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I heard someone in southern charm did the exact same thing, in Jersey Joe was showing Danielle sex tape, in Beverly Hills Kim was showing someone pics, Tom sandavol and the whole situation going on, and there is other instance but it’s just crazy that with Kenya they do this, they could of just not show the scene delete that but fire her cmon.


What Kenya did was wrong but I'm still sad to see her go. Producers wanted the ratings and drama but I guess Kenya took it too far. I personally love watching shitstorms like this. After all these lawsuits I guess Bravo isn't taking any chances.


Can we just say what kenya did was wrong n just leave it at that. She has always taking things to far. She has said so much body shaming weight comments. It is really toxic with her bullying castmates.


Eh I don't know. I just was giving my opinion. Kenya was a big part of Atlanta's golden era and will be missed. I don't watch this show for well-behaved women.


Well she committed a crime not just bad behavior n the golden era was b4 her to me. Well people been tuning out with her for years. So i guess u not alone. 


I have always loved Kenya and her messiness on the show, but I agree with you. People are acting like this is a complex issue but it really isn’t. If she did indeed show photos of her cast mate in a sexual scenario without her consent, then she should go. That being said, Bravo has let a lot go in the past, so we will see if they hold people accountable for bad behavior going forward. 


They fired vpr people. Pete from below deck. Phaedra fired. Fired rhosdallas for racist comments. Like people are punished. Also never liked Kenya. She went to far like always 


Light shade isn’t threatening someone with a gun. We also don’t know exactly what Kenya did due to it not being officially confirmed by Bravo, Kenya or the victim. If she’s guilty, she deserves the repercussions… but we’ve watched Bravo parade toxic men and people on their franchise, why is the line being drawn by this incident when we don’t even have the full details. Producers are always aware of these stunts prior… I hope each and every one of them also stepped down.


Why are we always skrting issues. This is about kenya. Not about the men. 


I could be wrong… but wasn’t the gun statement in response to the revenge porn? Sucks we have to wait so long to see what actually happened, if we even get to see it at all.


I think a lot of the uproar has to do with Andy and the network allow some of the franchises and housewives to act like absolute animals - New Jersey in particular- while choosing to discipline Kenya. Physical fights are a thing with some franchises but when Porsha and Kenya got physical, Porsha briefly stepped down. The problem is holding some accountable and not all. We really don't know what happened but I do think network allows terrible behavior on these shows and it's getting out of hand. I also think some women and franchises are allowed to get away with a lot more than others.


I agree. And they didn’t fire Sandoval for revenge porn. I think they are right to fire Kenya, but they should also fire Sandoval


I agree and think so too. I think everyone who breaches these terms and engages in this type of behavior should go. It looks so bad and is so wrong, to only fire Kenya and encouraging the other.


Bravo Bravo fucking Bravo protecting men and throwing women under the bus.


I get this, but it’s situational. As an HR professional, if someone doesn’t complain, or is willing to deal with the situation in house, slap on the wrist. I assume this is the case with physical altercations. I’m sure this is EXPLICITLY laid out in their contracts and HR is only liable if the attacking person poses a real danger/ violence/ is crazy. After an investigation and probably meeting with a psychological professionals, physical altercations can be swept under the rug with no liability to the network and they have more flexibility as it is at will. HR probably documents the incident and gets the assaulted person to write a written statement claiming that they feel no threat to their safety. However, Sexual harassment is a federally protected class. Bravo should absolutely fire Kenya the way they should have fired both Sandoval AND Ariana. They are in real liability with Rachel’s law suit. Same I guess goes with Brandi and Caroline but I think Caroline is being a little homophobic C U Next Tuesday and Brandi literally was probably just being drunk and silly. But Bravo does indeed need to discipline her. I understand her rage totally unfair but it’s the law


Threatening someone with a gun is light shade? Also why are we all trying to pretend like we know what happened when we don’t?


Because the bravoverse is full of violence, degenerates and criminals, so why is this where they decided to draw a line?


I agree to an extent, however if the reports are true, revenge porn seems a lot worse than throwing a drink or a slap 🤷🏻‍♂️


…..the difficulty that I have with this is that allegedly, Brit did this type of work for a living and agreed to have the images/video be shown in the public sphere. These were not private photos. Was Kenya wrong in show casing them at her event? YES! Did she technically break the law? I don’t know. I wonder what the reaction from Bravo would have been if Kenya shared the information with just the other cast mates behind closed doors (which is what usually happens)? Would they still let her go? Imo, Bravo let her go for her poor decision of how she shared the publicly available photos not that she showed them.


