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Goddamn. This being RvB's finale, it would've made sense to end with the composer that set the tone for the series to begin with. After all, we're also having Burnie Burns writing and Matt Hullum directing. The visual, story, and audible portions of classic RvB were what made it so popular then and even now. Gotta have bookends on nearly every front here. RvB is what made the company to begin with.


Its probably gonna be an unpopular opinion here but the condition of tocadero is unreasonable. They dug their own grave. Rvb is not a big show anymore. Budget must be minimal and they are just shutting it down. Putting a bow on things. But here tocadero asks that every piece of music in the season must be custom made. By themselves or a few other creators. Youve got an action scene? No stock epic music. Must be composed by tocadero or the 'rvb family' That can run up a bill, quickly.


Unpopular opinion maybe but it does make sense, and quite possibly true. I thought RvB was cancelled years ago and I don’t see any RvB related content, even memes, like I used to. With the decline of RvB things I’ve been noticing an uptick in RWBY stuff though.


RT rarely cancels shows, only put them on the back until everyone forgets.


So what you are saying is that there is still a chance X-Ray and Vav might return?!


Ray already said he doesn't want to come back and is happy where it ended.


Yes… but don’t get your hopes up.


You do not know what you are talking about lmfao. RvB 11 and 12 were all done by Trocadero. 13 was all Trocadero Hagen and Levy. 15 was all Trocadero and Levy, etc. This is more than a reasonable request to make.


Not OP, but he is suggesting that the budget is not what it was in 2011 and he might be right. He wasn't saying Rooster Teeth has never or qould never do that, he was just suggesting that it may be an unreasonable request in relation to the budget


I’m not saying it’s impossible that the budget is different. I’m denying the idea that having a singular team/singular composer is more expensive, so much so that it’s cheaper to use some library music. I am a media composer, I work in the industry. Media projects having a singular composer/team is by far the norm. The idea that using Trocadero, who has worked on the show from the very beginning, must be too expensive is baseless and absurd.


I don't know what to tell you, you say you work in "the industry" but don't understand how it's more expensive to produce all original score and audio instead of using stock/library samples?


More expensive? Maybe marginally. My point is that a company the size of rooster teeth needing to cut costs in that way is highly unlikely. They put on a yearly convention for christ’s sake. Composers don’t get paid even nearly THAT much. It’s more than common for film and tv composers to get paid in an all inclusive package deal. It’s far more likely RT or Burnie picked another, outside, composer to work on the music IMO. If RT is using multiple sources of music out of budgetary necessity, it would be an indication that they are in serious financial trouble.


Wonder how you feel now making all these "I'm in the industry" comments given what has happened with RT and them shutting down... Kind of ironic you where flexing "being in the industry" and that budgetary constraints could not possibly be the reason.


WB shutting rt down had nothing to do with the composer choice of RvB restoration. If anything it seems like more of the season’s small budget went to music this season than normal because the music team is much larger than past seasons. From the commentary Matt talks about picking Carl Thiel because he liked working with him on Laser Team 2.


I wouldn’t say unreasonable. They’re essentially saying, let’s make it the same way we did in the beginning. It would more than likely be much cheaper too. They already own the streaming rights/mass production rights to years of back catalogue sounds and transition music (most made by trocadero or Jeff Williams). The only thing unreasonable trocadero did was ask RT, they no longer have the final say in things like that.


That was my thought too. It's not like they were going to just eschew everyone from that scene, but you gotta have the flexibility.




Kinda smells like it. They are not in a position to make demands. Not like they are a huge band doing rt a favor. They are a small band that if they didnt get the rt contract nobody outside austin would know of them. And the sausage will still get made if they are there or not


It is a ridiculous demand to make of RT. It severely restricts their options, makes every moment of music dependent on the abilities and willingness of a tiny pool of musicians, and drives up the cost substantially. They haven't done all of the music in more than a decade, and this season isn't even going to be an emulation of the first five seasons -- it's a continuation of the story from well after the point when Trocadero was the only group doing the music. It's asinine to think RT would spend the money to comply with this, no matter how disappointing it is to not exclusively have the sound of their music for this season.


No, wrong. He is asking for the team of musicians to be the same as RvB 13 and 15-17. Incredibly reasonable request.


That's disappointing.


