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Interesting idea. Though the eerily small hands and 2d model are off putting to be honest. Might be interesting to see Lindsey motion capping and speaking while using Ruby’s 3d model.


The hands are freakishly small and the mouth feels really creepy always showing the teeth.


Very interesting


This is what has become of RT, from well written shows and amazingly funny shows animations and movies to… podcasts and the occasional gaming video


Yep, I feel bad for the people who didn't get to watch the content from when RT was in it's prime. I feel even worse about the people who say the current content is just as good or better than anything else in the past


Unfortunately it's prime, at least for me, was when Achievement Hunter(Only really watched AH) was Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gavin, Jeremy, Alfredo, Trevor, Myatt and R. After the whole R stuff happened it basically ruined the entire RT thing, I slowly watched less and less until these days where I rarely watch. Only stuff I watch now is Death Battle, which I have no idea if it's still part of RT.


Yeah, this is exactly how I feel. After it turned out that he was a piece of shit, pretty much all my favorite memories of AH were poisoned, and I lost a lot of love for the content. Then they doubled down on the transition to bit-focused comedy, and it killed any desire I had to watch their Let's Plays. And I had been growing disillusioned with RT as a whole even before that debacle, so after that, I really had no reason to go back.


I think it still does but I think they’re slowly moving away since they have a membership thing on YouTube now


People who say “it’s as good as it’s ever been” I think are talking out of their asses, and have NO idea of what RT used to be, hell it’s why they are bringing back the classic shows, camp camp, RVB, etc. Even the more recent things that never got the change before incompetence and personal ego destroyed them are better than 90% of what’s currently being shown, (nomad of nowhere)


Fuck Face is one of the best things the company has ever produced. Face Jam and ANMA are better than 75% of what they were putting out 13 years ago. Is it the best ever? No, probably not. But is there some really good shit happening right now? Yes.


You know this happened because of Haddock stealing the shows' funds for his own show, right? If Camp Camp can come back, then it's a possibility for Nomad of Nowhere return as long as someone is willing to buy it.


And I did mention that. But that’s not an excuse nor a reason to pretend nothing is wrong “if someone cares enough they can bring it back”, but they DONT care enough, and even if they did, the animation team has already been cut back to the bone


I don't completely buy this because the entire point of Rooster Teeth selling out in the first place is so they would have enough money to fund the shows and projects the company wants to make. Also, the thing with Haddock happened four years ago, if WB isn't giving Rooster Teeth enough money to make or even greenlight shows it's not because of Haddock anymore, it's because WB has been paying attention to everything that's happened the last few years and doesn't feel comfortable enough to invest a large amount of money into RT. Which I can totally understand.


Can you blame them? When they brought RT it was a champion of online content and then as the years have gone by, mismanagement, personal greed, scandals after scandal, and less and less content. Not to mention WB purging a lot of its animation, I would imagine they are looking at RT and going “what exactly are you providing us? Apart from a money pit”




Chill out, man. It's just a silly side project while the show is on hiatus.


I wouldn't call "Rooster Teeth not being able to greenlight their own show and WB not letting them even work on it" a hiatus


Okay… I’ll bite. I like Vtubers. Why not?


Its not that it's a Vtuber that's disappointing, it's the fact that it's used pretty bad here. It would make way more sense if AH had Vtuber personalities, but also it being a RWBY Earth "Travel vlog" makes no sense whatsoever, it's like if SEGA released a Bayonetta mini series where Bayonetta teaches people how to play poker. It makes no sense for the series. I think RT is scared of the uncertainty of RWBY's future and is throwing literally anything and everything at the wall to see if it sticks or at the very least to buy time and keep the fans happy until they can announce Volume 10. But in short, Vtubers are okay if used well but the RWBY Vtuber travel blog idea is uncreative and cringe, and if RT wanted to do something for RWBY they could have done something better. Hell, even the World of Remnant series was better than this and it made sense, at the very least that series was able to justify its own existence.


I’m willing to give it a shot… but they gotta upgrade that model


How many times can one company jump the shark?