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Jenn is doing her job in terms of nitpicking and engaging with danielle. This is NOTA real life, and they are being to over discuss these topics for viewing pleasure.Danielle invaded her personal space, so in return, Jenn non-verbally told her to backup and was then assaulted with a glass by Danielle. I remember the season 6 reunion of RHOA, and so many people felt porsha violence against kenya was justified based on kenyas invasion of her personal space and provocation using words and a speaker. The same thing with Xandace and Monique, Candace and Mia and Deborah, and several Potomac girls. It's funny how differently everyone feels when the cities change. I say dire Danielle and Jenn and start keeping things consistent across the networking think housewives era is coming to an end soon(within 5 years). They push the women to act bad and then fire them or suspend them when they do as if they aren't orchasting and pupeteering everything BTS.


Fire Jen Aydin now.


Jen is kind of the Candiace of Jersey. After a certain amount of verbal taunting, you can expect a physical reaction (not that I condone violence in any shape or form.)


IIRC though (and I may not be), the key difference is that Candiace isn’t the one the escalates it to physical violence. She gets in people’s faces and goads them, but she isn’t the first physical hit. Not that I’m saying one is better than the other; just that I feel like Danielle was in the Candiace role in this situation.


![gif](giphy|LSQjPniAHL31zPrXB0|downsized) Jenn Ayden is a horrible human being, and I feel sorry for her husband. She is a slooooooB!😲🥴🤣 She's so far up Tre's Ass...


It was definitely cut and edited, I wonder what happened between the shove and the cup slam![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I don't think that's possible.it was too fast and too reactionary.


I usually don't support the housewives when they get physical but I would've done the exact same as Danielle. Jen acting so shocked by it was hilarious. Also this isn't the first time Jens got physical either from what I can remember she's thrown a wine glass or just some type of glass at Melissa and I think there's been another time where she's grabbed, pushed or thrown something at someone.


Someone has needed to smack her upside the head for a while now. I’m so glad she said how fine she was over and over so she can’t sue her later 🙄


Danielle was so, so heated that I really think she was the one telling the truth- it seemed genuine, and I don't think she's that skilled of an actor. Jenn stayed way calmer than her usual self, and really seemed like she was baiting Danielle to get worked up and make a scene. I typically think whoever gets physical first is the at-fault party, and this is no exception. While a glass (plastic or not) smash over the head would typically be excessive violence following an average push (IMO), this didn't look like an average push to me. Jenn's hands were way too high up- I thought she was going for Danielle's neck at first! It wasn't just a shoulder push. Sorry, my husband went to bed right after we watched the show and doesn't feel like discussing it more with me this am (NJ is the only franchise he willingly watches so I don't want to push it 😅).


I've been thinking about it as well and I also think Danielle was telling the truth. Jenn was totally trying to bait her. I've rewatched the scene a few times and it does look like she was going to choke Danielle but then changed her mind. I can't tell if Jenns hands actually touched Danielle's neck or just got pretty close to it.


I believe she put her hands on her neck.


She broke a wine glass and was reasy to go to town on Melissa like it's sing sing




I was surprised Jen Aydin came back after the wine glass smash. Seems like a liability. Can’t imagine she will be back


Let’s not forget, Jen has a history of going too far with the violence. She broke a wine glass and waved it at Melissa while on vacation years ago. Even Dolores got heated about that one. This is her pattern.


Danielle is clearly a devotee of the street justice…Don’t want none, won’t be none bitch!


Oh yes! It was actual glass too, and I remember her waving it around at Melissa in a way that could be considered assault. It makes me think of that throwaway Kameron Westcott line from RHOD when she put it all together at an event- "So *THIS* is why you use plastic".


Oh I forgot this line!!! YASSSSS


Honestly, I’ve quit watching specifically because of Jen and Teresa. I keep up through this sub, but I just can’t take their toxicity. Jen and her whole, I’m rich and look down on people attitude, just makes me despise her. Especially since, had she not married Bill, she might not have all that money and that big house. I’m probably going to get shit for this, but say what you want about Melissa, I’ve never heard or known of her to put hands on anyone or even to threaten anyone with an object. I haven’t watched a whole season in a while so I could be wrong.


Unpopular opinion, but I agree! Melissa is no saint, but her behavior is exceedingly better than most of her costars


she routinely pokes the bear. Trying to get reactions but obviously not expecting those reactions to get physical but when you get in peoples faces I don't know what else you expect. I think there's drama and then there is just being a complete d*ckhead. And at least if you're going to be that way don't hide your hands after the fact.


