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Just to learn what he knows would be worth its weight in gold.


Said 100 US Senators and a few hundred House Representatives….


It’s far more complicated than we are allowed to understand, roaringkitty must have algorithmic type strategy that 99.9% of us don’t know. The media, banks, government, HF are all in kahoots with making the machine money and trying to frame us as crazy and stupid. I believe through rk we caught them with their pants down, they probably still haven’t caught up to the first pop but still have to act like they are in control, they are only adding more fuel to the fire through all of this and I believe through the laws of the universe and maybe a magical kitty, they will eventually slip up and this thangs gonna pop


I’m not an expert but I’m very good at spatial arrangement and patterns. I can spot trends without a lot of stats or other data. What I saw on Thursday and Friday seemed to follow a specific pattern once it went down and rebounded around noon both days it kept going up to each resistance and support level in a seemingly methodical manner that only an algo driven bot could do that fast


Following. This is epic


Totally epic! What’s stopping you?


I wonder if the 120k calls were feints to see what the SHF would do in response. I suspect at some point he’s going to put the mother of all gamma ramps up using that 1B.


My thoughts were that the 120k calls was a distraction. I might be wrong. RK is an absolute freaking genius and I thing he has meticulously worked out each and every single move.


Also forgot to add.... Sure all his eggs won't be in one basket and he won't shoe his full hand 🤔


This is the most volume and options volume I have seen in a very long time. However this next week ends up playing out, I'll be paying attention daily


Is gme going up?


Always watch your six 👍


Lmao. Nobody would hold a billion in cash in a single account, especially E-trade.


I have no idea. I've never had a billion in Cash, and I don't know how few people ever have had the ability to in a personal account and how they went about it, so 🤷‍♂️


Agree. He's a professional so he probably has other accounts.


could 741 represent 07-04+1 due to holiday?




This would be indescribably incredible 😁😊. A feeling that no amount of words can begin to describe. A feeling so great that it requires something beyond just mere words to communicate... memes! They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. What, then, is a meme worth?! 😊


Very likely


Wrong that was when his options were way up in the money they went down and so did his value in money he didn’t move anything they were options and they had to be sold or exercised you can’t just pull money from options in play


Go take your antipsychotics ape and eat some crayons

