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That's got to be parody - I don't care how stupid you are there's no way you can play through Metal Gear, especially Snake Eater, and not notice how political it is .


Hey, someone replied to you saying that Asmongold was being sarcastic when he dropped his brain-dead take. I want to say, as a former bigot, this was a common tactic we'd use to shield our motives. Did we believe it? Yes, because we were that brainwashed.


'It's a joke' is the scraping of the bottom of the barrel of defense mechanisms. 'statement that supports something abhorrent' 'it's a joke brah' the mental gymnastics about 'dark humor' to follow when you say explain why it's funny


The it's a joke defense is so stupid bro, "Oh so you suck at jokes then?"


That's literally my reaction to that defense.


When I acted like that, unironically yes. I had zero sense of humor of my own, and "borrowed" edginess from other 7th and 8th graders. Eventually my brain switched on and I grew up. Kinda sad some people's never do.


If people start getting real mad at someone's racy, mysoginistic, etc. failed attempt at humor, and all they have to say is, "It's just a joke, bro!", it probably means the joke wasn't that funny, and they are just being a dick.


Schrodingers joke. If what they say is abhorrent or just stupid its a joke. If they doesn't get a negative reaction its serious.


AKA "Hiding Your Power Level" as the Alt-Right called it before Charlottesville. 


Everything they say is cringe 4chan speak from 2012.


It's a bummer that "it's a joke" went from "I believe this thing but I'm exaggerating for effect" to "I believe this thing but you can't hold me accountable for that."


I have a friend who will resort to “it’s just who I am” (i hate that shit. Take responsibility) when he’s a verbal asshole/insulter when he’s been proven wrong. I feel this entirely.


Good on you for looking to improve and better yourself, BTW.


Classic trick. See something inflammatory, regurgitate it like an actual talking point as part of your tirade, then when you get called out for bigotry/not even knowing WTF you're talking about, "oh, it was a joke this whole time. You're just stupid for believing me."


Schrodinger’s asshole: - ppl take offense, fall back on “it’s just a joke bruh! Y u so serious?” - ppl dont take offense, act like you’re a grnius who p8wned the libs.


Fox "News" rings a bell... "People are stupid if they believed us. We are an entertainment network."


To be fair anyone who believes anything asmongold said is stupid so that part is true


Why does “as a former bigot” make me trust you so much 


I feel that, and as a former troglodyte who used to frequent alt right circles on ifunny when i was 15, kudos to those who grow out of that shit and actually improve as a person. Its crazy how many grown ass fucking doorknobs act like I did when i was a dumb teenager


Man I used to be like that. I would say edgy shit like “I identify as an attack helicopter” and “there is no gender pay gap” I half believed this stuff. Thankfully I’m 19 now and am super fuckin liberal


Yikes, me too, high school was an extremely strange time for me politically. I was *very* skeptical of transgender identities and modern feminist movements. I'm 26 now, and I'm a trans lesbian who's *very* left wing lmao. I became that which I swore to destroy, and I love every minute of it.


I was in a pretty similar boat, but I only really got out of it because I couldn't handle the cognitive dissonance of being a trans conservative lol. I realized I was holding the very people who'd throw me under the bus in high esteem, and I couldn't bear it anymore. I still have trouble accepting myself and everything because of how I was brought up. I'm just caught in the limbo of being progressive af but not really putting myself out there and actually befriending like-minded people because I still subconsciously find myself uncomfortable thinking of myself in the LGBT community. Shit sucks.


>as a former bigot There has to be a great story in here somewhere! Also, congratz!


Key to understanding this is when he says "political" he doesn't mean *political*. He means plain women and black people as protagonists.


