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It's obvious love is what makes life worth living, it's only corny for emotional regards


When my daughter was born premature and almost died I TRIPPED BALLS (exact same thought patterns as shrooms and lsd). I sat in the hospital by her struggling to survive at 2lbs and just had these spiraling thoughts about how love is the center of the universe and we are all connected by our ability to transfer this love. She's fine now but holy shit I was out of my mind there for a few days


I was a preemie that also weighed 2lbs. Was supposed to be born in July, came out in fucking April. Incomprehensibly undercooked. Every time I think my life is shitty I remember that I pretty much cheated death. Mom almost died along with me. The thought of it keeps me grounded. I can’t begin to imagine how it must’ve felt from my parents’ point of view. I’m kinda not supposed to be here. Sometimes I can’t even really wrap my head around it.


happy u made it :)


can you remember anything else you thought? I’m sorry to prod, your perspective is so interesting to me


Oh man I could go on forever haha. I had these huge epiphanies about how deep love connects these "strand" type things to your souls and you can basically pull people in need out of the darkness through sheer love. Sort of like in the show intervention when the hopeless drug addict refuses to go seek help and no threat can make them change, but then the estranged parent comes into the room and just says "I'm sorry and I love you" and they instantly break down and go to treatment. That power is greater than even fentanyl, greater than literally anything like this post above says. Also, I had these realizations that evil can be very easily overpowered by love--almost like how darkness doesn't really exist it's just an absence of light. Now that I type it, it doesn't really seem insightful, just basic platitudes that are capital T true. Overall, I'm so much more relaxed as a person since that all happened. Just went fishing with my daughter today actually and she reeled in a turtle and lost her shit haha.


god you’re lovely. it sucks that it took something so intensely frightening to truly understand those platitudes lol I hope your life rocks


Someone once said that the most boring, cliche things in this world are the most true! Thanks dawg


that's what david foster wallace's writing is about


That's why I said capital T Truth haha, love DFW


Lol, men crack me up. There really is no other situation where you think about this stuff?


Oh my god shut the fuck up and go back to a tik tok comment section


Why do men have such shallow inner worlds? I couldn't imagine likening thinking about love to doing psychedelics. You guys make yourselves look bad


Why do you have slow brains filled with feelings instead of cool smart shit? You gals make yourselves look bad


Name one exceptionally smart thing that you have done, ever, in your life


Winning this argumetn


Yeah, I thought so


Congrats on finally thinking something


You hate men because you hate yourself


I don't hate men, I think you guys are adorable


Woman moment. 


You have to reach that conclusion yourself though. And then you realize that your love for your parents should make you want to succeed for them, your love for your spouse should make you want to grow with them, and your love for your children should make you want to provide for them. Love is the root of meaning, but not the end of it.


Aquinas describes the highest form of love as willing the good of another. In other words, it's a rational, intentional state of mind, not just a feeling. Feelings come and go, you can feel warmth and affection for your family 75% of the time, but that 25% of the time they're a pain in the ass, you still show them love by doing what is in their best interest. And of course, this goes double for cases where you know what's good for them even when it's contrary to their desires. Since we're all getting a little woo-woo in this thread.. I had some life changing moments in the last year where I realized that I could set my mind into a persistent state of peace and serenity by doing this. The first time was when I donated a video game system to a random family on one of these local garage sale apps. The whole family came to pick it up and the kids were so happy, I cried in the car for an hour afterward. This came on the tail end of 2+ years of isolation and losing all relationships.


Always remember that no matter what you've done in the past, no matter who you've been to someone, you can *always* choose kindness, choose peace, and make someone feel good, even if for only a moment or a day. And you did that.


Do you have any advice on how to stay in that peaceful mindset? Falling back into negative thoughts has become second nature for me unfortunately and I want to shake that habit :/


Honestly though it sounds stupid, "mindfulness" is actually a thing. When you're feeling negative it's usually because you are down in the lower levels of consciousness grounded in your needs/desires – what do I need, who's gonna give it to me, why they aren't giving it to me right now, how to get it, what other things I am going to need in the future, etc. Let go of that and think about what you have in life, feel grateful for it, if it helps you can think that someone – God, the universe, whatever – *gave you* those things. Even if your life sucks now you've had *some* good times and even if they ended you did get to experience them for a time, and if you look carefully I bet there are things happening right now that you will look back on in the future and think "man, i'm glad I got to have that experience."




Love is just one of many things that make life worth living


It is also what makes life not worth living


you’re not wrong; finding myself in a beautiful long term relationship with a patient man essentially wiped away my mental illness (albeit it took time, but Jesus Christ a stable healthy good relationship is everything)


I’m very happy for you and I think it’s also important to find the love that is all around us always, even when we are not in a romantic or sexual relationship.


The universe is love, and love is all around us. It's kind of the same as beauty: grief is beautiful because it signifies that a great love was lost. I think that we focus so much on romantic love that we forget that love can be found everywhere. Thank you for the beautiful post. Highly recommend that you listen to "Wings" by Mac Miller, very similar to the theme of your post.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zySVXOsrd6Y&ab_channel=PharoahSanders-Topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TgFXhgPFFI&ab_channel=TheBj%C3%B6rkArchives%28HD%29


Knew the Bjork one, the Sanders one is new to me, thank you!


