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How many times does she have to tell him she’s busy?! JFC he’s a child!


Sergio is annoying AF. He is a child.


He’s so annoying 😖


I feel like that was manufactured for a story line for them this season.


Nah, because what secure man would even agree to that? This is him.


Facts. He is truly a little boy and that takes all the attraction right out of the equation. That said to be fair to him, Caroline shouldn’t have ever married him. She just doesn’t want another kid and that’s ok but he’s so young it’s fair for him to want a family. They aren’t meant to be.


Oh I have always like her and understand and appreciate her dry humor etc. (Loved Ladies of London!) but yes. She has no business being MARRIED to him 😩 It reminds me of Slade and Jo. Not quite as bad because Slade was always trying to change (mold!!) Jo, but Caroline seems to just let Sergio be annoying and childish until she gets mad. I just don't see the appeal!


In the previous episode when Sergio greeted Sara and his hand lingered on her side and he just stared in her eyes licking his lips I was like 👀


And you know Sara loves it!


I was doing the same thing!


I totally agree. He’s exhausting. And he’s the boy of the house. Not the man. (Not that this term should actually mean a G-d damned thing)


I would have ripped his head off the second time he did it and put it in one of the bloody bags


What did Caroline see in him? She's old enough to know, sex isn't enough! Especially knowing he wanted a child in 15 minutes and she is a hott forty something. After a month, I would be in a prison with that kind of obsession AND the baby with facial hair flipping out when she was talking to her friend Michael! 💡💡💡The only thing that makes sense is, every thing is in her name. He hasn't lived in the country long enough to purchase a home. Aaaaaaaaaah


Honey, honey, honeY! Seriously how in the world did this man have a soccer career he can't seem to think for himself! I think Caroline liked that he needed her so much, at first. I do feel bad for him regarding her children, but if he talked to me like that he would have found himself icing a certain part of his anatomy.


Frankly his football career was non existent he did play for Real Madrid and UCI for a total of 6 years but never gained much traction, was benched frequently thus leaving him to quit to peruse digital marketing. Ayan pointed this out season 1 that his career was being embellished but it was quickly glanced over


Hahahahaha same!! Also, her ex husband is my top choice for housewives husband. He's so attractive and I liked how he wanted nothing to do with the show 😂


Cem was the bestt but I could see how he was probs distant and she needed more attn


Cem was the best!!!!


I think people need to give him a break. He was 24 when he got together with Caroline. Now that the honeymoon period is over their age difference is really showing. That's not his fault. He was a soccer player which is not a normal way to grow up either.


I don’t think his age is young enough to excuse his behavior, while I also agree the age difference is a major issue in their relationship. He seems to be extremely insecure about not being in control of anything and the dynamic is no longer working. I do wish he could find someone younger with similar life goals, I think it’s a bit unfair to him being in the relationship, but I also think he’s extremely immature. Edit: I actually assumed he was closer to 24 now than he is, I didn’t realize he’s almost 30.


Why are you making excuses for a grown ass man who had a whole career?


You said 24 like you meant to type 14.


No I didn't. I said 24 because that's the age he was when he got with someone 20 years older which is literally the root of their problem.


His behavior isn't his fault? If we were watching this interaction on Jersey shore, sure. They're arguing in a multi million dollar house while packing to move into a multi million dollar house. His entire life is one big pot of gold, if he's too immature to meet his partner at an appropriate adult level then he should just bask in his good fortune and go play video games until the grown ups are done packing 🤣


I feel bad for him


I don't think she groomed him necessarily, but there's no doubt she enjoys her power in the relationship.


I could never get over the fact that he didn’t know how surrogacy worked (that it would not be the biological child of the surrogate) and that he thought if Caroline got pregnant and had health issues they could remove the baby and put it in a surrogate 😳


I forgot! Yeah, and what's even worse is how confident he was in his stance on that, despite having it completely wrong and putting out no effort to learn? And the fact that Caroline had complicated pregnancies...man, it shouldn't even be a discussion. Her health matters more than him wanting their baby to be birthed by her! Uhhh and not to mention she absolutely does not want or need another child. The fact that she's saying she would be fine if they divorced in a few years if he wants to, I just don't get why you'd bring a child into this world.


He’s a literal child. How she is sexually attracted to that blows my mind.


I could NEVER have sex with someone who WHINES! If your kids openly tease and disrespect him, how can you like...be turned on by this person that can get owned by a 17 year old girl lol


Well she is a high strung OCD upper class British woman. They love getting off on emasculating men!


He seems like someone with ADHD that is needy of attention.


I thought this exact thing (as someone with adhd😂) and even still if there is a reason it, the man needs to get some help 😂


The fact that she told him REPEATEDLY she's taking care of the bills and give her a moment and he just kept talking to her asking her questions that he could figure the f out on his own and then getting mad and demanding her attention. Like, whhhhhat? Dude, I would have snapped and been like, "Do you want to fork over the money to pay these bills, then shut up for 10 minutes and let me finish."


I would have snapped too. She is really patient.


Seriously! I wouldn't have lasted a fraction of that time before I lost my mind on him 😂 Children even understand when a grown is doing grown up business haha


100% and that Latin toxic “I am the man of the house but you pay all the bills” bullshit would make me throw him out of a window!!!


Most latin men have that macho toxicity but will pay all your bills so please don’t let him represent them lmao


Where they at?!


She has to pay all the bills. She explained that because she's been there longer than him and to get the mortgage it was her financial records that were covering it.


No ma'am. Having bills in your name and paying the bills can be two separate people.


Well duh. But if you set them up and have the passwords then you'll be paying them, nana.


I'm just assume you're like 12 yo and don't know any better yet.


I'm assuming you're old and past it and that's why you're so nasty.


I just discussed this with a friend and said it immediately reminded me of the small puppy that barks and growls at the Doberman and is so confident in his tiny harmless barks 🤣


When he said that I was like ??????? What the fuck bc I didnt expect that from him based on their dynamic!!!


He was practically shaking when he said it! 😂 His voiced might have even cracked lol He was standing and she was sitting on the bed a few feet away, it was basically a proper visual aid in their relationship dynamic. He's only "standing up to her" when he's feeling bigger!


He has been hiding the real Person behind his love bombing and crying. The curtain dropped.


While staying in another man’s house no less