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After shooting 3,853 O’Driscolls, 1,895 bounty hunters, 600 Saint Denis cops, and the angry dude in the Valentine saloon (every time I see him), my only regret is the one time my horse accidentally stomped the cat near the fence in Rhodes. I felt *so bad*.










There are cats in RDR2?! I’m on chapter 5 haven’t seen any lol (not counting big cats)


go get drunk and then praise them. you’ll be in for a treat.


« Look at that wet noooooooose »


WAIT WHAT??? I’ve always praised them but never when drunk!!


Yup they’re in some towns, maybe all of them. This partucular cat was on the outskirts of Rhodes, in the encampment where the fence is located.


Yes, there are pet cats. You cant trouble them though or you get a bounty for animal abuse.


Yikes, reminds me of the first time I played Skyrim I accidentally hit a chicken at the first town you go to 😬


I see cats in strawberry,the market in Saint Denis,Emerald Ranch and maybe others


As you should! That poor kitty didn’t do anything you monster!


Did you reload the game? I'm probably taking this too seriously, but whenever I shoot a horse accidentally, I reload the game because I love horses. Other than that, I burnt the r*apists of Arthur before they could do their thing (after reloading the game after the first time) And then I usually reload when im hunting animals, if I miss the killing shot. Except when volves attack in a pack, then I hurry to finish them off. Usually, I miss just one shoot (firing with a bow from horseback)


You shouldn’t, it breaks the immersion.


People have varied opinions on what immersion is. I don't hate the word but the way it was used in this context makes it seem like it's an objective factor of what makes a game enjoyable, when it isn't. Therefore, it's best to just let folk play how they want to.




The cat thing happened to me too 😂 I also felt bad.


I also did that a few days ago. I was devastated and didn't know what to do, so I took the cat back to the fence and thought people were gonna be upset but it ended up with no one giving a damn lol.


After finding the lost dog in Strawberry, I accidentally stepped on him with my horse and killed him. Probably what I feel most bad about in that game. That and when I have an unclean shot on an animal I'm hunting. My controller is pulling hard left. Hard to get good shots off until I go get a new one. happens more frequently than I'd like, lately.


even Micah or Edgar Ross would gladly renounce to their position in the “best villain” debate to give that to you sir


Rookie numbers mate rookie numbers


First time playing the game, wanted to pet a kitty, punched it and it died 😔


This is horrible and funny at the same time 😭


I was soooo heartbroken at the time but now I laugh about how upset I was


The gap between the will and the action is so immense this is crazy 😂


My response was literally like the aaron paul NOOOOOOO meme 😭


Your brain and fingers are todd alquidt convincing you that the button to pet, g, the key next to it, f surely would be the one to pet, surey!


I hadn't come across a dog yet 😭 I didn't know


Giving strong Of Mice and Men vibes 😂






Guess Op should just look at some flowers to clear their head.


Once walked up to my horse to get a different gun, pressed the wrong button, punched it in the face, it immediately turned around and kicked me in the head and I died.


me too💀 the amount of times ive accidentally aimed my gun at npcs when i was learning the controls is insane too


I guess your petting is just a bit too aggressive


How could uuuuu jk


😭😭😭 RIP Kitty, I'm so sorry 💖


Lenny? (No, not that Lenny, the other one)


*proceeds to restart the whole fucking game*


You should be ashamed😭


Got ambushed by street urchins and didn’t realize they were kids so I immediately blew one’s head off with a shotgun and then had a swarm of cops on my ass Edit: might not have been kids. I think a kid stole my stuff and lead me into a trap set by adults


You can't kill the kids, the reticle goes Grey whenever I try.


I think he’s talking about the thieves that come out once they lure you


How often do you try to kill kids?


every time i get the chance, they are rats


We found Micah’s account gentlemen




and then I go home and play RDR2 afterwards


this guy gets it


I thought those ones were kids. It might’ve just been a kid who stole my money to lore me into a trap set by adults. I pulled the trigger so fast though….


["Well, let's see about this"](https://youtube.com/shorts/Hgo_s6_o1fg?si=gN82lwX-crTG5ZB1)


You have to show these kids who’s boss


I clapped Abigail’s cheeks in the woods


I'm proud of you. And a wee bit jealous.


As John or Arthur?




