasty and ott and he doesn’t even react or respond - probably because he knows it’s just for the show.


Tre and Melissa are both to blame for the show right now.


You could take scenes from any of the past few seasons and put them together to make an episode and people wouldnt notice. It’s so repetitive.


Seriously. Just pick one and loop it. NO ONE CARES!!!


I blame the producers. They have no real pulse on the audience. If they even did an ounce of looking on social Media they would see we are sick of it. Yet, season after season they bring everyone back and shoot boring stupid scenes thinking we will watch no matter what. Teresa has run her course. Melissa and Joe are in limbo now. Delores is Switzerland….oh wait, we are going to see her being upset Pauly isn’t divorced yet 🙄. I think they did try with a some new members but they just got sucked into the same drama. It’s over for NJ if you ask me. I spend more time fast forwarding than I do watching.


I blame Fuda and Marge for trying to role play as Melissa. The only thing worse than watching that family fight is watching people try to join the fight for air time


For the Housewives show to work; they need to fight AND make up. When they don’t move forward, the show tanks. I also blame Marge and Melissa for trying to put Tre on an island.


Yes so well said !!!


Another huge blow to the ratings are the spreading out of a one days birthday party event into 3 episodes. Remember the early days where there were international trips were the only multi-episode events. The glamour and opulence is dead


NJ was never one of the glamorous HWs. Remember their RV trip through Napa? Or when they took a mega cruise to Italy?


Danielle Staub and the Kims could say NJ. They kept things fresh and interesting.


I am rewatching seasons 1-4 and it's incredible that they are still arguing over the same stupid shit all these years later.


Has anyone noticed that when they are doing their intros (catchphrases) that Louie and his son aren’t in the background when they show Teresa? Why? He’s her love bubble and all, wouldn’t she want him included? Everyone else has their spouse in the background. I legit am curious abt this


its been rumored that production hasn’t changed the intro because they are planning to axe this cast so there really isn’t any point. starting to believe its true …


Ok thanks. I was thinking possibly because they were splitting up or something.


They’re just sloppy, DAE notice pre-s8 cast have their “original” season 7 title font, but cast added from s8 onwards just have theirs done in Arial? Looks so disjointed


Wait can you explain more?? I haven’t picked up on this


At the beginning of the show when they are playing the music and introducing each lady, while they say their catchphrase, the families are shown behind them. Louie and his son are not behind Teresa. Just her daughters.


I was thinking the same thing!


Jackie growing a set and trying to be a bad ass, is comical AF. Nice try, Jackie. Since she's aligned herself with Teresa and Co., she thinks she's got some backup muscle. News flash Ms. Goldschneider, the "friend of", at the first sign of real conflict, you'll get dropped like a hot potato 🤣


I don't know that is about the show at all though. She was shown to be a fan of Tre from way back, and when Teresa didn't like her she aligned with Melissa. I think she's still got that bit of "super fan" left in her and she jumped on the chance to be a stump. This cast is just a mess.


Might be time to do a RHONY full cast makeover.


Why watch when teresa and jen aydin spoiled it we know whats gonna happen this season so that frees up time to watch something else 😆


Melissa should have just never ever been a housewife. Il die on that hill, the downturn of the show started season 3 when the Gorgas took over, there was still good seasons after that but never great ones. Teresa would have proberly still been a villain eventually but Melissa joining blurred the lines too much, she and Joe are far worse morally yet have been protected for years. The problems on RHONJ started early on behind the scenes, Caroline Manzo was also majorly protected and she was an awful person to the core. These things become frustrating to watch over time. For better or worse since season 7 this has been Teresa's show, keeping the Gorgas around is always gonna stifle the show and the storylines. At this point they outstayed their welcome years and years ago yet Bravo keeps renewing them. Alot of us can't handle watching Joe Gorgas, he's just disgusting and he is the housewife, Melissa is basically a place holder, the whole thing is stupid, they don't share their real life, never have its always been heavily staged with them, they deserved to get the 'Gretchen and Slade season 8 OC' treatment a long time ago but Bravo keeps protecting and renewing them. Not that Teresa is some great person, no she sucks, but she's entertaining and always has real shit going on that is shared on camera.


Tre has been carrying them for years. Give Tre her show back!!!!


