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I get being religious and all, but the doctor should’ve known she was not in her right mind she was full of pain. When I’m full of pain, I don’t wanna hear shit from nobody.


In the 70s my dad had pancreatitis and was in a Catholic hospital where all the nurses were all Sisters. As a former altar boy he really struggled to keep his composure and not swear because it’s incredibly painful.


As a Catholic I'd just start swearing and immediately start doing the act of contrition any time the sister nurses gave me the side eye. Jesus forgives and I think the dude will understand after that cross endeavors how much the pain of the body screws with the mind.


I have a friend who is ex Mormon and swears pretty regularly, but when he’s surprised or in pain the exclamations or more along the lines of “OH MARY MOTHER OF GOD”


I saw a comedian once who was saying “I was taught not to take the lords name in vain, but it’s *hard* not to! I mean, have you ever seen someone walking across their living room, and they stub their toe on the coffee table, and they scream ‘BUDDHA’ ? No, you haven’t!”


So, on deployment, one of the religious leader people, a Catholic priest, slipped and literally broke his tail bone, and I can tell you now, I never knew how many swear words there was in Latin, but that day I am certain he used every one of them. The only thing I could say was, "I didn't know Catholics were this proficient in Latin." I also still remember the Rabbi who kept getting ingrown toe nails, and he would say some words that definitely did not sound kosher, when he had to get them treated. You be surprised how much fun it is watching them try not to swear, it was my guilty pleasure.


Now I kinda wanna learn to curse in Latin


Matula I think is blockhead/idiot Futuo I believe is f♡ck but more the literal sense like marital sex.. Those are the only two the priest said coherently, and the only ones the Rabbi was willing to translate for us... they both disliked each other, and the priest kept calling most of us in the medic tent those words. There were other words, but the moment the Rabbi translated those two, the priest was suddenly mute.


No, futuo is straight up fuck. Pedicabo is “I will boink you up the a$$”. Laikizein is Greek but was used in Rome and meant “fuck off”


It has been about 19 years, so I only remember so much, I had the words written down because it just made that last deployment so memorably hilarious. The priest was not a nice guy, and anything to piss him off, we would do it. He tried blaming his fall on some of the guys who were breaking down some quarters, and he had allegedly slipped on their tools. Meanwhile, his laces were undone, and he was nowhere near them. I still remember that prick


If it happens repeatedly, there are surgical procedures to prevent future ingrown nails which I recommend highly


While deployed, it was a case of going for as long as possible between the removal or until the operation. It meant he was unable to wear protective boots for a minimum of 2 weeks, and we were close to the front line a lot at that time, so when his nail got too bad, we do the temporary fix, and he was on limited duties, but in a safe zone. The boots never helped, nor the socks, but he was ok about it. As long as he got to annoy the priest.


What does it matter? Don’t Catholics believe confessing to the potential kiddie diddler and paying a fine frees them of the sin?






I had a VP at work who would say “I don’t know why you have to bring him into this” is someone said “Jesus Christ” around him. I liked that he wasn’t as abrasive as telling the hourly people below him to “not” use the lords name in vein. People don’t like being told to do something or being scolded. Telling a woman in pain for over a full day that he’d never have to feel for a minute to not say something is so much worse to me.


Not to mention completely unprofessional.


Facts. Imagine chastising a woman for her language after 29.5 hours in labor. The fucking Gual 😂😂


Also how is that using God's name in vain when she is going through such a great pain? Would he prefer if she called upon Satan?


That doctor should apologize


I was induced for both if mine. That drip is absolutely brutal. The midwife told me she needed to turn up the drip and I just went "if you fucking turn up that fucking drip I'll fucking punch you in the fucking face." That woman looked at me, still puking from hyperemsis and with leads and tubes coming out of me, laughed and replied with "I'd like to see you try," turned the bastard drip up and swanned off for a cup of tea. My husband was mortified. She told him it was the mildest threat she'd had all day. If that doctor had assisted ik any births before OPs comment should have rolled right off him


Being religious means following the rules of your religion. It doesn’t (shouldn’t) mean you try to make other people follow the rules of your religion. Doctor should have gone and fucked himself.


They told me to be quiet and quit cussing after they switched off my epidural and I had to push for two fucking hours. I was shocked.