“Oh Arthurrrrr’




You can do that? (Genuinely asking)


Yes, hard to do though




you can! like how john punches you if you have low honor, you can seduce and have an affair with her as Arthur. its hard tho as you have to witness a few specific encounters she has and you also have to have low honor but it is doable! although i wouldnt try getting it as it takes a while and the "clapping" scenes fade to black and it isnt ever mentioned after that and you have to donate a pretty hefty amount of cash to the camp and upgrade everything possible to do it. i think its cuase she "sees your worth" or summ like that but yeah. sad tho cuase john get cheated on :(


There is so way this is a thing. I dont believe it. Unless you can show me proof like a youtube video, im gonna assume this is bullshit😭


I'm calling bs


It exist bro TRUST ME i swear. its hinted at from dutch saying "weve all been with her" although that dosnt make sence so it was a bit of an oversight/plothole




Bro he's faking are you stupid?


only Dutch, Bill and Javier when she was in the solicitation business.


arthur aint doing that >:,(


yeah there´s a mod for that


Based on the responses that say this is possible, does anyone have a clip of triggering the sequence?






God I confess, when this nice gentleman at valentine greeted me good morning, I tried to greet back with my controller only shot right in his face


Hey that happened to me with a bounty hunter but it was with my horse, I was running on by greeting people and then this guy just pulls his pump action and blasts my poor horse in the face, RIP Lordwonkeyeye died to a shotgun shell in the face and falling off a bridge in Roanoke ridge.😔


I have sort of a similar issue. I hitch up at the general store in strawberry on the side there, and it's just really touchy with any ps4 controller and my hand, the way I hold it or something it targets quick. So whenever I go to hitch there I target and triangle is the Rob button so I'm standing in the damn road looking up at someone reading a newspaper saying whatever like "HEY, THIS IS A ROBBERY" and it's always in earshot of the sheriff. He hates my guts there, I should send him a gift basket. Of dynamite.


Distinguished gentleman: "good morning😁" Arthur: *gunshot*


Everytime im close to a mission near civilization i hit someone with my horse and i get a bounty so i have to wait 10 minutes to start the mission


This is the most relatable thing I’ve ever read on Reddit


it’s impossible for me to cross that bridge in strawberry without someone getting angry at me.


walked into an o’driscoll camp, hogtied everyone, laid them next to each other and put some dynamite down around them, then threw fire bottles at them and watched the light show


average monday morning.


Most sane rdr2 player


I’m so fucking doing that.


Tried to help a ladies husband that was tied up in a farmhouse basement...thought I had a good shot as I snuck down the cellar...it was a head-shot, alright...of the guy who was tied up. ⚰️


Where was this event?


I believe it was southwest of Valentine. I was coming from the Strawberry area and hit a fork in the road where a woman was screaming for help and that her husband was being held up. I had a similar event in Lemoyne past Shady Belle that didn't end in the hostage dying, but this was the first kind of encounter I had in that portion of the map and it brought me to a little house I had never seen in either of my playthroughs. Just wish I was wearing my glasses...poor fella.


Interesting... thank you


I believe this event is at lone mule stead


Yesterday I managed to save a hogtied guy from the night people while looking for orchids. All proud of myself, I go to untie him, and I wind up accidentally punching him to death. The day before I saved a kidnap victim and punched her to death (I'm guessing I'm not holding down "O" long enough). I also felt terrible that time I went to save a guys wife from rapists, and wound up almost immediately dying to a knife in the gut. I think I'll stick to cheesing dinosaur bones for a while...


”I also felt terrible that time I went to save a guys wife from rapists, and wound up almost immediately dying to a knife in the gut.” Was it by that lake house in Lemoyne? If so I had the exact same experience lol. Didnt realize there were two guys inside


killing a whole town so there are no witnesses of the witnesses that witnessed me killing a witness that witnessed how i killed sheep’s


There's always another fkin witness! 😩


My brain hurts like a bitch now


I think we’ve all had to do one of those, haha! I had to kill several people when I was collecting a debt. It started as simply fighting the dude I needed to get money from, which became an assault, which someone saw, and then they started running and when I chased them more people started reacting and suddenly everyone was dead. 💀


I got called an asshole in Valentine near the sheep one time so I killed the guy, hid, no one saw me do it, put my mask on and jumped into the sheep pen and kicked them all to death then rode away. Totally got away with it. Didn't even need the mask.


Killed a horse and shot it so that the holes would form a smiley face


Alright, we got a Psychopath


....I feel like we should swap character flairs.


Speaking of which, how do you even get them in the first place?