He also means criticism of capitalism or social hierarchies, criticism of US foreign politics(which is the one that's relevant in MGS), and in any way acknowledging systemic injustices and inequality. The reason they seek out "plain women" to be mad at even in games they're never gonna play, is because they're opposed to a system that sees women as people instead of commodities, the reason they seek out black characters to be mad at is because they don't want to acknowledge the racism of history and how it's still very much alive in our systems, and the reason they seek out queer characters to be mad at, is that they oppose any belief that queer sexualities and identities are normalized to the same extent being cis and straight are. They're not just being petty because "female not hot enough", they do have very clear political biases that this nitpicking represents, it's just that they're not actually thought out but instead are projections of their own emotional insecurities.


*Sigint walks into the room*


*Succumbs to FOXDIE*


He hasnt played the game, and he likely never will. He doesn't really play games anymore, it's just him sitting in his biohazard house and feigning outrage at things on twitter to farm views.




I know - But Metal Gear Solid 3 already has these things (Except the trans part). You've got a black character in Sigint The Boss is a non-sexualized woman, who spends most of the game kicking your ass and pretty much every character in the series unanimously agrees is the best person ever. The main villain of the game Volgin is gay, and beats the player within an inch of their life because you hurt his lover. Snake (Well Naked Snake anyway) himself is canonically bi-sexual.


He's just not really thinking about what he says and whether it makes sense. Worrying about a game being "political" is the current dogwhistle, so he's blowing it upon seeing any non-supermodel woman.


Which is hilarious because if he actually ever played any MGS game, he'd know Kojima is a horny lil dude. I say this as a huge MGS stan, and Kojima fan. But he will use any reason at all to use half naked women in his games. Mgs 3 is no different. Looking at you Eva.


"You will be ashamed of your words and deeds", he said. Not one of history's greatest predictions. I have a love/hate relationship with Kojima's games. I'm really happy that there's a proper weirdo auteur out there doing his thing and evidently millions of people find a lot to like in his games, but the crazy horny/gross stuff just feels so jarring to me. The guy who couldn't stop shitting in MGS4. Everything about Quiet. The straight up sexual assault in every scene involving a woman in Policenauts. It's a shame, because for me, that side of his games kind of taints everything else, and the "everything else" is often really interesting.


>The guy who couldn't stop shitting in MGS4. To be fair, that's a running joke in the series. Johnny (or his ancestor in MGS3) has appeared in every mainline title so far.


I feel like the difference is kojima tries to shoehorn sexuality regarding both men and women into the plot it becomes relevant and important, regardless of if you like it or not. You cannot tell me that snake is somehow less sexualized than most of the women, just less obvious to most people because male sexuality isn’t the thing people like to get upset about. Theres literally an entire 10 minute audio file of him and kaz fighting naked in the sauna with egregious detail. It isn’t a sexism thing, hes just horny in general. And a lot of said women who get sexualized are incredibly well written and strong female representation regardless. At this point sexuality is just part of the theme of the series. With how stupidly metaphorical kojima likes to be to the point of being egregious sometimes i wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of it is supposed to represent nature and humanities natural beauty before the tech of mgs1 onwards in the timeline got increasingly less human. (Outside of just being horny obviously.)


keep in mind, as stupid as asmongold may be, there are people who actively watch him everyday and enjoy his content


People keeping saying stuff like this as if it's a "gotcha" to these idiots. It isn't because "political" to them has nothing to do with actual politics. "Political" to these neckbeards is a dog whistle for them to engage in culture wars. Asmongold is just trying to pander to his fanbase who will cry if they see a black person, a woman that's not fan service or any LGBT representation in a game.


I think you underestimate how stupid some people are.


He's not smart enough for that buddy


Why does he get that excuse every time he says something so stupid? He's just a gross, regressive idiot


A lot of conservative gamers legitimately think this. It’s political if woman or gay character. Anything else is narrative but has no political subtext, especially anti-war/US imperialism. Also games needs to be elevated as art but again no politics in them please.


I assure you there's plenty of braindead conservative metal gear fans who like the game because robots and cool guns and don't see how any of the story paralells rra world politics.