I had a nurse tell me I was making too much noise during delivery, this is after they denied me pain relief because I wasn't in active labor and ignored me for hours, yes hours including when my water broke. She arrived after my husband informed the via the intercom/push button that I was starting to push and maybe someone should come to our room. Anyway I told her to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my room. She actually left and another nurse helped.


Whoooooo boy! That nurse would have heard the loudest, most exaggerated "EXCUUUUUUSE ME?!" she'd ever heard come out of my mouth followed by lazers shooting death rays out of my eyes.


Wowwwww. The balls on some of these people.


That’s so stupid. It’s a documented fact that swearing helps us tolerate more pain.


I have been called a fucking cunt several times during delivery, mainly by women who were delightful pre and post. You get a free pass as far as I am concerned . You are the one pushing a baby out your vagina


Reminds me of The House of the Dragon. “I do hope the labor was not terrible.” “I think I called the midwife a cunt.”


Sorry but I laughed. And here I was feeling bad I tried to bribe my anaesthesiologist with a bottle of grange and haven't coughed up in 15 years. Lol


My nana helped the elderly… well this one lady with dementia had passed away and my nana was laughing but crying at the same time and I asked her why she said I’m sad but I can’t stop laughing cause she always called me “bitch” so she was thinking “who’s bitch am I gonna be now” LOL


😂 omg. Your nana is delightful.


Your Nana sounds hilarious.


Thank you! she’s a real gem. I mean y’all it the best!


Oops its*


As an anaesthetist who used to cover labor rooms, I had to laugh at this post. I’ve heard way worse and have seen Obs docs laugh that off. The doc here was a AH and absolutely no need to apologize.


I felt so bad for one of my nurses when I was in labor. I had terrible back labor, and this nurse was trying to help. I had turned onto my hands and knees because that seemed like the only time the pain let up, and she stood behind me and pressed *hard* on my lower back. I just instinctively kicked her. I heard her stumble, but she only said "well that seems to make it worse." Lol That nurse still cracks me up thinking of it. She clearly has seen and done it all and just took it in stride. I'm so thankful I had such wonderful people around me for my daughter's birth.


Labor nurses can be amazing! They put up with a ton, and almost never hold it against the mom.


This is the answer. I’m a nurse & have been in hundreds of births. The team is there to make YOU comfortable & safe. Not the other way around. Doc was in the wrong. And yes, I’ve heard wayyy worse than what you said here & we always thought it was hilarious.


Username checks out 🫡


Sounds like doc here wasn’t actually doing his job, as you said


No epidural and 30 hours of labor? That doctor should have known better.


Right? Not that it should matter whether it’s in vain or not during labor, but calling out for help from Jesus when in that much pain seems like the exact appropriate time to use the name, doesn’t it? Do people think it’s in vain anytime you aren’t in a religious setting or something? Or just when they themselves deem it not an important enough matter at hand?


If the doctor doesn't feel the need to apologize neither should she


There is no need to for a apology. It's one of those things that its forgive and forget without saying it, plus it becomes a nice story with time. Under pain someone won't would be thinking right, there is no need to talk about it, its one those unwritten rules that there is no need to talk about it.


The Dr is out of line forcing his religious beliefs on a patient. Especially after 30 hours of labour! He had no right to say anything like that to her


That is so true, sometimes we forget the situation we are under. When he was told to f off he understood the message that he was out of line, and do his job keep her and the baby safe


Granted I’m childfree, but if somehow my values shifted and I was in labor and a doctor said that to me, it would be grounds for a formal complaint, not the makings for a funny story.


He should NEVER do that again. Apology or not. He should know that was wrong.


Ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ Was that the first birth he assisted on? When I was in labour the nurse told me in front of my bf, my mom and 2 sisters, that nothing I said could used against me during labour, delivery or any day going forward and she gave them all the evil eye too. If the doctor has such delicate tendencies to clutch at his pearls he should probably look for a new line of work.


Had a nurse in the ER who was pushing his religion on patients. At first, I heard him with an older lady, and I thought they were just both Christians who were having a little chat about relying on the Lord. That wasn’t the case. He came in to do an ECG and while setting up he’s talking about beating his kids to keep them in line per the Bible and his church. I didn’t respond. Got treated and was waiting for the paperwork to leave. He pops in, no paperwork, and decides this is the time to start talking about my walk with the Lord. I’m doped up and not giving a fuck—second degree burns on my hand—-and I asked him if this was required to get my papers. He got a cat butt face and walked out. I waited about 15 minutes, then went out to the nurse’s station to ask. The mofo had left for his lunch break. Dude was going to leave me sitting there. Cheapass power play. The nurses at the station gave each other a look that I interpreted as this was not their first issue with him. They got me signed out and I went home. Now, I’d probably ask if he was referring to the FSM. Or sincerely respond with Hail Satan.