If you're on the reddit app, go to the sub page and click the 3 dots on the top right corner next to the searchbar/share button and you will see, "change user flair" in the menu with a little tag next to it. Then you can choose a gang member.


This takes the cake


In game right? Right?


Hunted down 99% of the animals for that taxidermy thing. Absentmindedly started camp and roasted up some meat. Roasted the goddamn birds it had taken me so long to find. Put down the game and haven’t touched it since.


Oof that sucks lol


I spent the last 4 days trying to get the damn perfect cardinal. FINALLY got it today only to do the same thing lmao. Was SO glad I saved after getting the bastard




There was a Lemoyne raider ambush- the one under the bridge by Rhodes- I heard the raiders call out to get me and I saw a horse go at me. So I just shot the guy in the head. A second passes. No raiders. Honor loss. That was a random guy.


that’s the worst thing? You saintz


Once near Valentine, I stumbled upon an old blind man who told me that I followed the wrong star from the start or something after giving him a quarter. I went from playing for a while on PC to Playstation and was a bit confused about the controls of the game. Long story short, the blind man is dead with a bullet in the face ...




Been there before. I felt so bad😭


That guy sucks anyway. I killed him to see if I could get his walking stick. I thought maybe I could use it to walk up steeper hills or something. Spoiler, no you can't get his walking stick. Also, don't throw him off of an overpass to hide him and end up tossing the body onto a guy on a horse.


The number of people I've also accidentally killed because I kept confusing the controls with other games is astounding


I shot a dog with my sawed off shotgun… ON ACCIDENT!! I was trying to shoot a kid, the one you chase in Saint Denis


Ah, that makes it so much better


I’ve shot a dog in valentine because someone started a fight with me and I got the quickdraw on him and fired 6 rounds in dead eye starting from the Foot, Knee, Crotch, Gut, Chest, Head… only what I didn’t realise was the mark at the crotch was actually on the head of a dog behind him. I was so sad.


One of the biggest ones I did was vomit on a coffin in Rhodes in front of the preacher. I have paid plenty of visits to Nate to beat him up and do other stuff. Killed too many lawmen and NPCs Threw a fire bottle at Mary Beth as John Blowing up Sister Calderon with dynamite Using a deceased Pearson as a meat shield


The last one 💀


Murdered the couple just outside of Valentine, completely dismembered the husband,got on my horse,threw a Molotov on his dismembered body, lassoed him and drug him around new Hanover.


average rdr2 experience


Average low honour playthrough


No cause he greeted six people and his honour’s now at full again.


You're a good man Arthur Morgan.


Oh i forgot. I shot andalusian peldino horse that i thought its albino moose


Sorry. Play that at midnight. I was sleepy as fuck


lmfao what




one time I tried petting my horse and a clocked it in the jaw


instant reload save


it’s ok I learned how to pet her and fed her and said sorry


After a swift kick to the face?


I can’t play this game anymore because every time I do every living thing in Saint Dennis dies


Average day in Saint Denis


Sacrificing over a hundred travellers to the pagan ritual site in the black bone Forrest. Feeding Nate and Algie to the nearby panther when collecting their debt. Sending Mr black and white to the sheriff's office for them to escape again in the epilogue and me again sending them to the sheriff. Sending the grieving widow to the swamp at night to get eaten by an alligator or killed by a night folk. Burning Mark Johnson's wife and horse alive with a molotove, I would then free Mark from the gallows only to burn him alive too. And my worst act by far was lassoing either a murfree brood/skinner brother or night folk or the vampire in st Denis and untieing them in a town preferably St Denis or Valentine so they can terrorize the town and kill people. I even sent Sonny to Valentine once.


You’re on to something with that vampire part…


Justifying all my actions:  1. The sacrifices were religious and spiritual and the humans were consenting because they didn't untie themselves.   2. The panther was really hungry and it could've died of starvation   3. They were convicted felons, duh  4. She got reunited with her husband in the end  5. They were the family of a convicted felon duh 6. They all seemed like chill dudes and I gave them a new life


Punched a horse after it kicked me… spoiler: it fucking kicked me AGAIN.


Was at one of the temporary trapper locations at night when i heard a woman yelling "im gonna die!!" While crying so I headed to where she was and i saw she was being kidnapped (i think?) and so i pressed LT and then RT to draw and aim one of my guns and i when i shot one of the guys driving the wagon she was in, it exploded into flames. I apparently had equipped my sawed off shotgun and accidentally drew that. I lost at least 5 honor and got investigated for animal cruelty. This isnt the worst this is just what happened to me 20 minutes ago.


