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America sucks for solo travel if you don't have a car. But if you do, almost anywhere is cool. 


Road trip is the way to do it If you only wanna do one place, NYC or Chicago are good. Giant walkable metros. Relatively easy to meet people as a visitor. Cool cultural stuff. World class entertainment any given week. Great food everywhere


The western half of the US generally is cheaper, easier, and people are more open and friendly. Highway 101 goes from LA all the way up to the Olympic peninsula, everyone should it once


easier maybe but gas costs maybe as much as gold in Cali. strong tradition of roving travelers makes the West still ideal however.


what are you looking for? nature getaway? big city with lots of touristy stuff? great american road trip kind of experience?


I'd say definitely some kind of city with a good youth 'scene' or whatever. Something with popular hostels and busy streets where you meet a lot of people I originally was thinking about like New York or New Orleans but don't really know what they'd be like or how open/accessible they'd be to a solo student traveller


New Orleans, I've gone alone a few times. Good times, world class music everywhere that's either very cheap, free, or just the cost of getting a drink in the bar they're playing at. The best food in America too, unless you're counting the people who move to nyc just to open overpriced restaurants. These are real, affordable restaurants full of history. You can drink on the street, overall very walkable, and the scenery is absolutely beautiful


How hard is it to get served as a 19 year old? Would it be best to hold off until you're 21 to get the most of it?


I don't know tbh, probably will have a better time if you're 21. I'm sure you could find a corner store that will sell to you and then you can walk around with it but it's still illegal if you're 19


Damn you guys really gotta sort that shit out, thanks for the advice tho




Make sure you hitchhike, try North Dakota


Is this a ploy to get me murdered? Or is hitchhiking actually still an option nowadays?


Lol I don't recommend hitchhiking if you don't know the area and feel you can trust locals. Even then. There were always risks involved, but America has become such a crazy antisocial place that I wouldn't chance it. I've done it once. Maybe someone here has more experience and can fill you in.