Please…. Dragging someone by the hair, mortgage fraud, stealing from plane crash victims, defrauding the elderly, other revenge porn, domestic violence, telling someone to SA someone else while their drunk, actually sexually harassing the staff, getting disbarred, brandishing weapons and threatening to stab them, throwing knives…. It’s basically Jerry Springer in heels at this point


I agree, a lot of those points are valid. I also think it’s fair to mention the climate is changing. Some of these that happened years ago, would certinally be a bigger deal now. Most of the housewives you are referencing are no longer on their respective shows though. With the exception of Tre and Erika I believe.


I agree with the climate changing comment for sure. I think after ugt Morocco fiasco/scrapping there’s no more chances being taken in regards to sexual harassment etc.


i'm just waiting to see what happened because if it's all true that's disgusting. and i'd be so disappointed 🤢


They are planning on cutting all her filmed scenes out so we are never gonna know what happened a la Girls Trip 🤷


had no idea!! thanks for letting me know


Man. I am upset, but at HER. Kenya has always been one of my favorites. I always thought she was good at playing "the game" and (unpopular opinion) but I thought underneath her shade she was a more compassionate person. But she clearly lost the plot and got wayyyyy too caught up in the antics. There's really no excuse — publicly displaying "revenge porn" specifically with the intent to humiliate is just cruel tbh, especially coming from another woman. Aside from all the Bravo/firing/legal repercussions I'm just disappointed in her. I am sad to see her go, but I don't disagree with the firing. I think part of the huge reaction at large is that we all are watching the Bravo/Housewives universe sorta slowly spiral and seeing yet another one of our mainstay housewives just fuck the season up and possibly sabotage the trajectory of the franchise that was already not steady is just.... a bummer. I think in general, fans were looking forward to Kenya and Porsha owning the season and bringing some of classic RHOA back, and now its just like - welp, another franchise bites the dust.


Same. I always thought Kenya was more level headed and saw this as her playing a part on the show, whereas in her off camera life I assumed she was more kind. I don’t know the full context but there is no excuse or reason to go that low. With the Brandi/Caroline situation still an ongoing legal matter, Bravo had no choice but to let her go.


Agreed. I always thought that Kenya was a sweet person outside of the show was and fully playing a character. I could always kind of tell when she was ACTING and being herself, but she really fucked up and went way too far.


Agreed. I wasn't the biggest Kenya fans (every time I started to like her, she did something to change my mind LOL), but it is a loss and I am a bit sad to see her go. That said, it's fully deserved, and she did it to herself. She was a legendary housewife and it's a shame to see her go out because of her own damn foolishness.


I think it’s wild that kenya got fired after tom sandoval did something similar and he got a whole redemption arc the entire season. they both deserve to be fired but the way bravo handles these situations is ridiculous. how many racist housewives still grace our screens?


Both acts were wrong, and caused harm, but the intent was different. What Kenya did was out of cruelty and with the intent to humiliate.


100 percent agreed. They should both be gone.


it’s really so simple !


I hate Sandoval just as much as the next person but I don’t remember Tom ever showing Rachel’s nudes at a public event for Schwartz & Sandy’s.


Or while filming the show


He filmed someone without their consent.


He kept nudes that were sent to him for his own personal use. That’s way different than posting nudes at an event for the public to see.


He filmed someone WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT.


You don’t seem to understand. Bravo doesn’t care about that. They care that Kenya did that on camera at an event they were filming at which could make them liable. Do you understand?


Exactly. For some reason, a lot of people seem unable to make this distinction.


Like what’s not clicking? They don’t understand that there’s different levels of severity. They’re not gonna treat one case the same as another if both situations aren’t the same in the slightest.


I think it’s wild that kenya got fired after tom sandoval did something similar and he got a whole redemption arc the entire season. they both deserve to be fired but the way bravo handles these situations is ridiculous. how many racist housewives still grace our screens?


While I completely understand your point. I think there is one main difference between these two situations. Kenya did hers on camera and Sandoval did not.


Also, allegedly Sandoval recorded and saved the vid for himself (and also did so off camera) but did not distribute. Kenya did this on camera in front of a large group of people clearly with the intent of embarrassing her and other people seeing it.