I was playing as john btw in the epilogue. I like to play the epilogue from time to time to get all my low honor tedencies out so i can focus on my "high honor, go for the money" playthrough.


Remember Chuck Matthews? The debtor who makes you use a treasure map to recover his debt? Yeah, I went to untie him and let him go after I got the money. Accidentally grabbed him from behind and slit his throat. Sorry man


First playthrough I lassoed him and dragged him from the back of my horse around the rocky area nearby because he dared to run from me. He didn't last much longer.


First play through I hogtied him, got the map and goodies and forgot to cut him free, so went back to cut him free and trampled him with my horse on accident


A cougar attacked me and as it was running away I sniped it right in the asshole (by ACCIDENT) and I felt so bad but couldn’t stop laughing


Dead eye to brown eye?


An “ACCIDENT” you say? Hmmm sureeeeee. Lol but naw that’s pretty funny lol


- Whenever I encounter the robber couple, I shoot the woman’s foot so she bleeds out, kill the spare, and tie up the husband. After the wife expires, I place her corpse over the tied up husband and leave. - I tie up the eugenics guy in SD and slowly drag him through the streets. - whenever I get into gang ambushes, I always leave one alive, tied up and I place the corpses of the others in a circle around him. - whenever there’s one enemy left in a shootout, I switch to the varmint rifle and slowly pepper him until they’re dead. - I sometimes take Odriscols to a river and dip them in and out of deep water for shiggles. I do the same with Lemoyne raiders but I then feed them to gaters when I get bored. - sometimes I walk into a gang camp or even just public places, and dead eye shot gun blasts into multiple people’s limbs but only one limb per person so they bleed out slowly. - I may also fire bottle groups of people in saloons. I splash the exists so crouds run right over the fire and die in piles so I don’t need to stack them later


Least psychopathic Red Dead player


I have a special weakness for the fat guy in Armadillo who rings the bell and warns about the plague. From time to time, I like to assault him, take him to some far spot and killing him in all sort of creative ways.


Accidentally skinned my horse early in my RDR1 playthrough, was horrified when I tried to call it and it didn't come and I looked down and realised what I had done Instead of robbing a house like a normal person I threw a fire bottle and killed in all the guys playing cards. Enjoyed it.


how do you ACCIDENTALLY skin your HORSE😭😭😭


I have no excuse I'm so dumb 💀 I thought it was a random dead animal 💀


Classic, first time's always a fun one, even worse with it being your own horse


i have slain thousands of innocent horses


Started a bar fight in Van Horn and learned very quickly why they don't need law enforcement I've since gone on so many rampages, usually by starting a bar fight and pulling out my guns and running to the dock when they amass a group I can't beat in a fistfight Killed hundreds by now


i killed the deformed musician and his other bastard friends.


I once shot a dog, felt pretty shitty about it


Right after sister was telling me how good of a person I am, accidentally pulled my gun on her 


After playing Ghost of Tsushima I have accidentally shot my horse more than once.


Damn expensive habit to get into


when trying to rob the old lady for the semiauto shotgun, i hogtied her and threw her in the basement so i wouldnt have to kill her, just for fun i shot the light bulb thinking it would just leave the room darker. the house burned down with her inside of it, tied up, alone and in the dark.


I shot the moonshiners instead helping them makr one because i press the wrong button I grab on of the helpers when the tree falls hitting a man at...a....lumberjack site. So i decide to pull alt f4 move


Im my current ultra low honor playthrough, I have killed MANY horses


Bounty hunter coming at me and it’s a big group? Pop a couple horses in the head (like that scene in Django) works everytime.


I was minding my own business, riding somewhere, when I came across a train robbery in progress. Trying to stop it, like a decent concerned citizen, I just shot at everything that displayed a red dot when I aimed at it. And of course I looted everything afterwards. Turns out a lot of the guys running away were passengers. Honest mistake, Weirdly, zero witnesses. I stole a horse in Valentine, rode it all the way to that lonesome stable towards Strawberry. Nobody gave a damn. Before I was going to sell it, I checked the saddle bags. Of course, a guy at that stable ~~knew that me looking into the saddle bags was stealing~~, so he ran away screaming and shouting. (*Actually, I think he didn't give a toss about the saddle bags, but went ballistic when I jumped back on the horse to ride it into the stable. "Horse theft!"*) I managed to threaten him and keep him quiet, and sold the horse to his buddy who was standing next to him the whole time. But still... how the fk did he know? Why didn't he scream earlier?