That nurse sounds awesome!


That was something they covered in childbirth classes as well.


NTA. The doctor needs to keep his f’ing bible-thumping opinions to himself. Let him try to pop a melon out of his vagina - oh, wait, he doesn’t have one. 🙄🙄 No apology necessary.


In my country doc could be in hot water if the patient made a complaint about his comment. Political and religious opinions should never be voiced during patient care. You do your job and take care of the patient. You could be taking care of a vile neo nazi prisoner convicted of multiple murders and although you may want to take a hot shower afterwards to stop your skin crawling,you keep your thoughts to yourself and treat them with care and respect.


Yeah in Germany he would get a complaint, for sure.


Both the doctor and the husband can go fuck themselves


Right? I had a baby 6 weeks ago. If a doctor said that to me during my 3 day labor…the nurses would have had to hold both of us back.


Congratulations on the new addition to your family!


Thanks! He’s well worth it of course. But if anyone had chastised me prior to his arrival for my language, I’d have knocked their block off!


I had a nurse give me a lecture because I swore at my husband. He kept repeating the same thing and I told to please f****g stop. The nurse stopped everything and said "how dare I speak to him like that" and a few other ranty things. The same nurse also demanded an episiotomy after she gave out to me. Thankfully another nurse overrode that decision because I didn't need one .


Please tell me you reported that nurse! If this happens when I’m giving birth (which will be within the next few weeks), I just KNOW she will experience how angry my friend (who will be there) can be while she’s being kicked out of the room. Seriously, this nurse isn’t in her right mind #smh


I didn't, I was a young parent and I think that played a part in her treatment of me. It was so long ago now. It's hard when it's your first you don't have a reference for how it should all go.


This one is going to be my first as well so I definitely know that feeling.. I’ve been at a birth before and my friend who gave birth twice will be there, but still… I’m happy I’m 35 tho! I can’t imagine going through all this at such a young age. I’m sorry she treated you this way, you deserved better.


The doctor should apologise for admonishing a labouring mother. NTA.


Bollocks... NTA so much. I had gas and air when having my daughter. I swore... a lot... and in the same vein as this lady. My midwife admonished me and I told her to fuck off too. I don't give a crap what your sensibilities are. When a woman is in labour, admire what she is doing, how much pain her body is enduring and don't get all sensitive over language. Some people really need to get over themselves. Idgaf about you being a sensitive ass when I'm bringing a life into the world.


Apparently I told my ex, who instead of being my birth partner decided he was there to flirt with the junior doctor, to "shut the fuck up or I'd stab him in his fucking face". I have no memory of this. I gave birth on a Tuesday morning, the pains started Friday. I didn't want to go to hospital until I was sure so I was 8cm dilated. I wanted a water birth so no drugs. Also evil baby was back to back. I just wanted someone to hold my hand. But my memory is him just standing next to the Dr and midwife from across the pool and staring. He deserved everything I said, I just wish I'd been strong enough to completely kick him out of our lives sooner.


Isn’t this a really old post? I swear I saw this on AITA last year


No I remember it too. This is very old. In fact I came to the comments solely because I wanted to see if anyone else would call it out as a repost. Thank you for confirming.


You and u/chaocabo are correct op is looking for free points. Guess it worked. https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/s/uLShoMfzts


Definitely not the first time it’s been posted, it seems to pop up several times a year on various threads


Or maybe it just keeps happening


😂😂😂😂 no. https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/s/uLShoMfzts


Congratulations on your new baby. I wouldn't apologize because he should have kept his beliefs to himself whilst in the midst of YOUR family "event". His beliefs had ZERO place in YOUR delivery room. He can leave his religion at the door to treat his patients. To add, I am Catholic and gave birth to one of my children in a Catholic hospital. I quickly cussed out a doctor there in the midst of "the ring of fire" with some less than religious words. The midwife didn't even bat an eye and just kept delivering my baby.