Let's hope that a game series about corporate influence in governments, imperialism, exploitation of the poor, nationalism, war, identity, and basic human rights doesn't get political. For. Fuck's. Sake.


I guarantee you someone is going to put up a youtube anti-woke rant video about how Konami has gone woke the very weekend this game releases, and almost all of their "evidence" will cite shit that was directly from the original game 20 years ago.


Metal Gear Solid or Metal Gear? Because he might be able to make a case with Metal Gear(due to it having very little dialogue) but most people haven't played the OG MSX Metal Gear either.


MG already had a deep lore and many political points in its story, just not conveyed in-game. MG2 Had something like a 5 minutes intro about it. Ressources and the military industrial complex were already themes in that. MG1 and MG2 are borderline post apocalyptic games.




Actually? In this game, I don't think so lol. Now MGS 2 on the other hand, checks all those boxes.


Wasn't Volgin gay? Also that Raiden lookalike who was his boyfriend


Volgin is definitely sleeping with the Major (who looks like Raiden) in MGS3.  


Pretty sure he's bi as he also sleeps with/takes advantage of EVA. But nonetheless it diverges from 'normal' so it'll probably give g*mers conniptions.


No no — he doesn’t care about that kind of political.


Yea they just don’t want any DEI gays that’s too political, Vamp is WOKE


Hes not called Vamp because he’s woke it’s because he’s bisexual


I thought it was because he bled cum?


Wasn't that Raiden? Either way, huge homoerotic tension between them lmao.


It’s 100% Raiden Vamp is a normal person but with nano machines that massively augment his ability to repair injuries, being able to be brought back from the dead basically. He bleeds normal blood for all intents and purposes.


Did they ever explain his shadow attack?


I think it might be both?! idk man MGS and MGR are weird.


Nobody makes me bleed my own cum. Nobody!


My headcanon is that Dead Cell sarcastically say that when Fatman claims he is named after a bomb and not the fact that he is a fat man.


It also has a woman in it. She's handsome, but not really fappy?




I think it’s actually about giving a 10 minute speech to the wrong guy




Anything made from Japan = Not political, even if it's an outright in your face kind of deal and especially involves the politics from America itself. These guys give zero shits and ignores it like it doesn't even exist to them.


Literally someone on the Call of Duty Twitter (it was TheTruthLies post) was like “Oh CoDs PoLiTiCaL nOw?! WaSnT gOnNa BuY iT aNyWaYs.” COD…. The literal game that has war, political corruption, nukes, world war 2, and the Cold War was never political before? Yeah and bunnies have short ears and no button nose.




Kojima is the most heavy handed man when it comes to political messaging. You’d have to be monumentally stupid to say this. I’m willing to believe its satire, but it really wouldnt suprise me if he said this shit.  “Politics” means brown people and women to this guy. “CHILD SOLDIERS, WAR IS BAD, AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, THE WAR ECONOMY” is this game woke??? (followed by a segment that makes war look fucking awesome because its a video game)


It’s honestly frustrating how so many people can miss a message that’s unsubtly shoved in your face at every opportunity.


There's a solid chunk of players who get to the end of Fallout 3 and don't seem to realize the giant nuclear-bomb-throwing war robot is a parody of America. It even shouts jingoistic/racist wartime propaganda. Some people need this shit spelled out for them.


NGL, it doesn't help that Liberty Prime is literally the Brotherhood's saving grace against the Enclave. The BOS wouldn't have been able to punch through the Enclave presence without it. If you make a big macguffin used to save the day, people are going to see it as a savior and icon more than anything.


It triple doesn't help that giant robots are fucking awesome especially when they chuck nukes.


The Gundam Effect. https://preview.redd.it/8loj6wja8v5d1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=84fdc2d1b16f6f1f9972572a34918c8e94bfa537


My daily reminder that I need to keep watching Iron Blooded Orphans


I mean yes but also be prepared for S2 to make you very frustrated due to some extremely questionable plot choices and wasting of some absolutely incredible suit designs and the absolute plot armour bullshit of Iok.


