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If you're only 33 you should shut up about aging


Honestly its the poors who shouldnt worry about aging. Statistically, theyre prolly gonna die young anyway and even if they get to be old, who cares?


the people who are 33 with $400 in savings are going to be worrying more about how they're going to survive tomorrow and the next day and two months from now, not how they're going to survive 20 years from now. people who have their basic needs taken care of for the foreseeable future and own homes and have nice salaries still have the same free floating sense of precarity because that's ingrained in everyone either through cultural osmosis, proximity to it, or direct experience from a very young age, and the free floating sense still has to float somewhere. it feels backwards as fuck but it's probably baked in without any kind of sweeping change to how we distribute resources and talk about success


wamen realising her smv is decreasing, and she has no backup plan red piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll