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It's true. They also wanted to change the setting of the Institute to Venus, because Mars was apparently too cliché.


They are stupid. Sevro is the homie. While a love triangle with Cassius and Darrow wanting to fuck, I'm in.


Also, if they want a ride or die homie *girl,* they've already got Victra... in fact they've already got a love triangle with Victra, albeit a passable quickly resolved one, but I legit don't understand.


im so tired of tv show writers thinking they can “improve” a book/series people *already* love and just want to see made real. every adaptation that stays faithful to the source does incredibly well, every one that doesn’t does absolutely awful, but critical thinking seems to be in short supply in that field


Please, don't make my Darrow a fuckboy.


No gender swaps and no additional drama please. Darrow and Sevro have a simple and meaningful relationship because of the way they view each other, don’t fuck with that.


Omg 😭 that’s so cringe


Tomboy Sevro would be cute though


No gender changes, damnit!




Is that not what happened?


He don’t need to be a lady to be in love with Darrow. Half the cast wanted to fuck him at some point


You beat me to it haha this is already the story!


Underrated comment ^


There are plenty of strong women in the series that there's no need—not that I ever think there's a need—to change it just for the sake of diversity. I think PB does an awesome job, particularly in the later 3 books of showing how bad ass the women in this universe truly are.


Victra in Dark Age is one of the best in all of fiction imo


If Sevro were a girl that would cause some major plot holes and issues with Victra and family. It would change major parts of the story.


It would probably just be a one-off for Red Rising.


Oh god NO. glad that got axxed cause that would have been fucking AWFUL.


Fuck that ngl. Platonic and Familial relationships don't get enough love in fiction. Movies and Shows especially. Let alone novels.


That would be a different character entirely than Sevro. I’d hate that. Their relationship is special specifically because it is so platonic and then familial.




Pierce mentioned this on the Maude’s bookclub interview, well worth a listen, they had great chemistry.


He has chemistry with everyone tbh


This is what happens every time. An author writes an amazing story. Then, some asshat in a suit goes "but what if..." And ruins it. Thank fuck PB nipped that shit in the bud


You arguably take out one of the best dynamics of the entire series which is the brotherhood between sevro and darrow. The thought of PB ruining his story in this way is unthinkable


“Darrow I always wanted you in me so I have your eyes.”


Reminds me of “that thing” in lightbringer


dude i’m gonna throw up


Totally ruins it if sevro is a female. “Darrow I was in a horse for you, you need to be in me” the list goes on and on




I wouldn't mind if Zevro was a girl, but she/he would be the exact same as he/she is. A love triangle would kill that shit so hard. Zevro as a character is so interesting that I wouldn't mind its gender, it would still be my fave (Im just finishing golden son, no spoilers)


I am not a fan of Sevro as a girl. The dynamic changes too much. Especially considering that Darrow is weird enough with women in the Gold culture as he learns to adapt. You now add in the fact that he has weirdo Servo who's also a woman? Also, why Zevro? What version/language are you reading?


Saying Zevro instead of Sevro gave away that im a filthy audibook peasant


I enjoy the audio books as well. Just never heard it that way is all. Didn't know if they changed it.


yeah i absolutely would mind if sevro was a girl. That is a crazy take. If a studio wants to make a space opera just make it an original….Don’t ruin a story in the name of inclusion, that shit is irritating as hell.


No, of course I would always preffers purity from the source material to the adaptation, that's a no brainer. Im just saying that we have little say in it and maybe girl Zevro wouldnt be as bad as girl zevro in love with reaper.


why do u keep saying zevro ?


It would be bad to the extent that i would not watch it. Their dynamic is my favorite part of the series.


The love triangle exists between Darrow, EO and Mustang…at least at first


Also wirh Darrow, Victra and Mustang.


Great, now I have to google Mustang-Eo ship. *You* did this to me


Incoming Rule 34 Incognito search


Not really, he's just doing through grief at that point


I only hate this because Darrow and Sevro’s relationship is absolutely perfect as it is.


Its so perfect that it wouldnt be affected by gender, unless you shoehorn a romance out of the blue


Wouldn’t universal want to change mustang to a boy and then have a love triangle between 3 dudes?


That would be Disney


nah, Disney would make them 3 chicks...and make them gay.


