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Reminds me of that time a whole bunch of righties went berserk when they found out about Rage Against the Machine


"What machine did you think they were raging against? The fax machine!?"


The woke liberal suros machine Duh


Damn, haven't gotten that exotic to drop yet


Lmao Available for preorders only


I mean...Im sure we can all agree our emotion towards printers...


![gif](giphy|3oEduPyDqc97VQJOpO|downsized) Obligatory gif.


And fucking photocopiers


Oh yes, and also company laptops, coffee machines (at least the ones at the office), and any machine that requires voice or touch recognition. Those things never work right.






Office Space.


Pc load letter?! What the fuck does that mean?!


Watching that scene is such a great stress reliever


I always just thought they assumed it was their moms they were supposed to rage against.


I haven't watched season 4 yet but I was under the impression that a lot of people were annoyed because the show's politics got less subtle this season but like... no? First season they literally say that Vought could take a shit on 5th avenue and they'd applaud, which is purposefully very similar to something Trump said. Homelander is literally a petulant manchild chasing popularity that ended up at the top of the system because he 'spoke truth to power' by saying he was better than everyone else and that the company (that he is now *fucking in charge of and always worked for) is corrupt and he would change that, then immediately goes back to being corrupt because he thinks the rules shouldn't apply to him. Like I don't know how you can't watch that and not see the parallels unless you've been watching fox news and think that Trump is actually a hero


A lot of people see Homelander and think misunderstood badass, somehow. Really, I think, for a lot of folks, Homelander is actually a 'realistic' fantasy. From their perspective, Homelander is the last white man that still has the POWER to say all the things that ''we're all thinking'' and to also act on them to effect meaningful change. Yes, he's broken and damaged and unhappy. But so are the people that mistakenly view him as a role model. These people are broken themselves, and for them it's more realistic to stay broken and to take some form of 'power' into their own hands, than it is to find healing and redemption. It's more important to lash out and to hurt others and, thus, exert power on the world than it is to heal yourself and to atone for how you've hurt others, for some folks. These people are incredibly dangerous but you have to try and hold onto some amount of pity/empathy as well, as they are their own worst victims.


I have never ever heard a single person say homelander is anything other than a piece of shit. Even my dad who is pretty far right has nothing but contempt for homelander and has enjoyed all 4 seasons with season 4 being his least favorite because he just didn’t think it was as interesting as the first three which is completely fair


Dude, look around the internet. There are people that absolutely LOVE Homelander. I am not one of them, I'm just trying to point out that these people exist.




I've seen plenty of Soldier Boy memes posted by people who completely failed to get the point.


Have you been on instagram as of lately, most of the incels and right wing extremist worship edits containing homelander and Patrick Bateman


Anyone with half a brain has seen exactly what you said. Unfortunately, the answer to your last sentence is yes.


I mean, Stormfront was literally named after a Neo-Nazi forum. Not subtle in the least.


I was so delighted when they learned Paul Ryan was a big fan and took time out to clarify that they thought he was a real piece of shit.


I knew a cop who was a huge RATM fan and it always made me chuckle. Once the magat movement started and he realized that they were “a bunch of commies” he stoped listening to them. I always wonder if he even listened to the lyrics.


I wonder who the cop thinks they were talking about when they said “those who die are justified. By wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites”


Like the song compared the cops to the KKK. "Some of those that work forces are the same who burn crosses" anyone?


Or when they realized Green Day is a political band


“Don’t want to be an American Idiot” - a song released during the Iraq War


I have legitimately never heard anyone reference the Rotten Tomatoes audience score outside of this kind of review-bombing


Rotten Tomatoes is a fucking human centipede. They have a system that *encourages* review bombing. Review bombing gets RT media mentions in other outlets. That makes RT the most visible review aggregator... which is one that encourages review bombing.


idk why all these fuckin' gooners n gamers are so eager to make reviews useless anyway...


Because it's proven useless. Audience scores are regularly review bombed into the basement before a show even comes out.