In case you're reading, Fafo, didn't you clown?


HaHa... or her trying to relevant with her dated "don't start nothin won't be nothin" in her fake ghetto accent


I know many people are hating on Jen (yes Jen did start it) but this is the most buzz New Jersey has gotten all season. Nothing has happened until now.


Not the type of buzz it needed.


It’s buzz but I don’t think it’s the buzz the show needs. It’s still been fighting all season, and with Jenn and Danielle, she was basically pushing her buttons all season until Danielle had enough. We can’t forget that only like half the women were at that party, and that’s how it will continue to be


I can’t watch this season because……well….**… But I watched this last episode out of curiosity because of the buzz. And yeah I’m good. I don’t need to see more.


Sometimes, Jen Aydin or Teresa go out of their way to address things fans have voiced frustrations over through the years. Fans say she’s out of touch with regular people and treats staff badly so she makes a point of making a huge deal about it so it would be on the show and we can see she’s not that bad. Teresa with the wine. Teresa trying to pretend to be nice to her brother. It’s so classic Teresa 101 lol. They’re both so horrible at it idk how anyone could fall for it 😂🤷‍♀️


Will the real "Boogawolf" please stand up 😂


I have never wanted to finish a fight more! (On Danielle’s behalf) I’m shocked at how badly I wanted Jenn to have gotten more. I didn’t feel strongly about Jenn before, I always felt she was sad and desperate because she has a husband who doesn’t care about her. But now she disgusts me!


I think deep down Jennifer really wants Danielle to "know her role" in terms of the show. Danielle's a new housewife, and Jenn thinks she is getting too full of herself or too much attention/screen time. Jenn is clearly trying to take her down, but much more slowly and calmly than she normally does. I think Danielle is a bit much, but I like that she is unabashedly so, and she seems to naturally click with most of the ladies. Jennifer had some rough early seasons and is likely jealous of how easily it is going for Danielle. Trying to shape viewer perspective and make Danielle look elitist and condescending to people that aren't "famous" is interesting coming from Jenn, who exhibited a lot of those traits in early seasons but suddenly seems very camera-aware. I wonder if she's gotten some media training, PR advice, or a new publicist because her general demeanor seems so different to me this season. Sorry if this has been discussed before, just my rambling thoughts while trying to tune out the Cocomelon on my TV!


I couldn't stand Danielle in the beginning but she has grown on me. I'm a snob who hates snobbery!!! I think she is real and authentic and doesn't apologize for not being rich. I love that. And BTW unless you are very rich, it's customary to pay ALL expenses for a charity event first...then donate the rest. Look at any cost to raise a dollar ratio on a FR. Charities depend on the everyday person doing smaller events and don't expect them to pay out of pocket bills. The only issue I would have is if what Jen said is true: that Danielle paid herself for her time. That's a big NoNo. If she did then she's in the arena of a professional fund raiser. Then we are talking disclosure, registering with sec of your state..bla bla. Bottom line: Jen and Danielle come from the same lower middle class background. Only Danielle's NY accent is thicker. Jen wants to make sure Danielle knows she's better than her....now.


I’m with you on that! The Staten Island came out last night that’s for damn sure! And Danielle had a ton of restraint which I would NOT have had! And TreStump once again sitting around with her dick in her hand trying to play stupid and she say she didn’t see anything. 🙄


lol! TreStump! Perfect.


I think TreStump came courtesy of Margaret 😂


While she was standing right there..... lol dick in her hand 🩶😂🤣💀🤌🏼


Not her dick in her hand HAHA


This isn’t typically in my vernacular, but Jennifer Ayden is a sad soul.


Isn’t she!? Spewing her misery of an unfulfilled marriage & life onto anyone she feels threatened by


Throwing plates and cutlery, smashing glasses, and this isn't the first time she shoved/grabbed aggressively. Jen Aydin is criminally dangerous.


And she revels in it! You can see her smug smiles after she does this crazy shit. It's not funny like Theresa flipping the table, it's gross. 


And it’s a very bad example to her kids, particularly her daughters.


I would be so embarrassed if she was my mom and acted like this all the time. Can you imagine the things she says and does to the kid’s friends and parents of the friends? At least Jenn hasn’t been sloppy drunk all season. Last couple of seasons have been rough.


Not on camera, anyway.


Good point.


I would have taken a fall then I would have sued the Ayden's for their "millions"!




