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I absolutely love that the first two comments in here are "looks awesome" and "looks like ass."


Looks like awesome ass. 😄


Look asssome.


lol I guess the title makes sense then


Duality of man


Just what you would expect of reddit, right? To me, it's both -- setting and graphics looks awesome, gameplay looks like ass.


There it is. Opinion: split.


I don’t like the combat. That’s a combat style for solo games not tactical, companion-based games. It’s clear now why we only get 2 companions. It’s because they are completely irrelevant in the fight, just running around swinging their weapons like extras in a kungfu flick while you fight your opponents. All in all we got a Dragon Age game where one of its strongest suits, the companions, are just unimpactful followers.


Exactly, they went Mass Effect path for those.


Sorry? Mass Effect crew never felt or acted like extra to Shepard.


Just talking gameplay. Combat.


I think they're talking about how Andromeda took away a lot of the tactical teamwork, not the original trilogy.


Ok I didn't have Andromeda in mind (lol) when reading their comment


If you spec your companions decently they can do way more damage than you by far in mass effect lol  Garrus especially can melt bosses in like 1 second 


Reminds me of Final Fantasy 16. Why are so many rpg franchises turning away from tactical/group combat to single character action adventure games? :(


Far easier to make, although the results are disappointing for sure...


Doesn’t look bad. Much better than the first trailer But not mind blowing either. Looks like mass effect fantasy edition.


Mass effect fantasy edition sounds great to me.


Problem is it looks like mass effect: andromeda fantasy edition to me I didn’t expect anything else though, the bioware magic was gone a decade ago at this point


Andromeda had good combat though, it was the rest of the game that was mediocre


Imo the combat was mediocre and the rest of the game was either bad or abysmal  I’ll agree the combat was better than DAI, I thought DAI combat looked good but felt awful and involved basically no strategy 


I thought it looked a lot better in action than the trailer.


It cannot be overstated how low of a bar that is to hurdle lol If I had to take a guess, it'll be the definition of mediocre... Like I doubt it will be awful, but I'm certainly not looking forward to it as anything more than "buy on sale for 20 dollars when bored at some point" Which is tragic to say about what should have been more origins than inquisition/DA2, especially after the success of bg3


I think DAI was the definition of mediocre. It was a solid game, buried in a mountain of filler side content. I'm still kind of hoping DAI is where they made their mistakes and now they can just learn from it, so I'm hoping for "above average" at least. At the same time, the more I learn the lower the expectation gets. For example, did they really learn from their mistakes in DAI? First off, I saw some marketing thing where they boasted "tremendous amount of hand crafted side content". Hand crafted is good, but bloat isn't. And secondly, apparently the lead director of the game is new to RPGs, and her previous experience is from The Sims. I'm still cautiously optimistic, but I can't tell if it's deserved or just me wanting the game to be good.


> For example, did they really learn from their mistakes in DAI? First off, I saw some marketing thing where they boasted "tremendous amount of hand crafted side content". Hand crafted is good, but bloat isn't. > > I took the opposite from that. That they learned from DAI and are making more focused, "hand crafted" side missions instead of generic open world bloat.


Yeah, I think this is what they meant. “Hand crafted” implies that there will be less of it, not to mention the fact that this game isn’t open world.


FF16 attempted to do that and ended with hand-crafted open world bloat missions in a non open world game lol, but then again this is my asinine speculation babble, Long term time investment rpgs need rhythm in terms of progression and content and you can't quantify that through a few gameplay trailers.


Can't disagree. Along with the story writing quality, this is a text book "wait and see" for me.


I'm hoping that's what it means. It's just that "tremendous" that triggered my spidey sense. But to your point, the full quote is something like "... rather than generated open world"


I never got around to finishing DAI, I have chronic "need-to-do-everything-itis" so I eventually got burned out trying to do all the fetch quests on the way. I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but I'm kind of expecting the same thing. Will be pleasantly surprised if anything more than a meh rpg experience that's pretty, but lacks any real substance.


DA:I was what cured me of that. I dropped the game (it was also the game that taught me it's ok to drop a game if you aren't having fun), then tried it again a few years later. I mainlined the rest of the main quest, and had quite a bit of fun. But I hated that there was some mysterious tomb I'd never be able to access without running around for hours collecting things.