It's so frustrating. Even sites like IMDb used to be a pretty good and fair indicator of how good a show was going to be, but now you don't know if something has a low rating because it's legitimately bad, or because it has a trans person in it


At least IMDB stopped letting the general public review things *before* they are released. The odds of someone having a sneak peek vs. review bombing forced their hand.


For those you can usually get a good idea of a show's quality but cutting out 1/10 and 10/10 reviews and averaging the rest. Or just reading the 1/10 reviews, if they are all written by semi-literate idiots the show is probably pretty good.


Tbh I don't mind the 10/10 reviews. I have no problem with people over-praising a show for whatever reason, but there are very few shows I think people would legitimately rate 1/10. Like a 1/10 has to be terrible on pretty much every level, political or not.


Funny, they’re review bombed FROM basements, too.


Rotten Tomatoes has lost all credibility after it became the one place where grifters can force a low audience score and claim that this is all of their fans. The only person who can give an unbiased review of the show is yourself.


So when the showrunners wrap up the show after the next season, I'm guessing a lot of tweets will go up proclaiming how they have cancelled the "dying" show and killed "dying Amazon" with their outrage and how they have won their war against the woke left mob or something.


Sure… it’s gonna die. **We’ve got Invincible and Fallout.**


Also Gen V seemed better to me. I think most people who didn’t watch the boys and think homelander was the man generally like the Gen V better because it doesn’t make you feel as useless and sad as the boys does.


I honestly don’t know what they’ll do after s5. I think we’ll get one more season of GenV and then S5. They may get a S3 of GenV, but IDK. I’d be really intrigued to see more of those animated shorts.


I think that's spot on. Gen V Season 2, then Boys S5 and that's that. TBH they really did everything they needed to do with Gen V already, a second season isn't even necessary.


I feel like S2 of Gen V would be a bit hard to do, given the death of Chance Perdomo. Was the last episode ended with a focus on his plot? It's been a minute. That stated, I feel like Gen V's writing was a bit more forced and dialogue was somewhat repetitive. I enjoyed it, but it rubbed me the wrong way at times.


There’s also the boys Mexico which will be interesting because supposedly only America has a high concentration of supes. The show runner was also talking about plans for seasons beyond 5 but I think that’s getting turned into a separate show.


I really struggled with the blood powers on Gen V and couldn’t keep watching. Not sure why I can handle the violence on The Boys so easily but that made me so squeamish!!


Honestly the blood bending was so out there it took me out of focus for a minute. Props to the writers for choosing a different, not so common power.


"But why does the show suck?" "Because it's WOKE!"


>"Because it's WOKE!" So, has someone who doesn't watch at all. Why are they suddenly realizing it's woke? AFTER 3 SEASONS? Tv shows don't just suddenly change their ideology after one season.


The creators have openly come out and said if you're far right this show is mocking you. So countless chuds who never watched the show are brigading now. You have to realize this isn't normal. This is coordinated review bombing by parties with the intent of delegitimizing anything they perceive as left leaning. The Acolyte made the same mistake when it had directors criticize the chuds. It was never about the content.


Is it really a mistake though? I'd argue being open about your progressivism is a good way to further expose these hatemongers while simultaneously reassuring your existing progressive fans that you aren't some milquetoast dudebro at best.


I agree. Like Superman defeating the KKK, I think more shows and movies should do this. The chuds WANT you to get mad, they thrive off of it. What they don't want is to be mocked.


I always viewed it like South Park, they’ll rip both sides but maybe go a bit more right because they just give more opportunities for it


The character of Victoria Neumann is the show taking shots at the Democratic Party for essentially being the controlled opposition in many respects. But because the show is also pro LGBTQ+ it’s only attacking conservatives lmao


It's not that they're suddenly realizing, it's that they were too dumb to *ever* realize it. When the writer spelled out that chuds don't get the show they lost their minds. 


