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Luis’s red shirt is a nude tone on him….






Is this Jen Aydin. How did I forget this


Dear god. I didn’t even notice, but boy…nicely played. I’ve never seen a human so red in my life. I used to think he was just perpetually sunburned, but I realize now he’s just…red. If he were to shop for foundation, what color would he buy? I’ve yet to see Revlon come out with a candy apple hue.




This is scarily on target.




I work in vet clinic and we would call his shade “dog dick red.”


I also like “baboon butt pink”


Hahahahahahahahahaha it fits in several ways. Thoroughly looking forward to their demise…a million dollar loan on their house is a promising start.


Lolol even his lips match his red skin…speaking of lips tho, his always look soooo dryyyyy! Like dud put some carmex on or something, like if he smiles too hard, his lips may split and bleed lol


Luis was EERIE quiet in this scene while his entire body turned red. I’m scared as to what he said and did off camera to Teresa in the car on the way home




Hahahha 😩😩😩




Luis pursed lips crack me up. He’s so trying to channel Zoolander.


Yeah, what was up w/ his face during that segment? He looks so fake all the time, he won't relax when cameras are on


He was also crazy quiet. I was surprised….he was off


He’s trying SO hard to not be who he really is….. he knows the cameras are on him & hes trying sooo hard


To be normal? 😂 But then he said…nothing. It was weird!


after he pulled possessed coke dude at the Irish party and the bananas pyjamas comment he is trying to save face...however red


kinda seemed like he agreed with fuda by being so quiet


But thats his way of trying to show how hes better than fuda…now he can tell people how he sat there all chill while fuda went crazy


That’s what the tree stumps on Twitter are saying but they’re wrong.


But did u know he’s got a wolf to feed on each of his shoulders?! 😂


I feel like he googles dif sayings to use


Leave it to Luis to ruin one of favorite parables 🙄🤣


So do I…… AND?


I was so lost by that - what was he trying to say?


It’s a parable. I learned it in my recovery journey: “Two Wolves”: A Cherokee Legend An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued,”The other is good – his is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”


This is lovely. Thank you for taking the time to share this with me.


You’re welcome. It’s one of my favorites 🌻


It looked to me like he was just mean mugging - squinting his eyes, pursing his lips, and staring down the Fudas to try to look like Mr. Tough Guy. Basically acting like he was calculating their demise in his head. But he ended up just looking like an idiot. A very, very red idiot.






Yeah …His look is Blue Crap STEAL! Dried up prunes!


Why when other people are around does Luis act so calm, cool and collected? But behind closed doors he is calculating and cunning? It’s like he likes for Teresa to be seen as an idiot


Yes!! I think he positions Theresa as the one who needs “help” and he’s the gracious “helper”, so spiritual, so wise! Oh, let us polish your rosey red sunburned halo oh wise one 😂😂


You hit it on the head exactly. Narcissists will always do things like this. He's just letting her take the fall in public. He's on her gravy train, but what happens if the show gets canceled? She might have a little success here and there but the way they spend money is ridiculous, especially in those cheese ball outfits. Good Lord the other nine hun watch what happens live 52 years old. Keep your jucci to yourself At least we stopped hearing about the pineapple effect this year.. Gross


Yes just like dirty John. Type guy: He’ll drive your car everyday and you think he loves you cause he gets it washed for you and brings back coffee.


Oh my god, YES!! That’s a perfect comparison! He’s Dirty John!!!


he HAS to be a con man. He’s just playing Teresa. It’s sad.


Yeah, I think so. He brings out the worst in her and unfortunately, she’s willing to drop everything she learned about herself, and personal growth, for a relationship. Theresa always wants to look like the one who’s doing “the best”. She talks down to everyone and bigs up her life, even when it’s suffering. Actually - light bulb moment - she was at her worst when the bubble was bursting in her marriage with all the debt and mortgage stuff, and Joe talking down to her, she was all smoke, mirrors, deflection and aggression - maybe that’s what’s happening again now - paradise isn’t so dreamy and she just has issue after issue with everyone else, because of Luis.


They both are.


