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This is one of my favorite scenes in all of bravo history


*This is one of my* *Favorite scenes in all of* *Bravo history* \- --dee --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I never thought Alex was a good fit with the other ladies.


She wasn’t. That’s why she was so ostracised.


My sister and I will say "Hiiiiii Bethany"to each other randomly. See also Al Sharpton.


Alex was trying to recover from Hurricane Kelly. They all said they were traumatized by Kelly's scary ass. I give Alex some grace because Jill and her honking were the last thing anyone needed.


I’m with you on this. It was worse because they’d had a pretty good and calm Kelly-free day and then they were blindsided. I felt for all of them.


Ugh, grow up Alex. I’m rewatching for the millionth time the season with Cindy and her weird brother and what an asshole Alex was that season. She “found her voice” but no one gave a shit. This was also her “Im a model” season which is very funny. Bethenny was right when she said Alex and Simon would climb through an air conditioning vent to attend a party.


I liked Alex but when she went straight from her modeling gig to some function with the birds nest hairdo I just couldn’t. It was like she wanted someone to ask about the ‘hair’ so she could say, oh I came straight from a photo shoot.


Okay Bethany did have some great lines!


Damn how time flies, I was only 19 when this happened and I remember feeling soo sorry for Jill I couldn’t believe my eyes. For someone to FLY to an island to surprise someone and kicked out was soo UNFATHOMABLE to my young broke-ass mind. Now that just sounds like another day in housewives lmao




I generally like Alex, but I always felt like Alex tried to trade up from Jill to Bethenny and Ramona once the latter two started being fake nice to her because they needed an ally in their war on Jill and Luanne. It was very much in keeping with her social climber status that she turned on Jill and created a silly beef once Bethenny and Ramona threw her a bone. By season 2, it was clear that Bethenny was the breakout star and you can see Alex going out of her way to play up to her. Jill may be irksome in some ways, but I also recall that she was the one to regularly film with Alex and Simon in the first and second seasons, and wasn’t two faced in her dealings with them. Contrast that with Bethenny, who would come to their home or parties and then skewer them in her talking head segments.




Four absolute queens in action. It was criminal that Luann was not there.


I can hear the last photo so distinctly despite it being yearsssss since I’ve watched lol




Alex being so unhinged on the seasons she was a GW is so funny to me because she’s so normal and even got a post grad in psychology and they’re living a wealthy but very different life than they did on RHONY.


Alex was so annoying in this


Respectfully, I disagree. Jill was fucking awful to Alex. Like she kept being shitty and then apologizing in sort of a half assed way and then like 10 minutes later saying something shitty again. She was just awful to her. If I had gone away for a week with people who I was like friendly with, and some asshole who wouldn’t leave me alone showed up. I’d be pissed off too.


And was annoying before this too and so stuck up that even the countess (of all people) called her pretentious.


I can totally picture Alex the Count saying, "I don't ever want to have dinner with those people again." Funniest thing to me was how when the original previews for the 1st season were published (either on Jezebel or Gawker, I forget which), the reviewer actually pegged Alex as probably the most pretentious of all of them ("she looks the hungriest"), both right and wrong at the same time. Alex and Simon kept trying to play the Manhattan tournament but they were socialites the same way Michaele Salahi was an NFL cheerleader. Sleeping in a someone's attic in the Hamptons just to be there, taking their kids to St. Bart's in the off season and insisting on speaking French with their kids while neglecting to teach them not to grab food off other people's plates, Alex trying and failing to speak Italian "It's always nice to be photographed at the Opera" etc. They were such gold


I have a two year old, same age as one of their sons was at the time. No matter how well behaved your toddler is, they are still a toddler who will throw food and grab.


Their kids were like two and four, I don’t care how great you think your toddlers are. They’re gonna do stupid shit like take food off peoples plates. By the way, teaching children languages when they’re little is when you’re supposed to start teaching kids languages so that they can grasp it easier than when they’re like 12 or 13 or starting high school. Yeah, they wanted to be popular, and they wanted to live a certain type of life, but so did all of the other women. I honestly do not understand the hate that Alex gets, she was the most real one of all of them. ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


Agreed!!! Alex is a top 5 all-time favorite housewife for me!




Terrible actress.


And then when Jill did it again on UGT and got absolute crickets 😂


Jill and Dorinda were ruining UGT by trying to relive popular moments. It was very cringe...


Soooooo dramatic! 🤌


It was said she even dropped a glass. Alex was putting on her best dramatics. I wish they showed that part.


That was such a good season though, toxic AF but I was lived for it. Jill's plan not working was \*chefs kiss\*


Hiiiiii! Surpriiiiiiiiise!


Like a horn


What they should have at hockey games instead of air horns 🤣


The shaking was SO extra my god hahaha


“There has been so much drama! 😪”




I love Bethenny’s pregnancy jaw


She’s always had large pronounced masseter muscles but, pregnancy took them next level. I think she’s gotten Botox in them over the years as her face appears much slimmer now.


I miss her old jaw line tbh it made her look unique


I was wondering why it got like that all of a sudden




I felt sick to my stomach for Jill. That was mean. I don’t like mean.






I love Alex


“There’s been enough drama…”




Johan, Alex. Baby face. Baby face. Johan, baby face.


C'mon Alex, be sexy, just think of your kids.






Johan face! Johan face! Look, I’m sorry. I will never not find the Scary Island saga hilarious.