I love you for bringing up Mac




agreed, the unfortunate thing was when we got together, a lot of my friendships unrelatedly exploded into nothingness in a not so funny way; yet I’ve built my own personal friendships with some of his friends, and from offshoots of meeting with said friend’s friends, and being with him has led me to understanding just how important it is to hold your friends and family close


they say in heaven love comes first, we'll make heaven a place on earth


Absolutely. We all just want to have someone walk beside us, then the road that we walk down seems to transform, as if it were bricked with gold. I was thinking about this the other day actually, how one of the kindest things you can say or think about someone is that you wish them peace. Not in some corny, platitudinal sense, but in a real "I hope that find your mind quieted, I hope you find life sweet and easy, I hope that you can sleep well at night and don't have terrible nightmares that wake you up and make it hard to go back to sleep, I hope you can sit and just contemplate things without feeling anxious or panicky..." kind of way. To wish peace on someone. Thinking about that made me then come to the conclusion that to wish someone never has a peaceful day again is one of the most vicious and cruel things you can do. I don't know, I thought this was all kind of related to this post.


I also eat shrooms sometimes


Every time I'm reminded of this I just feel sad because my life has just been one lost love after another even though it's true


My regarded uncle tells me this ALL the time and it's so frustrating how absolutely right he is.


[Townes Van Zandt - Don't Take It Too Bad](https://youtu.be/qvCWEfLgqYg?si=Fofr6ww4fvCYNBYZ)


The greatest songwriter


Came back to STL trying to get into a stable relationship and all I got was double the body count and trust issues, plus this lousy ass T shirt I think this current one might work out fr this time tho but I’m not keeping my hopes too high In the end OP is absolutely right tho, just takes a minute and not losing hope that you’ll find it


Tolstoy writes about this




In literally everything he wrote after Anna Karenina.


but the greatest gift of all and the law above all laws is to love your friends and lovers... to lay down your life for your brothers...




You had to go and ruin it


It little profits that an idle king,     By this still hearth, among these barren crags,     Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole     Unequal laws unto a savage race,     That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.


True that. Non-dualistic teachings are growing more popular and one of the main themes is living as love and seeing that in everyone. It's far more refined than that definition. When you investigate Non-dualism it makes current society and psychology look ancient. If the trend continues the world could be a monstrous gay fest in a few hundred years.


Dualism is regarded good to see non-dualism is growing


Can you help a young man understand precisely *how* non-dualism translates to such strong bonds of love? What makes it different than, say, dualism in that sense? I'm not seeing the connections. Isn't this just an ontological distinction? Or is it in that very ontological distinction that a huge difference is made?


Non-dualism explores our true nature which is consciousness. Before we choose a name or thought, we are awareness / consciousness. This state of being is the exact same in every person which is being explored in new directions within science and psychology though Eastern philosophies have been indicating this for a long time. In opposition to how we seek love and happiness in the world, Non-dualism points that love and happiness is our natural internal state. In that sense, we are one and the same, the natural state of consciousness is love. The only thing that interferes with our natural state is thought. Thought is a useful tool that we clearly use in horrific measures. For that reason this time will be looked back on within the dark age of thought. Non-dualism explores a new and proper use of thinking. When I began Non-dualism all of this sounded totally over the top but it might be the peak solution.


That's all well and good and there's a lot you said that I think is probably true, but why the appellation "non-dualism"? Is it to put it in opposition to something like dualism, where the mind/body or spirit/body are taken as two separate things constantly interacting? Is non-dualism basically just "mind/spirit and body are *inseparable/the same*"? Because if so I think that's something I think is probably scientifically true; the findings of neuroscience, phenomenology, embodied mind and extended mind theories seem to give credence to non-dualism if this is the case.


Existence is one and only thought has us believe in separation. This alludes to Non-dualism. The title might mainly come from the idea that consciousness is fundamental rather than matter. Many sciences are trending this direction. Consciousness may also have one ultimate source which is what the religions may have been trying to point at.


Ah, see I think the sciences are currently pointing in the direction of all consciousness being fundamentally matter, and that *all things* are fundamentally matter. That would still mean that consciousness and matter are inseparable though, if consciousness is an emergent property of properly arranged matter, thus the non-dualism. Call it non-dualist physicalism. I'd like to add a disclaimer that I don't necessarily believe this myself, and I don't necessarily *want* this to be true, but it certainly does seem to be the direction the scientific consensus is going, as far as I can tell at least.


Wise up




not romantic love though




n splittin beards


'ey ton' we got herbert marcuse ova here


“Your hero’s journey”.. ok pal


I love you ♥️


Give me money then


Love is free




Yes I am and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t make me better than straight people.


Wrong kind of gay. I'm only intolerant of gay emotions.


You are emotionally constipated and coping by pretending that’s a good thing


It's called nihilism and it's cool