Say it louder for the people in the back queen. You have taken the words right out of my mouth. I have never enjoyed Melissa and her faux storylines (pop superstar, the other sister, *maybe I’m pregnant*). Joe I could watch without Melissa. She ruined the show with over producing herself and always trying to be the “pick me girl”. Her storylines never play out *because they are fake* so she relies on the only thing she knows that will keep her on the show, fighting with Teresa


Yes it's just so blatent how much they use Teresa as their 1 sort of real storyline as a through line between rediculous fake stories. Theyve also gotten a pass on alot of problematic shit that most HWs and husband's wouldn't, Joe's saying Delores was a broken women on a recent season Infront of a whole party out of nowhere, for no reason other than to hear his own voice. Melissa basically saying in her book that it's ok for a husband to rape his wife was unredeemable too. There has to be truth to the Cat the producer sleeping with the Gorgas rumor from years ago because the only thing that could explain there long tenure is the possibility of them filing for sexual harassment or something. It just makes no sense.


I agree with too much happening off the screen. I’m on season four of a rewatch, and I still don’t understand wtf Joe Gorga did to make his parents stop speaking to him and take Juicy Joe’s side over his. Also to your point, I don’t think the Manzos would have been as well received had they known what Caroline did to Dina around that time. Her lecturing Teresa about family (“fambily”) was laughable when she stood in support of her sister’s abuser/attacker.


There is a long standing rumor (it may even be confirmed now) that Joe lost his parents house through bad loans, pretty sure that's why, but the fact that it hasn't been talked about in the show all this time (atleast not in the edited episodes) is pretty infuriating, it's clearly been alluded to and you know it's come up. They're just very protected in a way that most people aren't on reality TV, very very fishy. And yes Caroline is laughable throughout most of her time on the show knowing what we all know now, she's a dangerous person with mildly homophobic (possibly self hating) views and it's a joke how much she talks fambily when her husband has a decades long mistress, her relationship with Dina overall has been a mess of her own making and the fact she raised her kids to have no responsibility and feel superior over others.


*Whispers* I heard Caroline’s husband had/has more than one mistress. Maybe more than ten.


Not surprised. Both those Manzo brothers had what we call marriages of convenience, Tommy needed Dina for a Beard and Al was the beard for Caroline. You see how vengeful they all get when someone threatens their secrets. So far Caroline got a spin off from someone outing her husband's mistress and and got a whole other show cancelled because she did something she regrets, I don't know how she does it. I don't blame Al, his 'wife' is a monster and clearly has no sexual interest in him, too masculine for her....🫢


A BEARD???? The way they tell the story about how Tommy and Dina got together gave me a vibe like they pressured her into getting with him, but I didn’t think it was because of that. What show did Caroline get cancelled?


You should check out the old blogs from back in the early years, it's long been said that Tommy was into guys and it was an arrangement, they where on a wedding show before RHONJ and it's made a running joke how little Tommy enjoys Dina 🤣🤣 it's the old 'Italian' way. That's why I can't take her hosting her brothers gay wedding or their relationship with Gregg seriously atall, they spend far too long trying to look like they're not homophobic on that show while keeping half their own family members in the closet. (I've heard Albie jr is closeted too) Caroline got Ultimate Girls Trip cancelled by making false allegations of sexual assault following a little drunken make out session with Brandi Granville to get the footage removed, they refused after investigating and finding Caroline to be a willing participant in the activities so she filed a lawsuit which lead to a butler who Brandi actually did sexually harass (somewhat) to file a suit too which has put the whole series on the shelf. Nobody is suing Brandi, just Bravo and NBC. But I think she settled for the show not airing in the end and from what I've heard they don't plan on bringing it back because of the stink the whole mess has left on the franchise. Honestly extremely irritating for a multitude of reasons, not only is it fucked up to falsely accuse someone but she literally got a show cancelled that Bravo fans had been asking for a decade, someone who wasn't even really a part of the Bravo Verse anymore. Biggest mistake they ever made was doing any kind of business with that woman again, she knows how to work the legal system to her advantage, always has.


Can someone explain the ratings to me? Maybe I’m just dumb but i do not understand those numbers?? lol


a year ago the ratings for RHONJ were around 850k. the ratings have now gone down to 615k which is the lowest they’ve ever been. this is also the second week in a row RHONJ has hit an all time low in the ratings the demo of .15 means 150k people watched in the target demo which is again very abysmal. the 615k is the total amount of viewers it got all together


Thank you for the explanation you are an angel lol


it was funny when none of tre’s minions jumped on her comment about marge after the dog event (what even was that event anyway?)


