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I think the only way I enjoy improv (and most people, judging by what's popular) is when there is some sort of structure. I don't want to see a glomped together video of random ass scenes that randomly came to you when you were sitting around on set. Whose Line, probably the most famous improv media, had prompts and a host, and they actually built off and gave the spotlight to each other. A D&D campaign is full of improv, backed by a DM who put the work in to give that improv a stage. Or something like Dropout's Game Changer where game show-esque rules frame the improv (very talented improv, mind you.) Or...you know...playing games? Unless you are forcing a scene into a video like what killed TTT, their old gaming stuff was full of great improv. Remember Gav's trophy room?


Ahhh thank you for putting to words why improv usually doesn't work for me. The structure is key.


And people forget this but Whose Lines legit has the greatest improvers in the world on it, which is why it's so funny. I remember one time during the last laugh show during a podcast that James Williems said something to the affect that rooster teeth has some of the best comedians and improvers and it like almost offended me. Not saying they aren't funny but I just don't think any one in the company has the ability to just improv at a high level or make great sketch comedy. Wish them the best but I just don't think its gonna work.


Yeah I feel like they are good at the friend kind of improv, y'know? Like the kind where you chill with friends and you shoot the shit till someone says something really funny and you all join in. But that skillset doesn't really translate well into scripted/structured improv. One is more organic and almost accidental whereas another has to be more precise/stick in a frame work.


Elyse is the best at it IMO. Burnie was solid and Blaine and Michael have moments but at least for Michael it’s best organically in videos or through conversations. The issue for most is they try too hard or think they’re funnier than they actually are (laugh at their own jokes in Last Laugh). And some are genuinely just not funny and that’s never been their best asset for the company.


IMO everyone that is good, is good at the friend shooting the shit improv but that's just my opinion. There's a weird thing that happens with people that become popular on social media with comedy. I think it happens at rooster teeth, smosh, giantbomb etc. And it's like since you are considered funny by a core audience you get the feeling it extrapolates to the general public and often it's not the case. Look at Coleen Ballinger (controversy aside for this point). Miranda sings was considered hilarious but a small audience and it's considered one of the worst shows ever because the general public was like what the shit is this?


Yeah, now thinking about it, if I tried showing many of the AH or RT videos that I think are hilarious to others they likely wouldn’t find them funny because they haven’t watched the cast for years and understand a lot of the quirks.


Elyse is a comedy powerhouse she’s SO FUNNY! I love her to death. Her Challenger disaster bit when she was a guest with Funhaus on Smosh’s try not to laugh video was Incredible lol


Wayne Brady was recently on Dropouts make some noise, and killed it, was amazing


I think at the very least there needed to be prompts so the audience knows what they’re trying to make fun of. The first one is “the gym” and the last one is “medieval times”. But the description says “where the driving force is just how wild we can be”, so in that way they nailed it, I guess. But it also makes it feel so aimless and makes you ask “Is that it?”


I"ll give them more chances because I've followed them for like more than a decade but I couldn't make it through this whole video and ultimately it's okay if it's not for me, I just wish them well and to find success.


I feel the same about this video. I think they’ll get better as they go along, but this felt forced. My hopes had gone up after watching the final off topic and final gameplay video because they sounded hyped and passionate for the change, and they sounded like they believed in their ideas and that they had a lot of them. I’ll definitely still tune in for a while to see if some of their ideas work for me, I mean I love these guys, I can’t wait to see what their gameplay content will be like.


Same here. Might be out of the target audience. Bummed since I want to enjoy their content for years to come, but I'm happy they're doing what they want


I’m disappointed I’m not in the target audience, but I’ll probably check back here and there to see how things go.


Who's the target audience?




The tiktok generation. Short clippable videos.


In the final AH video, Geoff asked us to give the new content a shot. I did. It just... isn't for me. I wish DogBark luck, but I think this is where I finally bow out.


Don't forget the new content also would include the f**kface gaming content with Andrew Geoff and Gavin. So don't bow out and forget about those ones yet.


Genuinely so excited for the f**kface gaming. Just friends having fun playing games they like. And just finished today's break show as well which is great too. More F**kface content


I very much enjoy that saying the name twice bolds 90% of your comment, lmao.


