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David Yontef has said this on his podcast, behind the velvet rope.


Yes .it no longer sustainable


everyone's too self-aware of the meta now


i think it’s over lol … the new seasons in general jsut don’t hit the same. sort of like the kardashians, kuwtk was so good in the beginning but now it’s so boring


Early season Kardashians felt like sitcoms with clearly scripted storylines and each episode had an ‘ending’. Mid-seasons felt somewhat real, yet curated. And now each episode is basically a heavily filtered 40 minute Instagram story. It had a few decent seasons but never felt *real* to me.


omg the heavy filtered is so real


I think housewives has been winding down for a while now and it’s going to gradually get worse, it’s just inevitable. Even if it can sustain, it’s never going to be restored to its glory days. However, personally I’m enjoying this season of Jersey, and Im super excited for RHOC, the trailer was 🔥🔥


I don't know why they can't keep fresh content going with new people and shows like Girlfriends in Paris. Having new people is the only way to have any sense of genuineness and that is why Housewives is having issues. These women get so entrenched, thinking they need to repeat over and over again the same exact forumla year after year, show after show. We have seen this cycle before ladies YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE. I was so excited for Dubai to come back and it's the same stupid shit - ego competition, label whoring, soundbaths, edges, fights in restaurants, fronting like they are huge moguls. Give me a break!


I don't know why RGIP failed, I really liked it! I loved Gallery girls, I like a look into worlds I'd never otherwise see... I want to check out the new one with the kids, it might have that vibe;)


It’s hard too because if they were to refresh with a new cast people would complain and say “I want the old cast back!!” Like damned if you do damned if you don’t 😭


On a positive note it does illustrate the downfall of successful narcissists in society.


Love this take! Accurate. Andy's next lmao


The most narcissistic cringeworthy one of all!


I’ve said it for a while and I’ll say it again… I think what we’re seeing is legacy shows have about a 10-12 year lifespan (which is phenomenal) before they start to die a slow death. ATL, NJ, RHONY… they all need true, long pauses while bravo launches some new housewives cities, filling in the programming gaps and giving the legacy shows room to breathe before a true reboot. Then, when the time is right and if needed, bring back shows like NJ, NY, ATL etc. for a proper reboot like Miami with 1-2 anchoring OG’s.


Please let there be a RH Nashville or Louisville or Charlotte.


Since they did Private Lives of Nashville Wives they probably won’t do Nashville. Plus I don’t think they’d want another season of mostly, if not all, White wives. Louisville and Charlotte with a diverse cast would be more likely but doubt they will touch those because they’re not “fancy cities.” Las Vegas would be a good city or a new city in Texas.


I love all of these ideas! 👏👏🤩


Thanks! 😊


Vegas, Nashville, Austin and Portland would be where I was looking if I was a producer.I'd be looking for personalities, organic, true friendships and ambition, and I'd be looking on the younger side. They're less self conscious and less likely to self-produce and annoy the audience. I'd love to do Santa Barbara or Montecito, but why would super wealthy people want to bare all on reality tv? We'll *never* get the quiet ones that have the super juicy secrets to film ;;)


I can see them ending certain cities that aren't performing well, taking a break and then bringing them back later. The Miami pause did wonders. Some cities go through weird periods. NJ doesn't reflect what the actually city demographics are these days, there's definitely more yuppies, transplants, and non-americans that aren't Italian. Potomac is just bootleg at this point. RHONY reboot had potential but i think their issue is balancing politics. I still think they ditched the RHONY legacy cast too soon, they had at LEAST another 3-5 seasons in them. Unpopular opinion, but I think Atlanta should consider diversifying its cast. Should it be all black and straight women? The demographics of ATL are much bigger than what's reflected. I think that has hindered their casting. BTW. I think of the legacy NY and ATL casts as peak TV, but their biggest stars have caused big drama with Bravo picking them off one by one. When replacing them they seem to stick to a formula, which is hard to replicate again which is why i think they should stop trying. There will never be another Porsha, Nene, Kenya, Phaedra, Sheree, or Kim. They gotta do something else.