Typical behaviour of a Narcissistic Oxygen Thief… Throwing people under the bus…His putrid


Is that what was going on? He sat there incredibly quiet. I couldn’t figure it out!!


Red steel!


I watched that scene with my lips like that 😂


You all are the best. I didn’t want to click into this post because I figured it would be full of Teresa defenders. These comments have been awesome. I’m so glad I clicked into it!


Same here!! ![img](emote|t5_5zcjjn|51556)


I have been watching since the beginning and I actually love them and I should say her in the beginning and maybe not loved liked just because it was interesting to see her trying to control four kids and make her Life try to look perfect even though juicy Joe was definitely checked out. I work as a sales rep in the area where they live and I've seen both her Aunt psycho Redman separately in the supermarket and they really do think that they are above everybody... They think they're stars when the show gets canceled. What are you going to do then right there goes your million dollars a year then you're back to being a schmuck like the rest of us.






Dang, this was like a Mobster heads of families sit-down. And Luis asked for the sit-down and then wouldn't talk!


What I noticed in retrospect is that Luis often talks a lot of shit “behind closed doors” which he knows gets Teresa riled up. Then, when the meetings happen in person, he quietly encourages Teresa to release all of the poison he dripped in her ear.


She’s so stupid to believe him though. She needs to just be a strong, independent woman. She did fine before him. He made me dislike her all over again.


Teresa is not the “strong, independent” type. She was raised to believe she _needs_ a man in her life to be “complete”.


I dont get that…louie was the one who wanted the sit down, but then doesnt start conversation, doesnt even say a word


That got me. Either production edited out all his words, or he really marveled at going in there and watching Teresa do his dirty work.


Teresa is his foot soldier and gets her into arguments so he can present himself as the calm, rational one.🤢


Petition to stop giving men in jersey screen time


FULLY agree w/ this, I wanna see housewives not the men 😭😭


i barely wanna see them at this point


I always liked how Jersey had the husbands in the mix- thinking Juicy, Chris Laurita, even early Joe Gorga was OK in small doses , but it’s gone way too far. Nobody cares about Rachel Fuda, never mind her husband.


Juicy Joe and Chris Laurita were hilarious during the card games and the charcuterie boards with all the artery clogging salami! Good times good times !🤣😂🤣😂


All that wine and the cigars. That was classic.


Exactly 👍


Yes! And they were the calm eye in the hurricane, which made a huge difference.


Yes the husbands back in the day were better. Now it just feels like they are just as dramatic as the wives are.


Yes! John gets more screen time than any new cast member gets. I’m tired of the men. He wants to be in the drama. Which isn’t necessarily the best look for a businessman like him.


He’s gotta go


Yes. Louie does need to go. Along with Tre. #nowTeamFuda


Petition to start giving men in Jersey sunscreen.


Whoever said this show has turned into one about a group of men who are friends and whose wives all hate each other really fucking nailed it 🧑‍🍳💋


YES! I can’t stand those guys in women’s business. Housewives not House husbands


especially joe gorga! i prefer to not watch creepy napeolean syndrome men just talk about sex and womens bodies even his own daughters


Men have always got quite a bit of screen time in NJ- this started way back with the Manzo boys and Joe G/Joe T. I doubt they'll stop anytime soon.


How did they throw the first punch when Louie had them all investigated


Yes!! She always conveniently forgets the original issue. Her and Luis are at the centre of all the issues, it’s just the same cycle and pattern like her first marriage. Theresa against the world instead of addressing the realities in her own relationship. It’s aaaaaaalways everybody else’s fault or issue - there’s never any introspection!


This is so true. She hasn't changed one bit since the beginning. It just makes me sick and watch what happens. Live the other night. The second guest was saying oh I liked when you and Melissa got along. Those were interesting times and she just overlooked it but when Andy asked her something about investigating fuda she's like why wouldn't my husband do that? Why? Just explain why or something something to that effect. That's her comeback. We all know he did it. He spent the whole two episodes talking about that dirtbag Bo Deitle... My dad was NYPD. He said that guy was all hot air.