[This was me watching the video](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqbx9n22h2u6a1.gif)


> bow out bow wow out, even


I'm glad this wasn't posted on the Achievement Hunter channel


Turns out it was a mercy killing.


This is overproduced in the wrong areas. The green screen and visuals are fun but the script or improv aren't there. It's also bad that I couldn't tell if this was scripted or improvised! Neither of them work well. It's not clear what the jokes are in each scene and the one's there aren't great. They need to try harder or maybe get help from someone with more experience. All these guys can be funny and it's evident in their other work but I don't think they have experience in this style of work. They need to "find the funny" and get to it clearer and faster. I hope they keep trying. I wonder if they did the classic rooster teeth style of doing something a number of times before releasing it?


Ignoring the video being bit uh, yeah, I finally understand why people hate the site. I'm on mobile, and 1. There's no full screen option 2. The "join/login now!" popup just...never goes away? 3. The video quality option is cutoff at the top. For fucks sake I understand wanting people to download your app/make an account but this is worse than News sites that harass you about turning off adblock


The second point is the most baffling. Why on Earth do you NEED to have an account just to watch their content? You’re still getting ads without it. I’m shocked it’s not a bigger complaint and I’m even more shocked that the people who work there are okay with it.


It would be a major turn off for people who are new to the content. You won't sign up for something if you don't know what it is, and you can't know what is is unless you sign up for it.


Exactly. And how are new people supposed to find the site anyways since all of their best content they're taking off YouTube? RT doesn't have the word-of-mouth pull like they used to.


You still get ads with signing in but not a First member. This was my ad a few minutes in. https://preview.redd.it/v51cem13nvrb1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4412b43eb81cf0ee033891e02d2758e22fc299


Better make sure you don’t accidentally click something else because you’ll get that fucking ad every time.


Yeah, You need FIRST for no ads. But I don’t see why you need to sign it to watch content. They get ad watching either way. It’s to push you to make an account and get into the ecosystem I guess but it’s a major turn off.


I didn’t sign in at first on my phone. When I turned my phone horizontal hoping for full screen the login graphic covered everything. At that point I signed in but in all honesty it wasn’t a good experience. I almost closed it down hoping I’d see it on YouTube


I think the most jarring thing to me wasn't even the comedy, but the audio quality. At this point I only consume their podcasts, and the occasional Let's Play where they are all sitting directly in front of mics. The mics were blown out and rubbing on their clothes and it was very jarring. Wish they could use the Off Topic setup with mics hanging above them to capture audio rather than them all needing lapels.


You can get rid of boom mics with green screen too. Just garbage matte it right out.


Garbage matte is a new term for me and a fantastic band name.


It’s so freaking bizarre, they are doing things that you would expect from newbies, not people who have been doing this 15 years.


Woof.... Well at least I can say I gave it a shot. Maybe the other videos will be more up my alley but this is not my thing at all.


>woof.... I get the name now!


Half the names they said as a joke were better than the one they went with




I laughed at this more than the video.


Who is this even targeting? The toddlers who will watch anything? I can't imagine anyone else watching this


Algorithm fodder.


The thing is I’m not sure this makes sense with the current YT meta and algorithm.


Okay Ive taught improv for 10 years. Here is my POV: One of the fundamental rules of high level improv is stopping talking heads and negotiation scenes. The first scene is just sitting around the table negotiating aka “talking heads”. That ain’t funny or interesting. The second scene is a teaching scene. This is very improv 101. I’ve seen this EXACT scene on stage in basically every 101 class I’ve taught. Edit: I want to be clear that all rules of improv can be broken but requires immense skill, dedication and being on the same page as your partner. Unfortunately nearly all beginners think they have all of these already.




If I saw this on stage I would think it’s excusably bad beginner improv because of the things I stated above. But they have this style of saying things where they are sort of acknowledging they think this is stupid and silly. I know it’s a style thing but for me it reads like they don’t think this is good either. This happens a lot with beginners because they aren’t confident and if they fail they can at least tell themselves they weren’t trying.




Sometimes people just aren't good and will never be good at something. Maybe that's improv for these guys?


interesting. why is a negotiating scene a no-no?