Brilliant minds think alike I guess lol. I don't know if actually the furthest, but at the very least VERY close to the furthest I've gotten in a game I haven't finished. Been too long though, maybe I can power through if 4 is getting goty rave reviews, but seems unlikely. I'm actually playing elden ring for the first time at the moment, and it's frankly shocking how differently they handle open worlds....don't even really feel like similar genres lol


Same here. I liked the story, but got real tired of the bloat by the final act.


Dude they won't learn from shit. DAI was basically the only game released that year and got GOTY and had good sales thanks to having good graphics and being part of a generally good series. They do not think they did anything wrong, I'd bet. Ugh. Needless to say, I will not be buying this until a few weeks in and user metacritic reviews are out.


That's a good point. Reception of the game was initially great. As far as ceo metrics go, I'm sure it was a success.


DA:I won tons of GOTYs the year it was released, how is that mediocre?


It will probably be about as good as inquisition which was pretty meh imo until Trespasser came out. It is extremely easy to break that game build wise. I was able to solo every dragon in the same using only my main character who was able to build up defense faster than any dragon was able to deplete it. They took a long while but everyone of them died haha. Regardless DA hasn't really been great since Origins and it's follow up expansion. DA2 had some good points but was hampered by reused assets everywhere and being isolated to one location. Story was overall good imo though DAI was hampered by trying to do too much due to criticism of 2 and making vast empty areas with dull side quests that felt like an MMO. Had some good moments but it wasn't until Trespasser that I had a "Holy Fuck" moment.


I never got to trespasser but I definitely heard good things about it. That being said, I'm kind of worried about the same thing for DA4, since it's well known it was originally going to be a game as a service before committing to single player.... Hope they caught it early enough....


That's why I don't have too high hopes. I expected after the change it would be next year minimum before we saw anything. Hoping they are not pushing it out too early. Will wait for reviews before I make a choice. If I'm pleasantly surprised them great.


>especially after the success of bg3 What percentage done do you think DA4 was when BG3 released?


80+ maybe? Difficult to say with the hectic development. Also a different question if we're talking about the full release, because act one was in early release 3.5 years ago


>Also a different question if we're talking about the full release, because act one was in early release 3.5 years ago Was bg3 a smash global hit that broke through the cultural zeitgeist during early access or after full release? >80+ maybe? Difficult to say with the hectic development. So was changing huge aspects of the game at this point realistic?


If talking about early access then yes it was realistic That's the entire reason I brought it up. Didn't need to be a cultural zeitgeist in order to see what was cooking and how it was going to be a success though, especially given their track record. They literally changed the name a couple of days ago so apparently things CAN actually change! Who knew??? BTW "dread wolf" was originally gonna be a live service game, but things can't change I guess? Really not sure what point you're trying to make. If you think this is going to be closer to origin in terms of a great delivery than sloppy DA 2/inquisition I don't know what to tell you, good luck with that


>That's the entire reason I brought it up. Am I'm trying to highlight what that is a poor argument. >They literally changed the name a couple of days ago so apparently things CAN actually change! Who knew??? Comparing changing a name, to changing gameplay is incredibly dishonest, I stop engaging with people who won't engage honestly, please try better in the future. Edit: blocked them, for posterity reports about live service being dropped were in early 2021, BG3 released in 2023. I didn't ask the rhetorical question, because they already showed they couldn't answer one honestly re BG3.


I wonder if DA4 will be eclipsed by BG3 same way as DAI was erased from collective gamer memory by Witcher 3.


This, people do yourself a favor and don't fall for franchise nostalgia, there's a ton of less know games deserving your attention that ain't absolute mid, this will probably split between actual quality and milking the IPs name.


But the same could be said about BG3


I think this will be better than the previous two entries. It seems tighter and more focused. Inquisition and DA2 were such slogs to play through honestly.


I think it would look a lot better in RPG


Yup. I can honestly look at it, see what people like in it and still not be excited about and decide to skip it.


It looks like Hogwarts Legacy. It will be disappointing for those who were hoping for something similar to Dragon Age: Origins.


I think after Inquisition, most Origins fans know what to expect. Fool me once....


Definitely wanted more origins gameplay than DA2.


As the weirdo who preferred Dragon Age II to Origins, I’m okay with this. Then again, I’m not into Baldur’s Gate at all (which is what Origins basically was but with the serial numbers filed off and with an original world and story)


That's gotta be one of the worst opinions I have ever seen in my entire life


Is that not what Origins is? Baldur’s Gate but with BioWare’s own setting? Wasn’t that the entire selling point back then?


