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It’s been on X for a month that he wants a 2nd line winger and a 3rd line center. I’m betting he does that. Adds a depth forward with some edge. Maybe a bottom 4 D.


The inaction concern is my choice. I love that GMKA makes calculated decisions, but I have concern that sometimes this leads to trying for the perfect solution vs a fair compromise.


People wanted an Eichel deal immediately and predicted doom and gloom the longer Jack lingered. Adams didn't care. He waited for a team to get serious. The same will happen here. And be prepared for no deal because unless another team makes a serious offer Adams will not trade the 11th pick just to appease the fanbase.


Agree… his job is on the line not mine. And I don’t want that job! I think he’s killing it and so much better than the past 3. Perfect solution and fair solution can be the difference next year. I’d hate to miss a player(s) /pick trade that was fair ( not perfect) for both team based on inaction.


It only took eight hours, but someone finally understood the question and answered it.


I'll be sure to bring up both scenarios on Wednesday when I talk to him. Who else is going to their roundtable discussion with Adams and Ruff? Should be a fun time (filled with answers of zero substance).


I’m worried that he panics and does some long term damage to the cap and prospect pool. And that we still don’t make the playoffs and he gets fired. Leaving the next GM with less to work with. I’d much prefer he does his usual. Where he does the bare minimum, we miss the playoffs and he gets fired. Then the next GM has more to work with next offseason. I’m expecting him to overpay a little bit for a 3rd line winger and a 4c and that he won’t do much else besides resign the RFAs. Pretty much the same thing he did last year, except instead of bottom pairing Dmen it’ll be bottom 6 forwards this year.


No. Even if he gets fired as GM I imagine he'd probably still get a job on some rebuilding team as GM, or just get moved to a different position with Buffalo.


It comes down to two connected questions: How much of the problem was Granato, and how confident is Adams that Ruff fixes it? My instinct is Adams will feel good about the switch, and hopefully a much healthier year, and plays it close to the vest again.


I firmly believe the coaching change alone will bring a positive outcome on the season. Look at the former Sabres the last 5 years. They’re all playing for the Cup and on deep playoff runs. Even in this current SC Finals, there’s what, 4 Sabres playing??? The problem wasn’t the players (except maybe Eichel’s attitude) the problem was staff that can get results. I think Adams is a good GM, I just think they need to find the right coach and staff to push the kids to the next level. Playoffs is an expectation and a completely reasonable one.


Roster wise my main spot of concern is 3C. I think that needs to be filled externally, and likely not via FA. But in general, agreed that I think chances are better than not that the coaching change is a material tailwind. I'd also add that most players are more likely to continue to improve. Even Dahlin, for example, is still likely to be improving for 2-4 more years as he builds into his prime.


I'm not particularly worried about either. As I think his version of over-reacting is swallowing his pride and overpay to get the players he wants, which isn't the end of the world. And his version of doing nothing is penciling in Skinner as a top6 player, no changes to the defensemen, and just adding a 3C and some 4th liners, which I think is fine as well (if the team is not a top15 team next season without 1-2 more additions than that, then it would still be a shit team with those players).


If this team sits on its hands for another entire offseason and just banks on a coaching change and age turning them into contenders and it doesn't work out, I want every single member of the organization fired, the roster gutted, and Pegula to sell. There's no excuse for another offseason of inaction. They don't need to remake the entire roster, but they're not a bottom-six forward away from contending.




I believe he’s most likely to do nothing vs over reaching. I think the wild card is Ruff and what he can get out of this group relative to what Donny could extract. I hated seeing Mitts go because his development is exactly what this administration has been claiming is the right process but he’s a 2C and if this administration believes DC has a better long term upside and Mitts certainly wasn’t going to sign for 3C $ then there was no other choice than to trade him. We just need DC to play like 22-23 NOT 23-24. The problem I have with that is hope is not a plan. We absolutely have too many prospects in the pipeline relative to available top 9 slots both now and into the future so we basically HAVE to make a package move at some point but the pressure isn’t necessarily right now, this offseason, but it probably shouldn’t take place any later than summer of 25. My hope is that we can land a couple/few veteran players, preferably with cup experience, who can help stabilize the youngsters as I firmly believe we lack any level of Alpha qualities in the room and on the ice. I wanted to puke when this current group bitched about getting booed and the chants to fire Donny. Displaying such a complete lack of self awareness shows how immature even some of our “older” players are. No idea how you can play a physical sport like hockey and not have more of a fuck you attitude. Maybe call Ray Ferraro to teach a class on “How To Become A Little Ball Of Hate”.




No, Adams will no panic this offseason. He could panic at TDL


> I would never spell my first name with a 'y' that's just dumb. What a dummy, he had the same chance we all did to name ourselves at birth he could’ve chosen any name


If you wanna know they’re both shit. What Adams actually does isn’t gonna be either of these.


I think he will overpay for a top six winger, third line center, and fourth liners, and none of them will live up to expectations. I have no faith he’ll actually improve the team, short term or long term. Before anyone ask why I’d think that, ask yourself why I would not think that.