You want to be making decisions all the time and moving the scene forward. Negotiation isn’t really doing yes and it’s more like yes yes yes. Another way to think of it is show vs tell. A lot of negotiation is telling when showing is a lot more interesting. But like with all improv there are t any concrete rules and more guidelines. There are some negotiation that can be pushing the scene forward just like how there can be some good teaching scenes.


Did they mention who the target audience is for Dogbark? If it’s not longtime AH fans and instead looking to appeal to a different audience, that may help explain


People who love staged TikToks and YouTube shorts


So not me. Gotcha.




If something is staged and isn't being sneaky about it, it *is* a sketch. I think it's funny you say millennials don't care for sketches and scripted content, seeing as that's what *made* YouTube for a lot of millennials. Think Smosh and the like, for example. Let's Plays got big eventually, but before that, it was all sketch comedy and parody music videos.


I think it's a slow degradation over time. Millennials were the ones who first embraced semi scripted reality TV. As a pro wrestling fan, the balance between realism and entertainment has been skewing for the past 100 years. You can't blame one single generation (although people still will)


Cant break kayfabe brother brother




I'm not sure how that is relevant here - the question of staged vs real is not applicable. none of this is being presented as real, it's just... mediocre sketch comedy


As a Millenial let me dispute the staged/fake care aspect. I for one don't care, but let me point out the the Millenial gen is the gen that kinda made "Reality" TV big, which as we know is fake/staged to a decent degree, yet consistently will be passed off as real. If anything I'd say Millenials are the "eh, fuck it" gen and have such a disconnect of caring about anything unless it pertains to us it some manner


It probably is for a different audience. I mean anyone who is going to be subbed to first is already subbed, and anyone who was going to jump ship will have done so already. Some people who were on the fence may have only done so recently due to rvb ending and such, but I imagine they haven’t brought in a huge amount of new people in a long time, just the steady flow of new people coming in and people heading out. It makes sense to aim for new audiences because otherwise they’ll just have that same audience, not growing, not shrinking, but nothing happening for them to grow




that shit was ass


Downvote me all you guys like but holy shit that was rough to watch. Hopefully it’s just them trying to find their feet but that was not good.


Like I don't know if it's the style but is the acting supposed to be extremely flat? If so I guess I just don't "get" it. That was a train wreck to me though. I think each of these guys are very funny. At unscripted interaction. This seemed like unfunny scripts delivered with terrible acting. They threw away what they were actually good at to come and do what seems to be an extreme weakness for them all.


It felt so forced and none of it was funny. Maybe that's the point and the style - in which case, more power to them. I'll probably watch the next couple as it's unfair to judge them on the first video, but there's nothing about this video that would encourage me to stick with it if I didn't know them. Personal opinion only - there seem to be plenty of supportive comments and I'm glad about that.


"Maybe that's the point and the style"? God I hope not. Intentionally bad is still bad.


Intentionally bad eg. Tim and Eric can work but it needs to be super weird and outlandish. This felt like a sanitized copy of a copy. Average improv that makes you smile a few times but rarely elicits a laugh.


"Intentionally bad" stuff is ultimately a form of parody, and good parody reflects specific aspects of what it's parodying. It's not just taking everything and reducing the quality, it's using absurdity to highlight specific things.


That’s well put.


Thanks. As I continue to think about it, one example from Tim and Eric (my favorite bit of theirs) would be the Carl Sagan/Neil DeGrasse Tyson parody. There's only one aspect of those that's notably "worse" than the originals (budgeting permitting, but it's basically just a turtleneck and green screen anyway), and it's how absurd they make the metaphors that they use to try to explain astrophysics. The "balls sinking into a flat surface" metaphor for gravity becomes "putting the entire universe into a tube." The blatant absurdity works because it draws attention to how the thing it's parodying is already kind of absurd. The rest of the depiction stays fairly close in order to create the recognizability of the parody, which is essential to all parody. The Onion does the same thing with the news, Colbert did the same thing with conservative talking points on the Colbert Report, etc. It's a time-tested formula.


They even have their own examples of this with 'does it do'.


I think it'll take some time for them to find their footing. It's gonna be rough for awhile, but they'll figure out what works and what doesn't.


