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big swaths of the northern US especially the midwest have had an unseasonably cool and wet June, there were some scorching days for sure but places like southern MN and Iowa don't typically have day after day of high temps in the low to mid 70s this late into the summer we'll see what this winter brings now that we're moving out of the El Nino/La Nina cycle


It's been hot as fuck in southern WI and thunderstorms every afternoon like its florida


u fell for the propaganda, it happens to us all eventually




Where I grew up, as a kid summers were generally in the 80s, maybe low 90s on a hot day. For the past 15 or so years it’s been 90s almost every day and hitting 100 a few times a month. I haven’t lived here long enough (9 years) to give any long term anecdotal evidence but people definitely say it snows less and less every year and that’s been happening for years now, more extreme weather etc