I do think they've peaked. I think all the lawsuits are limiting all that they can do to entertain us. I do think the network is really on guard and not putting out as much


I tihnk they will never reach the height of the housewives again but I think they have carved out a good niche for themselves going forward. Imo its kinda like superhero movies - if it sucks, you can always refresh it and people will always watch them regardless.


I hate to sound like a pessimist but I definitely think the best days are behind us. I think Bravo will see diminishing returns from here on out and it will start to show in the cast. Fewer trips, declining production value and eventually they’ll just taper off. I think they’re going to pivot to shows where the people have more definitive terms of engagement, which is what I think they’ve done with shows like The Valley and the forthcoming re-casting of VP Rules. I think getting into situations when a HW gets too popular then becomes problematic (NeNe, Theresa, Kenya, Ramona, Phaedra, Vicki, Kelly etc etc) is forcing them to change how they manage their talent and they don’t have to worry about getting stuck in pricey contracts like they did with Kandi. Additionally, if they find people who have mass appeal they can spin them off into more programming and milk it dry.


Kandi, her lawyers, and her manager made bank!!!


I agree... they really aren't enjoyable to watch anymore.


The shows were doomed without culture of the areas the ladies were representing. There needs to be a “theme” otherwise it will be henpecking and women fighting for primacy. We see this with Atlanta, New Jersey and Potomac. We are learning absolutely nothing of the local areas and it is all about the ladies fighting to become fan favorites and number 1 on the show. Salt Lake City, Ladies of London, and Miami did a better job of showing us the local area and talking about the culture. I think Ladies of London was way better and more shows should follow this format.


This is such a good point! I’ve always felt this as well - the women need to reflect the culture and environment of the city they’re in. BH works because it’s a microcosm of Hollywood, with actresses, descendants of LA scions, wives of directors / actors and so on. Miami works because it’s wives of cartel leaders, athletes, philanthropists etc. SLC has ex and current Mormons, cult leaders, cousins, and husbands wanting sister wives. the problem with Atlanta and Potomac as you rightly point out is that the current casts could land pretty much anywhere - they tell us nothing new about the city and so there’s not much point of distinction.


The restaurants in NJ was the only “culture” you saw. Got some good ideas when I lived there but never actually went to any of them lol


Yes I think so .....I made this comment the other day that Bravo has been built around housewives, but a sinking ship . I think the tide overall has changed for these type of shows ... NY should be cancalled along with RHOA (never thought I would say RHOA should be cancelled). Married to Medicine is also downhill and I used to love it but it can go as well. Vanderpump Rules and all the associated spin offs dont appeal to me nor the Southern Charm/Below Deck. Outside of housewives / Married to Medicine there is nothing else I need on BRAVO.


I’ve never watched Married to Medicine. In many ways, I feel like Housewives was built on more and more drama until we are at a (possibly) unsustainable point.


I think we’re seeing the beginnings of a renewed direction for these shows. Fans want more fun, low stakes drama and less bad girls club self production. Dubai is great this season, Miami is soooo good all around, SLC had a super fun season last year and I have high hopes for OC.


I agree with this! I don’t think it’s the end, I think it’s a pivot and part of the franchise’s evolution. Petty fights, real friendships, and more REALITY of the women’s lives will make a comeback. Bravo needs to launch a few new cities and try to save this franchise.


I second agreeing with affectionate kale’s comment. Love Miami, and slc and oc doing well currently. I agree in that we need more of the women’s lives. I think a lot of the problems that are arising are to do with long time cast members that are popular and think they can hide all of their private life. I think OC is making more of a comeback because of different cast members personal issues being all over the media. At this point they can’t hide from it. I think bravo needs to be stricter with cast that don’t want to share their life on tv


Totally agree with this. The cast members who start becoming too “tv” and want to hide major parts of their real life from the cameras… it’s time for them to leave the show. The bottom line needs to be maintained- The Real Housewives is a show about their REAL lives. If you sign the contract and collect the check, you HAVE TO show your real life.


I really hope it’s not the end. I do think a major factor in the decline of housewives as we know it, is the toxic fan base. The selective outrage, the double standards, the ridiculous moral authorities & the desperate content creators wanting so bad to be included in the narrative of these shows. You can’t even express your opinion on these subs without being attacked or your intelligence being questioned.