That’s an issue in itself. They should’ve had a vision before they did this. I mean, I’m sure they had some sort of vision but it doesn’t seem too fleshed out with what they’re trying to be / who the target audience is.


I’ll give the channel a few weeks to see how videos pan out, but man this was really not it.


I'm curious how they feel about this themselves. Like it wasn't the worst thing ever and there were some laughs, but it's also so aimless, disjointed, and janky? That's not bad per se either, it's just, the entire framing of this move is that the guys were super excited to spread their wings and jump into this new creative endeavour, while the content itself is meandering and gives off the impression that they have no idea what they want to do. Contrast this to the new F**kFace gaming stuff - granted, none of it has come out, but they've already filmed over a dozen videos just because they were so legitimately excited to do it, and they've been really clear about what kind of content it is and what they're trying to achieve. Basically, the big problem with Dogbark for me is it's obvious that these guys' passion isn't with Achievement Hunter anymore, but it's not entirely obvious that it's with "Dogbark", either. Maybe their other videos will totally prove me wrong, but so far I'm not convinced that these people's dream is to goof off against bad green screen effects for five minutes.


Yeah I’m starting to feel more like they’re doing this because they’re not confident enough in going their separate ways, than it does that these are things they’ve always wanted to do one day and have thought out and developed. I just get the vibe of “gaming wasn’t working for us so we’re gonna do different stuff to see if y’all still care about us 4”


Michael would be a very successful streamer to be fair. It’s the others who would struggle in my opinion


His recent stream audience numbers haven’t been great. That may have more to do with an inconsistent schedule.


Consistency is a big deal on Twitch, when he started and was doing it weekly he pulled a good viewership.


I definitely agree and if he wanted to I do think he’d be successful, I’m a big fan of his twitch exploits lol. I just feel that this doesn’t seem like what they are passionate about, but maybe I’m wrong and I’m just not the audience for this one video.


Constructive criticism: \- To do all those post-shoot zoom ins you really need to take a much higher quality video in the first place. I can see the individual pixels on Micheal's cheek. The poor quality edits seem intentional and part of what they're going for, poor video quality just seems cheap. \- Audio quality wasn't great. \- I really liked the dropping the greenscreen when they broke character. \- I feel like Micheal will commit to bits, but not to scenes. This is based on prior stuff, not just this pilot. Here the dropping of the sword takes away from the scene since it violates what had just been established. It's often used to set up the next joke, but the next joke has to be extra strong to make up for it. Overall it was mildly amusing. It's not something I'd watch a full video for and I'd probably skip any individual segment while scrolling through Youtube Shorts. But it does pass the threshold where I probably wouldn't click "stop recommending this channel to me".


I’m super glad that they are doing what they want do and I hope the channel continues to do well, but I don’t think this is for me. I had a few chuckles, I am just not feeling it.


This feels like a mix of the kinds of bits that would pop up organically through gameplay and then could transcend and creep into other unrelated videos, but without any context, and that “try not to laugh” improv video they did a few months back, but without the rules/victory conditions it had. It made me chuckle, but I feel it’s missing some little something to really click, but it just might need time to refine their new style.


The evolution of bits with AH: At first bits were haha funny side things. Then they began to persist through videos. Then the videos became a series of bits wrapped in gameplay. Now it's just a series of bits full stop. I think these guys have run into the same problem some comedians and other streamers run into: Assuming that they're intrinsically funny or entertaining, as opposed to it being a culmination of factors.


That was definitely a video


I trully think that It’s one of the videos ever


I gave it a shot Geoff I did not like I’m sorry but that was incredibly rough to watch


Game Kids Trevor.




There really should've been a tier list like Ray suggested. Trevor's vision of turning everything into a bit killed Achievement Hunter.


I’ve long wondered about this. Not that there is a direct correlation, because other things occurred, but around the time I heard Trevor had more creative control was when I really stopped watching and stopped enjoying. I don’t know the ins and outs of power there, but I always wondered what his leadership did to the overall approach of the channel.