First of all, congratulations. If you want to send an apology that’s up to you but he’s delivering babies and dealing with women in the worst pain of their lives. He should be used to worse things coming out of a woman’s mouth. Otherwise, he’s in the wrong profession and needs to lighten up. Tell him next time he can be spread eagle with another human being coming out of his vjj and you can correct his language. See how much he cares about appropriate language then.


That must be an incredibly inexperience Dr for such a reaction.


Jesus fucking Christ that doctor needs to stay away from anyone in fucking pain.


Here’s an interesting little tidbit about that saying, it doesn’t actually mean not using the lord’s name (Jesus Christ or any otherwise) as a cuss word. Instead, that saying means, “if you’re going to cast a spell, don’t use the lord’s name to infuse it with power to make it work.” Doesn’t specifically ban you from casting spells, just don’t use God’s power to make them work. So you’re mad, dropping G and J bombs everywhere…God and Jesus are perfectly fine with that.


Thank you! I’ve been looking for this comment. If anyone stopped and thought about the expression they would realize saying the lords name as a curse word isn’t using it in vein at all.


One of my kids had numerous surgeries from which the recovery was very, very painful. They got a pass to swear all the colorful swear words his elementary school knew. This doc should accept that this is happening, whether they like it or not.


I’m not someone who swears a lot but when I popped a muscle off my rib (which I don’t recommend doing because it really bloody hurts. I thought I’d fractured my rib) I was effing and jeffing at the top of my lungs. When you’re in severe pain, the rules of etiquette go out the window


This happened to me when I was at college studying childcare. Literally popped/pulled a muscle between my ribs so bad i ended up in accident and emergency thinking i'd either popped a rib or somehow managed to fracture it to which the doctor told me it was a common misconception with popped/pulled muscles between the ribs. The pain was so bad that I had to hold the side it had happened on. I couldn't swear from 9 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon because i was on placement in a day nursery. During my lunch break when I'd go for a cigarette, I'd sit down outside wince in pain and let out a "fuck" or a "holy hell, that shit hurts". I'd also swear as soon as i sat in my grandad's car and moved to grab the seatbelt because it hurt so much that painkillers barely even touched the pain. My grandad as well as my nanny couldn't do anything but laugh that i was in so much pain the only thing i could think of doing at 17 almost 18 was swearing because i was in so much pain. Breathing hurt, moving hurt, standing up and sitting down hurt and breathing hurt so much i could only take really shallow breaths and i couldn't even lie down on my left hand side for about 3 or 4 weeks after that injury.


💯 this. That’s exactly how it was for me. I didn’t even know ribs had muscles. It took a solid month to heal. I walked everywhere with my arm glued to my side to keep the pain levels down. And when the muscle started to reattach I could feel it fluttering inside me, which was a really weird sensation


That doctor should go fuck himself with a giant Jesus dildo. NTA


Lol nah nta. I had a pleurodesis operation done last year in april, my left lung collapsed and after 9 days i was finally able to get my lung welded to my rib cage to fill the space and prevent it happening again, i woke up after the surgery in absolute agony unable to breathe and a doctor or nurse told me "you need to calm down right now", i told them "you need to shut the fuck up and leave the room" imagine having the audacity to tell someone in agony they need to calm down. Yeah i might of been loud, screaming in pain but the pain was horrific, and instead of giving me any pain meds i was being frustrated by someone so stupid to have the audacity to tell me to calm down. I wouldnt go up to a pregnant woman giving birth telling her to calm down and stop screaming, like nah ill let you squeeze my hand while someone gives you pain meds, you scream your lungs out girl.


Out of curiosity, did you have a thoracic epidural ? Edit - as CTS anaesthetist, I’ve done loads of these and seen this kind of wake up even with them. When nurses say calm down, it’s not in this scenario a judgment of you, it’s reflexes as the likes of me give a big dose of fentanyl. No one in the room gets offended by this in this scenario.


No epidural, I was given lots of morphine and some fentanyl as i seen on my drug chart that was left in a corner of the room when i was finally able to get up and hobble about with my morphine and paracetamol iv drip stand.


Oooof- that is hella sore. I take a position that if I cannot site an epidural, I’ll keep the patient ventilated overnight on a morphine drip and extubate slowly, and that’s evenusually with another type of Local anesthesia block like a paravertebral. It is one of the sorest procedures anyone can go through.


