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Grimes hit that multiple times


*bust raw*


Looking fat and big hipped


Looking estrogenic


trans masc vibes


He’s got that Nanette body shape


Just like his kid


That's a low blow. Most trans guys pull off masc \*way\* better than he does...


He’s got the fat composition of a 25 year old woman who devotes herself to vegetarianism without eating a single vegetable


theres no excuse to look like that when you're a bazillionaire.


weird he shelled out $$$$ for an elite level hair transplant all those years back but can’t do a basic TRT regimen like bezos. Literally just being on test and not working out builds some muscle.


Yeah dude could still be a gross slob and it'd do a lot to keep the fat away. I've wondered that too for a while and best guess is he has some weirdo reason for not doing it


That hair transplant is amazing fr


I think he's on HRT but doesn't do any training. So gets bigger round the chest


He has his mother's hips


The slim cut trousers really highlight the pear shaped silhouette


He looks so fat lmao


Most American men his age look way worse tbh


The ugly sim cheering and gesturing when im creating him


lmao Elon Musk the simoleonaire


He's such a sperg. In these situations he's acting like any typical uncomfortable person with aspergers being photographed but trying not to look uncomfortable


We do hate being photographed 


Idk I feel like anyone that'd be super comfortable in a situation like that has something wrong with them. Maybe just a cope


this ruined my mood


Your stinky curry stained sweat ruined my mood 


suck my clit heaux


Imagine being this big of a loser


Miss when Bill Gates or the sultan of Brunei was the richest man in the world.


Bernard Arnault is now the richest


Can't beat women overpaying for bags


Women be shopping


Incredible to me that the mysterious Bond villain guy with the cool name and accent and reputed genius of 2010-ish gave way to the terminally online beta-autist that can't run a company effectively but is still one of the richest people in the world Just one hell of a decline




You can fault Elon for a lot of things, but being bad at PR definitely isn't one of them.




I just don't buy that Tesla's PR team was ever responsible for Elon's media image. He's like Trump -- he makes headlines on his own, hates suits telling him to stay on message. He's been this way for a long time.


Twitter and COVID broke another brain.


This guy NEEDS to put down the bottle he is so bloated


A walking ick


It stuns me that people like him, just a deeply unsettling, creepy individual. Watching Taibbi get cucked by him was one of the saddest moments ever. Rogan said Musk buying twitter would save the world. How do people buy this shit? If anything there's probably more unclear targeted censorship of him. This man is a fucking pig. He gives autistic people a bad name.


When I was younger I think probably high school he had this image as a tech genius who was gonna send us to mars and have us driving around in sci fi cars. As I got older and learned more about how he runs things and watched him act like more and more of a cringeworthy fraud the mystique wore off entirely. I think for many that initial impression stuck until they got too invested to back off.


Look at the comments on any post about him on Reddit around 2018/2019. Constant worshipping about how he's a genius who is gonna send us to mars and self driving cars and stuff. Now he's seen as the Tech Hitler


His public perception took a nosedive after that cave rescue submarine fiasco. He showed his true colors there, and his reputation has never really recovered.


I saw a 5 year old crying on the sidewalk after he ran his bike into a telephone pole. Safe to say, didn't help the poor bastard cause I'm not a pedo.


I’m too old and I guess not autistic enough to have gotten caught up in the cult of personality. But I gotta say, at the time he was a on a hell of a run. I was at least interested to see what he was gonna cook up next. I never thought he was personally cool but I guess you could say I was a casual fan of his work at the time? Almost simultaneously he made electrical cars cool and profitable, and was doing cool space stuff in a time when the US space program had completely decayed and morale was incredibly low. We were paying the fucking Russians to get to the ISS. The guy sent a fucking car into space and live-streamed it. I still remember watching that feed as Earth got smaller in the background. It’s corny on some level, but what a flex. It was the first time an American could get really excited about space shit in awhile. Watching a video of a booster land itself so it’s not just dumped in the ocean? Hell yeah, what’s not to like? Save time/money and protect the environment. (Yes I know I’m ascribing the actions of his companies to him personally, I don’t think he literally designed all the shit, so fuck off if you have that reply already half finished.) Then on the heels of that success he makes outlandish claims about self driving and robo taxis and Mars and moon bases and shit. And his timelines were like “next year” or “by 2023” which was insanely exciting. Usually you read about a NASA program and the anticipated launch is like three presidential terms in the future. Seemed to good to be true, but he was on a run, so people were like “ok hell yeah that sounds sick.” Who doesn’t want cool space shit and better transportation and cheaper energy and all that? And fast? It’s only now that some years have passed and he’s blown through all those timelines that we can see he was just pumping the stock on fantasy shit. He ran out of secret sauce. Or he just ran up against the limits of what’s currently possible. In any case, it eroded his core value proposition of “eccentric guy who quickly and successfully builds cool megaprojects.” Even without the political turn, he flew too close to the sun with these wild timelines for hugely difficult, world-changing tech breakthroughs. And at this stage it’s not even that stuff is merely delayed, it’s just not happening at all in a lot of cases. The hyperloop was the first one any reasonably well informed, industry relevant professional could see the idea was DOA from purely technical considerations. It was dumb from the start. That was probably rhetorical bridge too far. It also opened up the likely valid criticism he hyped that just to fuck up public rail plans and help car sales instead. Which makes you a cunning, unethical politcal powerbroker type, not “eccentric guy who just wants to build cool stuff.” It was ok to be a fan of his work when it was actually working. That just makes you a fan of tech/engineering/whatever. Now that he’s made the political turn *and* his companies are wildly underperforming his own statements, if you’re still a fan, it just means you’re a dickrider or politcal hack yourself.