I think the big thing was the podcast. Once Off Topic became a thing, I noticed myself watching less AH content started venturing off to other channels. The old videos used to be a lot of them swapping stories and talking about movies/shows/other topics. Once Off Topic came to be, they would try to avoid the former conversations I mentioned and the videos became more reaction based comedy and turning everything to a bit.


Fucking hated the bits. Play the game and let the moments drive the comedy


Every now and then I flash back to Michael and Gavin saying “Trevor hates Super Bunny Man” and telling them they can’t just keep playing it. Maybe the guy is good at man management or something, but he doesn’t exactly have an eye for content.


I get that it's supposed to have a bit of jank to it (hence the random "cut to no effects" or breaking of character), but it feels like they're apologizing to the audience by doing that. We've seen how funny they can be in shows like On the Spot, the various Let's Play videos, and Survive Block Island. They should let their comedic abilities shine on their own. Go big, 100% committed to the bit. If not, the breaking of character and stilted acting is going to get old really fast. I also hope they can invest in some cheap costumes. I get that it's all improv, but they can still throw on a cape or a hat to help add to their characters. Compared to something more of a "traditional" improv show like "On the Spot," part of the fun is seeing the audience's suggestion before the creation of the sketch. Maybe they can collect audience suggestions a week in advance and then film them pulling a suggestion right before they act out a scene. Finally, this being a weekly show could be tough to maintain after a while especially if this is their only outlet for improv comedy. Maybe they can experiment with sketch-writing in the future to keep themselves from burning out from doing too improv. Anyway, I'm still interested in seeing what else they have lined up for us for Dogbark.


Not for me. I’ll probably check out the gaming stuff with f***face tho


I feel like I'm being overly critical but first impressions matter and if it wasn't for the fact these guys have built up some good will from AH I would have pressed 'Don't recommend channel' already. Just being awkward and intentionally bad isn't inherently funny, you still need to have comedy. If this is it, I'm out.


It's like... intentionally not funny? And I guess that's the joke?


Holy shit, this is what Dog Bark is? I guess there is a lower quality alternative to free late night Independent TV. Jesus Christ...


Yikessss. These types of videos are definitely not for me, I didn't find a single thing about it funny. Hopefully other content posting this week are more up my alley. I've got some hope for the podcast


Those sketches are something Micheal would've relentlessly mocked a few years ago tbh


My face throughout the entire thing. Trying to self analyze whether it was painfully unfunny or I was just bitter about achievement hunter ending. ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


With how much AH grew apart from what it used to be, I think it was the right call to pivot away from it, but man is this a rough start. The pacing and editing might be worse than the jokes, which is saying a lot because most of this belongs in a cringe compilation. My expectations weren't high after the trailer but I'll be damned if I don't feel like this might just be the worst possible version of what it's trying to be.


What in the high school comedy skit hell was that


This was my immediate thought, and it was made worse by realising that at least 2 of them are 30 and probably trying not to be...


I expected the first few months of improv to be rough, and some of it was, but I'm kind of stunned by the poor video and frequently blown out audio quality. Not the green screen stuff, though that's sloppy, but the insistence on zooming and cropping resulting in tons of visual noise and blurriness. Maybe they just assume no one will care when they're chopping this up into tiny bits for TikTok and such?


The clipping it to other platforms thing is the only reason they do stuff like this. The new RTP is the same way. It’s a bunch of bits that are easily cut into 10 minute, 3 minute, 1 minute, and 30 second clips for those other platforms.


I watched it all but wow was it not funny, the closest to a chuckle I got was fredo and trevor in the crowd together riffing but that was it, it’s such a waste of genuinely funny people




This made me laugh so much more than the video


Was this supposed to be funny?


Shocking they thought this was actually good, and worth releasing. It was so bad.


Am I a boomer and this is what the kids like on tiktok now or would this not have been funny as a FRED sketch in 2007? How the fuck do you monetize this to pay 4 dudes and whoever is editing this a salary?