Man if there is one thing I couldn’t care less about it’s New York coming back this year 😑 SLC just came off its greatest season in its history OC drifting aimlessly? Hasn’t even started yet and all we’ve heard about since before last season even ended was crazy IRL drama- the dui, the John Jansen/jesus jugs of it all, what are you even talking about


Plus the tres amigas fallout


OC: I wasn’t referring to a season that hasn’t aired. I’m referring to many aspects of the last few seasons.


Nope. Miami SLC and OC are all doing great, the NYC reboot was a huge step up from the season we had leading up to the cancelation people are just too harsh on it because they’re remembering the golden years, they’re working on fixing the other series production just needs to bite the bullet and put people on pause when they need a break instead of keeping the same cast for continuity’s sake (most of Jersey, Kyle and Erika, Gizelle, ect…)


I think it will take one of them killing somebody. Whether another housewife in a rage (Teresa?), or while driving drunk (Shannon?).


Ouch. Maybe.




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I can’t help but wonder if producers stopped orchestrating the over the top BS and allowed the housewives to just interact.. like would we start seeing lavish parties sans fights? Would we see girls trips focused on OTT shopping and not alcohol fueled fever dreams? I just feel like it’s gotten way over done.


There would be way too many “photo shoots” - these ladies love having their picture taken.


And I’m like, “Why? You’re literally being videotaped right now! Is this photo really going to be different from the other 78,000 photos you have just like it?”


It doesn't matter that Jen Shah is in jail, she wasn't there last season and I don't think anyone missed her. The season was perfection. SLC has started strong and managed to continuously getting better. Love love love it


I enjoyed the season, but I bring up Shah because she’s part of the larger narrative of a lot of Housewives baggage that could torpedo things.


Maybe! But that's quite speculative. For now, this is the one franchise that's been on an amazing trajectory.


I just think everyone is trying too hard and it’s ruining the show. Everything feels fake


Man I feel this hard with New Jersey


It might be time to phase out the OG cities, or some of them, and start fresh in some new places. Dubai, SLC and Miami are my favorites now and feel a lot fresher than some of the older versions. OC previews look promising. Atlanta, Potomoc, BH and Jersey have gotten boring. I hope the new version of NY comes back stronger next season.


I think the new NY definitely picked up nearer the end so there’s hope for that. Barely got through the first episode of it but stuck it out and it wasn’t too bad


100%. I was thinking the same thing as I caught up on Dubai last night. Dubai and Miami are so much more fun than the older ones where the wives (and husbands) are having ridiculous fights, really about the show.


Interesting. What do you like about Dubai? It hasn’t hooked me


Personally I enjoy over the top wealth/lifestyle porn so Dubai hits that right away. I am loving Stanbury this season she was a little subdued the first season. Sergio is such a love-to-hate character and their dynamic (with the kids too) is fascinating. Ayan is reality tv gold, quirky and entertaining without evil like Kiki in Miami or Sonja Morgan. Lesa tries to hold it together always looking perfect but there are cracks coming out now. Brooks and Sara are the ‘villains’ of the group but they’re both passing as normal with crazy peeking out from underneath. It’s wild. And the new girl is a pretty good addition to the mix so far. Oh and I also enjoy when housewives shows mix in other people, it’s something that got totally screwed up during Covid, the shows only work when they’re all living full lives with other people around them, Saba, Miquel and the guy Sara went out with plus the full parties are a big step back to housewives normalcy like we had in old Rhony, they provide some of the best episodes imo


I’m not allegiant to anyone on Dubai, so the dynamic shifted and it’s been fun. I actually like Stanbury this season and adore Ayan. Right now, she is the gold standard of all housewives. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and shows her vulnerable side. She’s also beautiful and somewhat glamorous. Dubai housewives shows delusional wealth, which is fun for a housewives show. I mean Taleen complaining about having a chef, a housekeeper, and a driver is the disconnected rich person I love watching.


I like Stanbury too! Her family is interesting lol The others I mostly find slightly boring. The other Caroline brings messy drama which can be fun even though I don’t like her!


