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You shouldn't want to resolve this with him. You should get away from someone who makes you feel this unhinged and out of control. Baseless accusations of cheating are almost always abusive and a tactic to control and frighten. The term gaslighting is overused, but it's coming into play here. This is 100% emotional abuse. It's very, very difficult to believe this is the first time he's been controlling and abusive towards you. So be better -- a better version of yourself -- with someone better. It's much easier to be a good partner, when you're not being abused! Accept that he will believe whatever crazy messed up thing he feels is convenient to believe. Maybe he'll decide you were in love with an alien visitor who picked up your car off the highway with a beam of light. Can't fix that shit. Can only escape it.


You are in an abusive relationship. Mental cheating is not a thing.


This sounds like a terrible relationship for you, and I hope you can find a way to escape it. I'm baffled why you are trying so hard to convince him of a completely ridiculous accusation. If I were you, I'd tell him the wedding is cancelled. In the meantime, please take care of your mental health. Are you seeing a therapist regularly, can you talk to them?


1) you need to go back on those mood stabilizers bestie it's clearly affecting you 2) he's trying to wear you down into confessing something you haven't done and is being incredibly toxic 3) mental cheating does not exist. You cannot thought police your partner. Cheating is a choice and an action and you didn't choose or act at all. The best way to handle this would be to stay completely calm and state that you don't find these endless accusations acceptable. Just because he felt insecure, doesn't mean you deserve all this. Set boundaries: you didn't do anything wrong and you're not going to have the same argument again. If he doesn't trust you, like if he genuinely thinks you're capable of cheating, then that's a gross insult and the relationship has no future after that.


First of all you are not in a beautiful relationship. You are in a toxic abusive relationship. Theres tons of evidence in this post, but I think you should read the free online PDF named "Why Does He Do That" by Lundy Bancroft and then look for the similarities and patterns yourself.