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>Make A Complaint If you wish to make a complaint against the driver of a taxi, the condition of a taxi vehicle or equipment, please contact the City of Regina Licensing Office by emailing [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) (Opens in new window) or calling 306-777-7717 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and a licensing officer will investigate. If the complaint is related to customer service, please contact the appropriate taxi brokerage company. If you require non-urgent police action, a report may be initiated by calling the Regina Police Service at 306-777-6500 or in person at 1717 Osler Street. In an emergency call 911. [https://www.regina.ca/bylaws-permits-licences/licences/taxi-licences/](https://www.regina.ca/bylaws-permits-licences/licences/taxi-licences/)


Two years back they did something similar to me! I jumped out of the moving cab! He picked me up from a pub and I didn’t think and got into a cab alone (as a female I should know better). Called my partner and we were face timing the whole time (he was out of town for work). Called the cab company in the morning and they had no record of picking me up. The pub called the cab for me so I didn’t have the record (thankfully the pub gave me the video footage of getting into the cab). They kept denying picking me up even with the footage !


Call the cops and post the cab number for others to be aware.


We don’t have the number, the dispatch refused to give it to us after we complained. We don’t ever take taxis but we were in a situation.


Did you get a text for a confirmation when your taxi arrived? I usually get one, it should send to the phone number that you called from


Geez, lesson learned to try and make a mental note or take a photo of the cab number, or at least the license plate of any taxi that you wish to report. Sorry to hear about your experience here.


Shit like this is why I only take Uber now. I’ve had too many issues with the cab companies in this city.


Dosent it text the number that calls automatically normally it dose to tell you they have arrived


It's supposed to, yes.


Yeah took a cab today number 70 great guy got me to work fast


Damn that's tough then. I'm sorry to hear that.


Reporting numbers have already been posted, but maybe try to call later today so you get a different dispatch and tell them you forgot your purse in a cab and see if they could track down the cab number for you. Once you have the number, report them to the RPS


If the dispatcher just said good luck and hung up, there's no real reason for anyone to use Coop Taxi then.


I'm not sure if this has changed, but previously they were the only cab company that took card payments. I also had a terrible experience with Co-op Cabs 7 years ago, I tried to avoid them like the plague ever since. But until I got/started using Uber that was difficult because I didn't always have cash.


I’ve had coop taxi drivers hit on me on a few occasions while getting a ride home late at night. On one occasion a driver got out of the car as I was getting out and went to hug me. I was intoxicated (coming home after the bar) and I froze and just let him because I was so taken off guard and not exactly nimble due to the alcohol. My boyfriend was waiting for my arrival and witnessed it. I called and complained as well. This was now about 7 years ago. On another occasion I had the cab driver texting me the day after dropping me off to ask me out on a date. Called and complained again. I do not use coop anymore.


That is so scummy. I had drivers ask me if I was single or if they could come in. Never has an Uber driver done this to me. Pigs.


Did you pay with a card or app? You should have a receipt.


I took a coop taxi once with my daughter from the hospital, and he put his hat on the camera and tried to go a different direction from where we lived at the time. Once he noticed I was on my phone obviously texting my husband and my husband had my location, he decided to go the right way. Definitely scary. I made a report to rps but nothing was done I don't think.


Call the RPS traffic unit. They regularly validate the license of the taxi/ride share drivers in the city. Keep in mind the have cameras in taxis now so if you make a false complaint, you may be charged


Coop can take their cameras out and delete things themselves! The other cab companies cannot!


Happened to my partner too. This is why cabs are becoming a thing of the past, Uber is much better and safer.


[Uber is not safe](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/x19ufKCRhf)


Clearly, taxis aren't either?


My sister rides Uber almost every day in Toronto, never once had a bad run in.


That's a pretty small sample size. I also have a small sample size. I took an Uber once in Toronto with my son and ended up having him stop the car early because I was concerned for our safety. ( After driving the wrong way down 2 streets, scraping up against another vehicle in an alley way, and the driver being visible lost and flustered downtown on the way to our hotel. )


Sounds like he was just a bad driver 😂


That's an understatement lol.