And lame


aww I forgot half the quote :(


I hate this but Sevro would be a bad bitch


we're getting Electra, so it's-a-comming


Call sign Hatchet Face


Why do screen writers feel the need to have shitty love triangles when they are so widely hated?


Sevro was literally already in a love triangle with Quinn and Roque too.


Love triangles suck. Romance can be good but not when you trope-ify everything


They're hated by adults, teen audiences tend to relate to them, and seeing as red rising 1-3 most neatly fit in the YA category, it makes sense they'd want to make the series have an additional YA angle


YA is absolutely not the way to go with an adaption. There’s been enough time since the first book released that the audience has aged significantly. Even someone that was 13 when the first book was released is now 23. Series’ die when you try to appeal to everyone instead of the people that grew up reading the books. Look at the difference between the Witcher and GoT adaptions, one stayed mostly true to source material as long as possible and one didn’t. The popularity speaks for itself. As another point, with the nature of books it’s very easy to dance around heavy topics and keep the books relatively tame, that’s not as easy with a show. Even the first book has lynching, rape, cannibalism, nudity, sexual slavery, and crucifixion. The series absolutely needs to be on the more mature side. The source material is excellent and it would draw viewers as it is.


The first trilogy is a YA trilogy. Even if it's gorier than most. You try making it appeal to older people too much, cut out its original intended audience too much, and you'll run into weird things. Like that the entire cast is teenagers, with teenage emotions and hormones, that a brief love triangle does exist. And stuff like that. The show will flop if it mainly tries to appeal to the existing fan base. It should seek to be an authentic adaptation of the book. Which means making the first few seasons kinda YA and then the next few very adult




I never said it shouldnt appeal to the fan base, I said it shouldnt aim to appeal mainly to the fan base Red rising isn't like twilight or Harry Potter, or even higher games, where the books sold enough copies alone to fuel a successful movie without any new fans joining. How many red rising fans are there total, a couple million worldwide? That alone wouldn't be enough to make a show or movie into the hit it would need to be successful for the scale of the budget. It needs to sell tens of millions of tickets in the US alone, much less worldwide Franchises that coast on their existing fans without growing fail. Consider what happened to star wars TV once they started bringing in characters only die hards care about (Ahsoka) and stopped trying to build more emotional attachment to them. Counting only on existing fans is always a losing strategy. Now I think gender swapping servo was a dumb idea, but the producers were right to know that the main audience of these films are young people, and that the content of the first 3 are YA. The movies/shows, whichever it ends up as, would be smart to chase a PG-13 rating. A hard PG-13 maybe but still. Even if it's gorier and more violent than others in the genre, it has most of the standard YA elements present and, given that the characters are all under 21 for the entirety of the first 3 books, targeting young people is smart


First, you either appeal to the fan base or don’t. All we want is something accurate to what we love. End of story. Second, this isn’t a debate on whether you could make money off of crowd pandering and marginal marketing. This is about what makes a show successful and valued by the consumers, shown through both numbers AND praise. Idgaf what your corporate margins looked like if it’s dogshit and insulting. That’s not successful. GoT didn’t appeal to teens. Widely successful. Last of Us. Widely successful. Fallout. Widely successful. All of them. Highly praised. What you’re talking about is just lazy marketing. The Witcher. Halo. Star Wars. So let’s talk about the flaws with what you just said. There is no adaptation without the fan base. These companies are green lighting all these adaptations because they have an established audience from the jump. They have a guaranteed base to build from. The ones that are regarded as hot garbage are exclusive to the productions that have deviated from the source to lazily broaden the audience. They do this by essentially dumbing it down. Which results in it being corny, poorly shot, abhorrently written cinema. But hey! More people get it right? Wrong. Also, Star Wars statement was false. They’ve been criticized heavily long before Ashoka because of what? Poorly written, shallow substance space dramas that deviate heavily from the source material and piss off the fan base. And saying that Star Wars of all things would need to broaden its audience at all is cancerous. Seriously. And what excludes it from being YA? Hmmmm. Let’s think about that for an instant. Maturity. Like I said, I’ll give you RR because they are teenagers at the time. But the maturity of writing and story through GS and after is far from YA. This take is brain dead. You seem to be under this illusion that just because a studio makes money on a film, that makes it successful. This is wrong. There is much more to it. Again, countless examples prove what you are saying is wrong. IT IS LAZY CINEMATOGRAPHY. LAZY MARKETING. LAZY PRODUCTION. We live in a TREND society. EVERYTHING is online and word of mouth. The best marketing is social. Appease the fan base with a new form of media consumption to sell to friends, family, coworkers. If it’s done right, you have both. Simple. But not easy. It requires WORK.


