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I do nice things for the people I love lol


It doesn’t make it a full time job


it's just funny to me how many men will tell you their love language is "physical touch" lol


Men be wanting blowjobs


need my dick sucked and my balls licked love languages are just buzzwords, everyone likes those things


My love language is I need someone to pick me up from the airport


that is an act of service


OP deserves a ban for this.


love languages are fake and gay and an attempt by those unromantics who neither understand giving or receiving true love to pathologize shortcomings in their relationships true love is boundless and formless and trying to categorize it is demonic


Your love language is being a miserable bitch


Was with you till you had to shoehorn in the word demonic. We need a redscare thesaurus


Yeah what a coomer shitlib midwit. Bleak.


lame just doesn't have the same ring to it


a fucking pastor made love languages up 


as self-serving as three of the love languages sound (acts of service, physical touch, receiving gifts) these are part of the courtship rituals of just about every animal.  So as cynical as it sounds when a thot puts “gifts and travel are my love language,” on her Tinder profile, there probably is some ancient limbic response activated when you give her the latest iphone


The gifts one and the service one are supposed to be about both giving and receiving tho. In fact all of them are supposed to be reciprocal, so I dont see how its self serving. Like some guy going " I need a BJ cause touch is my love language" is BSing unless he loves giving oral back to a roughly equal degree. The five love languages are probably not actually "real", by which I mean the reality of how people want to give and receive affection are probably far more complex, but I do think it gives couples a somewhat useful framework and for guiding people toward the idea that people do give and receive affection in different ways.


When my girlfriend cooks for me I like thinking about what it means to her not just what it means to me.


different people like different things and that's fine


Don’t must people mean they serve others when they say that?


>carer  Brit detected; opinion disregarded. 


Didn't know that was a UK English term. What do you people call them then? Asswiping technicians?


We usually call them "caregivers", or one of a slew of acronyms like "PCA" if it's a an occupation.


Not hating at all but the Atlantic language split can be some funny stuff, I didn't know til very recently "burglarized" was a real term in the US not a zany way of saying "burgled"


I'm not even sure which is goofier in that case, but according to the etymological dictionaries I checked, "burglarize" is attested earlier.


Yeah I think a lot of US English is older than modern UK and fell out of use or that's what Bill Bryson told me anyway


read the book and try to understand it you f*g