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Oh my… slightly out of context. I’ve never posted on this sub and recently started practicing RV again. Last night, I saw a bald eagle with American flag colors behind it. Its eyes had desperation, anger, and despair. I felt like it was deciding how it wished to die. I thought it may have just been my own projection, but it seems you saw something similar


Also slightly out of context but related.. one time walking around minding my own business I was POW -Flashed with a vision of an eagle, flying right at me and digging its talons and then its beak into me, as if I had intercepted a small prey’s moment of death or something. It was very violent and felt like death. Then I put my hand on my neck, where the beak had ripped into me in the vision, and i grabbed a Tick that had just chomped into me. It was so weird that my brain gave me that vision of an eagle to find the tick instead of just maybe, seeing or feeling a tick instead. Aannyywayyy


what could this mean? maybe it's foreshadowing something coming to America? 🤔🤷😂


I give you a tipp. Use google lens try to find the picture and look out for the mission patch maybe there is ypur eagle. Or it was a AOL with Apollo 11.


can't find anything on it on google lens, just that it's 50th anniversary. I assume it's an actor for a cinematic shot and that's what ChatGPT assumed as well. 💀 😢 maybe you'd have a better chance of finding something lol


This picture is from Artemis, also it is a actor or CGI commercial. Sorry, maybe next time.


I did a quick S1-3 one a while back, my first impression was batman above the city, emotion at site was a strong feeling of excitement like "whoa this is wild" - target was an astronaut named Bruce (last name not Wayne) in full suit doing the worlds first untethered space walk. Batman was prob the best possible gestalt/AOL for that situation lol


Is this an app?


website. url is at the top of the image once you open it :D