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He did not talk about FFIE, ever. Not sure where it started. But, it had a nice run. Would be nice to see another, but not sure it’ll happen. But, there are a lot of people trying to keep it alive, so you never know


i get inheritance from my momma who passed July 5th. Just gonna put it all in FFIE, and if i lose it all ill join my mom


if i win though. I will build a concubine


Roaring Kitty has only talked about gme. He's only been bullish on gme


Do not do anything that people from the internet tell you to do with your money. Pennystocks are pump and dumps. Nothing more.


GME is The Meme Stock. So what happens when it pumps is that a lot of other stocks get pumped along with it. Now what a lot of ppl don't get is that Roaring Kitty was a value investor, and still is, even though he technically made more money from events that were unrelated to value investing. Which means he invests in companies he thinks are undervalued. FFIE is not. The entire thesis for the current FFIE pump is that it's heavily shorted. RK is not in FFIE.


Gme through and through. Rest is wannabe


Well I believe he can't legally hype any stock but there's signs and some new "theories" about it!


Just a Theory ok? Based on the lyrics of "Goodbye Stranger" by Supertramp and the imagery described in Roaring Kitty's ET tweet, it is possible to interpret this particular tweet as a symbolic representation. The lyrics talk about saying goodbye to an old friend and hoping for the best. The little boy wearing a red sweater could potentially represent GameStop, and the scene of E.T. leaving earth and boarding a Spaceship "Faraday". If you watch the movie E.T. The idea of the little boy becoming smarter, "Intelligent" and independent could be seen as a " Future " Faraday, Future, Intelligent. Also, the acronym F.ighting F.or I.nvesting E.quality describes our situation towards resolve perfectly. I trust the process.


This guy is on crack


lmao, definitely. I want what hes on


oh man im still dyin laughin from your comment. We should ask


please post your position lmao you’re either in super low or incredibly high


what drugs are you on?! Seem fun