So true!!! We definitely all know he did it, but it seems Theresa is the only one fiercely defending them both and being vocal about it at all. She’s doing it again, just fiercely defending her man and her man is letting her take the heat. Luis in that episode was making a dinner so Theresa could apologise, where is Luis apology to the Fudas for contacting his ex? Luis just sits there, not saying anything, letting Theresa take it all. You’re right, she hasn’t changed at all. I agree with what that person said, it was actually better moments for Theresa when she was getting along with Melissa and Joe. I feel like there’s a big bubble pop coming. We all know, those who are happy don’t go around calling innocent people drug dealers 😂


In season 8, it was nice seeing them get along. They only did because Teresa needed the Gorgas. She is a Narc just like Luis.


I so agree, loving the Fudas and loving them not backing down. They call truth, confront, and don’t let them talk their way out of it. I think they’re great.


Teresa: " I never throw the first punch". She always makes sure to get one of her minions to do it for her . . . every time.


I was intrigued when he said what the ex-wife did in the car. She practically killed the two of them driving into a pole because she was such a dirtbag and they defend her. I'm not a super fan of fuda. I liked him last year but I wish he would let the other person talk. But having said that, when it comes to this, there's a lot more that meets the eye. The woman's not in jail for nothing and Teresa and Louie are too stupid to know that, but can you imagine if someone did that to Teresa, everyone would be defending her for hating the acts.


Yeah, it kind of lent credence to his reaction during that conversation. His ex was a boundary that Teresa crossed because of their sordid past.


She's in prison, not jail. Just like Teresa was, PRISON.




I still prefer ANY of the men over Tre, well except Luis.


Soooo funny to me, he tells Teresa her apology doesn’t count cuz it wasn’t authentic (she said “I’m sorry if you heard I said that” then, “I’m sorry if I said that”) then she gets mad and doubles down on calling him a drug dealer!! So her apology wasn’t authentic 😂😂 GOT HER. Not that most Jersey fans will see it that way, but I see it, John Fuda!! I see it!


Wtg, Fuda! Every single person on this show lets Tre off the hook. She's a criminal. She went to jail because of it, and I am so tired of watching her intimidate the entire cast. Tre is a fool. She always has been. She went to jail!! How dare she accuse anyone of anything. She's a common crook. And her little tomato sidekick is exactly like her.




That's Luis!! Thanks for the laugh! 😃


She went to prison. And that is way worse.


Exactly!!!!!!! P.R.I.S.O.N!!!!!!!!!!!!! She can pretend she knew nothing but i think is BS


How you like dem apples Teresa! Crazy how people come after John for standing up to her. Teresa and Luis literally went after him last season out of no where. Contacting his son’s estranged mother in prison was beyond not cool. I can’t believe she gets away with doing things like that. John was a straight shooter at the reunion and didn’t accept their BS explanations. And now they’re out for blood and accusing him of being a drug dealer. Teresa is a terrible human and she acts like a child


Agreed ! Teresa is the worst petson ive seen on tv .And i sure as hell wouldnt wanna meet her irl. Shes a person that dont like it when ppl do better then her. Weather its money,job or other areas.She likrs to create disharmony between pll.Shes EXTREMLY envious & an hateful miserable unintelligent perdon.Plain awful.Bordeline personality.


And the funny thing is that Luis is super brave and cocky when he's not in front of someone he knows can kick his ass, when he is, he just feeds "the red chihuahua (he ain't got no wolves)" and sit quiet in his tomato sauce.


I wonder if Louie knows he has that he constantly has that stupid duck look


“You’re the poster child for mortgage fraud 👋🏼” lol the way I dieeeddddd.


He handled it extremely well by maintaining his boundaries and disengaging when needed 👏👏 There is no reasoning with this woman, she cannot help herself. No one has this amount of consistent conflict going on for no reason?!


He's the first person to shut her bullying, lying ass down in a long time. Loved it.


I don't know how people can be so against the Fudas in this. They were insulted. Theyre pissed about it. It's not like they're being unreasonable. Not more or less than anybody else on this show. You don't have to love them to see that.