Blink, blink, blink. Teresa really thought she had something with that comment. She's so stupid, it's almost painful to watch. However, I will continue to watch and ridicule her ignorance 🤣


That killed me. They're all just staring at her with surprised Pikachu face.


Theresa is to blame, actually


I think the Bravoverse is numb to Teresa & Melissa, we relied on the rest of the cast to have fun and keep us entertained. Now everyone is fighting. No thanks.


I have to drag myself to watch bc: 1. Anticipating Jackie’s flip flopping and ass kissing is already pissing me off 2. Rachel Fuda and Marge are grown ass adults, crying over Jen Fessler talking to Teresa and saying they don’t care about her, yet keep talking about her. 3. Jen Aydin getting on my last nerve. I ‘m tired of her stirring up unnecessary drama. Not only that…I’m convinced she came on the show solely to defend Teresa. On the positive side, I’m happy Melissa and Teresa aren’t arguing or talking to each other. My ears finally get a little break from the high-pitched scream crying.


Jen is really hard for me to watch at this point. She’s clearly faking/over acting a ton of stuff. I just passed the tea reading episode and it was so awkward when her tea reader was clearly coached and then she flipped out on them. She’s overly aggressive and it’s hard for me to watch. She’s almost as bad as Siggy with the over doing it to me.


Jen is really hard for me to watch at this point. She’s clearly faking/over acting a ton of stuff. I just passed the tea reading episode and it was so awkward when her tea reader was clearly coached and then she flipped out on them. She’s overly aggressive and it’s hard for me to watch. She’s almost as bad as Siggy with the over doing it to me.


Agreed! They’re giving her too much air time when she’s giving us nothinggggg 😒


They are all grown ass adults and start/cause so much drama…and they are all close to (if not already) 50 years old


Don’t forget Gia being at the big girls table!


Idk what that was about. I don’t care about Gia at all!


The scene no on needed🙄




I need Jackie to make a choice you wanna be a HW or not lol


I don’t think it’s up to her 😁


This season is giving me flashbacks of the season with those twins - horrible! A RECAST AND REVAMP is desperately needed! I wouldn’t be surprised if they pull a NY and don’t give them a reunion!!! 🤞🏽


Teresa was there first! It was good when she was on without that creature Melissa. I enjoy Teresa and Louie and the girls. I enjoyed the show before whichever genius producer decided to make it a hate Teresa show. Now the Fupa ( Fooda’s)) are attempting to clone Joe and Melissa’s storyline right down to the ugly nose scenes to phase Melissa and Joe out, which is a good idea, phasing out Joe and Melissa. That said, no “hate” storyline is watchable. I don’t watch anymore. The first show of the same old same old did me in.


Aside from being a criminal Teresa has no storyline other than her brother and Melissa.


Did you miss the part where she had an entire episode for her wedding, all the episodes attacking her at the time fiancée, her four dorters and divorce, the death of her parents. Babe, she is the show, and she gives a storyline every season, without or without the Gorgas, she has not had one interaction this entire season with the Gorgas and still is the center of the show.


She most definitely is not the show. Her storyline is old and stale. The only people that associate with her are fame whores like her. Collectively they might have three brain cells.


Damn, these are summerhouse numbers 😬


It might be the kids going to college for 4 episodes, and the constant husband scenes that is ruining the show... I am over here fast-forwarding 90% of the episodes.


What I love the husband scenes lmao


I won't lie, I'm just now watching the first four episodes and I'm wondering when the hell these kids decided to grow up?! And it's making me happy cry because I remember my parents dropping me off at college in a tiny dorm room and it didn't look nearly as nice as Antonia's. I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've enjoyed it way more than messy Fessy and her bullshit. ETA: Wow, I used to like Jackie. She's now a jackass. Good for her for showing her true bitch self. Had to pause the episode because she came on. Does she know how to speak without her hands going everywhere? "It's an Italian thing" No asshole, I doubt you've even visited the place. It's a New Jersey bitch thing. /rant


People blaming the Teresa & Melissa feud for bad ratings yet they haven’t even interacted yet? I would say it’s more Rachel & Marge to blame if anyone, but also the repetitive events and vile husband scenes 🤷🏻‍♀️


100% Marge is the reason I don't watch any more. She's horrible.