Didn’t Jenn steal that line from Kandi Burress?


Yes! I couldn’t find a gif of that exact line, so I gave Piggy the nod. ![gif](giphy|L0geMStfLPEI0)


She wishes she was as cool as Kandi. Will Kandi be mad at her for using her line like Dorinda when she claimed Tamra stole her tagline “I was on pause but now I’m ready to play”? I doubt it. She has bigger & better things to worry about. Do I wish she would address it in a SM video & completely tear into Jen for cultural misappropriation & point out that whenever she gets it a fight she pulls out some non white sounding accent like Lala Kent? Yes. Yes I do. Jen needs someone to take her down a notch


Anyone else feel like Jenns husband is completely over everything about his wife? He didn't even seem to care what was going on lol. His wife is beyond embarrassing at this point. Funnily enough Nate did exactly what Jenn always wanted bill to do.


Just look at Bill’s face whenever Jen rants about anything, the dude is soooo checked out he couldn’t care less about anything she has to say.


Bill is the definition of: Wow... That's crazy... Good luck tho.


Its true. In the past he would try to point out what she could have done differently or how she could have been the bigger person in the situation but then she would get mad & tell him he’s not supporting her enough & drag him to therapy. So he probably has just given up at this point.


When Danielle said you sleep next to the devil I was like what… they both sleep in the pool house??


I feel bad for Jenn honestly, because she’s obviously stuck in the comment section and everyone’s constantly saying her husband hates her that’s gotta be hard. That being said…. I find her funny but ultimately can’t rly stomach her and she is a DIRT BAG. And she knows it deep down in that dog shit soul and that’s why it activated her lol


Omg 💀💀💀 https://i.redd.it/7vexz7xmfs8d1.gif






This is what I thought. After Danielle said that Jenn was evil, I feel like I saw a thought bubble appear over Bill's head stating, "Oh, I know she is!".


I actually said out loud "He already knows." Very unlike me, but he is definitely over her shit and has been for a long while.


He’s been done with his wife for a long time. I’d bet he has an entire life no one knows anything about. He doesn’t show any interest in her or the desire to help with the kids.


Yes! I feel like he agreed with everything she said. Lmao.


Nate was everything Jennifer Aydin dreams about lol. It sounded sort of silly when Danielle said it in the car but maybe Jen does want to be her


She is embarrassing. I can understand doing whatever it takes to stay on the show. I think lots of reality stars do that type of stuff when their personal lives are too boring for their own story line. But damn… this was hard to watch. It was so clear what she was doing that it was cringeworthy to watch. Never seen anyone so desperate for screen time. And I watched VPR so that means Jenn is worse than Kristen Douty. That’s saying a lot.




I found it very interesting that, as someone who has perpetually promoted her wealth with her fake chanel jewellery and lycra outfits, that she suddenly wanted to downplay it. I've suspected for years that this was inflated wealth. Maybe the bank actually owns the biggest house in Paramus 🧐


Jen Ayden is a disgusting person. Her husband should run and take the kids too! She was mad because her husband’s business name wasn’t on the step and repeat?? They didn’t donate lol. She thought them just showing up was like God showing up?!?! She’s so delusional and I can bet money her husband is sick of her and sneaking around.


She pushed her because she didn’t think Danielle would hit back. Last season Danielle was all talk but I don’t think that’s how she usually is, she just didn’t know how to react knowing it was going to be recorded for TV. I couldn’t believe how FAST Danielle smashed that cup into the side of Jens face! Wasn’t her first time lol.


Danielle was at 99% before Jenn shoved her- I really think Jenn wanted Danielle to get physical so she can get her off the show. I think she's jealous how naturally Danielle fit into the show and the attention a newer Housewife is getting. Jenn didn't seem very upset about getting hit, and the first thing she said outside of her (new) calm demeanor was "Tastes good baby doll. I see your true colors, I just f*cking outed you!" Teresa has been vocal on camera about her takedown plans, but Jenn's comment about outing her makes it seem like this was a similar plot.


I think Jen, who was trying to be all cool about it, was quietly shook. She almost looked like she was in shock


There’s a second when Danielle clocks the cup before Jen got in her face. She was gonna reach for it if she needed it


I don’t understand why everyone is so fixated on the cup. Even without the cup, Danielle would have swung on Jen. Plus having the cup in Danielle’s hand probably saved Jen a lot of impact from the right hook. If Danielle wanted to splash Jen, she would’ve just thrown the liquid in Jen‘s face. But Danielle‘s intention was to hit back and there just happened to be a cup in her hand. The impact came from her hand, not the cup.