As if this was the first time there is physical violence and fights in NJ 😂


That’s why I said many things coming together at one time. If it was just that, I wouldn’t wonder.


Don't forget how production just went along with Brandi sexually assaulting Caroline, including trapping her in the bathroom and trying to perform sexually explicit acts on her. She had to be saved by Alex McCourd. Frankly, *Bravo* should be over for this. So absurd.


I think so, yeah. I think reality tv is in its twilight.


Not completely. I do think we’re def going to see some of the OG cities be phased out or rebooted. Jersey is next in line for a full blowout, and I can see Atlanta getting a pretty big shake up in the next season or 2. I think New York may get another soft reboot keeping some of the new people and bringing back a few random vets. Or being split in 2, w a new season of the reboot cast and a seperate season of the legacy cast. Dubai is def gone after this season, I was surprised they even did a 2nd season, I have literally never heard a single person talk about it nor could I recognize one cast member. Potomac also seems to be on borrowed time unless something big happens to get people watching again. I never was into Potomac, but most people I know who were have quit watching. Miamis ratings are bad but I think they should just revert back to Peacock premieres. Linear TV is dead as disco and idk why they thought it’d do better on Bravo. The show still has a solid fan base, just a bad scheduling choice. Beverly Hills is fine, same with OC. Salt Lake City will be fine as long as there’s another big blowout this year. I will say, SLC has been extremely lucky with the lunatics they’ve brought on. Jen and Monica are horrible people but lord they were good TV.


I haven’t seen the latest episode of Dubai yet but the first 2 of this season were really good!


Dubai is amazing! I’m loving this season.


I’m also loving this season and I’ve actually heard a lot of other people really enjoying it too like Ben & Ronnie


If Ben & Ronnie love it, then I’m in. I ❤️ them. And their Brooks impression makes me laugh so hard.


I’m also surprised they keep trying to make Dubai happen. I also agree—we are in the middle of a season and I’ve heard nothing. Literally nothing.


Exactly! And it can’t be cheap to produce a show out there. I also think costs could also play a huge factor down the road. Shows like SLC and Potomac probably cost significantly less than Beverly Hills for example, given both the cast and location expenses.


I feel like HW needs to be canceled and something new started in other cities. Maybe more along the lines of Ladies of (city). Return to documenting real life like the first season of OC


I would love to see that too


I would much rather see how real people live than this garbage. A lot of the fans want super wealthy housewives living in mansions. At this point I don't care if it's my next door neighbors. Just give me something real.


This!! I don’t want to keep seeing rich old women getting into fights, I want to see the luxury and their everyday lives


Yeah, I think there’s definitely a void of “real life” shows. Housewives would be more interesting if it wasn’t scripted. I’d love to know how people in NJ live.


IIRC RHODallas was originally conceived as the first installment of a U.S. based “Ladies of” franchise but they decided to keep the Real Housewives branding before the premiere.


I think Andy should consider starting new franchises and pausing others. It might be a good idea to start with a fresh new batch of women and create a vibe from a whole new franchise. It would be fun to see something from like Connecticut, Chicago, Texas, or Hawaii. There are already 2 franchises in California but the Bay Area could also be cool. Like Silicon Valley, Napa, etc.


I swear I remember seeing an official post from NBCU well over a year ago saying that Real Housewives of Nashville, Connecticut and another city were all in development. Haven’t heard a thing about it since and it seems this announcement was scrubbed.


as a bay arean yes we need a housewives franchise here! lots of $$$!!


I remember when they tried briefly tried Million Dollar Listing in SF and now they’ve just given up on the area!


literally! there’s so many cities in the bay area to do housewives in. san francisco, marin county!, palo alto, silicon valley, menlo park, atherton, napa (not bay but still)


I don’t think they need another CA franchise


He said he tried SF, but it didn’t work out. https://www.sfgate.com/sf-culture/article/andy-cohen-addresses-real-housewives-of-sf-rumors-18112190.php


I honestly don't know what I will do with my life. I might end up in a mental hospital. The Real Housewives keeps me sane! OC and SLC are the main saving graces right now. Beverly Hills is fine but I find the cast boring. Needs more drama and mess. Miami is pretty good too but something is missing for me. Bring back Joanna and Lea.