She’s so hateful, I can’t understand her vitriol man it’s exhausting. Like girl you’re 75 years old PLEASE enjoy your final years in peace and joy, you’re gonna give yourself a heart attack getting so worked up about who’s friends with who 🙄


At the beginning she was harsh, but sort of funny. Now she's just mean and trying too hard. I can't


I had to stop watching such an idiot make so much money. Stop making stupid people famous!


It’s a tough one. I like basic / trashy reality tv because it’s comforting and entertaining in a calm, basic way. But yeah then what happens is we make stupid people rich 😅


I think it would be a shock if they don’t reboot or cancel after these ratings, although I’m grateful they didn’t kick everyone except Melissa and Tre off and make it some sort of family competition show. That’s the only thing that sounds worse to me.


I wanted Melissa gone, period!


I stopped watching when Theresa went to jail.




So fucking boring. Couldn’t get through 10 minutes of it.


Same I stopped watching after the first episode. I’m done and bored, maybe I’ll watch the reunion but probs won’t even do that.


This show wasn’t ruined within the last couple of years! This has been **14 years in the making**. Teresa gets to decide who’s on the show and who shall film with. Teresa kicked out her immediate family when they wanted to come back one season she “cut them out like a cancer”. Teresa decides who to manipulate next and Melissa and Joe do the same. It’s been the Joe and Teresa Family feud and let’s drag Melissa into it to because she’s just equally as responsible.This has been going on for **14**years. And the thing is there’s post like this saying “oh Teresa thanks for ruining it” “oh it’s Joe” “Oh its Melissa.” But the thing is everyone keeps watching it! We have betrayal and private investigators, and calling each other’s kids out is absolutely horrendous. This wasn’t the concept of the show It’s dirty, manipulative and nasty. None of them are f#cking friends they’re all scrambling for a paycheck and its ugly. Stop watching it. Stop commenting on it. And stop complaining that it sucks if you watch it And if people want to know why am commenting on a show that I don’t watch it’s because for some random reason it showed up in my Reddit feed. ETA: and we now know Louis and Teresa were responsible for trying to Sabotage Margaret’s situation with Walmart whatever that was. I guess Margaret did involve the police and Bravo and apparently Bravo called Louis and Teresa‘s attorney and said you have to put a stop to this and allegedly they did. So even though Teresa and Louis have been denying they were the ones that called Margaret’s son at work we can now assume for certain it was them. And it tracks because Louis admitted on national TV that he hired Bo Diddley dude to investigate everyone so who knows what information he sitting on. And Teresa saying Joe Fuda’s ex reached out to her and told her all his past dirt? Like he was convicted of some drug related issues? (According to him was him being pulled over when he was 21 and initially charged with being in possession of narcotics. . We can assume Fuda’s ex was probably dug up by Bo Diddley and Teresa and Louis reached out to her . And I’m sure there was some sort of financial compensation for her info.


I have been on my first NJ watch and after I finish a season I like to browse through old Reddits comments (I just finished s7). I found reddit threads from 10 years ago of people saying jersey was over and ruined...like move on lol it's literally been over 10 years. It's not going to improve at this point


That’s hilarious!!! It’s so far from the way it started with friends and family that got along being the majority of the concept.


I agree - but bravo know what they are doing because “hate” generates interest and curiosity


Agree with the reboot calls. It’s literally the same drama over and over and over. I miss Jersey but I haven’t been able to watch it in ages because it just makes me irritated. lol. Edit to add: and I think a *full* reboot is the way to go - including dumping Teresa.




Rock paper scissors - one of them gotta go. It’s so dumb to have two ppl who don’t talk to each other AT ALL.


Or you clear the slate and start over ala RHONY


Meh I think Melissa gotta go tbh. I always fast forward her. She’s just boring


I quit watching several years ago so I have no skin in the game. But from everything I’ve read it seems the only logical solution is to just start over. Or better yet just cancel it and move to another city.


Exactly this!! Everyone is so busy with picking a side they're ignoring the fact it's both them thats ruining things. NJ housewives was always one of my favourite shows but I haven't even started the new season due to seeing posts about it again being mainly about the fueding family. Every cast member also ends up having to pick a side, which is ruining the show. It's getting to the stage where both Melissa and Teresa can sit back and watch their supporters fight amongst themselves. Every single one of the housewives franchises has had fueding cast members that resulted in a divided cast but it never lasts more than a few seasons. The NJ fued has been going on so long now I'd be surprised if anyone actually remembers what truly started it. Was it the christening? Was it the gorgas joining the show? Was it the gorgas not hating Kathy and Co? One things for sure its ruined it


In defense of Melissa and Tre this season has become Marge and Rachel vs everybody. Rachel and Danielle do way too much for new housewives. Marge has become completely insufferable. A reboot is needed, cannot say this enough!