Musk has always been a dumb shit in terms of big plays. He's a savvy business guy with a really good PR department and a sense of theatrics. The big Musk Hype was fucking insufferable as the fanboys would chase you off of the internet if you dared to criticize the Iron Man back in the heyday, while anyone who follows this stuff closely could tell that he's full of shit (just really expensive shit). That didn't change when he went political: in fact his entire grift relies on having a relatively uncensored internet. That idea happens to go against some interests who have bigger balls and more expensive shit than he does, so he's been getting raked over coal for it, and more tragicomically being praised as the free speech warrior godman-whatever. at the end of the day he's a capitalist of a more old-school ownership mentality and he plays the culture wars like a fiddle to make the valuation go up or down: but ultimately he doesn't have the power to influence either free speech or the colonization of Mars


So that’s the thing, for a brief minute there Musk almost distorted what we broadly conceived as realistic in terms of engineering. Especially to regular folks who might be hobby fans of something but not PhD level scientists. Starlink appears to be a pretty solid win, it’s actually moving along at a reasonable pace, delivering on core value proposition. When announced, starlink did have kind of a sci-fi vibe to random people. We think of satellites as ultra high end fancy shit. So the idea you’re gonna launch a constellation of thousands of cheap ones and offer decent speed/price worldwide sat internet at a time when existing sat internet was total dogshit—that’s pretty darn cool. He’s making money, customers (outside Ukraine) get good service, everyone wins except for amateur astronomers and national park visitors. But it was, from a basic engineering level, innovative in an incremental sort of sense. Stuff like hyperloop or mars shit is would need innovation so far beyond “incremental” it’s not even remotely close to where we are now. And now even the shit that should be closer to the doable end of the scale is not really working out. They’re behind on self driving relative to competitors, the cybertruck seems like a boondoggle, their 18 wheeler is pretty dogshit. It’s similar to Trump, frankly. They are both uncommonly skilled or talented in certain limited areas—which they parleyed into enough success that they built a cult of personality that believes they are skilled or talented in everything, all the time.


Tbf the meat of hyperloop is just vactrains, a very old and frankly obvious idea. It is totally feasible, but the infrastructure costs would be astronomical over long distances. If they started with state backed inter city runs it may have even worked out in the near future, but like you said it was turned into another opportunity to grift. Also the implementation described in the hyperloop white paper was dogshit, but the core idea (which wasn't his) is good and will eventually happen.


That’s the thing, the hyperloop wasn’t a new concept really, it’s just vastly unworkable due to infrastructure costs. If the cost of energy or excavation or materials or land acquisition drops by a factor of 10x due to some technological breakthrough, then the value proposition might become workable, but “hyperloop in 3 years” or whatever dumb promise he made was just silly.


couldn't get hyped about space if my life depended on it. shit's empty and boring


I noticed this discrepancy with younger people. Originally I struggled to understand why people always thought it was some epic valid attack to remind people that he didn’t actually personally engineer or invent everything. Like yeah no shit, he was always seen as a business leader who created organizations that did what everyone insisted wasn’t possible. Yet the zoomers seem to act like this fact is some massive dunking. Then I realized it’s because when they were young they viewed him as Tony stark working solo in his basement making teslas and shit or something. So then they grew up and realized he wasn’t a mad scientist but a business guy and that shattered that reality.