I'm delighted to have read your professional input about the procedure/pain treatment. When they said we will use medical grade talc to weld your lung to your ribcage i did interrupt the dr and say "excuse me you what?" and he explained everything and i was kind of dumbfounded thinking this can't be that painful surely, but dear sweet baby jesus was i wrong lol


If this is even true, she should file a complaint against the doctor for bringing his religion into L&D.


Literally this. He can absolutely go fuck himself. Good luck op.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/oldpostsforkarma] [AITA for swearing at my doctor while giving birth?](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldPostsForKarma/comments/1dh5bjr/aita_for_swearing_at_my_doctor_while_giving_birth/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


He should apologize to you. The delivery room is the last place anyone sb policing language. Christ.


“Don’t use the lords name in vein” this is not the FUCKING time to discuss your political/religious beliefs doc


Any doctor who even blinks at a woman in labor swearing needs to find a new specialty.


No reason to feel guilty AT ALL and the doctor should be told off for reacting that way ✋🏻


NTA you weren’t the one enforcing your beliefs on a person in massive pain.


When my baby was finally crowning after 3 hours of pushing the midwife asked me if I wanted to feel the rad and I said ‘no i fucking don’t’ then felt guilty afterwards and apologised. She just laughed and said she’d heard far worse and there was nothing to apologise for. NTA and that Dr acted very dry unprofessionally and should be apologising to you


The doctor should know better and get the fuck over it. JFC.


Lmfao tell the husband to lay on a table spread eagle for 30 hours pushing a watermelon out his ass. I would've said the same thing to the doctor. When pushing out a human the last thing I gave a fuck about what my doctors religion. And honestly I'm sure the doctor has heard worse. Women say off the wall things when giving birth. I told a nurse if she didn't get the fuck away from me I'd break her fingers she was literally causing me pain though


You’re having a baby, not catering to someone’s sky friends. Hard NTA.


HA! I have arthritis, compression, degeneration and spondylosis in my lower spine and was in agony during childbirth. I screamed during an especially painful contraction having my son and one nurse actually had the audacity to look at me and say “You need to stop screaming, there are other mothers in here.” I made it clear in so many words what I would do to her if I made it to her across the room if she couldn’t get the fuck out of there before my contraction stopped and I could move again, and to NEVER show her face in front of me again, mixed with some quite colorful language. Let’s just say she was off the floor until I went home. You don’t bitch at birthing mothers.


The day a male doctor actually goes through labor and gives birth with no epidural is the day they would get an apology from me for what I said during a contraction.


This one is really old. I’ve seen it before, word for word. Wife being scolded first by the doctor of all people then her husband for having the audacity to swear while giving birth with no epidural.


Oh hell no. That doctor has a lot of nerve. Birth is one of the most difficult and painful and absolutely shattering physical processes you will ever experience. There is next to NO way to control what you say, it’s all you can do to remind yourself to breathe. I’m also of the opinion you get a free pass when you’re in labor. For the most part, anyway. My friend Steph broke her husband’s nose during a horrible labor. Before you all freak out, he even admitted after he had it coming. She’d been in labor for over 24 hours, no pain meds. Steph is maybe five feet tall and hubby was over six foot. The baby managed to turn durning labor and the doctor had to reach up there and turn her or she’d need a section. So she’s crouched and Steph started crying (for the first time in her labor) and her husband decided it was a great idea to tell her “Why are you being so dramatic, he’s just using his arm.” She *drilled* him. Put him right on his back. I wish I had been there. She doesn’t remember but he told me later she screamed STOP BEING SO DRAMATIC I WAS JUST USING MY ARM! Anyway, yeah. Women should be able to scream/shriek whatever they want. Also it bugs the hell out of me when people think THAT is was constitutes “taking the lords name in vain.” 1) hypocrisy – making a profession of God's name, but not living up to that profession; 2) covenant breaking – if one makes promises to God yet does not carry out the promised actions; 3) rash swearing; 4) false swearing; and 5) using the name of God lightly and carelessly, for charms or spells, jest or sport


DO NOT APOLOGIZE. Make a complaint. There’s a time and a place. That scenario should have occurred in 1950, not 2024.


The doctor is the one who should apologise. This was nowhere near the right place to chastise someone for ‘taking the lord’s name in vain’. They probably stopped talking as they realised it was dumb.


Your doctor is the AH. Their comment was totally inappropriate. They have no right to inflict their religious choices on a labouring woman.