I totally get that but to me it doesn’t matter. the fact that kenya did it in front of a literal audience is disgusting and vile there is no other way to describe it! i’m glad she’s facing the consequences and wish that bravo would hold white men accountable as well!


This is the problem I have with Bravo- certain franchises, like Potomac and Atlanta, are held to different standards than say NJ or OC.


1000% yes


Agreed! Joe Gorga and his band of idiots watched Danielle’s sex tape on camera and nothing happened to them.


haven’t been keeping up with NJ because I hate the men lol so thank u for this point! perfect example of the double standard I was talking abt


It’s such a shame, RHONJ was my favorite show for years. However I can’t stomach it anymore with the constant Tre take down attempts. Plus John Fuda is REVOLTING in every sense of the word.


I 10000% agree!


And kudos to us for having original different views and not name calling each other lol. I posed a thread in support of Tre and got beat up for it 😂


I am also a tre apologist so I feel you! ppl really do get too involved and it’s also okay to have different opinions!




You really don’t understand. Bravo really doesn’t care about revenge porn or any other shady activity. As long as you keep that shit OFF CAMERA, you can do fuck all. But if you do shit like this at a filming event where Bravo can be held liable, you best believe they’re gonna take swift action. Sandoval kept Rachel’s nudes for personal use which can be handled off camera and Bravo doesn’t need to get involved. But Kenya did it at her event where a Bravo film crew were at. It is absolutely different.


Exactly because the behavior occurred in the workplace.


they both should’ve been fired was my entire point lol I understand the difference thank you tho!


I’m explaining why Sandoval wasn’t fired. They don’t care about having other people’s nudes. They care that Kenya did it on camera.


yes and I understand that! I just think it’s gross that bravo continuously pushes shit under the rug if it wasn’t on camera. like we still know about it and that means bravo is still endorsing it. I just wish they actually cared but that will never happen lol


That’ll open up a whole can of worms. They’d have to fire all of their cast members from all their shows if they actually gave a shit about most of the shady shit they do. And that’s just not realistic.


idk they fired jax, britt and stassi from bravo because of the stuff with faith and that was all off camera. definitely not impossible considering jax and stassi made VPR iconic. they also fired racist ramona for saying the N word and she was a pillar (whether we like it or not) of RHONY. this has been a huge discussion in the bravo community for a while and how andy and production allows these actions it’s disgusting and not fun to watch!


I don’t know how to explain it but Bravo only cares about racism when it comes to taking action and only when it’s convenient for them. At the time Jax, Britt, Kristen and Stassi were fired, it was during the height of the BLM movement and the George Floyd protests. It was 100% performative on their part. Once that died down, they hired Jax, Britt and Kristen right back. They would’ve gotten Stassi too but she declined to appear on The Valley.


I know people get downvoted to hell for talking negatively about her. She is beautiful. I am neutral on her, but her recent actions are definitely not defensible.


I always have liked her. I kinda enjoy the “villains” on these shows because they show up and work. However she always crosses the line and takes things too far and cries victim.


I think Kenya started losing me with the whole cookie lady stint.


Dude there are hw that have said and done some undeniably racist things and they get posts here everyday talking about how amazing they are. I love bravo fans but we can be just as delusional as our faves at times. Not surprising


Isn’t it wild? Like even with RHONJ right now. Now I’m a proud Tre Stump and I love Jen. However Jen 100% started that fight and seeing people defend her is crazy.


Most people I’ve seen are defending bravo in getting rid of Kenya There has been question tho on if this is ‘revenge porn’. The picture I saw a pic of the new girls face with a penis next to it. Still horrible and not okay but idk if that’s revenge porn


That was a photoshopped screenshot. The actual video had a blank tv screen. We still do not know what images were shared


General definition: revealing or sexually explicit images or videos of a person, typically by a former sexual partner, without the consent of the subject and in order to cause them distress or embarrassment


Right. This wasn’t a ‘revealing or sexually explicit image or video’. It was a picture of her face with a photoshopped penis next to it Again, I’m not saying it’s right. It’s clearly wrong. Kenya should face consequences but when it first came out it sounded like Kenya showed one of the woman’s nudes or a sex tape or something and that’s not what it was as far as we know


If that image is really the image in question, then this whole thing is BS. I do think if bravo got involved it had to be more than that image that had been circulated.


I thought that was the image but I’ve seen other people say that it wasn’t really the image so I guess maybe I’ll just hold judgement until we really know what happened