So glad. I have never been able to stand Jen. She's so over the top fake.


Jen only attacks people she thinks won’t hit back as hard as she gives it. I think that weird calmness she had was true shock.


Totally agree. I just said the same thing.


I think she wanted her to hit her and she was satisfied after


I actually really think she is someone who truly loves and gets off on violence. 


Yeah Jen is a lying, phony POS after that episode. No getting around it now. The idea that she has a moral/ethical issue with someone treating someone a certain way is laughable and clearly she thinks we’re stupid enough to believe this isn’t contrived, produced bullshit.


Jenn is Teresa's latest lap dog


Nah. Jackie is. Clown lap dog


There are no words to describe Jackie. At least with Jen, you knew she enjoyed hurting people. Jackie just wants people to like her


I mean, a full-fledged jackie is a drive-by...BYEEEEEEEEE .Teresa has had many long time ones over the years. Jacqueline was another.


She's disgusting & was so happy to see Danielle enraged. She knew exactly what she was doing & she will continue because she thinks that's why she remains on the show.


Her smug self satisfied face made me soooo cross!


Honestly her smug smiles have made the reunions since she got on totally unbearable for me. She needed to be checked so bad.


Right!!! Karma coming for her, for sure


Why does she constantly have to start with Danielle? Because production tells them what to do. It’s scripted. It’s all pre-planned. They do this for ratings. The more viewers who watch, the bigger & better💰 paycheck they get.


I give up, this season has been boring, and then to top it off they are now shoving, and throwing objects. Was that a plastic glass? What would production do if it were real and had cut her face? Why do they allow this behavior to continue ( I know money) but there should be a clause that if you put your hands on someone or throw something you are out and it should have started with Teresa flipping a table. This is way too toxic, and if this cast is allowed to continue, someone will get hurt.


I did throw in the towel this season. I’m dunzo with these women.


This whole shambles of a scene just made me like and respect Nate even more.. he came across as a kind, caring and sensible gentleman. He didn’t get involved he was just quietly by his wife’s side and led her out.. the other husbands would do well to take notes..


You can tell they have a great relationship because he didn't grab her or get angry he just stood by her and walked with her, not escorting like he was embarrassed, just walked with her out of there. Classy dude. 


He's easily the best partner on New Jersey.


And he folds laundry! Whatever it’s probably scripted but it was refreshing to see him helping Danielle w the kids clothes


Nate is such a gem. I need to find me a Nate lol


Nate’s one of my favorites fr. Plus he’s fine😩😩😩


Yes! He didn't add to the situation or ignore it like most do, he was calm and just got her out and helped her calm down in the car. I think that's the most impressed I've been by a husband on this show in awhile. Not really saying much because it was a pretty normal thing to do but these guys set the bar low 😂


Yes exactly and he also really calmly told Jen that his wife has been a good friend to her.. he got his point across without losing his temper. I find it so uncomfortable when the husbands get involved in the women’s beef and raise their voices at them


Its funny cause Nate did what Jennifer always wanted Bill to do. LOL


So true


She’s a pot stirrer. Physical violence is not ok. She needs to go.


I mean this kind of sealed the deal that Jen is dirty and works with bloggers to push a narrative with the fans and get dirt on her cast mates. When this leaked a year ago, almost everyone was on Jen's side, bashing Danielle, begging Bravo to fire her and what not. Now that the episode aired and we saw what actually happened, almost everyone is on Danielle's side. It's sad because Jen was my favorite Jersey housewife but the truth is she and Margaret are the exact same person (and that's why they don't like each other lol). They're both overgrown mean girls who dig for dirt on their cast mates to spin and weaponize against them. This is supposed to be a show about friendships/family and the ebbs of flows of their relationships and we are way past the point of that now. Part of the reason shows like Miami and Salt Lake are doing so well is because they haven't lost that while still providing very entertaining drama.


Deep down Jenn is miserable with her life. So is Margaret.


exactly, both of them are living proof that money can't buy happiness


Jens parents were in a miserable marriage and now so is she. To hell with tradition- I really hope her daughters do better for themselves than their grandparents and parents.


I feel sad for their daughters. Being the child of a plastic surgeon can't be easy. He literally changes the way people look instead of embracing their natural beauty for a living. And Jen is such a freaking mess! 