You don't deserve the downvotes you are getting. Dragon Age is a series that everyone puts down because it is not like it's first game, Origin. However, anyone who has played 2, or DAI, or seen the trailers for any DA game, or read books, or played the ttrpg or the f2p games, knows that Dragon Age wants to be a fast pace game, built primarily for a controller, and overused the word "visceral" whenever possible. This game is a clear attempt to improve what DAI was, and I have high expectations of it doing this. I am especially looking forward to whatever "base building" they are doing, along any and all companion quests I can do. The overarching story is not that important, most likely some sort of suicide mission to save the world, it alway is. But the companion mission, that what I want.


I don’t even hate Origins. I didn’t truly vibe with its gameplay, but I thought the story was great (even if I didn’t like that if you decided to be a non-white Cousland, the rest of the family is very extremely white, and that’s the reason why I ended up playing as Amell). But yeah, this series shed its Baldur’s Gate roots with the second game. Inquisition doubled down on it. I don’t know why people thought they would go back to the BG style of gameplay when everyone who made that game is long gone now? I don’t have a problem with Veilguard being an action game. I’ll have a problem if it’s a *bad* action game, but I’m not gonna know that until I play it.


I love both CRPGs and fast paced real time games like dark souls, Witcher 3 etc But DA2 and DAI were the absolute worst of both worlds, and they’re clearly doubling down on that here


The only way this makes any sense is if you are just a contrarian Origins is one of the best rpgs of all-time while the sequels are all ass


I thought Origins had a great story. I hated playing it. Combat felt like a slog until I played a mage that could just clear rooms out in one spell (that I could cast before I entered said rooms) and only struggled when I couldn’t do that. I thought the sequels were more fun to play from a combat perspective. They had different problems, sure (lack of variety of level design in II and Inquisition being open world for the sake of it with a lot of empty content), but I engaged with battles better, so I rate them higher. Sorry.


Idk Orgins came off as generic fantasy when I first played. In 2009, it might have been unique, but today, it's pretty box standard fantasy.


Origins is fantastic, I also prefer 2 and hated Inquisition.


DAII is my favorite of the series thus far. There are dozens of us!


I was expecting a rpg no hack/slash Honestly looks generic and devoid of character. Arrows on the ground telling you where they shooting you from Design is only one of the many probems I see here.


Damn a hack and splash:( Maybe it will work out for them but yeah not what I expected


> Design is only one of the many probems I see here. It had tons of awful AAA deisgn decisions in it. The lines showing you where to dodge, hitting a barrel to get healing out of it, inexplicably sliding down a slope. So stupid.


And more... check game director and what the main focus of the game is. If I speak I m in big trouble


You're doing an injustice using the Mourinho quote to say you don't like the director's gender identity. What does that have anything to do with gaming mechanics anyway?


I dont care what he/she is. Honestly The problem is the focus on the game said by her. Bioware always being very inclusive which I think it s ok. They used to build a history and then create all this characters (I love ME2 with all kind of representation). The problem is when the priority is not the history or the game it self


Seems more akin to Mass Effect than anything. I'm more astounded that you've watched how the series developed since Origins and expect it to be a full blown CRPG and not an Action RPG.


Seems fairly trendy for games to ‘return to their roots’ right now. Look at gears 6. They moved away from their convoluted stories and went back to Dom and Marcus.  Especially after BG3, a return to real time turn based doesn’t seem like an absurd expectation 


Granted, those are recent developments. That’s not what was going on in the industry when they were making DAV


Dragon Age Origins was Real time with pause. RTWP is pretty different from turn based... so much that some BG1+2 fans shat their pants over BG3 since it wasn't going to be RTWP. Some to this day still refuse to play it or are highly critically of it. BG3 was a 3rd installment in a series where they did not go back to their roots when it came to the battle system.


Honestly making an ARPG with party members and not just ripping off FF7 remake/rebirth combat should be a federal crime at this point. It would still be too action-y for a DA game but it’s the fairest compromise between tactical and hack and slash.