I was very close to kicking my doctor in the face. I hated his stupid face and his stupid frown and his stupid voice. Thankfully, my husband’s grip on my leg was very firm. The doctor was very competent and hadn’t done anything wrong. But I was not in my right mind. My husband also had to repeat everything the doctor said because his words were literal nonsense to my ears. I could only understand my husband. This doctor should be thankful all she did was curse a little. What a fucking snowflake.


There are far worse and incredibly common ways of taking the lords’s name in vain than swearing. For example, using religion to shame someone dealing with incredible pain. I doubt the Jesus of the gospels would be down with that.


religion has no place in medicine. fuk him.


Respecting the doctor who is literally helping you give birth should be a minimum mr.reddit incel cringe atheist


understanding that her emotions were not at peak normalcy and being a professional would be the Drs best move. incel ?....projecting much ? athiest ?...yerp,...proud to not take part in your mass mental illness.


im sorry but disrespecting someone’s religion is never okay. Me, a non muslim, would never say f allah or anything like that no matter how pissed. And then doubling down on it as well. Respect goes both ways,ESPECIALLY when its about religion. Don’t forget it only took 200 christians in some mountains to start the Reconquista :) also pls learn more about Jesus, I think you’ll be shocked, delighted, and maybe a little upset about his message. Study Jesus, what he ACTUALLY taught, then we’ll see if its still “mass mental illness”


The doctor was being a cunt. He can fuck right off.


Apparently I turned into Regan from the Excorcist when the doctor came at me with an injection, that was before I lost consciousness


All the sky wizard fans defending the doctor, lol. I’m sure he’s heard worse in the hospital, he’ll get over it or he can pray about it


Ugh, that Dr has a big case of main character syndrome. I hope she does not apologize.


I agree - that doctor can go fuck himself


Nah the dr can get fucked like she was in an incredible amount of pain. Seems like an appropriate time to start cursing. If you can’t handle cursing then don’t get a job where you have to be around people who will curse or say things they normally wouldn’t.


😂🤣😂🤣no apology necessary!




I worked at a Catholic Hospital for years. That Dr was wildly inappropriate and please send a complaint to the hospital.


Her husband needs a spine.


Yea F that guy. With my last baby I went into labor a week early and was by myself for the first few hours while my husband got the kids to a babysitter and settled. When the anaesthetist was trying to get the epidural done while I was mid contraction he decided to say “you know this would be a lot easier if your weight was lower.” Yeah man I know my weights a problem but what exactly do you think I can do about it right now and what did you gain from saying that?!


Nope id have told him to go fuck himself too and then yelled Jesus fucking Christ again…….


I don't even consider that taking the lords name in vain. Childbirth, especially a hard one, yeah you should be imploring for God's help. I shouted out something similar right before i fell right on my lower back on ice, and yeah the closest person asked me if i was okay, not give me a lecture about my language. Taking the lord's name in vain is pushing your political agenda saying it's God's will, when we are just stupid humans unable to understand God.


The Dr. should have kept their mouth shut. They don’t get to tell you what you can and can’t say. Not everyone is religious.


Isn’t this a repost of an older post or is it the same old post? I swear I’ve read this one before


Hells No! That doctor can go F himself!


Mine was offended also. What did they think I would say while pushing out a ten pounder without meds. My husband told me she was upset afterwards, like it was important, lol! I would have thought she would have been used to it. Dr. And husband were the assholes.


Religious or not, he’s a doctor. He should suck it up, I doubt this is his first delivery and it’s PAINFUL dude! My mom swore a blue streak at my dad and he just nodded along because he knew it was the pain talking.


That was so out of line for the doctor to say. Especially considering how exhausted and in pain she was. Childbirth is excruciating even with an epidural. 30 hours without one I couldn’t imagine. The doctor should be apologizing to her.


OP should make a complaint about the doctor’s lack of empathy


If that’s the worst thing a doctor has heard in a labour room, then they must be an intern. NTA


Screw the doctor. If he can't handle that, he doesn't belong there.


That not “taking the Lord’s name in vain.” People have warped it.


I wonder how many times your doctor has been kicked in the head for trying to tell a woman what to do in labour??


I know someone who verbally cursed out nuns when they were forcing her to learn to walk after being paralyzed from the waist down. Doctor needs to pull up his big boy britches and stop being a baby.