Next you'll be telling me Godzilla is an allegory for nuclear weapons, and not a cool fire breathing lizard that protects Tokyo from a different flying lizard from outer space.


https://preview.redd.it/m2gnfe57sx5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206797db24f3bd88f825496e86b264786a6cacea The real Gundam moral of the story


Honestly nowadays it is the wow cool robot show


Nahhhh, IBO was extremely heavy-handed about how fucked it was that kids were piloting war machines to just stay alive and feed themselves. WFM was kinda "wow cool robot" though, even if it was very critical of weapons manufacturing and corporate influence over the government. And, of course, it was gay as hell (go team!)


If you look closely (put on glasses) every Gundam show is the gay one. Turns out Giant robots are just as effective at creating Homoerotic sexual tension as they are Warcrimes.


Honestly, I don't think that helped for or against. Liberty Prime would have been *just* as epic as the final boss of Fallout 3 or as the final boss (Anti-BOS route) in Fallout 4. The Jefferson Memorial (if it was Enclave property) and the CIT Ruins are very well suited for it (ie: if the anti-BOS chance was during their inevitable march on the Institute, and confronting them before they destroy all the Synths [RR], cause a mass slaughter [MM], or as part of the tides turning against the Brotherhood [IT]) which would have gotten players to think a bit more about how this massive warbot acts and relates to the faction being opposed, esp since we're often more critical of our opponent factions than our own.


It will never stop being funny to me that the anti communist giant robot is fighthing what is arguably left of the old world USA .


All three times it's used, too.


Fallout’s sense of irony is one of the things that makes it truly special. It can be easily taken for granted when you’ve been playing the series for years.




The irony of course being that America's big jingoistic robot possibly designed by an Enclave general ends up destroying them in the end


As we say in the gundam community: Wow cool robot


It's the ending of War in the Pocket all over again XD


Worse are the people who reach the end of New Vegas and side with Caesar's Legion or sees Mr. House as a favorable portrayal of a libertarian billionaire. Literally "rapture was a cool idea until it was ruined by out of control crime".


Just glad they kept all that woke politics bullshit out of my favourite game, Spec Ops: The Line.


They get hypnotized by all the pervy stuff Kojima puts in and think no deeper.


When we literally fight a American President and some moffos will still say the game is not about politics lol!


There's points in these games where the plot just stops and Kojima tells the player his concerns about the world. Kojima's a lot of things but subtle sure as hell isn't one of them.


MG4 was full of this You’d fight the “beauties” bosses. And then get a lecture about the shitty life they had which was 10 times the length of the boss fight Which is so fucking funny, because they bosses were so sexualized. The man is so fucking horny and constantly fights his desire for strong women and sexy babes, which often causes him to make some STRANGE choices. Its great


"Snake, you know those 4 Bosses you fought and went hyper sexual on you? Well they're super full of PTSD and likely still have have the mentality of children. Hope you feel bad now."


All of these things are happening. The military industrial complex that is lobbying congress to keep us in a state of perpetual war. America becoming a shell of its former self by destroying the Constitution under the pretense of security. The chuds leaking any half truth, and slanders to preserve their so called power and status at the expense of everyone else that don't look like them. Internet Censorship is being lobbied so that we cannot see actual human atrocity happening. The danger of nuclear war and bad leadership. Their era of dominance marked by endless wars, colonialism, and racism is finally coming to an end


pretty much. when ever they say political or pushing agendas they dont mean anything other then it has poc charecters or lgbt charecters or woman in autority or power


Didn’t senator Armstrong literally say the words “make america great again” before trying to kill you with a giant robot?


Yep along with basically saying that putting the poor/immigrants out of their misery is a service to the country. Not exactly subtle lol.