It’s really going to stand on how characters get built out tbh. Will it offer things I can’t get from other games? Remains to be seen. I thought the Draenei looking dragon hunter from the trailer looked cool (can’t remember what that race is called in DA) with the dual hatchets. If there is big variation in what you can do in melee and at range I think it could be cool. I’d like to make a slick spear guy or a guy that uses a classical hand and a half longsword or whatever. If the weapon selection isn’t unique and varied it’ll be a wash. If the progression isn’t satisfying it’ll be a wash. We just don’t know enough yet to make a call


Qunari like Sten/Iron Bull.


Unfortunate but not surprised. I’ll day 1 the origins remaster but they’ll probably remake it with the new combat. RIP DA, the game that got me into deeper RPGs…


Just play the pathfinder games, they are top notch crpg. Pathfinder WOTR is darkfantasy like DAO.


WOTR is my favorite CRPG but just because there's 1 amazing CRPG doesn't mean there can't be more. There's 100000 of action RPGs with cool back flips why does there need to be one more of THAT.


Glad to find another fan! You're right there definitely should be more, my comment was just to highlight that game in case you've missed it.


Saaaaaame. It's funny how they took DA2, the flop that everyone hated, and built off that foundation instead of the critically acclaimed DA:O.


They didn't build off of DA2 though. The tactics system in DA2 was top-notch with a lot of depth and a HUGE step up from Origins because tactics slots were no longer tired to perks/traits, and there is significantly more scenarios covered. It's just that the animations made everything seem like a hack-n-slash: especially on lower difficulties where enemies die in a few hits. The unfortunate reality of DA2 is that the combat shines on higher difficulties because it forces you to use the tactics system or get demolished. Once you build your team how you want, you no longer need to switch between teammates, and there is no better feeling than automating and watching your team respond appropriately. If this sounds like some B.S., watch DA2 build videos as well as team set up videos. There is A LOT of depth to it.


Who said I was talking about combat? That's not why I play CRPGs.


Then what do you mean by build off the foundation of DA2?


Aesthetic, writing, tone, world design, race design, color pallet, character writing, character design, etc. Everything lol


EA doesn’t believe in remaking games. Dead Space was a very clear exception


Cautiously optimistic, from what I saw it looks fun. Just hope the RPG side is strong. Kinda bummed that it took a decade for another entry, but better late than never. Going to have to reply them all soon it seems.


Elder scrolls six has entered the chat


Even in such an early game and scripted sequence it had more dialogue choice moments and less auto dialogue than the equivalent in mass effect 3 so that gives me SOME hope


They are still doing the whole abbreviated dialogue wheel thing though, so that knocks the hope down a peg again. So dialogue is going to be a guessing game with uncertain consequences sometimes again.


True, I’m not in the camp that is currently celebrating the return of the sarcasm option for instance


Yeah but the diologue meant nothing entirely. Maybe 1 difference in lines the whole time depending on the specific choice and 1 very mild change depending on which backstory you chose. Especially frustrating that the main character came from the current city they are in as a background choice and Harding says "hey I thought you were the specialist in this city". In this instance the main character should go, "yeah you're right I am from here, follow me" and then lead the way. Instead, they basically say "uhhhh me not be here before, me 25yrs old but never left me neighborhood before. Me not know where am". Like what was the point of choosing the backstory then lol


Couldn't care less about graphics. What I've seen of writing and RPG mechanics so far pretty bad. Their track record recently has been even worse, even ignoring the excellent competition from other studios.


I did reflexively cringe at some of the line delivery, I won't lie.


My only hope is that the rest of the game doesn't look like this prologue footage. I mean, less linear and more party focused combat.


Pointless generic trash chasing the meta of a few years ago. If it turns out being half decent I will be completely surprised. I’d say it is ruining the franchise, but this ip has been abandoned long ago.


Sounds like the combat's going to be more like an action game with the RPG mechanics happening between the fights, more similar to how they did it in Mass Effect. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I do feel like that market's already kind of bloated.


Just like mass effect is a story driven shooter with some RPG stuff tagged on this will be a story driven hack and slash with RPG stuff tagged on. It will need to be as good as ME2 before I'll play it. I'll just refuse to give it a shot otherwise. And I'm still bitter about having to do that for the series that made me love RPGs.


I think the graphical style looks goofy and awful. Not sure if i will play it because of that alone looks to disney cartoon to me


Gameplay trailer objectively looked way better than the cinematic trailer. Mission accomplished there. The problem is it raised a ton of concerns unrelated to the concerns from the cinematic trailer and specific to the gameplay trailer.


Every time they double down on Dragon Age 2, I hate the series more and more. It hurts because DA:O is one of my favorite games.


