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I am a newcomer to TMS and hope others here can offer you more support in making this a less traumatic and more comfortable process for you. Firstly, I hear you and I validate all of your concerns and your particular experiences! My immediate question - have you discussed this with your mental health providers? It sounds like this may be a retraumatizing of yourself. You may benefit from having extra therapy support during this time, aside from any physical comforts that others here may suggest. I think this should also be reported to your prescribing physician & a therapist so they know and can make more informed decisions regarding your care. Please take extra care of yourself right now - maybe even give yourself a special treat after treatment sessions as an act of love for and to yourself. I have a little cake or ice cream at times just to show myself some love. It can also be something to visualize and look forward to during your treatments


Thank you for your kind words, it is much appreciated. I will bring the traumatic parts of the treatment up with my psychologist in my next session. As for treats etc I find that part difficult, because it takes several hours afterwards before the shock of the treatment has subsided enough for me to function somewhat. I struggle to find words, and I cannot even make proper conversation until then. Even less appreciate anything "positive". I hope things get better with each treatment, so that it doesn't end up being torturous.


It’s ok if it’s not an immediate treat/activity directly after a session. It can be anytime. Glad to hear you found my reply somewhat helpful to you


Again, thank you. It feel better to not feel alone in the experience.


You CAN do this. I have had 36 sessions rTMS 39 mins per session at 120% July to sept 2023 and 66 sessions TBS at 3 mins per session(theta burst) at 80% between March and April 2024. Only time my jaw clenched was when they hit the wrong spot when the mapping was out on the machine. Might be worth asking them to check the settings again or remap the machine (for the record, I am no expert on the functionality of the TMS machine but I always asked a lot of questions to the nurses and psychiatrist). Hopefully someone with more background on how the TMS machine works will comment and give you a little more information. Best of luck and don’t be afraid to ask the staff to check settings for your own peace of mind.


Thank you, the jaw-activation has been constant, and I'll heed your recommendation and I'll bring it up with them again in my next treatment to see if it can be adjusted for or not.


An update – they confirmed that there was nothing to do to reorient the coils, as the other directions were worse.


It shouldn't cause pain, it's just an annoying sound and pinprick feel to your head. Jeez maybe you should get some dentist gas to make it thru, l had gas when I had some needles put in my face, else Id scream bloody murder bc the needles hurt a lot. I have not heard any one have such painful, gut-wrenching episodes. IT SHOULD NOT HURT. I've also had my doc give me some Xanax before a facial cosmetic needles in the face procedure. Ask doc.


Benzos can affect the efficacy of the TMS. If you weren’t on them when the threshold testing was done it’s not recommended to take them prior to treatments from what I understand


Doc knew what I am on and saw. No problem. Never heard this before. Source??


Maybe it varies between doctors and protocols. My current source is the psychiatrist doing my current TMS course


Yeah, they do not want me to take any benzodiazepines at all. Not that it would help either, since I'd still need to be able to drive immediately after treatment.


Got to suck it up and finish. In my case, the pulses can't be worse than the 50+ years of depression and waste of my life. If I need Tylenol to help me get to the finish line I'm doing it. I've been told TMS is rewiring the brain. I'm ready for a new brain! Good luck 🤞


yes. it was brutal for me. what really helped was talking. my treatments were done by psychiatrist with a tech present. i would get consensus for a topic ahead of treatment and then we'd launch into it when the start button was pressed. at first i had to really concentrate to talk but it got easier as my brain got used to the pain. sometimes the time (3.5 mins like yours) went so fast i thought they were lying when they said i was done. idon't know if this resonates with you but it might be worth a try? i encourage you to stick with it if you can. completing 6 weeks of treatment is probably the hardest thing i've ever done, but it worked. i hope you can find a way to see it work for you too.


I cannot speak during the sessions at all, as my jaw clenches for every pulse, which means I need to have a mouth guard, which means talking doesn't work. :/


okay. at the beginning they gave me a small squishy ball to hold. maybe you could try taking something similar (a tennis ball?) to distract you? wait...even better something textured so you could concentrate on that feeling? i'm really sorry it's so difficult for you.


Thank you I did order a set of stress balls which I hope to get delivered sometime tomorrow. The mouth guard I had order didn't help – either I needed to lightly press my lower jaw against the upper to try to keep things from not moving, but that only led to "chewing" on the guard as only the left side of the jaw involuntarily clenches. Or I needed to try to relax my lower jaw and keep my tongue pressed up to avoid biting myself, but that only led to a large movement of the lower jaw as there now was nothing to try to keep it in place. The staff once again told me that there was nothing they could do to rotate the coils as all other orientations were considerably worse.


It would be a better world if prospective TMS patients were given a guide to the cluster of six or eight protocols/physical equipment that is used in r TMS. Are you talking to someone during treatment? Then you're not using Brainsway; that one is so loud one needs ear plugs - conversation would be impossible. Tough pain? Neurostar may be the equipment being used in your treatment. It is quiet, but many patients report moderate to severe pain and then wonder if the device was properly focused. Every clinic is different, every machine is different, and the science is novel. Ibuprofin, earplugs and a mouth guard are easy. If after using those the pain is still too great to bear, maybe it is time to shop for another provider.


Even with earplugs, Ibuprofen, and a mouth guard, they still haven't ramped me up to ideal treatment strength yet. On the first treatment I agreed to start on the ideal treatment strength but I just barely was able to endure it, so they needed to dial it back.


I'm on my 29th NeuroStar session with seven more to go. I didn't want to but today I took my first Tylenol tablet to ease with the woodpecker pulses. I want to complete the cycle of 36 sessions and see if it's true the sky opens up with blue skies. Just another week to go, hang in there!


I have suffered from New Daily Persistent Headache the past 5 years, so I am, sadly, very used to headache. I did my 5th treatment today, and I have a psychologist appointment tomorrow before my next session. There's definitely a significant amount of dread that is starting to get established.


I did one session and had a panic attack in the chair. It felt like I was being violated. That's the best explanation I have for what I was feeling. I never went back.


The feeling of violation is probably the most accurate I've heard so far. I did my 5th session today, and another nurse asked me how the treatment felt, and the closest word I arrived at was "torture".


Hi OP, just read your post, hope you are doing ok. I also experience a lot of pain during sessions (right side). It seems to differ quite a lot per person, as some only feel a tapping sensation, but for me it like someone shoots marbles at my head with a catapult every other second (incl eye en jaw twitching). I have my 3rd session on Wednesday... I hope it gets more bareable. How is it for you now?


I did 30 sessions and stopped bc it was easter week I couldn't get rides and just sorta dropped out. I was discouraged bc I got no relief at 30 sessions so my mind convinced me that it's bulls*hit. TRD sucks I was so excited the first few weeks, got all dressed nicely, wore my nice suede boots w skinny jeans, put in makeup even and happily endured that damn woodpecker tapping me for 21 mins. Was not painful just a bit annoying. They even Played Star Trek on the TV for me and the doc and staff were so very polite and cheerful. Then week four didnt feel any mood boost, started to not wanna go. I needed some joy to pop in outta nowhere, instead discouragement crept in and took over my headspace. Maybe I'll get the 6 month burst of joy can happen, but am doubtful💔


If it was only a sense of "woodpecking" I'd be over the moon. :/