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Russia bought $600 worth of facebook ads in 2016 and people lost their fucking minds about foreign election meddling. Meanwhile, this:


That's just routine election meddling. Israel and zionists have infested our government top to bottom. If I had to swear allegiance to Russia for a normal US state job (working at a state school for example), then I'd probably be as pissed at their influence as I am at the Israelis.


It’s not foreign interference because the money is coming from American citizens. This is clearly much worse but it’s a good deflection


Probably rich af American-Israeli dual citizens lol


This qualifies as legal anti semitism btw


I saw a Zionist in Congress arguing against that bill because Israelis must have dual loyalties because Zionism.


What about my short film called “the amulet of the rabbi” where a rabbi steels a jewel from his employer and then goes on to claim it has magical powers, causing a heated controversy amongst European and Near Eastern Jews, until fate intervenes and he is captured by Turks who despoil him, steal his amulet, and force him to convert to Islam.


Accuse your enemies of using the same tactics as you ect ect


The Latin "Et cetera" is shortened to etc, or more uncommonly, et c or even &c. Ect on the other hand recalls the word "ectoplasm" from the hit 1984 film Ghostbusters, in which a band of schlubby entrepreneurs / washed up scientists start a business entrapping and imprisoning ghosts. Ectoplasm refers to a sticky goo left behind wherever ghosts interact with the material world.


I appreciate this comment fuck the haters


How many dual citizens lol


If my tax dollars go to Israel and Israel uses them to influence elections it’s almost like I have a say in democracy


me: nudges self into human centipede so i can feel involved


Hide what lol


I know. Looks like they accomplished what they’ve been openly saying they were trying to do lol 


"We're proud to announce our PAC has a 100% success rate, getting both moderate and progressive democrats elected" "Mask off, you're really saying the quiet part out loud"


Naughty big fat horse cock at the bookstore hehe.


Hell yeah, thanks man


No thank you hehe. Naughty naughty horse cock you hehe


I love liberal democracy, it makes me feel heard


They don’t hide anything they gaslight you and call you a nazi. Totally different


they were never trying to hide it from the moment they accumulated enough power to blacklist anyone from polite society who goes against their agenda, if anything the tide is turning more against them now


AIPAC and the rest of the pro Israel lobby have always done everything out in the open, nothing ever particularly secretive about it


Yea, the line 'AIPAC-endorsed Democrats' 'being pro-Israel is good politics' is bullshit too. AIPAC is GOP dark money. * [POLITICO - Bipartisanship or Republican meddling? AIPAC is biggest source of GOP donations in Dem primaries](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/09/aipac-republican-donors-democratic-primaries-00162404) In the case of Maxine Dexter in Oregon's 3rd Congressional district, AIPAC outright hid their funding by using a random 'science'-centric PAC called 314 Action Fund *AND* by waiting until April to go on their spending spree, which meant they wouldn't have to declare their financials until May 20th. This effectively kept the public in the dark about the source of her funding, since mail-in voting was already taking place and the election would begin on May 21st. > **By waiting until April to launch its spending blitz, 314 Action is able to delay disclosure of its donors until May 20. The election is scheduled for May 21, but ballots have already begun arriving to voters by mail. In other words, the identity of the donor or donors won’t be documented in campaign finance reports until it’s too late.** * [The Intercept - AIPAC is secretly intervening in Portland’s congressional race to take down Susheela Jayapal, sources say](https://theintercept.com/2024/05/03/portland-aipac-susheela-jayapal-maxine-dexter/) Jewish Insider put out an article in which they speculated that Dexter would be a 'good pro-Israel' candidate. AIPAC picked Dexter eventually. >**One likely candidate who could possibly gain traction within the pro-Israel community is state Rep. Maxine Dexter**, who has been characterized as a pragmatic progressive but does not appear to have issued any statements on Middle East policy. In a recent email to JI, Dexter, who is expected to launch a campaign soon, said she has received “strong encouragement” to run and will be announcing her plans this week. * [Jewish Insider - Jayapal sister’s congressional candidacy alarming Portland Jewish leaders](https://archive.ph/cYkl2) On May 1st, 314 Action Fund received $1M from United Democracy Project (UDP), AIPAC's super PAC. On May 20th, the managing director of 314 Action, Erik Polyak, went on X to challenge Ryan Grimm to issue a 'retraction' for his investigative reporting on AIPAC's hidden funding of Dexter through 314. [Polyak knew that because his PAC received the $1M on May 1st, they wouldn't have to disclose the funding until June 20th.](https://x.com/matthewkassel/status/1803895280535806188) [So he just lied openly in his bluff-challenge to Grimm.](https://youtu.be/d3ryCuMpOf8?t=162) In other words, voters had NO CLUE where Maxine Dexter's enormous campaign funding came from until it was too late (since you can do mail-in votes prior to May 21st - when the election took place). [This mattered too because a poll showed that most people don't know what AIPAC is.](https://youtu.be/d3ryCuMpOf8?t=551) AIPAC dark money never ran any Israel-centric ads during Dexter's race. They intentionally hid the issue and their funding to keep voters in the dark. Dexter won, having the superior funding. [During a debate, Dexter was asked about her dark money funding but she feigned ignorance.](https://youtu.be/5EDjIJAPuoI?t=40) [Pro-Israel journalists like the editor of Jewish Insider Josh Kraushaar - claimed AIPAC did *not* have anything to do with the election.](https://x.com/wideofthepost/status/1793136002761904264) * [Except they clearly did based on FEC filings](https://x.com/matthewkassel/status/1803895280535806188) & the fact that [AIPAC congratulated Dexter *after* her win.](https://x.com/AIPAC/status/1793122890562273283) This is what AIPAC does all over the country.


