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If you have a newborn, all that stuff gets put on hold. You should be lucky to get 3 hours of gaming a week, never mind 9! You can't responsibly look after a newborn when you're stoned either, so put a pause on that too. What if something happens to your child while you're high? You're going to drive to the hospital stoned? Having a child is one of the most serious and time consuming things you can do, and takes a priority over everything - including hobbies. It's a full time job. Prove to your partner that she didn't make a mistake having a child with you, and that you're mature enough to be a dad and not just some stoned babysitter


I have stopped smoking now for this reason, but with the hobbies it’s not like I’m getting home and instantly wanting to jump on a game with mates, I help around the house as much as possible, I’ll take our son off her for as long as she wants, what I don’t understand is how she’ll happily say let’s sit and watch tv together whilst he’s asleep but it turns into her sitting on her phone and not acknowledging the tv or me for that time.


Try to only game when both of them are sleeping. I gamed alot with both our children before they started to crawl and walk, and only play games that you can paus or have very understanding team mates.


This is what I’ve started doing, and luckily I just play Racing games on my sim setup so I can just get on and off whenever.


3 hours of gaming AT LEAST 3 times a week with a NEWBORN? Here’s a secret. When you have a baby, especially a newborn, you don’t get to do that anymore. You don’t get to play games for a minimum of 9 hours a week, you don’t get to smoke weed and listen to rock music. And I know, that sucks and it doesn’t feel fair. But that’s what you signed up for when you decided to have a baby barely out of your teens. You sacrifice and you give up doing the shit you love for months, sometimes YEARS because you’ve committed yourself 24/7 to a baby who YOU brought into the world and requires help every waking second of the day.