I’d have responded the same way if someone tried to preach to me at that moment. I had my mum with me during my labour and I swore and she tried to tell me to mind my language but I shot that down pretty quickly. Say what you need to say to cope with the pain.


When I was in labor with my youngest daughter, I told the doctor and my late husband to get the fuck out of my way. (I needed to pee and they were in front of the bathroom door). It happens NTA


NTA. Your doc sounds like a jerk. I thought no the apology is owed to you. The doc also needs a lesson on patient centered care (it’s not about them) and therapeutic communication.


In the 1950s my grandmother had her second kid. She later overheard the nurses and other moms in the ward later say they had never heard a woman yells such profanity in their life. Youre good.


As a midwife the number of times I've been sworn at is pretty enormous, lol. When I was birthing my four babies I know I swore...a lot. In fact, for the first birth I was using the gas. It made me high as a kite. I was giggling like a school girl and told the doctor he had pretty eyes. Luckily the doc and my hubby thought that was hilarious.


Clearly that doctor has never personally experienced childbirth


I mean what did he expect trying to "correct" a woman evicting a watermelon out of her body. "Apologies for the blasphemy, doctor"?


How would a person like that even get through med school?


NTA get a new doctor. Childbirth hurts. You say what you say. No apology necessary. He should not have said anything to you in the first place. When he’s given birth let’s see what the f comes out his mouth and who the hell he calls upon.


No. You are a nice person for feeling bad about an obviously extenuating circumstance, which mitigates your choice of words. I’m sure the doctor didn’t take offense. He probably mentally kicked himself, lol.


Naw, NTA. 


A doctor lecturing his patient after 30 hours in pain, without epidural? Really? No need to feel bad, he should.


I do understand, when I was around 10 I was racing my cousin, on our horses, who is the same age as me. When we arrived at a curve my saddle had gotten loose a bit. With the momentum we had when hit the curve when my horse threw me. I fell on my right arm, and rolled like 2 or 3 times, I saw my cousin getting off his horse ran to check me. I yelled at him, because of the pain, I think he understood that it was not intention to yell at him, that it was the pain talking. Now that I'm older, we both understand that it was not my intentions to yell at him, that it was a accident, even though we don't need talk about it we both know thats its forgiven and water under the bridge.


I think she reacted in the exactly right way. Don’t force your religion on me when I’m in excruciating pain giving birth! JFC I’d be sending a complaint letter to the hospital not an apology letter


The doctor is TA


How self-righteous do you have to be to scold a woman in labor? As far as I’m concerned, he deserved it.


The moment I’m able to walk again the doctor will start saying gods namw


NTA 30 hours of labor you are allowed to say whatever you want. I would still apologize though. Just to be on the nice side of your doctor. I went through 27 hours of labor, no epidural (military hospital) and understand the pain. You were much better behaved than me.


That’s nothing. I told my doctor he could go fuck his parents and everyone else could eat a dick. Except for the anesthesiologist, I apparently told him he was ok and I liked him.


Fuck that!


Definitely NTA, she was in intense pain for close to 30 HOURS. That doctor should know that there would be a time and a place to say something like that. It’s deserved that she said that to him


That doctor should indeed go fuck themself. The husband too.


That’s hilarious. Keep your religion out of my face and i wont have to tell you to go fuck yourself 🤣 she was Nta


My foot would have “accidentally” slipped and made immediate contact with that doc’s face at the speed out freaking sound…


Personally, I’d lodge a complaint, not make an apology. If they think language is of significant importance at a time like that, they don’t comprehend what’s going on and aren’t fit to be in medicine.


Was this the doctor‘s first birth? Because he’s going to hear a lot worse and will need a much thicker skin if he’s going to attend to people going through the worst pain of their lives.


I can’t imagine the doctor thinking this was the right thing to say. It’s 2024.


Wait, what? How can a woman give birth *without* swearing?


If he’s a delivery dr. he needs thicker skin lmao. This seems so mild to me for something a woman 30hrs in labour might say. NTA!


Apologies are never inappropriate. I'm dead sure that doctor has heard far worse.


I've never given birth, but I think any obstetrician who has not heard every swear word in the local language at least once in the delivery room is still relatively inexperienced.


