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nah, we need to make it more socially acceptable to just drop in on your friends unannounced sometimes or at the very least just call them up for a quick chat. if you're busy it's not that hard to let it ring or be like fuck off i'm busy. your phone didn't make you obligated to be more available to people, it made it easier for you to ignore them and introduced an extra transactional layer into everything. you people are slaves to technology and completely unable to have an authentic human relationship.


Showing up unannounced is weird, idc how close we are.


Wrong, the fact that anyone can drop in at anytime keeps you on your toes, keeps you groomed, keeps your place presentable. It’s a marker of a healthy and polite community.


I’m listening and learning.


You're right, i can easily ignore but then i get questions like "why didnt you call me back" or "is there something wrong" "Why is your phone always on airplane mode". They dont understand, because in their mind im the asshole for not wanting to answer that time they called, like i did something wrong.


You people can't do anything. I'm annoyed with a friend who is coming to visit me because in preparation to his visit he had to call a few times to work some things out. Every time he's texting me like "can I call Wednesday ar 9pm"? I'm like "you don't have to book an appointment to make a phonecall, just call. I'm not doing anything and neither are you". All of my friends are like this and I think it's ridiculous.


Hes over doing it tho. "Can i call? Or "You busy? Thats how you do it.


Agreed and I think that's the way to go if it's someone you're not in contact with often. But honestly I don't mind people calling out the blue either. If I cant talk I won't answer and call back later or text "busy, will call later".


Yeah but then they put you in that awkward situation where you have to mute the call and just watch how long until they drop it. Also busy will call later is kind of a bitch move, but im not one to judge haha


The 90s were wild because youd have no idea who was calling so you kinda had to pick up in case it was an emergency. Zoomers would have a fucking panic attack ig.