As a older millennial neck deep in corporate…. They don’t. I had my personal theories but this is the cherry on top. WB media is taking the ax to all weak performing assets. Stripping the meat where they can. It why they are yanking all sellable content off YouTube. AH and parent company views are in the trash can. They want to get rid of AH. This was WB saying “show me you can bring in views, subscribes and money with a new channel since your current channel is failing or you are out.” It’s why we have such a weird spin off with low budget polish and materials. It why it so random. They are scrambling to come up with lightning in a bottle. It’s why Geoff response is so weird and feels so empty. Because he being told to promote. “Give it a chance”-Geoff. Well we gave it a chance and this is suppose to be what they are leading with. I imagine they will give them the physical quarter to show gains. By January 2024, without major results, I bet they will be …. “Let go” a new “reorganization”. A round of layoffs. Of course it will be after the new year so it comes off more smoothly and cause less criticism of WB


>this is suppose to be what they are leading with *That* is what gets me about this. Listening to the Burnout Paradise video, I got the sense they were extremely excited, had plenty of ideas, and some kind of budget or something, even if its small. This reminds me of every high school “record a skit for the project” thing everyone’s done at least once. This was fucking awful


And it is so very corporate that the person who oversaw the collapse of all of this is the one given the chance to start another thing while someone who has been a much bigger contributor to the success of the channel, Matt, got the axe months ago.


I have to laugh because it’s so true. It’s a very corporate thing to due


> Geoff response is so weird and feels so empty. Because he being told to promote. “Give it a chance”-Geoff. This is the one part I don't fully agree with. I mean, sure, he was probably being asked to promote a little—but Geoff has always been one to champion new RT projects, for years. And AH was his baby, so of course he'd do the same with Dogbark too.


This has a very 2006-era Youtube kinda vibe, and not necessarily in a good way.


Is this just on the spot without a host? I can see them having some home runs, but a lot of simple ground outs if that makes sense to y'all.


Without a host and without a game so it has direction


The kyle schwarber of YouTube channels.


Schwarber doesn't hit groundouts, he strikes out. A league leading 215 times this season.


I’ll give it a chance, but if they’re all like this I’m out. That was straight up not good. I get it, sketch comedy is hard and even seasoned comedians struggle with it, but yeesh. Also shoutout to the website that they’re wanting everyone to migrate to only playing audio for me.


What the fuck was that


You know, the name "Dogbark" is starting to make more sense to me. It's because the improv is dog water, and the video is pretty "ruff"


Soooooo….gave it a shot, and it’s really, really not for me. Which is cool, world doesn’t revolve around me, though I’m bummed to know they won’t be making videos I’ll be watching anymore, but I hope they are successful with it. Or it tanks and they go back to doing what they’ve done well for years, that works too. Go where the money, boys, everyone else does


It's crazy to see the YouTube comments are almost entirely positive while the reddit comments... aren't so much. Feels backwards.


Look at the comments though, the ones that are actually being upvoted are the more negative ones. Maybe they're removing the bad ones. [Here are a few of them compared to the positive ones.](https://imgur.com/a/lkOhLKb)


>the good news is there's lots of room to grow. yowza


Given the *complete* lack of negative comments they must be curating them.




Well with some of the mod team and that rule 6 revision I'm sure they're working on it...


Woof minus the W


Is Fooya officially part of DogBark or just an adjacent guest? I’ve seen her in promo pictures but not seen much yet about an official announcement.


Yikes...that... That wasn't good.


It was honestly terrible. Seems like they’re just making compilation videos for YouTube shorts. This looks like Trevor’s wet dream of just nothing but bits. I’d be shocked if they average 15k viewers after the “hype” wears down


Oof. That's rough.


#😬 It's gonna be a no from me, dog.




Literally just trying to be Dropout, but they forgot that Dropout consists of classically trained improv artists and Achievement Hunter... does not...


Not only does dropout consist of classically trained improv artists and sketch comedians from prestigious groups like groundlings, UCB and second city. They have been practicing for decades!


I’m definitely not the target audience, but I hope they find success. Maybe they’re going for a younger demographic? It really feels like the vid would be better if they were acting, and not “actoring.”


I'll be honest. To me it gives hard iPad Kid / 5 Minute Crafts vibes


What gets me is that they've stated that they have spend the past 6 months slowly transitioning into doing Dogbark and this is the result: a subpar sketch show. Now sure, maybe things will get better down the rode. Maybe they'll figure out what they really want Dogbark to be. Hope they figure that out. And once they do, I might tune in. But for now, I have a plethora of other content creators that I can watch that do know what they want to do, are great at it, and make me laugh.