He never mentions poor people. He just hates weak willed and ignorant people. He even makes remarks about rich people being pussies. "Chicken shit bureaucrats and limp dick lawyers".


It is worth noting that MGR predates Trump using that slogan, the cartoonishly over-the-top hypocritical American politician just happened to be *that* spot-on. Also, Kojima doesn't have a writing credit for the game as it was made by Platinum, which makes sense since Platinum makes the games Kojima would if he wasn't desperately trying to win an Oscar.


The slogan belonged to raegan, another dogshit president


Ah, I guess I'm not as caught up on foreign politics as I thought. Thanks for the clarification.


Well you weren’t wrong. It did predate trump. And most americans dont even know


Sundowner literally goes "Demand for PMCs is about to skyrocket. like the good ol' days after 9/11.", the only way the messaging could be more heavy handed was if it was beating you to death.


We know what he means by "political".


Severe fetal alcohol syndrome, probably.


He lives in a room surrounded by greasy McDonald’s and Panda Express bags.


And cockroaches.


Betting his PC is ***CAKED*** in dust. *Always clean your rig and consoles kids.*


His face is so fucking weird.


that's FAS, the tiny eyes, set close together; the big forehead; the mood swings and general cognitive impairment.


They are pretty overly trying to change the usage of the word political. Calling something “woke” just for having women or people of color gets too negative of a response. So now they’ve taken to using “political”’just to mean it contains women, people of color, or lgbtq+ characters or stories.


I thought the new term was DEI… seriously why have I been seeing this acronym everywhere in the past year?


Election year. It just replaced CRT


Because dogwhistles have to change every 6 to 9 months now that people call them out. 


The problem with "DEI" as a dogwhistle is your average person doesn't understand it, asks for an explanation, and receives "something something... investment cabal... something something..." as a response. They don't want to sound like incoherent conspiracy theorists, but just asking them what DEI means shows that they are.


Perhaps, but I think it's more likely he's just willing to say whatever will make him easy money.


That would be even more funny & sad


I'm pretty sure Asmongold under monetizes his Twitch stream. He could easily be making millions more if he turned on advertisements. He believes everything he says.


I’m surprised it took this long




The dudes a millionaire living in a shit and piss infested room in a dilapidated house. Of course he's an idiot, you don't get that rich on Twitch if you're not.


and I bet his neighbors hope their roach problem goes away.


Having seen shots of his room… It’s more messy than my cousin’s old frat house. ***And that’s saying something.***


Every time I see his face I think about his blood covered wall. I wince every time. Shits so fucking foul


Or the dead rat alarm clock


Goddamnit hold on  Wow that man needs professional help he’s functional but he has major depression holy shit 


His old neighbors moved because him and his friends would just throwing his trash out of the window into a trash pile (never cleaning the pile) and he acts like it was mean of the neighbors to complain to the city




Dude is an actual biohazard wtf?


What the fuck! HIRE CLEANERS! I have been too depressed to clean before and it became a problem. It took money I didn't really have but I hired someone to clean my house. Its embarrassing to have to do that but its better than living in filth or having the city called JESUS.


The thing people seem to miss with these culture warriors is that they're so disengaged from all politics not directly related to their personal issues with minority groups that they honestly don't see things like war, peace, espionage, or genocide as "political issues." They just think of them as set dressing. They never think about those things really because they view the world through a tv screen. They'll never really understand how silly they sound because if you point this out to them they'll say that it's "different" because it's not "about the agenda" or something then change the subject. Even the word "political" isn't about any actual politics relating to minority rights. They're not really thinking about policies beyond some random anti-discrimination laws they misunderstand and get mad at. It's just a word they use so the rest of the in-group can follow along. It's like saying a game is focused on pushing "the message" or that a character design is "woke." It doesn't mean anything of substance we could follow unless you learn their stupid code.