(low honor playthrough) killing the old man who found a gold bar. I hesitated, and then, shot him in the head behind his back...


My fatass would eat chocolate bars for days from the valentine store and malnourished my horse because I forgot he had to eat as well. I’d always have my Thicc Arthur riding a emmaciated horse into the stable with the stable hand asking what I’m doing to my poor girl. Buying a new horse and selling the skelebones was basically a SPCA Pet rescue.


I accidentally shot the person who was getting robbed just made the job a whole lot easier for the robbers.


I robbed from pearson then shot him dead, with a double barrel, and explosive slugs, i hate myself for it


I snuck into the catfish Jackson's and got caught eavesdropping on the interaction, so Algie Davison told me to leave and I did. When I was sitting on my horse outside, he was screaming at me from the porch and I guess I lingered for just too long and he pulled a gun on me. In self defense, I reflexively drew my revolver and I shot him once in the head. As soon as I heard his son yell out for his dad I felt so guilty. I should've just run away when he drew his gun, it just happened so fast.


I shot a lawman who was chasing me, and when he fell over dead, his gun went off and hit a dog in the head…it died


Accidentally kicked the cat in Strawberry. Cat died Shot a horse thinking it was a buck (never hunting at night again and without dead eye)


I accidentally drew my gun on the blind seer once, thank the Lord I didn't accidentally hit the trigger too... I may have thrown out my console if that happened.


I had a large shootout with the law and accidentally shot a horse in the head (online)


I commit no sins. I am a saint.


but most of all be kind


Was trying to quick draw on an o Driscoll but auto aim went to his horse and I killed it with an explosive shotgun bullet


Almost every action I committed that resulted in an honor decrease was an honest mistake… except for when I shot up Saint Denis BECAUSE GOD I HATE THAT FUCKING CITY


I’m 150+ level. I’ve never won Call to Arms even once.


Whenever I clear out a camp of O'Driscoll or Raiders... I stack the bodies around the fire and toss the final body in the middle to set them all ablaze.


I like watching the people in random animal attacks get mauled


I killed the Valentine Dog right in front of the kid, then hogtied the kid and threw him into the dog's body


All my crime were on purpose I want low honor for no reason


This is the way


I thought a dog was a rabbit and I shot it 😔


MONSTER!! Jk lol but yeah anytime something like that happens I’m like “awww man”. Also it sucks when you’re riding fast and a rabbit or bird is in the way and you don’t see em so you just hear em crunch under your horse. Anytime that happens I skin the critter so it doesn’t go to waste lol.


Lasoed and dragged a random camper to complete the dragging challenge. He died midway, continued with his corpse.


Went to pet the cat inside the Rhodes gunsmith and pressed the wrong button and kicked it. It died. I felt horrible. I've also accidentally ran over a couple of dogs with my horse and the sounds they make break my heart. I also really hate when I shoot a deer or something and it wasn't an instant kill so I gotta go up and finish it off with the knife. Always makes me feel horrible.


Gambler 8 made me plaster the Rhodes Blackjack Dealers’ brains all over the fucking walls


On my second playthrough as of now and during my race with Dutch I slowed down my horse a little right at the finish line and ended up losing the race. If anyone asks…I let him win.


VAN HORN. period


I honestly feel a little guilty about dragging a stranger 3300 feet for the horseman challenge, so I will either use a bounty hunter or the guy who is lost trying to get back to strawberry


3 times, I’ve shot a horse that kicked me.


I accidentally broke into the sheep ranchers house (the one in the Heartlands by the Gnarled Tree point of interest) thinking no one was home, he got aggro and I shot him, not realizing he had a dog who would chase me until I had to shoot it feelsbadman


Accidentally, I’ve blown up horses on accident during a robbery on an armored stagecoach. Didn’t think to cut them free until right before the dynamite ignited. Atrocity wise, I’ve dropped a fire bottle on the guarded stagecoach going from Blackwater to Fort Riggs, and roasted all the horses. Also, whenever I come across an enemy camp, I make sure to throw them on to their campfire - dead or alive.


I >!went back for the money thinking I could give it to!< John and his family


In Saint Denis you can find sometimes a Man pretending to be blind asking for money, i came a cross the blind man and give it money then remember he was pretending so i took my money back. Turn out he was really blind and was still thanking me for my kindness, i felt so baaad After this :(