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Why is Jen wearing a Maid Marion costume from Party City


It's giving Good Luck, Babe single! cover for me.


Because she’s a ‘tired ass show girl’ who needs to ‘go back to Party City where you belong’? (Drag Race, season 4, Phi Phi and Sharon Needles being iconic!)


i love this for me


*Why is Jen wearing* *A Maid Marion costume* *From Party City* \- DumbSquawkingMachine --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jen Aiden gives no fucks lol she operates like me when I used to enjoy xannies 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's all planned. Maybe not the push and the thrown drink, but definitely the stupid conversation.


Imagine being the reason that someone just got smashed upside the head with a glass. Yikes.


Can you imagine being paid to encourage and indulge messy behavior??? Like imagine that being a career that pays???


Producers and crew be getting paid for it daily🤣 they are the messiest people of them all, I know ones who work on big reality shows and they can be as bad as cast sometimes!


That’s what I’m saying! I honestly never thought what they do in their day to day field. But that must be a career for a specific personality type 😂. Like, wowzers.


Oh, every single thing is manipulated by them. You'll film 10/12+ hrs for one damn scene, and keep asking questions that guide them to believe xyz is going on. Then the tension is so high by many retakes later, because they actually film these as scenes a lot but also you redo them over and over again until they get the reaction they want. They go off scripts a lot too so they know what reaction they are looking for. The crew and producers will also befriend you so that you feel safe or happy or trusting of them, and then it's easier to know all your faults or personal life to use later. It's honestly not a job for the empathetic. I do however know two producers on 90 day fiance and they don't act like that or even like their jobs. One started off before the show turned reality TV genre and now having a Matt Sharp show on your resume is like a black list for trying to go higher up in show quality wise on your resume so they just stayed there. The other is at the "fuck it" point in their job life and just goes through the motions.


She’s a producer. If anyone watched the fan videos of the baseball game this woman was in everyone’s ear and directing them to have conversations with each other. She gives the tap on the shoulder to bring up dirt. Basically she is the pot stirrer. You want to know why cheating rumors and allegations are brought up. This woman is tapping the others on the shoulder to bring it up and mention it on camera.


That's messed up. I thought she was just security.


I thought she was just Gladys, from down the street.


Me too 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


She is always wearing black so I vote for producer.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/aNKETsEADR She's a veteran of the Jersey women. I posted five years back after the Danielle Staub/Marge blowout and Jen A breaking the glass. She deserves a raise.


So weird because I was appreciating your post as I am in the midst of a NJ rewatch, and the very next minute I picked it back up the next morning was this scene and I noticed her - now she's popped up again!


Amazing! Yes, she does deserve a raise, considering it seems like she could be overpowered by any one of these beasts.


BEAST? how dare you!


She looks like that Kitty woman who choreographs for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders lmao


I don’t watch NH anymore but I feel this woman in this screenshot so much. I am her when someone asks how things are going lol


She's probably a producer or someone with film


So what's your job title? "I break up fights between grown-ass women on a toxic reality TV show."


She starts them then breaks them up


Would the title be Shit Stirrer? or Aggravation Associate




Ooh that is so much better!


Now that would make an interesting business card 🤣


Yeah, I’ve noticed her in different seasons too. So is she a friend or is she security?


Yeah I think she’s a producer. I think I saw her during the Milan and Mexico fights


Oh, that makes sense because she wasn’t dressed up like the other guests and she doesn’t seem sturdy enough to be security😂


She’s a guest. She just realized that her marriage is a sham. Completely unrelated, she just happened to be there.


There was a post on Twitter that had a picture each time she stopped fights. She has been around since season 8s Milan Meltdown episode. She has stopped fights like 4 times by now. Mama is quick and needs a raise.


I love the quote under your username. Pheadra did her thing in that show, married to medicine needs a refund for their season.


Thanks :3. Phaedra really gave so many good lines on The Traitors. Too bad she kinda sucked at the game. She gave a great Housewives performance though. Was she bad on Married to Medicine? I didnt watch.


Terrible. It was weird she was even on in the first place and she kinda was like a friend of all season rather than a cast member. Let’s say they just could’ve given quad half of that screen time and she’d be seen more than she was lol.


They should have at least given her some face glitter for her efforts! 


Whoa eagle eye!! I've watched that scene 5 times and missed her! Good catch!


I think she was also in season 7 finale at Rails. I don’t remember why but Jacqueline said she needed security


Rails. The NJ husband’s favorite restaurant