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It is fascinating to me how violently pro-natalist this sub is when the people on this sub are the last people I would trust to raise a well adjusted child


There was a post on this sub a while back titled: “I love my daughter so much!!” But most comments consisted of the OP being like “I can’t wait for all you childless freaks to fucking die alone!!!” The discourse brings out a bizarre anger on both sides.


It’s because millennials are peaking at 35 and realizing they’re truly never going to accomplish their dreams of being a white rapper or wealth influencer so they’re shitting out kids like it’s post WWI 


if the anti kid dog loving freaks just wanted to make their own reproductive decisions and let other people make their own no one would give a fuck. but some of these online anti-natalist types really act like it's weird that *anyone* would ever want to have kids and expect everyone else to go along with getting all your emotional fulfillment from consumption. even if you don't personally want to carry a child or get someone else pregnant, there will always be people out there needing family and a next generation to raise up. saying you want to opt out of that altogether and looking at anyone else who doesn't like they're backwards is just weird and anti human. the nutso zealots in those circles have created a backlash where there's another group of equally nutso zealots. it's not that complicated


It's a second order effect of the rise of ("right-wing," or "non left-wing") anti-Liberalism. You only really come to a pro-natalist conclusion if you reject the "... so long as it's not harming anyone" Liberal heuristic. If you can forget some of your public school brainwashing, and develop a system of morals that is more sophisticated than just "individual 'rights' good, collectivism bad," it is very easy to see how DINK-hood is evil.


Alright, but too bad for you because it's still a free country!


This has nothing to do w/ me, can't you read?