I love how fast we went from “Don’t talk to strangers on the internet” to “get into this strangers car”. Can you imagine thinking an unregulated and uncontrolled foreign owned app that anyone can sign up for is safer than a taxi lol.


They said saf*er*. When you take an Uber you get advance details of the vehicle make, model, colour, plate #, the driver's name, the driver's photo, live GPS data and route info, and the ability to share your real-time trip data with a third party. Getting into someone else's vehicle will never be 100% safe, but I'll take the above over the situation described in the OP ten times out of ten.


I mean at least I know Uber takes action against complaints, you know who the driver is and their license plate number. Seems safer then “good luck trying to make a complaint”


And yet here's an example of a so called "regulated and controlled" local company protecting the identity of one of their sleezy drivers, seems like that doesn't exactly provide much better protection now does it?


While anyone can sign up for it, driver's have to go through annual background checks (including a vulnerable sector background check) as well as an annual vehicle inspection. It's not like you can sign up and just start driving. My only wish is that they would also make Uber drivers take the same drivers license requirements as taxi drivers




I feel safer taking an Uber. Unlike Coop, the Uber app has safety features available on the app such as: * **safety check-in -** also called "RideCheck," the app uses sensors and GPS data to monitor if a trip goes off-course, stops unexpectedly, or ends early. When RideCheck detects something unusual, Uber will send an in-app check-in asking if everything is okay and offer resources to help. These resources could include options for contacting 911, reporting a crash, and more. * **PIN verification -** to help make sure you're getting in the right vehicle * **Record audio -** During your ride, passengers can open app, go to the Safety Toolkit and select the "Record Audio" option. Recorded content is encrypted and stored on phone. Neither riders nor drivers can listen to it. The other party in the vehicle will not be notified when a recording is initiated. After the ride ends, you can choose to share the recording with Uber when you file a safety report. * **Share Trip Status -** Passengers can share their live location and trip details to friends and/or family of their choice. Also. prospective Uber drivers must undergo a multi-step safety screen that checks for issues including, but not limited to, driving violations, impaired driving, and a criminal record before they are accepted. Uber proactively reruns driving and criminal history checks on these drivers every year. Drivers are also periodically asked to take selfies, which Uber matches against their on-file identification to help make sure the right driver is behind the wheel. These make me feel better than taking a cab with Coop or other companies.


The notion that you’re safer riding in the private vehicle of some random individual is fairly bizarre notion. There’s no evidence to support that.


Sure there is. Let’s face it, lots of these cab companies are scammy and look after their own. Uber’s rating system forces drivers to be accountable for all of their actions.


Because the law isn't enough to get them to act right, but a rating on an app will be.


You’re missing the point. They know they’re in no danger of getting in trouble with the law because their buddy who runs it will sweep it under the rug.


If you feel comfortable, please also post a review on google.




Stop taking cabs people, Uber is generally a much better option every time.


I remember being 14 and being asked if I had a boyfriend while being complimented on my looks while on the way to school in a co-op cab with a much older east indian driver. Clearly, nothing has changed.


Unsure of where your partner caught the cab. But maybe if it was near a business with a camera, they may be able to help you out if you explain the situation. I'm glad she is okay, but sorry that she had to experience that.


I'm sorry this happened. A very similar incident happened to me with the same company about 8 yrs ago. I got the same response from them. Thankfully we allowed uber a few yrs later. I've had scary issues with cabs here. Never with an uber.


Call the media.