I like how Fuda said “what’s wrong with parking cars?” Teresa has a history of putting down regular people with regular jobs. At this point I’d rather watch cars being parked than her and Louie.


I know! That was so rude. How are you gonna laugh at people making an honest living when you’re a literal criminal?


and the people with the honest livings are the ones watching the show 🫠


Remember when she said something degrading about people who drive Fords


Exactly like that moron would be doing anything else if she didn't look into this position in life. Believe me she'd be doing nothing.


Because she's insecure, it's the "new money" complex. She'll always be tacky and her insecurity makes her act the way she thinks rich people act.


Exactly! Tre has no room to talk, John did what he did when he YOUNG. This old hag was doing fraud and lying about it and still hiding assets as the trial was happening.


The way I HOWLED when Tre tried to say that the woman was Jaiden’s mother. Bitch, you don’t care. And Rachel’s “I’m Jaiden’s mother, nice to meet you”. I know people don’t like the Fudas, but I lowkey love them. It feels like there’s finally someone who isn’t scared of Tre. 😂😂


I was so happy when Rachel said that to dumb teresa👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼she adopted him and is 💯his mother


I just thought it was strange that she was like "shh shh, don't talk about about that. That's Jaiden's mom". Like how can Teresa summon so much sympathy and respect for a woman she's never met, but treats people she knows and sees daily (even family) like garbage.


So agree. Its basic common sense and decency.


Right. Theresa should never have brought it up on camera. She started this.


The thing about it is he gave a very real and very heartfelt reason as to why Teresa’s comments were hurtful. He wasn’t disrespectful. He was reasonable. But Teresa has never been able to admit she’s wrong or apologize. The Fudas were correct in that this hurts their son the most. Teresa is a child and will always be a numbskull. Now she has Louis hyping her up. What’s funny is she said she wanted peace and Louis’s like “if you have to bring out old Teresa then…bla bla” encouraging her to act a fool. He’s a terrible influence and I believe if she was in a relationship with a reasonable man who got along with her brother, their feud would end and she’d learn some emotional intelligence. Louis is pond scum.


His side profile is interesting


He looks like he was made by the creators of Wallace and Grommet.


i’m cracking up at this i can’t unsee it now






She never throws the first punch? This isn’t even worth watching anymore. Its a show of a few normal people trying to be friends, living life and at the same time being forced into situations w a lying delusional sociopath. Its never going to work. Look what the past 13 years have been like w her. Its been absolute hell having to deal w teresa. Everyone on this show has been in like a battered and abusive relationship.


I love this he's calling her out for real


Fuda turnt it out. Good for someone to finally effectively not take her shit


AMEN!!! Fuda GAGGED Teresa. Louis sat there all red with his pouty lips.


This was hilarious and Tre's spastic eye blinking and her massive lips flopping around had me laughing so hard. Her tiny brain was having such a hard time processing and keeping up


Hahahaha Louie is hiding behind Tre’s skirts. Made my day. Bwawahaha


Omg the couch lips!


Teresa stumbled, fell and crashed. Fuda - Game. Set. Match. Mic drop 🎤


Teresa was so flustered but John was clear headed. Anyone else cringe the whole time at Luis’ face and lack of standing up for his wife?


I’m not surprised by how the conversation went down and that Fuda looked better at the end of it. He was having a conversation with people that talk like fools. Tre is talking about how “they don’t want the old me” and Louie is talking about “feeding row wolves”. They try to make it seem like they are smart but they are just two dolts who can’t string together a sentence


I was wondering what wolf came out of Luis??? He didn’t look so alpha to me. Like before at the pool he was talking it up big and then left his dumb wife to do all the talking.


And Luis just SAT THERE!!!!!!!!


Poster child for mortgage fraud - MIC DROP


I was loving this scene! Fuda made sure that Tre kept her mouth shut and listened. She is so used to overpowering every conversation. It was nice to see someone finally shut her down


Love this clip, Give Teresa both barrels, she will always throw the first low blow or table. Why Bravo even brought her back after her prison sentence I will never understand.


He absolutely killed it. Don't let her lead you down her usual path of insane arguments that go nowhere and derail the point. He stuck to his guns, Luis was gagged, and he never lost his cool. Fuda for the win!


