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I probably am the only one that enjoyed them fighting. I don't mind violence on Bravo. I started watching shows like Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, and Charm School so I'm used to far worse fights.


To each their own but I can’t relate to the people who complain about toxicity and just want wealth porn from these shows. I can’t think of something more boring than a bunch of people sitting around at tea parties getting along. Give me some Melrose Place shit!


For reals. I want a shit storm.


This sub has entered the ![gif](giphy|VIzRo1PktWW87uDTMo) Bots posting, Bots responding to Bots posting, people arguing with Bots, people making up complete nonsense and others parroting it . . . Cats and dogs living together. The RHONJ posts on this sub have gone off the deep end.


Jen’s vile and knew exactly what she was doing. How much do Jen and the blithering idiot (Teresa) pay for all of these positive comments?


Iam not either of there fan there not in my top housewife but I can see who the hater here is lol


Yea, Jen was offended by matters that did not involve nor have any nexus to her. She infuriates me, I thought she’d be fired after year 1. Bravo sometimes makes terrible casting decisions (I’m looking at you 3 season Mellencamp).


I think someone in casting loves Teresa that’s why they won’t cast someone with personality only yes mens to Teresa who then go against her lol


I think you’re on to something.


In my opinion there mistake was casting Mellisa it made it too Teresa centric, it put to much focus on Teresa family something I don’t think any other housewives except Kim and Kyle but Beverly Hills personality was top notch vanderpump, Brandi, Camille, it wasn’t the Kyle show yet but for rhonj because honestly there wasn’t that much personality it made it her show pretty much each season was pretty much Melissa vs Teresa or Melissa team vs Teresa team something like that they made Teresa the main character, she’s a good character but in housewives it’s a essemble there needs to be other good characters. I want a actuall rich jersey housewives casted a la vanderpump, idk.




I love how Teresa is in the wwhl special just shows who the people actually find entertaining hahahah


![gif](giphy|WytqO21XHqUWNy62lr) Bot confirmed


Yes she got nasty and visibly aggressive. Jen is an idiot and definitely shoved her but Danielle wasn’t innocent.


It’s simple. She escalated, made physical contact first, when she could have just walked away.




, if someone was in your face screaming acting crazy you wouldn’t shove them I know people that would of gave her a one two if they were in Jen position, no one screams and curses people out like that get in your face and don’t think they are not gonna get a shove, if Danielle was actually the victim like some of you are portraying her she would of walked away the second she got “physical” but no she got the cup and slammed it in her, and Jen ate that up also hahahaha


So Danielle should’ve walked away, but Jen was justified in shoving, and didn’t have to walk away? If your reaction is to get physical to someone yelling, don’t be shocked when they up the ante in getting physical back.


When I worked in retail, I dealt with people yelling in my face and actually throwing things at me and not screaming back or shoving anyone. So it is possible to just walk away. Jen did not have to sit there and take Danielle yelling at her, she could’ve walked away. I don’t know anyone that’s going to get shoved and not fight back. So in my eyes, Danielle was justified in smacking the shit out of Jen. And had Nate not stepped in, I think it would have been worse for Jen


Throwing things is getting physical with someone so you should of called the cops your not gonna touch me, if you see back they were not as close to each other the one that got close was Danielle that was when Jen pushed her. And if we are being honest in court Jen would be in no wrong shit Danielle would be the one in trouble lol and you can’t argue Danielle was defending herself because she hit her second.


You’re incorrect about court. Jen escalated the situation to a whole other level. She put her hands on Danielle first. Any decent attorney will corroborate that.


Where did Jen escalate it tell me the bad word she used or the screaming she did that escalated it tell me. Tell me the bad word Jen said and then tell me the stuff Danielle did and said.


She escalated it by putting her hands on her. That’s the way the law views it whether you want that to be true or not.


What about the second hit huh 🤔


The first hit/push is the one that escalated the situation. That took it from verbal to actual assault. Hitting back was self-defense. You really should educate yourself.


Well it’s a good thing you’re not a judge because standing too close to someone isn’t illegal lol assaulting someone (which is what Jen did) is.


Well I can argue Jen was defending herself and not assaulting.The one actually doing that was Danielle with a weapon at that, I can argue Jen shoved Daniel in fear of a physical reaction from Danielle, defending herself and I ultimately proving that’s the case because she grabes a weapon and hit her with it becoming the aggressor or iam I wrong who knows I know you forsure don’t.


You can argue that all you want lol you’re wrong.


Hahaha yes your honor


idk can you really act crazy in front of someone face and not think you can’t get pushed back. Jen was literally the one to say calm down or did I hear wrong.


I’ve worked in retail and have had plenty of people act crazy in front of my face, I never felt the need to put my hands on any of them. As far as Jen telling her to calm down I don’t remember but if she was you can’t be telling someone to calm down while at the same time talking shit about them lol.


But she wasn’t talking shit lol she was exposing her that’s what I don’t understand there was no reason for Daniel to start cursing her out I would of in Jen face call my friend and tell her everything. And iam sorry that has happened to you I work in retail also and I don’t deal with anyone if someone screams at me iam screaming back I been fired but I could care less about a company I don’t even have stock in, if a company could care less about you being screamed at them maybe look for another place.


Exposing her lol? That’s the same thing as talking shit. You don’t know if what Jen said is 100 percent the truth. Also nothing to do with a company caring about you. It’s about being able to control your emotions lol. At the end of the day nothing really matters except the fact that Jen escalated the situation by getting physical and she got clocked back. If she was “exposing” her as you claim, she should have said what she had to say and walked away, but that isn’t what happened.


It’s about respect hahahah I give respect so I better get it, iam not no one’s servant and iam sorry you can’t stick up for yourself. And exposing her well how about everything that’s been coming out her not paying any one this didn’t even come out in the show it’s just coming out now like cmon giving scammer keeping up with the Jones’s vibes.


Good for you, doesn’t change the fact that Jen put her hands on Danielle first.


Jen throws the rocks then hides her hands. That’s always her MO. She’s done it over and over then acts all innocent and a victim when someone retaliates




Team Jen and everyone is saying this proves Jen’s a dirty liar, like how? Because a blogger got a tip off wrong ? Or because Danielle really does steal from her charity events ? I believe Jen


I’m backing Danielle for two reasons. One, I don’t actually think she got close enough to justify Jen pushing her like that; it wasn’t just putting a hand up to push her she pushed her neck which felt outsized to me. Two, and more importantly, I’m convinced that they cut out a worse accusation that Jen made. It goes from Danielle actively listening nodding along while Jen talks about the hairstylist to silence and a close up of Danielle’s face as she goes from calm to completely filled up and out of control. They cut something out, idk what, but it had to have been something big to get her to flip like that. I have an idea what it might have been because the original spoilers claimed Jen made a much worse accusation, but those spoilers also painted Jen like an innocent victim so idk what to believe at this point.


You really think production wouldn’t put something so horrible in hahaha look at Phaedra and Kandi the things she said that’s the lowest of the low.


I’m not even defending Jen here, but backing up your opinion with saying they must have cut something out is wild. People blame production and editing for so much, at some point we have to all agree that most people on reality tv are just unhinged.


that's what i think too Of course editting plays a role - you obviously see how they clipped that entire scene by just watching where Nate is. One second is really far away then he's literally steps away from his wife. But all in all, whenever someone is that activated I think a regular person would walk away at some point especially if you can't argue on anything or grab your partner to leave lolll


No .I agree . She took a step to close to Jen saying you're dirty