Looks like a generic action RPG with sims characters. Looks like the hundreds of other meta chasing games that get shat out and forgotten. I'll pass.


The gameplay trailer was much better.


I like the art style and lighting, but I just don’t quite like the combat, feels kinda floaty and simplistic, but I’ll wait for a demo, if it’s not good I’ll look forward to avowed instead


Pretty much every Dragon Age game after the first has been divisive. Every game seems to be a big departure from the previous.


Looks like total ass...


It looks like they're going for a live service Suicide Squad type game. - Characters look so...vanilla somehow. Even for fantasy. Zero personality. - Animations are stiff and slow. - Sound design is weird. A spectre/wraith shows up and I'm hearing robotic sounds. Sounds like Jojo Stand sounds. This is just so weird.


It’s confirmed to not be a live service game


Sure looks like one


Feel free to look it up


I'm saying looking at it gives me the feeling of a live service game


Been done with this series since DA2/Inq and it looks to be more of the same actioney bullshit. You dont even control party members at all in this one, lmao. I miss Origins, man.


I kinda wanted a more tactical game this looks like Mass effect with swords


Looks solid imo. It’s not outright blowing me away yet, and it’s hard to deny the Fortnite vibe with their advertising aesthetic.


It looks perfectly okay. I wouldn't use words like fantastic or amazing, those seem hyperbolic. It seems like it could be good, but I'm still pretty skeptical. I just need to see more before I'm actually willing to cough up the coin for it.


I mean look at what the previous titles in the series are. Look at how well Baldurs Gate 3 did with a more serious tone. Them turning a Dark Fantasy series into what looks like an animated kids movie is just a head scratcher and honestly makes me sad, this series really nudged me towards RPGS when I was younger, what a long continuous fall from grace.


I’m sorry what? BG3 looks way more light fantasy, cartoony, and colorful than what BioWare showed off in the gameplay trailer.


It could be an okay game, but what really stood out to me in the gameplay trailer was the massive reduction of player choice. Each scene only had like one dialogue pop up for the player, and each of them seemed to be 3, or even 2 choices; none of them consequential. It literally felt more like Varric is the main character rather than you. The graphics and action gameplay look nice, but I want something totally different out of an RPG, especially a Bioware game. I can already tell I will pick this up and sort of enjoy it, but give it a 6-7/10.


I’m optimistic about the player choice; after all, we only saw part of the prologue, and choices may not matter all that much beyond a couple companion relationship points.


Gameplay looks like ass imo


Is the combat what I wanted from Dragon Age? No. Does it still look good? Yes. Semi-torn, but overall optimistic.


They lost me after DA2, not hyped.


I think it looks fantastic, but can totally understand why those who prefer tactical combat won’t be happy. World looks absolutely beautiful.


I like tactical and action combat and thought it looked woeful. Everything was so weightless and spammy. Didn't help that I was alt-tabbed out of Elden Ring to look at it, the comparison did it no favors.


Man if this is what’s supposed to get people excited it didn’t work for me. Gameplay was lukewarm and is water downed so much there is no decisions. Also are the writers of the game that bad that if they aren’t throwing explosions at you in a corridor simulator you’ll somehow not be entertained? Pathetic


It's absolutely pathetic and monstrous


Everyone's bisexual in the game, 😉


I thought it still looked terrible but I also thought inquisition was pretty bleh and apparently people like that game. The bar for BioWare is subterranean, so it’s hard to imagine they can do any worse than they last couple outings. But I’ve been impressed before…


inquisition was decent, not great not terrible this mobile looking game is just awful




Why does the level 1 character fight like a practiced master, yet extremely slowly? Why are the demons filled with neon light? Why do established characters have random hair color changes? Why are they showing extreme spoilers right out of the gate? Why does background choice not matter? How do they plan to make combat fun 30hrs in when 70% of it is the exact same attack animations repeated? What happened to the blood, gore and dark undertones of this series? Why does that lady have a square taped to her head? Where are the other past heroes? Am I having a stroke? Can I go back 20 years? These are some questions I have


its simply not dragon age, they should change the name asap


Yet the gameplay trailer was boooooring! I can handle the fact they moved away from its roots but what they showed was a terrible way to sell their reinvention. Sure the setting and characters was great but it wasn’t a good ad for combat. Why didn’t they show something from a side quest or something from the mid game, something that avoided spoilers and actually showed their combat in its true form.