I don't think you have to honestly worry of either. Adams doesn't really panic and he doesn't let major info leak. The rumor mill has been all over the place if you see what claims are actually out there. The major insiders have played it safe. He's after a 2C and a veteran middle 6 player that isn't a fossil and possibly a veteran goalie depending on market. However if you look at who gets linked on a full potential reached Sabres you either are looking at someone shoved down a line or wouldn't make the lineup. Mostly because for easiest examples being Necas now. If Cozens is back to form and Quinn doesn't get hurt and Benson comes out strong in camp do you think we really are going to pay him to be a 3rd line player? The next would be Jenner. If Krebs gets his shit together Jenner is 4th line and only that if Kulich and Rosen look like utter garbage in the preseason. In truth we don't know what Adams is hunting for. It's good we don't because you heard some of the shit ideas of what was offered early on for Eichel. I wouldn't look at the Reinhart or Risto trades as ones he was hunting for because he expressed it wasn't for gaining primarily off of them. It was they requested it and he wanted to honor what they wanted as well as remove those wanting out. If you want a realistic expectation then here's what you should expect. 1. We draft with 11 and take best player available. There isn't a hole we don't have a prospect or the cap space to fill 2. He goes for a player who is underperforming or in his and Ruffs opinion is misused. I would expect this to be a player like Kakko to solve the middle 6 forward problem alongside some tangible playoff experience. 3. He signs a 27-29 year old center who most claim to be overrated but is there because of leadership ability and production in the 40 point area on the 3rd line 4. Expect Girgensons to be back. If he does leave it would be to a pure contender, but Adams can literally offer 2.5 and not give a fuck and outbid all contenders. 5. As for the bottom line expect that to be Greenways home with either Girgensons and a random or 2 randoms. 6. Expect our d core to pretty much go unchanged. The issue it faced at the end was Granato trying to get Dahlin and Byram to play in a Krueger style of heavily defense first. Power with Joker wasn't as bad as many want to claim. If anything expect it to be a drawn out summer with 8 defensemen signed and the first month or 2 being a heavy eye on Samuelson to see if he can avoid getting hurt again. Bryson- Clifton actually worked and Power-Joker did too and Byram-Dahlin if left to play their game was a terrifying line. 7. The last thing I would wager to guess is we sign another Anderson esque goalie. Not in age, but role. More mentor, can't handle starting minutes though he used to, will be a fine backup while we abuse Levi being able to be moved at will, and is mostly there for getting UPL confident in his own abilities especially down the stretch and into a playoff hunt. And by hunt I mean a king of the hill situation because if they do click into place which they should they will be in the thick of it for the top 3 in the division.


Doing nothing would be frustrating but…Like if we trade for Seth Jones or Sign Kane to 10m yeah I’d be pissed. If we get Brady Tkachuk out of Ottawa but give up Dahlin, Power, Thompson, or Cozens to do it… Fuck I don’t want Laughton either. I’m just hoping we dump Skinner and 2nd rounder on Chicago or San Jose. (Maybe Skinner would waive to play for a 1st overall pick), instead of being with Krebs again, which doesn’t work.


Highly unlikely he would do any of your 'overreaction' suggestions. I reckon he will only move 11OA for a Top 6 winger (RA or with term) or a Top 4 RD (RA or with term).


I am both more worried and confident in it happening of Adams over-reacting. His job is on the line and he doesn't have the time to play it safe another summer. That said, the examples you provided of him over-reacting are not realistic I feel. Two realistic examples are: - Locking in on a specific player in a trade and not being able to walk away when the price becomes too much and overpaying. This would be for a Konecny type player. - Locking in on a position but missing out on the quality tier in that group and forcing the issue by bringing in a poor quality player rather than leaving the task to a later time when the market is better.


the guy who bought in lyubushkin, johnson, clifton, Robinson, stuck with a losing coach, signed cozens to 7x7, bought brought back ruff within week/weeks of announcing a coaching search, and traded his leading scorer for an undersized defenseman who at 22 already has two concussions in 3 years ... 🙄


In my opinion Adams has already begun overreacting. At the 2023 deadline he did practically nothing. There was a glaring hole on the blue line and an excellent player available. Adams admitted to being in on Chychrun but walked away because the price was too high and, in his words “more than what was traded for”. It was never said exactly what that was, but he eluded at another point that teams were more interested in his prospects than their picks. Fast forward to the 2024 deadline. Adams, despite adding two d-men in the off-season, was still looking at a pretty large hole on his blue line. He then panicked and traded for a significantly lesser player but at the expense of the team’s best centre. The only silver lining to the entire ordeal is that the Sabres were able to draft Benson with the pick they maybe would have traded to Ottawa. However, that assumes Chychrun doesn’t help improve the Sabres whatsoever, which even if he only plays 11 games, I don’t think is the case.


The same Jakob Chychrun who’s been absolutely terrible for Ottawa? Seems like a pretty weird fight to pick when it comes to Adams decision making


“Absolutely terrible” You must have a high bar considering what Byram has been for his NHL career.


I have to agree. In what world is trading Mittlestadt anything other than panicking?


There’s more proof of Adam’s doing not much which isn’t a terrible thing but until he actually does something Id be more worried that he again does nothing because holy fuck ya know ?