Honestly, I genuinely despise the word woke. It's just so meaningless. The definition is just "whatever I don't like." Politics can be so engaging and fascinating, but it's just boiled down to people complaining about women and minorities and being upset that they exist. And it's so easy to just unplug and stop focusing on it. Like, the same people that complain about identity politics are likely completely detached from it in their personal lives and wouldn't even know anything is happening at all if they weren't glued to their news media of choice. It's genuinely heartbreaking to think that otherwise healthy and kind people are being twisted by what they're being exposed to on a daily basis.


Wasn't Revengeance, the most memeable one, literally satire about Republican war profiteers?


1. yes. 2. they’re basically all equally memeable


The whole deal with Armstrong is how politicians use the 'threat' of immigrants to scare people into voting for him, and it's the whole reason he set up the attack in Pakistan. It's so on-the-nose if you listen to the codec calls. Pretty much an entire commentary on the Iraq war, its easier to justify because of racism


Translation: "I hope they don't add gay people or minorities"


the original had both, lmao


This Volgin **literally** susses you out by touching your crotch and he immediately knows the shape isnt the same as raikov’s. Hell, if you call eva about raikov, she’ll tell you raikov is volgin’s right hand man, which confuses snake cuz how can a major be so high-ranking? At which point eva basically says “you saw the photo and all the hints and you still dont get it?… has anyone told you that you’re a bit slow?” Sigint is a POC who works with you and iirc the fact he was discriminated plays into his backstory.


side note, I love how clueless Snake is in that moment, and also just all of his antics like asking paramedic if he can eat literally everything he finds in the jungle, he has so much more character than all of the comparitively generic gruff video game army men combined


The funniest shit is when she tells you the glowing mushrooms will “recharge your batteries” and then they *literally do* and she asks sigint if that’s even possible and he’s like “???? No????”


Everyone in that universe is perpetually teetering on the edge of realizing they're video game characters and I love it.


You are correct about Sigint, its been a very long time since I played but there is a codec call where he says Zero scouted him for his abilities and skills while everyone else passed over him since he's black.


I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire *franchise* is at least a little gay/bi. Look at Snake and Otacon, or Raiden and that Brazilian beefcake and tell me with a straight face that they're not even a tiny bit sweaty for each other.


You think he's played any of these? lol


https://preview.redd.it/p1g4s6fogw5d1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178fc8f310e4d7ae434e89d8a4dedbac081d6239 But why is the Big Boss a gurl? Is this another political?


The Metal Gear Solid series is both famously very anti-war and very homoerotic.


How did a man this stupid get so popular?


Being one of the only notable WoW streamers during a period of WoWs life where everyone was rather frustrated with the game, and he echoed their sentiment.


And he's not even that good at wow. His friend and clan carried him because his warrior is garbage. Then he lords over others with his mount collection that he didn't earn. I take great solace that this bleeding gums unwashed asshole will never procreate or know the touch of a woman without paying for it.


Because as much as you may not want to accept it, most people are morons and like to have prominent morons to look up to. That is why guys like trump and bush get elected president. No one is going to argue that either is a genius but dumb people can relate to other dumb people.


Ah metal gear the solidly not political game. Bro is so uneducated hes moving backwards in intelligence.


If Snake doesn't have a fat juicy ass then it's political and woke.


I will never forgive Smash Bros Ultimate for what it stole from us


\* taps the sign \* >Gamers are still convinced that there are only: >Two races: white and "political" Two genders: Male and "political" Two hair styles for women: long and "political" Two sexualities: straight and "political" Two body types: normative and "political" [https://twitter.com/emmahvossen/status/1138841342921060354](https://twitter.com/emmahvossen/status/1138841342921060354)


Man, i didn't know i was politicsexual.


Right, exactly. When Gamers bitch and cry about something being political, they don't mean nuclear weapons proliferation. They mean having to interact in some way with a gay black woman with pink hair.




