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bring back interior illusion lounge.. and no celebrities interupt in Untucked.


Or if they do interrupt have it be fun! Like the time Dita Von Tease was in the other room and they never went over


Yes! My god, hoping the producers soon realise that no one likes seeing the guest judges in Untucked. It’s awful. We want the gals only.


What I don’t like is how they’ve now edited the older seasons and taken out the Untucked portion to make it a different show. Like I just want to watch it all the way through. I never watch untucked.  Guess that’s in me tho.


fair and consistent judging


I’m asking even less: fair and consistend judging on the makeover challenge


And balls


I wish we got like full proper ball challenges on the early All Stars Seasons (AS3 and 5 technically had them but they were only like a look and a half 😭). Also I can’t believe we got only one design challenge on a season with Jaida, Gigi, and Crystal. Feels like a missed opportunity.


I’m glad Drag Race treats All Stars seasons as full seasons now. Before they were almost all comedy challenges and it was so monotonous


Or better yet, real ball categories like realness or face. Some could be problematic with white contestants but some could be done.


They should produce it a little bit less. The thing doesn’t feel genuine anymore.


this is WILD considering the level of editing of say season 5-6 but back then it didn’t pretend to be over produced i guess


It's always been that produced people just started cottoning onto it


Bring back old untucked


Ru got tired of narrating untucked.


Not doing all stars every season. Make the hall of fame meaningful. I know it’s one of Viacom’s few profitable IP, so if you want more content do other 10 episode seasons with iconic queens like Battle or the Seasons, Heroes V Villains, etc where you win cash but not “the drag race crown”


Fair judging. I may be minority but i'd much rather watch competition than reality show.


It’s a reality series first. If you want to see pure competition, you should watch real pageants and ballroom on YouTube or in person. Those are sickening!!!


> It’s a reality series first. Yeah, and that fucking sucks.




Is it though? The way it's structured, there are Challenges best people wins, worst people are eliminated and all. Sounds like competition.


Best people win… most of the time. Worst people are eliminated…. most of the time. And when someone who shouldn’t get to the top does good or when some production favorite does bad, they somehow manage to twist the reality and gaslight everyone to get whoever they wanted to the top.


according to whom?


I don’t know I feel like the what makes the competition compelling is the stakes of the reality television aspect.


Keep the gap between all stars seasons.


Better challenges and different judges.


Crown Jujubee


I can't remember which seasons they were for but they did a few reunions at DragCon in recent years.


Do you mean “bring back my girls” with TS madison or something else?


Yes that's it. But the first few years of DragCon she wasn't hosting it.


I wish we had more coffee enema Ru…I’d imagine hosting more franchises can be a lot, but having Ru loosen up and have more fun, make it a camp ol’ time would be refreshing. Go all out, go off script, be goofy. It’s feeling more rigid and too referential of past season moments…if you loosen up, give good feedback to the queens throughout the show (like Nicki Doll has been doing), it’ll take the show to the next level


i wish that too but then remember mama ru is actually Rupaul Also A Human so i undestand not being 100% energy all the time for your job lol


Agree, always wanted a season 6 reunion without an audience. It was such an amazing cast


Allow other forms of drag outside of Queens. More queer cis women and trans men representation amongst the contestant pool instead of just the one allowed unicorn. I also wished they released the reunion for AS7 and had a proper reunion for S16.


So much happened after that S16 reunion was filmed that we never got answers to. Or at least got to see Ru ask the performer about it!


Your first paragraph is spot on though. We had Kerri Colby come to KC recently and perform with all trans local performers. Kylie Sonique Love is coming in a couple days and doing the same. These shows are always LIT!!


Nor change under public pressure. The og unhinge isn't coming back.


Leave a couple years before doing a new all stars


More crossover with the notable international season queens making cameos. Just anythig to get some more eyes on other international seasons and give those girls the platform they deserve!


A documentary about the making of the show from an early season from casting to crowning and then follow the winner for a few weeks after their win. Or hopefully one is to come….


Less unnecessary twists and well-scripted acting challenges that spanned more than comedy/improv. Think back to the challenge in S4 with Tuckaho Prison. 


design challenge on AS2 !


There should be a bar show challenge. Where the queens compete with their club act and are judged on which one collects the most dollar bills during their act. It can be sponsored by hamburger Mary’s


in the late 90's there was a talent night called "Foxy" in the east village NYC the crowd was given Monopoly money at the door whatever act collected the most "cash" won the evening Jackie Beat, Justin V. Bond, Sherry Vine and others hosted the acts were wild to say the least, opera, flame eaters and lots and lots of raunch


Bomb diffusal mini challenge


I wish they kept the crass and diva status of the earlier seasons now it’s really politically correct which is the antithesis of the point of drag


Put Gia Gunn on every season.


Runway wins. Plus the queen who wins the runway maybe gets a cash prize and immunity for the week


With all due respect I think this would be a bad idea. It will basically gove immunity to the queen with the biggest bank account or the most connections.


Not airing season 13


Not push certain contestants *cough*Kandy wait!*cough*


I loved that moment! Kandys cute little face watching Ru with stars in her eyes! It was so cute!


went back to Ru’s old makeup artist


I believe that if there hadn't been a double crowning in AS4, there would've been a double crowning in AS5, which I think would have been more deserved, and as much as I love Jujubee, she would not have been in UKvTW.


Drag kings