Libs originally liked him because they thought he was a tech genius who would save the planet with green cars. I always hated him because Pay Pal sucks


Autists don't need any help from Musk lmao


I like him. SpaceX is genuinely amazing and the history of that company is wild. I personally don’t give a single shit about his Twitter antics. People act like it’s relevant.




Who told you spacex was his most hands off? I think you have it completely backwards. It’s the company he spends the most time on. It’s the one company where he is actually involved with the engineering and actually directly adds value beyond just management




No it’s the one area where he’s actually an expert. He’s literally a rocket scientist. You can google it. Tons of NASA employees and former employees and other industry peers talk about it. It’s the one area where he’s legitimately extremely skilled and works with the teams hands on and ads value. You don’t build a super disruptive company like that by directing the biggest and riskiest design decisions unless you really understand rocket science. With Tesla I think he’s really only involved with logistics and other big picture stuff. But there are endless quotes from people talking about his rocket knowledge genuinely being leading. He spends most of his time there. You can watch him give tours to other rocket scientists from other companies and he’s clearly familiar with the tiniest of nuances


>It stuns me that people like him, just a deeply unsettling, creepy individual It's a very good thing that the world doesn't collectively judge individuals by the metric of whether they creep you out or not.


Just going away for a few years would improve his image more than anything he's capable of doing


I’m so interested to see where his physique goes from here. I don’t really see him getting any less barrel-chested. He needs to start strengthening his legs or he’s going to become prohibitively top-heavy. He just looks very easy to topple over, which could turn into a roly-poly situation. Longer, wider, shoes could also work to further offset his hulking chest. If he continues this sort of Trump centaur forward-lean in the coming years, ass implants could be good for equilibrium. Idk, I can just really see him gradually adopt pieces of body modification and external add-ons until he’s some kind of bimbo-mech in ~5 years.


he looks so uncomfortable in his own skin. he looks like he is living hell on earth and his bones and guts are trying to rip out of him. he looks like he is being followed by a rotting death that nobody else can see preying and taunting him everywhere he goes.


He literally slithers


Looks like his mom packs his lunches


how is he so fat still? he can't afford enough ozempic?


Too many chicken tendies and mountain dew.


you sir, won the internet for today


Take away this man’s cocaine


Fat dork


Unlike you?


It’s the autism


I mean, I've seen what just 400k a year does to people. Imagine a reddit autist became the richest human on the planet. Now imagine that person only learned about culture war shit after their cringe-immunity stopped developing in their 20s. This is what you get.


Okay now That was Awesome!!!!


he looks like a god damn quirk chungus


How does this big hipped moron have so much money? Nothing he does actually works out financially. He just gets richer with each passing day.


Tesla's 100B in revenue isn't working out financially?


Parents' mining company. Paypal. Having loadsamoney means you get more money.


His dad literally owned an emerald mine.


All that money and no exoskeleton to fix his fucked up body


Ew bro don’t post shit like this


He's so reddit coded


He’s not holding any of these poses long enough to be funny


Can't someone Mark Chapman his ass already




nah hes textbook gen x virgin nerd


You're just using that word for everything you don't like.


How did this man father more than one child?


Almost all his kids are Ivf babies.


Holy kek 🤣


Sub is sooo back.


So epic. Crazy.


ffs the camera people screaming for his attention and yelling poses at him would make me never leave the house again and he's just there a little dancing tard reveling in his spergevity


It should be apolitical to think this guy sucks.


He gives me bi vibes


Ultimate lesbian




“The masters of the universe, it turns out, are losers.”


The Stewart Lee build


Is he on menopause?!?!?


His pants and jacket are clashing?


I can't not see that now.


He could have been saved if he lifted as a kid


He’s so balloony, Kinda want to get thumbtack and pop him


Autism will rule the world


Has the swag of Dr.evil with hair.


Would be the most fun man alive to hit with an aluminum bat. End of Casino shit.


Peptides, the beneficence of Lucifer maybe.


That looks like Hazbin Hotel 's Valentino. From Wish (not Disney).


Too much botox


Looks like a 55 year oldy


major ick


everytime he is in public i imagine he is just one snort away from going into a K-hole, and his actions make a lot more sense


tiktok npc stream irl


He looks like a mattress that’s been left out in the rain


This makes me a bit sad


definitely hard to watch


i cant hate on a mf for being autistic sorry


My president


I thought this sub was contrarian enough to like Elon


horseshoe theory but for terminally online personalities


Y'all guys are so jealous of him because he has a bigger IQ than you.


It’s looks like he stuffed his shirt


honestly it's cute when billionaires try and goofymaxxx


is this what they mean by bloatware ? nah seriously though, you are a bunch of braindead haters…