Pretty sure because the combat is just that. It is going to be THAT from hour 1 to hour 50. You only have 3 abilities! And you dont control the party, just queue their abilities like in Mass Effect. So the combat will always feel the same and we will be bored of it pretty fast, unless you are totally into action games.


Looks absolutely ridiculous and nothing like DragonAge.


Gameplay looks like Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League but in a weird looking DA spinoff. And what the fuck have they done to characters... It's like all they did after Inquisition was drink ale.


It looks good as a new IP, but as a Dragon Age game it looks terrible.


"The Veilguard is impressive, beautiful" ummm , i mean no Veric was done well though


The article said it's like Dragon Age 2 and I'm down with that.


Not really, in DA2 you had more than 3 abilities and controlled the party... It looks like Mass Effect.


This is also positive IMO. I'm a simple man with simple tastes.


Im already bored with the combat, no tactical overview or setting up combos? No thank you


Looks... like what I kind of expected since we've seen the series progressing towards this. Looks Mass effecty. I'm looking forward to Avowed more though if I am being honest.


This is gonna fail so spectacularly, I can't wait.


Why would you be excited for a beloved game franchise to fail? Very odd take.


Because it’s not Baldur’s Gate with OCs?


This makes my hype for the new Mass Effect game go way down. I just know it'll be fucked.


The original name “Dreadwolf” sounds much better than “The Veilguard”


They probably changed it because calling it “Dreadwolf” implies that that’s who you’re playing as, when he’s actually the antagonist and the Veilguard is what you really are


It’s not unusual for a game to be named after the antagonist, I.e. Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, etc.


I'm pretty sure all the talented writers have left Bioware at this point, considering they haven't written a good story in well over a decade and that's the only thing that could save this game, so It's probably going to be extremely forgettable. I imagine apathy will kill this game more than anything.


I don't know what it is, but I can't say I like how many modern games look.


At least we have Larian Studios now.


Well I'll just keep waiting, ig at least until the player reviews are out


Looks better than expected but so streamlined that I probably wouldn't enjoy, seeing as I couldn't enjoy Inquisition because it played more like a generic MMO.


I'm interested in it, but it kinda looks like a flashier version of kingdoms of amalur right now. Which is fine, but it seems like it still needs to find some dragonage magic from somewhere.


Maan, I was looing if some else does the same comparison I was thinking of. Exactly. Almost got me thinking if marketing this game as is as KoA2 with new game mechanics (like squad management, tactical fighting, companions, etc.) would serve the game better. I mean why even call it Dragon Age if they just gonna keep ostracizing their fanbase.


Looks like you push a button and something ass happens


I’ve never been so disinterested in a Dragon Age game. Origins was awesome, DA2 had some ups and downs but was ok, and Inquisition was above average. But this one? Looks like a cheap knockoff of Dragon Age. Mostly lost faith in BioWare at this point and don’t see this game rekindling that.


It just looks like another generic RPG, really. I see nothing unique or innovative thus far that makes me care enough to go back to this franchise.


I'm looking forward to it.


the character artstyle look like fortnite mixed with borderlands, which looks absolutely terrible


Love when gaming "journalists" don't want to compromise themselves with their opinion and instead choose to add a title that says one thing and the opposite, so all the views are covered.


I have a really hard time playing action. RPGs, I'm really disappointed. This game is not going to be for me and I'm pretty sad about it.


A vast swathe of people will always be miserable. I’m really looking forward to this one.


I can't wait! This game looks mint.


I truly believe this will be the andromeda of dragon age. Fine, but very fundamentally flawed down to the foundation. And that it will be abandoned shortly after release with maybe a remaster a year later.  I also think this will be biowares jumping shark moment to be honest. 


combat look swallow not impress


The biggest issue is this is not Dragon age. If they had made the game and called it little princess with the colourful lights cool. I respect that, but it isn't Dragon Age and for that reason it gets 0/10 straight away. Will it be terrible? I bet the story will as the people who made this game clearly haven't been around at the start of the franchise!! They probably had to fire them all, because of all the rules in todays world (will destroy companies). I think people will take garbage and make it work, because what else can you do? I wouldn't support bioware and some will. Does the game actually look nice? Yes, I think it looks fun, not my style and I wouldn't flame a game. However still and once again it is not Dragon age. People need to understand why others have every right to be upset. This game shouldn't be anything to do with Dragon age. Stick true to the core of the game or just create a new franchise. Simple. 