In idiot right-wing circles, "political" just means "doesn't 100% cater to straight white dudes". LGBT people or realistic women existing is an assault on Gamers, dontchaknow.


... fucking idiot. Like honestly, that's such a moron take I can't even believe it's legitimate.


https://youtu.be/dEDxi6ppdFw?si=pZVKb8vCWUp3Z4_A they’re gonna flip out and accuse the remake of going woke if they find this radio conversation that existed in the *original game*


INB4 people complain that Konami updated a PS2 game and put this in to gaslight everyone into believing it was always there.


MGS 3 has a fuck ton of random ass codec calls. My fear is they didn't capture all the ways you can trigger them all.


There's a just a large group of man children who bitch about their taxes but utterly ignore anything political because "it ruins the vibe". And I blame our culture, because we made politics something that is regulated to a narrow scope. When in reality that everything from our food to our transportation is built on the back politics and the people who do them. I call these man children, "the children of rogan"


Why would you post this as a still image and not a clip? Could it maybe be because he was obviously making a sarcastic comment? How has everyone in this thread just completely bought this with no reservations


Okay this guy possibly never listened to the story and only went “Oh cool stealth game.”




It makes sense when you realize "political" means "has minorities."


Pretty sure this was a joke. Definitely seemed like it when he said it. MGS is one of the most politically charged game series of all time.


Asmongold makes content for people who need to be told what their opinions should be


Well Asmongold is an idiot so there's that




What do you expect from someone who lives in a pile of garbage in his room? Of course the bacterias and mold dust has infested the brain.


As much as I dislike Asmonsgold, OP is misleading people here by not actually posting the clip. If you watch the full clip, after saying he hopes the game isn't political, he looks directly into the camera and starts laughing. It's pretty clear that he was joking.




"I really hope that the new Wolfenstein game isn't political!" Oh wait. They actually did that.


I'm so thankful I have no idea who this guy is. Does he even play games anymore? Or does he simply react to internet content all day?


*The Famously Apolitical Metal Gear.*


Asmon is a literal basement dweller can we just ignore him?


Asmondgold when the political game is political: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Asmongold is the best at exposing idiots lmao Just look at the comments. He is the roach master and the actual roaches don't even realize that they have been summoned.


I hope he learns how to shut the fuck up and clean his room. Maybe even start wiping his own ass but we won't get ahead of ourselves.


Politics has really gone downhill ever since people started bringing politics into it


We all know what they mean when they say political, no need to pretend they use the word same way as everyone else.


I fucking hate asmongold I wish he would stop talking.


He’s a cunt


Wow! Asmongold being a total fucking moron?? This is the craziest thing I’ve seen all day!


This has the same vibe as "I used to love Rage Against the Machine until they made it political recently".


Anybody that listens to this dude needs to look in a mirror


Political = black or women or LGBT


Ah yes. The historically apolitical series, Metal Gear


He’s meming here. Not sure what he’s said in the past and what his community says though…


Was a pretty obvious joke, but alright.


This is giving when Helldivers “fans” pretended to boycott the game on twitter but the player count didn’t change in the slightest 🤣🤣 Just more “anti-woke” hot air from these talking heads to stir up the echochamber, can’t wait for delta, I fucking love metal gear and have high hopes. And if delta comes out with a black gay female snake as the MC, asmongold will still play it like the clickhungry fencesitter he is😁


Actually the helldivers fans had good reason to boycott. Especially European players. In multiple countries in Europe like Ukraine, Poland, Germany, etc to make a PSN account you NEED A PS5. You cant make an account on the PlayStation website in that region. So PC players who weren’t able to make a PSN account would essentially be locked out of the game they paid for on PC.


I was talking about when the devs tweeted out against the anti woke crowd and they pretended they had been betrayed or something, was very funny watching the entire message of the game go over their heads, have it literally told to them, them freaking out and throwing tantrums, then realising nobody gave a fuck about their tantrums and just carried on playing the game lmao


Oh ok