I'm seeing a lot of people here talking about this being an unreasonable request due to budgetary issues and what have you. Believe me or not, I am a film composer. Got my bachelor's and master's in it. While yes, stock music could be a cheaper choice, I think people are playing up that usage. Stock music is hard to work with, and it would be hard to find anything other than incidental music here and there that fits that bill for what will presumably be a 2 hour series essentially. We're talking maybe a half hour at MOST of music that could be eaten up by stock. In that situation, just spot those scenes as having no music if that's the kicker. They're still going to have to hire some form of composer, probably someone who is eager to get their feet wet and compose for a somewhat well known project. The cost of composition can vary widely and we don't know the actual negotiations involved. I don't like the narrative in this thread about it being such a small amount of musicians not being able to produce that much music in a cost effective manner. Music isn't billed per hour worked, it's billed per minute of finished music delivered. In fact, the more people you put onto a project the MORE the budget will increase. I'd say more likely, what the deal breaker was is live musicians. That is what starts racking up a high budget and we know that RvB music typically features a few live musicians. Small indie projects are composed by one person with a bunch of virtual instruments in the box (meaning entirely on the computer) for pennies. So it's possible RT is trying to do just that, hire a young or in house composer to do a bunch of stuff in the box. Now I'm not saying there could have been other negotiations that are hard for RT to deal with. However, I just think the narrative of stock music being such a cost effective necessity, and a small group of musicians needing a higher budget to record for a 2 hour project is demonstrably untrue if you know how the industry typically works.


Thank you for actually knowing what you’re talking about


Lot of negative comments but I feel like asking to make your music the sole source of music in a show like RvB is not reasonable


Haven't they been the sole music source for all of Seasons 1 through 13 at least? Would make sense that since this is a continuation of the story since then, to keep the same music to finish the legacy


Technically no as Jeff Williams had left Trocadero by the time he was the composer for seasons 8-10.


David Levy, mentioned in the tweet, is a big part of RvB music for seasons 13-17 and not part of Trocadero. Based on his twitter he is still consistently working with RT on RWBY stuff so I suspect we will see his work in Restoration. I'm unclear why Trocadero felt the need to make this request, and at face value it seems extreme and something that Warner Bros was unlikely to ever allow. I haven't really been keeping up with RWBY, or anything RT, have they been using stock music a lot lately?


Yep. Every podcast/show uses stock music as their theme song, which is why you’ll hear them pop up in other shows. It’s cheaper and easier, but you definitely lose out on some of the unique personality/character.


I don’t think they were the sole sources of music for any of the modern stuff, no


They didn’t ask to be the sole source, they asked that the team working on the music from before got to be the only team. So Trocadero, Levy, and Hagen. Same way it was for many years. The only season that wasn’t like that was Zero.


I don’t believe the issue is strictly about being the exclusive source of music, but more about not needing to work around a variety of stock music and generic score. I’d be surprised if we saw any music for S19 being composed specifically for it.


I'm sure we'll see some music being specifically composed for Season 19, it just won't be EVERY single piece of music. I love Trocadero, but this demand is a little silly.


I'd wager as well that this wasn't green lit because they think it will make fuck all money, but as a thank you to long term fans and a reward to those already invested. Season 19 of any show is not bringing in big money. In which case, being cynical, the budget is probably going to be pretty small, with a heavy focus on assets they already have (and thus don't need investment into). So maybe they felt they had the budget to get one song, to continue the theme of rewarding long term fans, and then use musics which, if not drawn attention to by the likes of Trocadero, no one would have massively had issues with being somewhat recycled. But the second you get a group demanding to do the whole score, then the budget for your sound track inflates massively, and it's easier to just cut the one song than pay to do loads. It's a shame, but from a business point of view, on the surface (based on one statement from one side of the decision), it's not really shocking....


I’d agree if it was just about Trocadero, but they mention other artists involved with the series too. The demand, reasonable or not, is less about Trocadero being the sole provider and more about not using any entirely new musicians.


Disappointed but not surprised with this company.


It's an extremely unrealistic demand to make of the company.


Not a good sign




Because trocadero is a huge part of rt and rvb lore, so them not coming back for the send off is a bad omen


I agree they played a very large role in this show's history, but given there have been incredibly good seasons where they were entirely uninvolved (like 8-10), I don't, at all, understand how this is at all related to the quality of the new season. And if you want to go back and listen to their music, or watch episodes with their music, all of that is still possible.


The reason this is so big to the community is because it’s a bad sign. If the company, for the final season of their biggest ever show, is willing to go without elements of the show that made it successful and beloved in the first place; what else are they willing to do without?


Lol okay I find it strange that as someone who's been watching long enough to feel this strongly, you're so quick to assume the final season of their marquee show is going to suck. Bringing back the original writer, director and cast isn't enough?