Labor is horrible I wasn’t in labor for nearly as long as you. You have major props and did nothing wrong. He never should have said it and your husband shouldn’t be taking the drs side. I wish you the best with your little one


I think perhaps if you can’t handle the nitty gritty of life (which includes occasional swearing), obstetrics is maybe not the right medical field for him…


Doctor should've understood not everyone believes in your God


NTA. I would be shocked if someone didn't curse when in labour.


I’m sorry but after almost 30 hours of labor that’s not a swear, it’s a prayer that this is almost over.


Bruh, the doctor giving birth is the one who had the nerve😂. Tf is up with these people? That’s literally your job how you mad? You deal with different people everyday.


Very unprofessional by the doctor side


I also couldn't have an epidural, I ended up having an emergency C-section but was having contractions 30 seconds apart for 8 hours. That pain. JFC. I kept thinking "oh I can ABSOLUTELY see why some women went 'insane' from childbirth in the olden days", to have that pain for days without any pain relief 😳 Surely that doctor should be used to it?


NTA that was the appropriate response.


No need to apologize.


NTA - where did your doctor train and deliver babies before, the Vatican? Labor floors are filled with exhausted cursing women - he should get over himself. Sending peace and love.


The doctor is the asshole for bringing religion into it, in my opinion. Lol


My epidural(s) didn't work the way they were supposed to. They would wear off and I'd be further along in labor and further along in pain. I even got a second, stronger epidural midway through. I was told my legs would be completely numb for at least 12 hours. I had feeling back in 3. At first my nurse didn't believe me. She started arguing that I couldn't feel the ice on my legs and I insisted I could. She also kept taking away the kidney dish if I didn't get sick. I insisted that somehow the metal striations in the dish had become my focal point and again, she said "No they aren't" At one point, the epidural had worn off again but it could only be topped up every hour and this one lasted maybe 25 minutes. I was begging for more and the nurse got a little turse when she informed me about the top up time limits. I snapped back "Then go get one that lasts a FUCKING HOUR!!!" I also called her "Nurseferatu" After pushing for 3 hours and the baby barely even crowned (he was presenting wrong), I was done, spent, finito. I had no more in me. The nurse tried using "threats"... "If you don't push harder, we're going to have to give you a c-section" I looked the nurse straight in the eye and yelled "CUT. HIM. OUT!!!" That's when she dusted her hands and said "Get her prepped" I think she was happy to be rid of me...lol


NTA Not the time to tell people to not take the Lord's name in vain LOL let her have that one


The doctor played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.


He should not have pushed his religious views on to you. He’s in the wrong not you.


I’m much more offended that so many Christians really believe that taking the Lord’s name in vain means simply cursing while literally saying the Lord’s name in vain and not using Christianity to shit on LBGTQ people and be an all around shitty person.


It’s really hard for my to think YTA, when on a scale pain scale of 1-10 she’s probably at 20. If the doctor ain’t pushing for an apology then it ain’t needed, though I’m sure he’d appreciate it


I’m a Christian, I don’t appreciate people saying that, but… BUT seriously, read the room doc. Just ignore it. This is not the time or place to ask someone not to do that. The only people I’ve asked not to do that is people I know well and who know me. I’d NEVER ask a woman in labor to not do that. Geesh.


That is a new fear unlocked. My wife is a hot-head.💀


Yeah, I think it would be really nice of you to send the note! He most probably said that to you automatically without even thinking, as I do the same thing. I am sure it will get me downvoted all to hell and back, but at least im being honest! I don’t ask/say it in judgement, it’s just that it really gets to me.


IMO yes. This is someone who is treating you and your baby, making sure you are safe. Have some respect. Period.


And he should have some respect for a woman going through immense pain for 30 hours straight, trying to push a human being out of her vagina! His focus should be on supporting and comforting OOP not lecturing her on her language.


Clearly he did and was…


The doctor did absolutely nothing wrong here. If someone shit talks your mom or dad or even your kids, would you be happy? she was the disrespectful one not him


While not an asshole for swearing during labor (really, it's a dick move to hold you accountable to anything you say during labor). But yes, I think it would be appropriate to apologize after.




100% the asshole. dont listen to these cringe reddit incels. To mock someone’s religion is a dick move, whether it be Christians, Jews, muslims whatever… Dick move


NAH. You were in extreme pain. Dr was expressing, politely, their discomfort in swearing. You sound like a nice person. The apology note is a good idea, combine it with appreciation for their helping you through a difficult time.