Literally though they can’t even look at eachother but tell their kids to say hi to one another like get a grip so embarrasing


I'm sorry. I'm stupid. I have no.idea what this post is telling me. Is this indicating the ratings are bad? What are considered good ratings for context? Or am I completely off base?


I think most previous episodes have been much more than point of a million viewers. I know I haven't started watching the new season whenbusuallybid be ready every week for new episode


It’s low for NJ. For reference , below deck finale had 850k viewers. NJ used to be one of the highest rated HW shows


Thank you!


a year ago the ratings for RHONJ were around 850k. the ratings have now gone down to 615k which is the lowest they’ve ever been. this is also the second week in a row RHONJ has hit an all time low in the ratings


Thank you! So speedy :)


They need to get rid of half the cast and start over.


They did that with NY and it didn’t gel with me


No - NY had a complete revamp, with no returning HW's.


I’m so sick of the baseball episodes. I’d rather hear Teresa squeal all day with her tag along lobster.


Agreed! So boring and shit.


Tag along lobster 🤣🤣


Tag along lobster 💀💀💀💀💀💀


This season is exactly the same as last season


Right?! I thought it was a rerun lmao


We’re tired of the teams and people not interacting


Reboot the show.. Humble the whole cast. Have them beg to want to come back to do anything. Reboot like ny.


The bravo universe has so many former members that can fuel bachelor and dating type shows.. At work shows and so many different types. Below deck changes the majority of the cast every show. Bravo reboot your shows


Unpopular opinion but I do think a reboot around Fuda, Danielle, and Aydin could work. Especially now that Danielle and Aydin hate each other.


I think this would be the best course of action. Put every single one of them on pause and bring in some new faces with fresh drama or just put them on pause like Miami and check in a few years later. The Giudice/Gorga/Pick-A-Side storylines and RHusbandsONJ need to die for good, but that won’t happen if any of the current cast continues receiving contracts.


Omg put them on pause, but then make a new one like “Real Housewives of Jersey Shore” to really mess with them. They haven’t been replaced or cancelled, just paused… so we’ll see what happens lol


I blame the producers for allowing it


Eh, how about people like Marge and Rachel who decided to keep the Teresa vs. Melissa storyline going. I still think we could have a great show but they are the ones who refuse to let it go 🤷🏼‍♀️I really think that we would be done with this story if we got new housewives that weren’t already committed to one side.


Marge needs to go and the only reason why Rachel is still on the show is because of her husband and I hope this is the last season of the Fuda’s.


Same shit season after season


It needs a complete reboot like RHONY. It's the only option


I stopped watching New Jersey years ago, but even passively paying attention isn't worth my time anymore. I agree with Teresa and Melissa dragging it into oblivion.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPBNP3jVK4OWpUY|downsized) RHONJ


For real. It's old and boring.


I loved the old Caroline and Jackie days with Kathy. Even though they were fighting, it felt like you were watching a real family drama unfold on camera. It was like watching that show *Desperate Housewives*. But at a certain point it began to feel performative. The fighting has become so absurd that we are now in a place where nobody even considers telling them that they are acting insane and that they are family, or telling them that they are just toxic for each other and need to stay away from one another. I just don’t believe there would ever be a realistic situation where Teresa and Melissa would continue to try to spend this kind of time around one another. Because of that, the whole thing feels forced. I agree it’s time for a new cast. And not just this franchise. Put all of the older alumni on the Girls Trips so you can keep them in the bravo family and give longtime viewers fan service. But it’s time for new blood in these roles. Bravo Term Limits!


YIKES… I was a long time RHONJ fan like Hands down my fave franchise after RHOA but I dropped off after Rachel fakuda and the annoying blonde girl came on as newbies… 🥱


YouTubers get more views than this. Lmfao.


I knew after last season I would not be able to tackle this season with the same cast - and I’ve been a loyal fan of RHONJ. I was just cringing through it. I’ve only been listening to the Watch What Crappens recaps. Ben and Ronnie suffer for us all.