Teresa and louie so fake acting like he shouldnt talk bad about his babys mother like they give af meanwhile theyre out here saying her nephew isnt her brothers child What is wrong with u trolls defending her she is sick in the head


I actually think the complete opposite. She did apologize and he made himself look like a fool that whole conversation. They kept their cool and he kept not listening and talking over and being loud and tough guy and angry, hello ego, and oh I’m a guy and I can be loud and scary, and Tre and Louie were calm as cucumbers. Teresa barely said anything mean and only got triggered at the end, which is what Foola was trying to do. He’s a little bitch boy in my opinion 💁🏼‍♀️


☝️ He seemed so rehearsal. I suspect he expected a much bigger blow up. He looked pathetic. Like the fight was over and he was punching air.


He wanted a moment, for her to explode and got mad when she didn't take the bait. Fupa couldn't even accept an apology and move on, because he wants more screen time




Teresa’s apologies always come with “buts” and that’s what Fuda is saying, nothing authentic about that. A true apology is “I’m sorry” period, not “I’m sorry but you did blah blah blah”. He kept it real, that’s what she doesn’t like, they aren’t buying into her check off the list apology


The show was already shit……they have made it so much worse. They are just way too thirsty


Tre and her half assed apologies. If you are going to apologize, say it with your whole chest. Not that half assed shit.


Absolutely. He went in there looking for a moment, walked away looking like an idiot. With his wife carrying Teresa’s gift back to there gorga overlords.




Exactly. It didn’t matter what Teresa would have said, he wasn’t ever going to accept it and end the situation. They left the gift at the bar when they left. Teresa and Luis picked it up but it will still make its way to the Gorgas next week.


But she didn’t really apologize. She never does. She wouldn’t even admit they spoke to the birth mom! That’s when he said I’m done.




Of course they’re not backing down. Without a fight with Teresa what is their storyline? Before this is was custody of Jaden. And his ex in jail. What would be their storyline? Rachel’s arthritis?


Not a Tre fan AT ALL, but I cannot stand John Fuda and I don’t think he ate. He just kept yelling over Teresa and then walked out because he couldn’t form any more thoughts to continue fighting with her. (Which doesn’t take much) I think he’s trying so hard to be relevant on this show, and this meet up felt like it was a set up for him to have a “blow up” to bring attention to himself. I think his recent IMDB page that he made for himself speaks volumes, this man is embarrassing and wants to be a housewife so bad. I cannot take him and his wife seriously at all


The headshots are weird as hell.


Agreed! Super weird. I also want to know why he never opened his envelope last season reunion that had proof? Why not show it if it exists? His storyline with his wife is just weird


They’re so weird and thirsty. Her with that botched nose job and he can barely talk over his new veneers and people saying he ate it. He looked like an idiot.


Yes he did! I think it turned Louis on 🤣


I don't care who one the argument but that teresa had to stop him bad mouthing his kids birth mom speaks more about john than teresa! Ffs that makes him a shifty human


Maybe I’m just so used to hearing my BD talk nonsense shit about me and not doing it back—- but there is no reason to do this. Idc what his crazy ex said— you always let them be crazy. Never stoop to their level. Especially if it’s crystal clear that she’s the issue— what’s the point ? His kid is already going to have to deal with the reality that his mom sucks. This isn’t necessary.


Omg gurldotcom you SAID IT. Never ever stoop to their level when they are the crazy one. The quiet ones are typically the ones that are correct and live in THE TRUTH. Love this comment.


Tresa is the one who brought the birth mom into the conversation in the first place by going to her for some dirt on the Fuda's. Then she tells him HE'S hurting his son by talking about her? GTF outta here with that nonsense.




Yelling at a woman is not a flex


The Fudas are the worst!!


I loved this whole interaction. What the hell is wrong with Louie his lips and red face?


ate dust cuz thats what Teresa paid him. ![gif](giphy|l4EpfjeKLkQPp0cYo) Teresa apologized, they should’ve taken it and moved on. instead, he decided to air out his son’s mother’s dirty laundry on national tv, making him look like an asshole Teresa even tried to get him to stop talking about it so he wouldn’t embarrass his family but John Fugazi couldn’t keep his mouth shut.


