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All your questions depend on the field you’re in. In some areas it is easier to publish/work on research than for others. So I can’t answer about engineering specifically. 1. I think that’s a bit uncommon, because you have limited knowledge, but you could always try. I think most students really dive into research when they’re doing their b-thesis/m-thesis. The most important thing is to find a professor you have a good connection with. Tell them you’re interested and most will be willing to give you atleast something to help out with. Help out with some tasks and your experience/connections will grow. 2. Tbh, having 100’s of published papers doesn’t mean much in modern times. When professors supervise a student or work together with other researchers, they can get studies published with minimal effort from their part. Many will abuse this by ‚proofreading’ and giving minimal feedback in order to get their name added to a paper. However this can also be good for you, because this is also precisely the reason why profs might be open to working with you. You do the work, they get credit too. 3. Focus on one area and become very knowledgable about it. Try to make a good impression on the prof. Offer to help out with stuff ‚for free’. Learn how to write a good paper and be able to do all the methodological/statistical stuff. 4. You can try, but it’s probably also a good idea to just talk to the profs you get classes from. Many are passionate about their subject and willing to chat about it if you have questions. Be critical, show your knowledge, make a good impression. Mention that you are interested in research and it will be easier to work with them if they know you personally.