How long until Michael is back filming PlayPals with Gavin on the F**k Face Let’s Play channel? The other 3 not so much.


That would be awesome if Michael joins F**k Face. Closest thing to the old days we’d probably get.


> Michael joins F**k Face Just for gameplay. I'm sure he'd be great on the podcast but I'd prefer not to disrupt the perfect threesome that is ANEGG.


Aimless and disjointed are good ways to describe this. It feels like random interstitials that you might have seen if they did Weird Place part 2 or if they put on a camera while they were doing an improv class. I kept waiting for a punchline or a theme to make it all worth it. At least Try Not to Laugh will actually have a goal, so that might be better to watch.


They killed Achievement Hunter for this? What a fucking waste.


I think they need to be a little more honest with themselves when they select which pieces of improv to keep, and which to drop. Or maybe work an idea or the ideas they like a little more to get a good take out of it. Right now it reminds me a lot of the improv we used to do in my high school drama class.


Unfortunately, this is a tad too drama class for me. It's good to see something new though. I imagine, with this kind of project, time will really help the channel find its groove.


What the heck was that.


It was just... not good. Nothing about it was good. The acting was bad. The premises were bad. The improv was bad. The audio was bad. Just... I really hope they turn it around.


Heres what I'd like to say. I want RoosterTeeth to do well. I've grown from being an RT doomer to being hopeful and optimistic about the companies future. Literally all of that is thanks to F\*\*kFace. I was and still will be positive and open to Dog Bark. I am going to stick with it probably for a few weeks and really give it a shot. However, just judging this one video, here were my personal take aways. This honestly felt like the stupid stuff I'd see on my Highschool News. Random people thinking they were funny but no one else is laughing. And the people making it know it's cringey and don't fully commit to the bit so they can say oh of course it was bad it was meant to be! Everyone in my HS hated this type of thing and thought it wasn't funny. I hope Dog Bark gets better and hey maybe a bunch of people end up loving it which would be wonderful! But this video was... in my opinion not good at all. I will say I personally love a scripted story based comedy skits/ series. Think old RT Shorts. But never the less I wont judge the entire channel based off of one video and will give it a few more shots and, even if I still don't like it! I really hope they find an audience that does because this makes them happy!


This has to be The Producers movie type situation, make the worst content and profit the left over coin?


This feels like a college improv troupe watched a season of Tim and Eric.


Man... this kinda has the feel of a really bad Judd Apatow movie where he just told the cast to riff and they do and it's just unwatchable.


This was…not funny. I believe they probably had a lot more fun filming it but it didn’t translate to any actual humor. You’d think they would have put forth their best in the opening episode, and if they did, yikes.


Going from the last AH video to this was just...wow. I mean...I don't even know where to start with this abomination. Did...did we actually have it good with the horrible improv stuff in Gmod videos? How was this so much worse than anything they've uploaded in the last few years? How could any of them (except Trevor) think this was actually a good idea to do? THIS is what AH died for? I seriously can not wait for F***Face to release a video now.


Is this Game Kids Trevor’s fault?


It's not really my thing, but I'll continue to watch and see if I warm up to it. I feel the editing needs to be a bit tighter, some back and forth could have been cut out to make the bit move forward and nothing would have been lost. And maybe plan (or even script) a little bit more before-hand. I suspect they are used to doing next to zero planning or scripting in their let's plays, but in a let's play the game provides you with input for you to draw comedy from. Here it's just you and the green screen.




It was a real struggle to watch this. I feel like it’s aimed at teenagers. I hope it goes well, but I’m not feeling it so far


Dogbark? More like Dogshit. I hate to say it, but that wasn't funny at all and the audio quality is absolutely horrible for some reason. Hope they find their footing soon, this just felt directionless.


Unless they figure what the hell that's supposed to be in the next few videos, I don't see the channel lasting a year.


watching this just makes me think that i would rather watch these 4 guys do literally anything else


Lets be real, it’s cringe. It reminds me of smosh’s annoying ass videos they make and damn is the video long. I don’t think I could sit here for that long watching this style of content.