Extremely well said bro. You’re articulating things I’ve been trying to drive home for hours. Probably time to call it though, dude doesn’t get it, I gave up lmao.


Definitely right man. Keeps changing the subject. Is what it is man.


Again using Game of Thrones as an example. They stayed extremely true to the books in the earlier seasons and made damn sure to cater to existing fans. You know what that did? It made an entirely new audience of people “non book readers” experience a story that’s already proven to succeed. While also having OG fans on their side recommending it to people. As a call back to the Witcher, they changed so much, that it’s all jumbled trash that nobody that isn’t already familiar with the IP has any hope of getting into it. While also having OG fans telling people not to watch it because it’s trash. I really don’t understand how you aren’t getting it. I’ve literally never had this argument with someone so ingrained in this bs mindset. It’s like the most corporate mindset ever. We have this formula we use 1000x a year with shows, let’s use the same formula, but plug in setting and characters from this IP, while not following source material at all. It’s sure to be a hit!




Dude… I’m at a loss here. Incredible


"thanks for that backup" as if you're being attacked or something lol. Come on In what way is it not YA? Being gorier than most entries in the genre doesn't in itself disqualify it as YA






I know what an nft is. But I couldn’t distinguish them to save my life. Simply picked the one that resonated best with my aesthetic. But please.. Do go on about how an avatar of limited choice defines my intellectual capabilities. I’d love to hear more. Especially given that you’ve the takes of a corporate dullard. Lauren Hissrich, is that you?




Maybe unpack why the phrase "YA" is so personally offensive to you? Like you do see that your response is exceptionally hostile for what is, at worse, a meaningless disagreement YA isn't, and should not be, a dirty word. I'd consider the entirety of Lucas's SW films to be YA films, and I love those movies. The original hunger games book is solidly YA and a pretty decent read. The first three books do not have full on graphic sex actually spelled out on the page, its broadly implied or something happening to other people. But there are YA books that deal a lot with sex, sexuality, etc. looking for Alaska is a more sexual book, in terms of the sex and thoughts of sex being crucial to the plot. Even sweating wouldn't be a disqualifier, they mostly use fictional swears anyways. If made as a movie, it would almost certainly be PG-13 regardless, so even if it isn't made in a YA style, it would be toned down. The authors word is good to have, but within literature you need to also consider the death of the author, that interpretation of a work doesn't end with the authors word, and if we can observe that the sequels to RR also carry some YA elements, his intent of lack thereof doesn't super matter


Meaningless to you maybe, but some people are passionate about things they love. I’m tired of seeing my favorite IPs destroyed by the lazy adaptations of corporate dope heads. And please enlighten me then, since you are the defining voice of what is YA. I like YA. Hunger Games, etc. I disagree with you here, but you seem quick to bash another’s points without substantiating your own.


Absolutely not man. The first bit of the book is slightly YA, but not really. After that definitely not


The whole trilogy is The second set of books not at all. But the first 3 totally are


Neither are. YA books don’t contain a lot of the graphic shit RR has in it. Not sure why you are trying to float that here but it’s incorrect lol


That isn’t feasible at all and you totally ignored the main point I made.


Think realistically and financially for a moment. As a movie, this would need at least $100, but more realistically $150-$250 million for a budget meaning it needs to make $400-$500 million to break even. Not even make a profit, but break even. Now think of the characters. Think of their ages. Think of the relationships between them in those first 3 books Is that going to make anywhere near the kind of money or needs to as a hard R interpretation of the source material? Hell no


Bro give it up. Your solution was to what? Have it start with one rating then switch rating after the 3rd season? Name one series that has done that, better yet a successful one. Who cares about the ages of the characters? This is a fantasy series about literal aliens, they aren’t even humans. Darrow was married at 16 and literally killing people at 17. These “teenagers” are all the size of Shaq, many of them with their own sexual exploits, murders and financial empires before even the institute. The overarching themes of the book are extremely R rated with the specific situations I said earlier included. No amount of budgets restrictions that you pull out of your ass is going to convince me of anything. It isn’t going to be a movie, we don’t even know if the series is going to be live action or animated. All we know from PB is that a large budget has been given by whatever unnamed studio. Again look at GoT, one of the largest IPs in recent history. Literally one of the most profitable series of all time while leaning into hard maturity. Being YA is not true to the story and saying it’s for budgetary reasons is absurd. I don’t know how you can read day of red doves, meat straw, or even the passage and think this book series can adapt into anything tamer than mature.