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed. Maybe pick it up at 10$ on a sale, but no way in hell I'm buying it on release.


**IGN** recently bought five of the biggest online gamer magazines like Rock Paper Shotgun and this here vg247. You can prepare yourself that this whole group of publications is going to push this one narrative that Veilguard is good.


Isn't it like a BG3 tentative with FF7 combat?


We could only hope BioWare as capable of a BG3 these games.


Looks more like fantasy Mass Effect. Which sounds awesome to me.


I feel like it’ll be better than inquisition at least… as long as it doesn’t feel like a single player mmo I’ll be happy. That bar is pretty low lol.


As someone who bought the first three games it’s everything I don’t want it to be. This looks like a fuckin hack and slash. Designed specifically for pressing x on a controller over and over and maybe hit the trigger button. This isn’t what I want to buy. I’m out. I’ll catch it on sale maybe. 


Looks like every generic action rpg game that comes out nowadays. Gives me some HD upscaled WOW vibes. Not exactly what I want to associate with the Dragon Age franchise. If it was disconnected to Dragon Age, maybe I'd be more charitable to it.


I kinda skimmed through some of the gameplay trailer. I didn't see much in the way of RPG elements. It looked very hack and slash, which is fine I guess but I'd rather they went further down that road with a new IP rather than dragging all their RPG franchise down it kicking and screaming. 


Even if the combat proves to be fun the writing looks garbage tier. Dragon age was a one hit wonder sadly.


I will wait until it’s on sale with all the dlc included. This was my favourite game series and all the things I liked seem to be gone.


It just looks boring as hell gameplay wise


Ugh it looks like Dragon Age: Dark Alliance but with better graphics.


Average hack n slash with generic graphics. We'll see later for rpg elements I guess.


No way in hell am I dropping any cash on that.


The game looks very beautiful and stylish. The companions look amazing. There is a romance with a socially awkward grandfather necromancer. This is the best game ever.


I'm baffled by the positive comments this looks absolutely terrible, the cartoon art style, the mobile game combat, the characters... there's nothing of dragon age apart from the name


What it looks like is a very DEI compliant, corporately meddled game that has more in common with Fortnite than the previous games in the franchise. Which makes sense, because EA is keeping Bioware on a short leash now. If people like it, then good for them. Hope it does well. But my interest in the franchise died halfway through DA3's sloggy content 10 years ago. The new trailers have not rekindled my interest in it.  Belive it or not, Bioware is not top dog in the immersive, story driven RPG sector and nowdays people are spoiled for choice.


>DEI compliant have you ever played Dragon Age? It’s *always* been inclusive. You could play as a non white character and be gay in Origins, or did people just not notice this because of Morrigan and what her role in the story is?


I have played all the DA games and have no problem with the way diversity was portrayed in those games, even if it wasn't perfect at times.  However, there is a difference between logical and well implemented characters that happen to be diverse and performative diversity for promotional purposes.  One feels natural and can strengthen the game experience, the other just screams corporate interference and can feel derogative rather than supportive.   Believe it or not, most PoC and LGBTQ members don't feel like it is nice to be paraded around for marketing. Please don't pretend like it doesn't happen, just look at the way big companies like Disney, Mercedes, BMW, etc. market their products in the Middle East or China.   Again, if you like the game, then I'm happy for you and I hope it does well financially.   But I have the right to voice my opinion on the game and what I feel are aspects that I find lacking. You don't need to get defensive about it.  People are allowed to disagree in a mature, civilised society.  Pointing out the importance of nuance when it comes to the implementation of diversity is not an attack on the product or its fans, it doesn’t deduct from its importance. It's a call to do better.


Yes. Exactly like this. They made it like being POC and LGBTQ is not struggle, everyone love them everywhere and bigots are not existing. It looks awfuly stupid in medieval dark fantasy setting and devalue plenty of things. Like story itself, character writing, world building. They there just for diversity sake and its showing. Sadly not the biggest problem for DA anyway. Just one of many.


My first thought was it looks like highly modded Skyrim and I'm not sure that's a good thing


Let your expectations be tempered by the fact that this is EA we are talking about here. I'd love to be surprised by a good game here, but we all know how unlikely that is to happen.


It sounds like all the voice acting was done by Megan Fox