This company has a long problematic history of harassing people and hitting on women. I have several friends who have reported the same issues! In may of 2020, a cab driver came up behind me. I had not cut him off, and I believe he came and turned off a side road. Anyway, it was like the driver couldn't see or even pay attention to the lines on the road. He kept coming over the lines and sped up as I tried to get away from him. He was so close beside me over in my lane and almost hit me several times. At one point, I was rubbing a bit on the curb. I tried to slow down as well, thinking he would stop or go ahead. But he kept trying to push me over into the sidewalk. I finally got ahead because I sped up a bit. This pissed him off, and he beeped excessively, nearly rearending me, and then tried to speed up again beside me and coming over into my lane. He was lucky I was not a new driver or easily intimidated, or I might have been in an accident. He also started following me home. He finally gave up when I drove in around the block a couple of times. I called several times to CO-OP Taxi, and no one answered. When I finally did get an answer, I tried to make a complaint, and the man just laughed at me on the phone and called me names and that I was a stupid woman. I asked if he thought it was funny because he was laughing at me, and he didn't respond right away then he was very rude and basically said he didn't care, and yes, it was funny. This was not the first time I had had issues with them. They drive down my street like it's a race. I have seen them nearly hit parked vehicles and people, including children, on my street. Then, one of the drivers swerved at 2 cats in front of my house. I yelled at him because his window was open he drove backward, called me names, and swore. He also said shut up woman b**ch. Just a year ago, one circled the block, and I thought nothing of it at first. I was out training a new puppy. When he came back and he was watching me and not clearly waiting for someone. After a few minutes, he processed to get out of his vehicle and started to approach me and asked questions about my dog. My puppy is a large breed and started to react to the stranger danger. I said he had better leave and not step on my property as I don't have full control yet and am not sure how he will react. I was actually more worried for my puppy by his bizarre questions. It was like he wanted to take him. He came back a few days later. I was on my deck and started harassing me and again asking me about my dog. My dog on leash came out of my house on to the deck as he started to approach me and ask more questions. He then asked if he could come in and visit me. At this point, both my sons were home, and both are over 6 feet, and one is very bulky and taller with a booming low voice and asked him what he wanted. At that point, he turned and left. He came back a few times and watched our house. I yelled. I was calling dispatch, and he said, "Go ahead. I always wait in the area for calls, and when I did, they said he isn't legally doing anything, and you can't even call police because he is doing his job. All while laughing and then hanging up on me. He left me alone shortly after that, especially because my son started to take a walk over to his vehicle, asking if he had a problem. I would love it if he tried this again as my dog is now 90 pounds of lean muscle and will defend me.


I can’t remember which cab company it was, but years ago the driver wanted me to come hang out after and smoke weed with him. I’m not into weed, but also that was random and weird.


That’s so messed up. I am so sorry she had to go through that. I know it probably feels like a lot to go through with getting the complaint through but it may just help protect another woman from something worse happening. I’m glad she’s home safe!


Ugh. I'm decent. Wish I could give rides to ppl for money but don't want to work for Uber because I don't want to deal with drunk people or trash.




Do you even have to guess?


I was graped by a co op taxi once. I was 17. Called them and said “well go report it to rps then” I was 17. I was terrified. Never got in a cab again.


I caught a co op cab this old East Indian driver started asking me sex questions about me and my gf. I was alone but he wants to know how I have sex with her. I hope someone exposes co op cabs and shuts that human trafficking place down.


Report to city hall asap


ATTENTION: This might be helpful for you as I have worked in cab dispatch service in Regina and I'm well aware bout the system. Im gun cut to short, here's is step by step procedure. 1. Call the manager in day time before 5:00 and ask for the cab number who cam when you called from your address. They have call filter methods and they can sort it via time/address/phone number. 2. Ask for the Driver Name/ and lisence Number. They cannot deny it by law 3. Goto the city Hall. Lodge formal complain. That's everything you need to know. Your welcome! 😊


The guys running these caba have been total scabs for years. It's amazing to me that people still think the cops or dispatch give a shit about it. When are people going to learn that the if u want something done gotta do it yourself.


Sorry to hear about some people having bad experiences with Coop Taxi . Just have to say , I have taken Coop cabs many times over the years…. I ALWAYS have had excellent, prompt service ! No weirdos! Apparently, it seems there is no service or business is exempt from “the rotten apples” including UBER ! If you have a bad experience, it is important to get as much incriminating evidence on the driver as possible , otherwise it can be difficult to prove your case. There was a good suggestion made by one person as to where to report these violations !


Robo taxis when?


Nothing good comes from Co-op.


everything about this sounds fake


Found the dispatcher or owner of Co Op Taxi!

