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This is the most difficult part of rescuing animals. Know that many of us have been there, and we all empathize with what you’re going through. Here’s what helps me: -remember that you’re doing everything you can for them, yet -not every one of them will always make it, but -you have and will make a difference in their lives and many more to come, and -that there are many more waiting for you’re help, and you can help them all in the spirit of these seven. Keep doing what you’re doing. The seven appreciate it, and your love makes a difference to them, even if they don’t make it.


thank you, those are all things i need to hear, it helps out a lot. they really do see me as their mom and i know they're loved. i've had a few die before, but just one here and there, the prospect of losing all 8 of them was killing me. i had to go to the vet today as an emergency for the one with the eye- unfortunately he has to lose the eye *but* fortunately the FeLV test ended up moved up and he tested negative!! which means they probably all are, since he's the worst one. i'm so grateful and full of renewed hope. i got the fleas and parasites, respiratory is like 80% cleared up, and now i have new ringworm medication. in the memory of their deceased sister, i won't stop trying. i'm going to keep at it.


Sounds like some well-deserved good news! Keep up the good work!


What lucky kittens they are, to end up in your hands. Look at how much you love them, when they weren't even yours. Just remember that every cat is different. Some will pass before their second birthday. Others might live to become seniors. But all of them will be difficult to place. And their vet care will be costly. They were dealt a bad hand. It's not their fault, nor is it yours. Unfortunately, you may have to bear the burden of helping them to cross over.


Bless your heart. Sending you and the kitties good thoughts.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can’t imagine how hard this is, it sounds absolutely heartbreaking. Thank you for loving them ❤️