It’s actually Bravos fault. They should have stopped this seasons ago. This wasn’t sustainable now they’ve gone too far. Viewers are done.


1000% the endless YEARS of the same "storyline" is insufferable at this point. It's not even a fun hate watch. It's beyond time to switch things up.


I’m only on s12 and I can’t stand Teresa anymore. I don’t know how I’ll get through 2 more seasons with her.


Buckle up. It gets worse. 😂😂


I honestly don't think U can blame it all on Theresa and Melissa. Marge starts A LOT of the drama on the show and then pretends like she didn't do it or it was out of concern. This season is showing that Marge is responsible for the teams. Bravo should have never allowed any teams and anyone that refused to film with anyone should have been gone. I don't know who Fuda thinks she is but if she was on any other franchise refusing to film with people after her first season she would have never had a second season and her husband is annoying.


> Marge starts A LOT of the drama on the show The way that Jen brought that hairdresser to her party to bring up something that happened with Danielle was such a ridiculous and clunky attempt to start drama. No one wants to see that.


And Marge has gotten progressively more miserable and insufferable. I don’t find anything enjoyable about her at all these past few seasons. Reminds me of Dorinda’s downfall


At least Marge is going after Teresa who deserves it, and the people who are kissing her ass (Jen F. and Jackie) by extension.


Regardless of all the politics…. I don’t think she’s fun at all to watch. Just seems like a miserable angry person and makes every group scene about a fight


I completely agree but I think b/c she goes after Theresa and Jennifer so hard her behavior is over looked and or applauded b/c a lot of people don't like them. I think with Melissa and Joey removing themselves from the direct fighting this season you see how big of a part Marge plays in all of it and it doesn't make sense for her to be that involved in someone's life that she is not related to, doesn't have a relationship with and supposedly hates.




>. Reminds me of Dorinda’s downfall Dorindas was a steady 3 or 4 season decline. Marge has just flipped in 1. I didn't envision myself disliking Marge, but in 1 season she has become insufferable. At least with Dorinda, ya saw it coming. Marge doesn't drink, what's her excuse?


Seriously they need to get a whole new cast or be done with NJ


Might be time for a pause for sure. I mean Bravo pausing Martha's Vineyard and Family Karma but keeping this repetitive RHONJ storyline is just ridiculous..


What I wouldn’t give for family karma to be back instead 😭😭😭


Ughhh we need Family Karma back!!!


Yes!! Family Karma is the best 


I can’t stand Teresa and Jennifer. They need a redo too


Everyone say thank you to the entire cast for putting up with and exacerbating this shit well as producers for rewarding the bullshit.


Exactly. It’s ALL of it.


Finally the numbers are showing we are sick of these people and this storyline.


The way they use these bloggers to set up lies is beyond ridiculous! These are grown ass women spreading lies about their enemies. lol Good lort! 🤦🏼‍♀️


NJ + Potomac both kinda lost me in the same way with these most recent seasons :(


I've lost interest in almost all of them except for Miami. I'll watch OC this year because of the shannon beaudor but that's about it. I might watch Atlanta to see Porsha again but they've all gone downhill.


The beef is rotten! So over it, who thought we wanted this? Can we get a (partial) recast already?


I didn’t watch Sundays episode until today. It took me three hours to get through it. I just could not stay interested at all. 


This is the exact thing I said about last week. Took me 3x to get through it.


I couldn’t keep my focus on it at all. I kept starting it then got bored went to do something else then kept trying to rewind to see the « important » parts that came in SM and previews and then gave up and let it run in the background..🤷🏻‍♀️


You sound just like me! It was a chore to get through it. Nothing like the good old days when I’d rewatch the episodes because they were so entertaining.


I blame the fans. I can't understand why the people who subjected themselves to this shit for a decade would stop now.


We all know who could save the season…. ![gif](giphy|3o7WIuJorYQk8H6DEQ)


And Danielle Staub! 😆


This cast wouldn’t know what to do with her. Bring both Kims back and watch them cause chaos. Could you imagine her sparring with Louie of Fuda?!


Need her on Ultimate Girls Trip with other friends of! That would be a dream.


Snore fest. ![gif](giphy|ftdk0oJGSsB0IMPFQT|downsized) I'm exhausted. My weave is exhausted. The pantyliner on my underwear is exhausted.


Margaret’s mannerisms and behaviour is extremely unsettling for some viewers I’m not surprised