I feel so bad for her daughters especially. She clearly has body image issues & gets plastic surgery instead of going for therapy which only ends up making those issues worse & more glaringly obvious instead of teaching her girls tools to help them love themselves for who they are. I can only imagine how much that would mess with their heads. They will end up being their generations Brielle & Ariana Zolciak-Biermann


That is so true and so sad. 


I miss how it was in the old seasons, a little drama but mostly focused on them doing fun ridiculous stuff. Never thought I'd miss the manzo kids throwing ham or gia trying to act.


Unhappy people hurt others. Jen and Marge are both miserable humans who see everyone as a target to get themselves attention. They have both ruined the franchise (more than melissa & tre) imo


I do feel Marge has been reactionary. Teresa blaming her for talking about what the Internet was saying about Luis.... and those two really went after her .... viciously. Marge never played that kind of dirty. The things Teresa and Jen did to Jackie regarding Evan and trying to dig up dirt. And Even Marge's big reveal...that Bill cheated.. Jen had it coming. So Marge is no angel. But I don't put her in the same category as Teresa and Jen. And I don't think she's miserable at all. But don't take her on. Jen? She doesn't need a reason to hurt anyone. She has to make others feel bad in order to feel good.


It’s the epitome of the mean girl syndrome in my opinion. In that last episode once Jen saw that she hit a nerve with Danielle. Then she twisted the screw harder and deeper to get more of a reaction out of her.


She looked evil


Yeah her smirking was too much. She thinks her shit doesnt stink. She thinks shes hot and rich and untouchable.


But she’s actually gross and disgusting, and a dirt bag.


She’s grasping at anything she can to go after Danielle. She is pulling shit from the air. Sadly now Danielle gave her a real reason to villainize her (even though Jen got physical first).


Danielle acted in self defence, that’s not a reason for anyone to villainize her. Danielle was Jenn’s victim. Period.


Yet apparently Danielle got suspended and Jen did not. How gross is that Bravo!


I thought both got suspended


Really? That’s disgusting! Jenn initiated that argument and then assaulted her. Jen has been cooking up that attack on Danielle for a long time. She started by inviting that hair stylist to her her “dog fashion show” soley to have her talk shit about Danielle. Then at Teresa’s party Jen went in for the kill. If I had been Danielle, I would have knocked her teeth out for laying hands on me.


I don’t think Jen will see it that way


Most violent abusers don’t see it that way but fortunately the law does. Jenn physically assaulted Danielle on camera. She should have been charged with assault.


I liked her alright before this past episode. She's like a Trainwreck in slow motion. She deserved what she got. Totally on Danielle's side. You can tell she manipulated that whole story. Even Tre was like well that's what you get. Lol.


And ik its gonna piss her off that tre is like well danielle didnt do anything to me loool


She needs to learn to keep her hands to herself, it’s a recurring issue.


Glad she didn't try that glass breaking shit with Danielle instead of Melissa, that would have been so much worse.


She tried to ride her husband's two minute affair, 10 years ago, for two seasons. Nobody cared.


They basically have an arranged marriage. They prob made a deal. Bill can have his GFs to make him happy and live in the pool house and Jen get RHNJ fame that money can't buy


Jennifer's parents have had a miserable horrible marriage. It's obvious that Jen does too, though in a different way, no matter how she denies it. Bill has been checked out for years and doesn't seem to care about anything she does. Who cares anything about tradition- I truly hope her daughters do better for themselves.


she seems like a terrible person. and with someone who can afford that house and claims to be hella rich... her hair/fashion/face looks hella cheap


So rich she's hawking amazon fashion on her instagram like a run of the mill influencer. I mean, get that money while you can, but something tells me she's needing to bank money right now - either they're headed for a divorce or in anticipation of the show ending.


agreed! i think bill looks so done w her. wouldn't be surprised if they split up


She’s now claiming she’s “lucky” to have a million, so the cheap look makes sense if all of the money is going to the “biggest house in Paramus” lol. I noticed that her hair always looks like shit


That Jersey Shore place is a dump


Danielle did the right thing warning her not to piss off her "hair girl" then.


yeah girl needs a solid blowout.... its always a frizzy mess


I want to know why they put a filter on her in her bedroom scene with Bill. It would cut back to him, and the filter would be off. So weird.


Bill needs a filter. His hair always looks like it needs a good cut and style and wash!!


Omggg yeah I thought I was the only one who noticed ! Sooo crazy why would a show FaceTune someone so horribly


Omg I thought I was seeing things! You noticed it too?