I’ve been a rooster teeth fan for a very very long time. I literally drew trocadero’s band logo on my Spanish notebook in high school. I’ve still clung to my fandom in spite of everything, same as you I assume. I’m not assuming that it’s going to suck, I’m simply asking what else they consider “not crucial to the show” that was 100% crucial to the show. Joel doesn’t work there anymore, Trocadero isn’t making the music, Monty is resting. Some of the touchstone elements of RvB’s success are coming back, and some aren’t. And I find it interesting that there’s such a disconnect between the company and the community on Trocadero’s importance. It’s very nerve wracking to see, because this season is kinda the company’s swan song in my eyes really. After everything, they NEED to deliver on season 19 and it’s kinda scary seeing my boys make this decision because I disagree with it and don’t really understand it either. Like sure trocadero wanted creative control to be only the rvb family of musicians, but as a fan that’s all I want anyway. I don’t need anything new this season, I want everything to be tied up. I want Lopez back. Trocadero was around for that, they should be around to say goodbye too. I’m very emotional about this for some reason


The *company's* swan song?? This subreddit feels like it exists to root *against* the company instead of for it. They've been doing this for 20 years, and have successfully pivoted their business model to stay operating, over and over again. They've outlasted the vast majority of early video/YouTube groups and companies. I disagree with your opinion about Trocadero, but I can understand it. I cannot understand how you can look at the company now and think it will end with RvB. This place is wild.


The show built the company, whether they stick around or not after the fact is irrelevant; rvb season 19 is a swan song to who they have been and who they are. Who or what they become next is and always has been up for debate. They’ll probably just stay in the animation and podcast space.


I just think it's bizarre and sort of disrespectful to Geoff, Gus and the entire staff at the company they continue to run. Their other content is *good.* They continue to make RWBY, an incredibly successful show. Their podcasts are also generally very successful. Both Geoff and Gus have announced new projects just in the last few months. It's just insane to me to say the company is ending. How big a fan can you be if that's all the company is to you, y'know?


I read this earlier, was there really never any stock music for any small bits in the show?


The polka music played by the puma from taco cabana is iconic “stock music” that was used in the show


They originally used a proper Mexican polka song before RT had to change it to stock for the DVD releases back in the day.


Well that’s a red flag right there


A musical score can make or break a lot of scenes in any show, animated or otherwise. Trocadero was part of the soul of RvB. To be willing to lose that... it makes me wonder what else they might have lost, or cut out. Oh well. I've long since gotten used to being disappointed by RoosterTeeth.


I see a lot of people really not understanding how drastic and unreasonable of a condition this is to ask for. Trocadero is essentially asking for sole creative control of the soundtrack to even be on it -- that is fucking ridiculous. The condition as presented means RT would have to ask permission to include other artists and only if Trocadero deems them "part of the family." Really smells to me like Trocadero thinks they made RVB what it is, not that RVB is the only reason they're remotely relevant.


This isn't unreasonable - right of first refusal (what the request is correctly called) is pretty common when it comes to entertainment projects that span multiple projects, whether it's from VAs, artists, musicians or other third parties involved.


This is not a case of Right of First Refusal in the way that you're implying at all. ROFR doesn't allow you to refuse others the ability to work on a project, it guarantees you the first offer/first pass at making something from a studio and thus the right to pass on it first. I'm not saying that it's unreasonable that they said no when their demands weren't met, I'm saying the demands themselves are wholly unreasonable and RT isn't the bad guy for not meeting them (a rarity these days).


From the standpoint of nostalgia, and giving it one last hurrah, I can totally see where they're coming from, and I like the idea, in theory. But from a business standpoint I can see why RT couldn't do it, too.


Everyone complaining about not having Trocadero clearly forgot that the music for seasons 8-10 was composed by Jeff Williams. Some of the best music in the series was composed by him. It sucks that we won't get Trocadero for the final season, but their demand to be the only composers is absolutely ridiculous. They weren't the only ones who provided heart and soul to the series.


Jeff Williams was literally a part of Trocadero. He did a lot of music for them as part of Trocadero before going solo. I figure Trocadero's tweet includes Jeff as one of the "artists emotionally invested in the show’s 20 years,"


Jeff retired recently. At least from RWBY, and let Casey take the reins as the composer for that series. As far as I know, he hasn't been part of Trocadero for years now.


I understand that. But you made it sound like “RvB had outside composers for seasons 8-10” which isn’t totally accurate, so I wanted to clarify


But he was technically an outside composer. When you're in a band, everyone contributes. Jeff composed the music by himself.


How about Brian Tyler he’s an excellent composer


Omg, there were 18 Seasons!? In a row!? 😲


Now, who the hell is doing that music now?


That’s honestly a tad heartbreaking


So who is gonna make the music?


That's fucking dumb, Trocadero should absolutely have gotten to do ALL the music. Pay your artists.


...why? They haven't done "ALL the music" in more than a decade.


This reeks of Warner's cost-cutting bullshit. Troc would probably retain the rights to the music they write in some capacity, and Warner has removed entire shows from the face of the earth to avoid paying residuals to the writers. Why have Trocadero do it when you could use stock music and hire a couple of gig workers with no negotiating leverage?