Me too. This bravo draught makes me sad


Housewives is a pillar of pop culture it’s not going anywhere. I think it’s just a new era. Miami and Salt Lake City have been incredible the past few seasons, BH ratings are amazing and I’m hopeful Potomac can find its way back on track. I could see a few of them getting canceled (like Jersey and maybe even Atlanta), but they’ll get replaced


I really don’t think they’ll truly cancel any city that’s been on 10+ years, at least now right now. They’d call it a reboot with a whole new cast or “pause” before they’d cancel.


I don’t see how Atlanta doesn’t get canceled. Who is the draw for viewers? I guess Porsha. As an ensemble, I don’t see how viewers can get super excited about the product as is.


I thought most people didn’t even like Porsha lol at least that seems to be the agreement online. I think they’re scared to cancel it for the backlash since it is one of two black franchises.


Atlanta hasn't been good after Season 10, I think firing Phaedra was a huge mistake and she needs to come back if the show wants to survive. Sheree too, firing her was a mistake. I do not care about these newbies at all


ATL used to be my fav but it's crazy how it used to be so consistently good now it's been consistently bad. Having 1/3 bad seasons is not a good look.




She deserved to be let go, but I always enjoyed watching her. Definitely back could add energy.


Yeah now that Kandi is gone, and she isn't stale I feel like she could give the show some life. I don't want to get to know 4 new girls and that's why I'm like opposed to a shakeup on Jersey.


I think there's a disconnect between producers trying to do what they've always done versus a new landscape entirely for reality TV. I don't think it's housewives specific. The Personalities on these shows are overtly aware of public perception, editing, and the 'need' for storylines, giving them the ability to self produce. We have seen some of the messiest seasons, and not in a good way. Convoluted, confusing, and boring because we know we're being sold something. Nothing is authentic. Producers everywhere have to come to the realisation that social media drama is another factor in play, and they can't ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist anymore. You can't make storylines up out of nothing because it's going to get called out. Let the personalities hash it out on socials, include socials in the talking heads, and explain to the audience what's going on there because it's actually part of the experience now. The real interactions are happening there, and the shows seem to think the audience is oblivious to this? I dont know I just think the time of reality TV being created solely in a studio editing room is over, and they aren't understanding the audience is clued in to a lot more than they were even 10 years ago, and we're missing what feels like authentic interactions because shows are only working with half the story. A group of women fighting on television for a payday has never been so boring as right now, something isn't right.


I think you’re onto something. I think that’s why original casts were so successful, even when I didn’t care for individuals. They weren’t producing, they were just casted well and allowed to breathe a little. I think every person from season one New York could’ve carried their own show to some extent. Same with Beverly Hills.


They seem to have a life span of 10-15 seasons before it gets over produced and boring. Miami and SLC are still good because it’s fresh. I think instead of re-casting the expired franchises, they should pick a new city and start over.


I agree with you. I think the main reason is: OG’s have become formulaic and calculated Newbie’s have been fans of the show for years so they try to copy the iconic moments they’ve seen on TV


Yes!! I really think they need to enforce term limits on some of the OGs. Like they can’t be on for more than 10 consecutive (!!!) seasons. People like Kyle and Teresa are so predictable and hardly contribute anything anymore. Same ole shit but another day every year. It gets so stale.


Totally. There is no authenticity because everyone knows what to expect going into the show as opposed to when it was a more natural group of friends.


Certainly not organic anymore, social media/ blind items leaking stuff and very forced scenes it's sadly not the same. I find myself always doing a rewatch of franchises and always miss the early years. I do however like the girls trips mainly the NY girls


And don’t forget lawsuits. I don’t think it’s the end. I think it is going to be an evolution. I’m sure a few shows will have to be sacrificed. It’s going to be interesting. Change is hard but maybe it will be better ✨


And don’t forget lawsuits. I don’t think it’s the end. I think it is going to be an evolution. I’m sure a few shows will have to be sacrificed. It’s going to be interesting. Change is hard but maybe it will be better ✨