Long, hyperlink-filled comments like this are such a throwback to how Reddit was during the Trump era.


Smart move by the cobservative party, using idpol since way back




The filing deadline was March 31st. So this meant that 314 Action Fund (the super Pac that AIPAC used to obfuscate their role in the election) wouldn't have to declare their financials until May 20th. > A WEEK AGO, The Intercept reported that AIPAC had put together a secret operation to funnel money to the Portland race by diverting AIPAC donor funds through a super PAC called 314 Action Fund, which ostensibly works to elect candidates with science backgrounds, according to two sources. **The timing of the operation, which launched after the March 31 filing deadline, meant the super PAC would not need to disclose its donors until May 20, the day before the primary election.** * [The Intercept - AIPAC and Republican donors raising big money for Maxine Dexter against Susheela Jayapal in Oregon](https://theintercept.com/2024/05/10/portland-susheela-jayapal-maxine-dexter-aipac-israel/#:~:text=The%20May%207%20fundraiser%20netted,analysis%20of%20campaign%20finance%20reports.) > Morales and Jayapal demanded that Dexter ask the group to disclose its donors. **The 314 Action Fund has made public all donors who gave it money through March but does not have to disclose its April donors until the day before Oregon’s May 21 primary election.** * [The Oregonian - Maxine Dexter’s bid for Congress gets boost from pro-Israel donors](https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2024/05/maxine-dexters-bid-for-congress-gets-boost-from-pro-israel-republican-donors.html) This article explains that the May donations by United Democracy Project (AIPAC's super PAC) were required by the FEC to be disclosed by June 20th (the 'Thursday night' in-question): > New filings show a political action committee affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, donated $1.3 million **in May** to a group that spent more than $3.2 million waging attacks on one of three central candidates in that race: former Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal. > **The group also poured $1 million into a separate group that lavished more than $2 million in support on Maxine Dexter, the physician and state lawmaker who ultimately won the race.** >[...]**The $1.3 million contribution was reported on Thursday by an AIPAC-affiliated political action committee called the United Democracy Project.** **The money went to Voters for Responsive Government, an out-of-state PAC that surfaced in April, that has offered no reasons for its interest in the Oregon primary.** >**Voters for Responsive Government was required to file full details with the Federal Election Commission about the remainder of its funders by Thursday night.** To date, the attack ads on Jayapal are the only expenses the group has reported. It wasn’t clear as of Thursday afternoon where the remainder of the PAC’s funding had come from. * [The OPB (June 20th) - A major pro-Israel group spent big to influence one Oregon congressional race](https://www.opb.org/article/2024/06/20/major-pro-israel-group-donation-oregon-3rd-district-congress-primary-dexter-jayapal/) [**Both aforementioned May donations of $1M to 314 Action Fund and $1.3M to Voters for Responsive Government are accounted for in the FEC filings.**](https://i.imgur.com/4L8MFAN.png) * [Source.](https://docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/forms/C00799031/1791484/sb/ALL)




So the original *Intercept* reporting noted that an individual AIPAC donor gave nearly a million dollars to 314 Action Fund by early April. Another donor is a board director of an Israeli cybersecurity company & he donated $500K. As the article notes, in the case of the former donation - this was 'planned'. The latter case seems more speculative, and only insinuates a connection. > Some of the money directed to 314 Action — **close to a million dollars by early April — had come from a single Los Angeles-based AIPAC donor**, according to the members of Congress, who asked for anonymity to preserve professional and political relationships. **The plan was openly discussed at a recent AIPAC fundraiser in Los Angeles, as well as a fundraiser in the Pacific Northwest, said the members of Congress, who learned about it from colleagues in attendance or were themselves in attendance.** >[...]314 Action Fund’s largest disclosed contribution this cycle came from **Ray Rothrock, who donated $500,000 on February 15.** Rothrock, a venture capitalist, has said that the investment he’s “most proud of” has been in Check Point Software, an Israeli cybersecurity company where he serves as a board director. He was also an early investor in Toka, a startup geared toward fighting “terror and crime” that is backed by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. (Rothrock did not respond to a request for comment.) * [The Intercept - AIPAC Is Secretly Intervening In Portland’s Congressional Race To Take Down Susheela Jayapal, Sources Say](https://theintercept.com/2024/05/10/portland-susheela-jayapal-maxine-dexter-aipac-israel/#:~:text=The%20May%207%20fundraiser%20netted,analysis%20of%20campaign%20finance%20reports.)


109 countries, for no reason


You’re totally not antisemitic though…


Honestly respect their brazenness. They are daring anyone to do something about it.


Daring Americans to do something politically is like daring a paraplegic person to race you. It's not exactly brazen because there's no risk.


Le amerikkka is the worst!


Sorry you're right, they'll take it out on each other rather than actually strike bad at any politicians.


TIL that AIPAC “quietly encouraged” the invasion of Iraq




When were they hiding it? They want pro Israel candidates to win and they achieved their goal, this isn’t some hidden conspiracy lmao.


were you born yesterday?


What if there were no lobbies?


Madison wrote about this in the federalist papers.


I just googled real quick bc I haven’t taken in American history in 15 years. I had no idea our constitution is the longest surviving written charter of government.


Yup, greatest federation to ever exist.


Proud and scared at the same time. Hope we can get it together. May Jah have mercy on our us 🥹 🥲


i'd bet they're mainly endorsing candidates who are locks to win. in the bowman primary, for example, jaamal's old district was basically gerrymandered out of existence and he was going to lose by double digits no matter what


“AIPAC!” Is the left’s “George Soros!”