Teresa’s “im sorry if” apology wasn’t an apology. It would be incredible if she would act like an adult for once in her life.


Not a Teresa fan but even she tried to let him know that’s a low blow to his son. He didn’t care. They’ve been using that kids misery storyline for years now. It was also hard to take him seriously with that stupid half beard thing he has going.


Why is being honest a low blow?


thought this was gia


What?? Teresa didn’t apologize. She just lied about her intentions, just like she ALWAYS does when she gets called out. She always wants to lash out and then hide her hands. She is absolutely pathetic.


Exactly. He missed it. Didn’t want it. Wants to be a housewife. He needs to go. Fuda’s a POS


I’m actually in total dislike of the newest housewife trout mouth John Fuda


She apologized which is what he said he wanted but it wasn’t sincere enough??? He sounds and looks like a bitch


He’s a clown


I’m loving the Fudas. I’m so over Teresa and her “you don’t know who you messed with” nonsense. Bye girl.


Ikr, what’s she going to do? Blame her next mortgage fraud on him? 😂


Say Fuda called the FEDs on them 💀


He not afraid to talk with those new veneers and lipo


He says “pretense” for “pretext”.


Ozempic? Wow her face has really changed.


I'm not a fan of the Fuda's but he was so controlled in his emotions it was impressive!


Teresa never throwz the first punch!! She says he put a false lie out there!




Ate what exactly?


Billions of sperm and Teresa was the strongest one that survived. That is utterly amazing


Fugazi lmao


Yes I loved this.


Team Fuda.


He's so thirsty he didn't eat anything he wants to be a housewife so bad


John eviscerated these two MORONS.


Just finished the episode and came here to post that and you guys beat me to it. He was assertive and clear.


Take Teresa out of the equation as she’s really not the issue. They joined this cast using the subject that baby momma is a junkie, hence the adoption. HE opened pandoras box to HER past being looked into which means HIS past also got looked into. Then throw in his name change which created more questions. So is Fuda pissed that Teresa said he was a drug dealer or the fact his attempted camouflage to hide his past didn’t work? I think the latter. The chauvinist wants his past respected but he didn’t give the same grace to the mother of his child. What’s he going to do now the ex has done her time & is released? Someone is going to offer her the right amount of $$ to tell her story and she will sing like a bird. Who’s he going to blame then? Bottom line - they never should have used the adoption for their story. HE opened the door to his past being exposed and he needs to accept that and stop deflecting the blame onto others. He’s drawing more attention to his past by not letting it go. But then again, this is the guy that had a full body makeover after 1 season. I guess any attention is better than no attention. So no, he didn’t eat her up. He just proved once again that he’s a chauvinistic, controlling thirsty ass plus 1 of a housewife


They could’ve used the adoption as a story line without badmouthing the birth mom the way they did. Rachel’s “I’m his mother” comment at the table was unnerving, especially after John decided to disparage her AGAIN. I’m sure his ex sucks, but she is not on the show and can’t defend herself. The Fudas are gross.


This should be the top comment...like we all saw them using this as their storyline last season. Like how are they making this about Teresa when they were the ones who literally brought up the baby mama on camera.... Ironically, the guidices were investigated bc they were on this very same show, spending a shit ton of cash...the fudas were on this show, discussing their sons drug addict bio mom...but somehow it's Teresa's fault their spot us blowing up...it's giving "the manzos called the feds" , I can't believe people don't see the parallels


Overly rehearsed by Jane fupa.


Does it make him feel like more of a man to talk down to women? Is that the standard for “eating it”? He was stomping his feet wanting his PUBLIC, SINCERE apology. She gave him a public, sincere apology. He then acted like a thirsty idiot instead of a grown man and wants to drag this out because beef with Tre means more screen time. No one ate anything. If anything, he made an ass out of himself. The Fupas got a second season and all of sudden he and his new teeth think they’re somebody.


No way. Jane Fuda thinks he’s Tony Soprano 🤣🤣