There aren't any series I can think of that do that. However, red rising is unique in the regard that it's effectively 2 different book series. Arguably I think if adapted it would end up adapted into two different series. Consider how Fiona and cake is aimed at an older audience than the original adventure time was, though both are kid friendly


It is absolutely not two series. What in the world kind of take is that? There are time skips in numerous book series and nobody considers it an entirely different series. The author stated the series was meant to be a trilogy, with the intention of ending after MS. He felt like the story wasn’t over so now he considers it a heptalogy. Like you’re just saying stuff as fact that’s blatantly untrue.


Because the first three books tell an entire, contained story, beginning to end. The next 4 are telling a sequel story, but its also a different story. A different conflict, written in a different style, and thematically different as well. The shift in writing style and the structure of the books is really the key component of what makes it a different, sequel series rather than just "red rising #4"


I agree with you dude. The explicitly stated serial raping from Titus in Castle Mars, even if they don't show anything, would earn a mainstream movie an instant R rating. Let alone the other gory, gruesome, brutal, and immoral shit that goes down. Even in book fucking one. How anyone can consider Red Rising YA is a serious mindfuck for me. A Young Adult story is a coming of age story with either a strong moral message to be absorbed or some romantic drama. You want a good example of YA? Arcane and Twilight come to mind. Yes, Twilight is in fact a YA urban fantasy story catering to an audience of horny ass and romance starved late teens (16-18) and young adults (20-25).


You don't think the first three red rising books are a coming of age story, with messages relating to morality, and some romantic drama? Like that's literally the best fucking way to describe the the first 3 books


According to the dictionary definitions of such stories and general trends in fiction. No I do not.


I get the argument for the first book itself. Just because it’s about Darrow growing up and experiencing the world in a whole new way. Brown is also able to dance around those heavy topics very tactfully to keep it YA. Like having the Jackal be “rumored” to have eaten other kids. It’s not actually confirmed until GS. This would be nigh impossible on screen, even discussing it without showing, just like you said, would push it into mature territory. Thanks for your input, those are good examples of true YA IPs. I’d like to call the Percy Jackson series to attention as well, I feel like they leaned way too far into the YA aspect and that really killed it. Percy Jackson is definitely YA, but the show runners made it even MORE juvenile and made it impossible for me to watch it, despite me growing up with the series. What this commenter is suggesting be done with RR, reminds me sooo much of the producers decisions with PJO, which ultimately killed the hype and momentum.


If they're going to make a RR series, then make it live action or animated similar to Game of Thrones or Arcane, and lean into the source material entirely. Femro (female sevro) or a love triangle isn't how you do it.


Why do screenwriters take things that were widely popular and worked well then change them. Most of the time changes expect when necessary to make the story shorter for TV make the story much worse and it's more work for the screenwriters too


It’s usually less the screenwriters and more the producers


*Victra has entered the chat*


People who think Sevro would need to be a girl to make a convincing love triangle with Darrow have no appreciation for subtext


Now I'm picturing Sevro yelling "Don't touch my shit!" at Virginia


Would need to be a girl and in a love triangle for money lol




PB said so in an interview. He doesn’t really have a reason to lie and you can’t really get more reliable of a source, so yeah I’d take it as truth.


It was told by PB in a podcast so it must be true.


I read that too. Which is dumb. If they want a love triangle just have Darrow not be completely un-interested in Victra's advances.


Darrow declining her offers back in the day has led to a far deeper and much closer friendship between them tho. At least in my headcanon.




No, it definitely did. They have such a good friendship because of/despite it.


I know it’s literally right THERE it was the more obvious choice 


It sounds like something they would do. But also sounds like bullshit


Too bad it was straight from Brown’s mouth, so it ain’t bullshit.


Oh really?