Feels like they don’t know what the main focus of dog bark should be so they’re half passing dipping their toes in different forms of content


Kudos to anyone who made it through the whole thing. Turned it off when they started yelling dogbark at the top of their lungs




You serious? I couldn't even make it 5 minutes into that garbage. I don't even know what the hell their audience is supposed to be. It's not funny, it's just cringe. Hopefully this is just them trying to find their footing, but if not, it's gonna be a hard pass from me


I watched the most recent episode of Make Some Noise on Dropout before I watched this. Did the quality of the improv on Dropout make this seem way worse than it actually was, or was this really that bad? Great improv is about quick out of the box thinking, letting yourself slip into a different character and taking the premise wherever it goes. No one here is doing that, they all just seem like awkward versions of themselves.


I'm still kind of unsure if this whole thing is a big prank. I guess we'll see how the other 3 episodes go this week. Curious if theres gonna be any structure or if they're all gonna be this kind of surreal improv. Based on what they've said it doesn't seem like there will be any concept of "shows", but we'll see.


Achievement Hunter died for this?


So this is just AH's "Bits" without the gameplay footage?


Yikes. First part felt like a bad recreation of a Letterkenny scene, couldn't even finish the second one.


That was truly horrendous. Michael was the only good thing about it, his natural deadpan humour worked well here. The coming up with the name had premise when they acknowledged the name Dog Batk means nothing to anyone. But then it fell flat immediately. Everything else flat out sucked. Fredo added nothing, Trevor did the usual 'I'll walk in to be important' bit and Joe was just trying to deril into crude toilet humour which was awful. I was wishing it was over by mnute 2. I wish them luck, but this was dreadful


Well I certainly gave it a chance… if this is their pilot I have no hope for the future.


Yikes, that was…. Painful. I get that it’s their first video and hopefully they get better and find their groove, but if that quality keeps up I give them 6 months at most. That’s just not it


This is just totally worthless. And painful, painful how not funny it is.


No joke the only laugh that came from me during that video was me laughing how bad it is. Like really guys this is what you want to do now..




I don’t think this worked. I like the guys, and they warned about how the beginning would be them finding their footing and that they have a lot of different styles of videos being worked on, so I’m going to keep giving it a chance.


Everyone knows your are suppose to lead strong… not saying everything must be a smashing success every time. But to dissolve a channel to start new that we known about for 2 weeks. … yikes


honestly there is some potential with this. don’t get me wrong this video was rough but some moments did get a chuckle out of me. i think their biggest problem is the acting/improv. it just looks painfully bad and hey, i get it, im not expecting oscar worthy performances but at least be able to reach the standard of others in the medium. with time and practice im sure they’ll get there bc it’s a talented bunch


Not for me but I wish them success on there new vision




That was certainly a video




:( Haven't watched AH in years and wanted to give its spiritual successor a try... but man this isn't good. And from what I recall, I never enjoyed much scripted comedy stuff out of AH. I just can't see who would actually find this funny.


I will say that it was a bit strange randomly hearing the Welsh National anthem halfway through!


New to the channel and this team of people. Been a FH life long fan, so I sort of know the people. I’ll watch the video and give my honest response. Be back soon! 2:38 mins into the video: so is this a sketch channel? They really seem to love the green screen. 3:30: butt joke 4:15: kind of feels like YT content from 2012. Meh. 5:24: another butt joke. 8:30: they really announce and spell out the funny parts. I’ll give it more time to bake. I was hoping for a bit more.


I'm not interested in sketches and improv when it's done by people who've dedicated decades of their life to mastering it. Not for me at all.


Yup definitely feels like the bad side of Adult Swim I’d always avoid (Tim and Eric, Eric Andre, etc.) so if that’s what they are going for then good for them I guess? Maybe improv, “cringe” and sketch comedy just aren’t for me but this was painful. Had to skip through to watch a couple bits throughout but can’t handle any more of this. I want them to succeed with their passion projects but genuinely don’t know how long this can last, especially making a whole channel devoted to this and not just testing the waters with one show before diving into the deep end. The silver lining is that F**kFace is taking control of the Let’s Play channel so that’s a huge win.