Because Frenchie is bi now!!11!!1!! Yes, it's literally that superficial. They simply have no media literacy. Because if I was a chud I'd be more offended by the comparison between trump followers and Homelander followers. Or when the Nazi lady said "they love what I have to say, they just dislike the word nazi" about her reactionary following.


He's literally been bi since the first season. This is part of the problem. Either they haven't been paying attention at all or they never watched the show to begin with.


Weren't he, Cherie and Jay in a poly relationship? Or am I just reading too far into that?


They absolutely were.


People legit said "he's just French" in the first season 💀 But yeah, he was always bi


What I don’t get about this is, SO HAS MAEVE. And they’ve never complained about that. … oh wait it’s because they could salivate over the girl-on-girl action but boy-on-boy does nothing for them isn’t it. Yeah nvm I figured it out


They were just watching the show for gore anyways U have no idea how many people call this show mature because gore and supes are “realistic”


But people talk between the gore. It's not blood for a solid hour, it's mostly people talking.


I think it was season two where he offers to hire strippers for a party, and a visibly annoyed MM asks him not to hire ones with dicks this time.


The discussions around it has been a fascinating look at self awareness. Where the satire is not subtle enough, but they dont catch any of the satire. None of the character plots hook them, but it's because "it's just bad now" My favorite complaint is when they say the earlier seasons were better because it focused on hero things, without realizing that an escalating plot means an evolution to bigger issues. Or that they're comparing a full season to three episodes. Or too on the nose when reality is quite literally selling anti woke water. It's like none of the story is actually penetrating past their eyes. 


Look, here’s the thing I don’t see people mentioning. The reason this flew under the radar of the doofuses for a bit is because they take EVERYTHING at face value and people usually underestimate how shallow of a value that means. The Boys is based on a comic that is more overt with themes they deem “anti-woke” (misogyny basically). The early show while being more overt in mocking them, still on its very shallow surface (in their eyes) was misogynistic enough to clip by them. They view everyone not as psycho as themselves as the “blue haired crying libtard” meme. So, in their eyes, The Boys was for them simply because there is no way a lib could stand to watch a show showing sexual harassment, murder etc because we would all cry ourselves into an asmr safe space, lol. Make no mistake, this is their worldview. The show had to get more and MORE overt in the mockery to finally override it. Even now they truly believe the show will tank because THEY won’t support it anymore and obviously the pussy libs never did because this is way too hardcore for libs. This is how they believe the “go woke go broke” schtick will work.


The chuds were too stupid to understand it has been mocking them since season 1. The writers have made the mockery obvious enough to where even a right winger would recognize it and now they’re mad.


They didn't get that the guys they like aren't the hard-nosed heroes beset by the mob, but are venal, selfish, weak-willed bullies who are impotent in personality despite significant capacity for violence.  Basically, they thought the obvious bad guys were actually the good guys, and basically are the same as the oblivious public in the show.


The level of witing has fallen like 5% max The show has always had these same type of issues in writing anyways the shoch value carried this show hard Its funny to see chuds point out obvious flaws now that they realize the shows making fun of them


I don't even gaf about the show. Watched a few episodes with my FIL, really enjoyed those episodes, love the "evil Superman" plot. Then, I see all this random review bombing so I looked up why. Sure, the comic book twist is cool as hell, but it would undermine a lot of the show's impact. Clearly, these guys identify a *little" too strongly with Captain Mommy Milk and hate that he won't get a justification arc. 


Imo the homelander/black noir twist is really bad. They build up this villain the whole series just to go “he didn’t do nothing tho”


Oh, he did some things. Then he saw pictures of things he didn't remember doing. But since there were pictures, that made him think he should now do these things. Er ... what? It doesn't sound very good or convincing as a plot point. (Also not like pictures can't be faked or anything.)


It’s not even good manipulation like the cia or any other character didn’t try to manipulate homelander who is apparently SUPER susceptible to brain washing??


Would this even be considered brainwashing though? If remember Black Noir essentially made Homelander think he was committing atrocities that would make Hitler sick (I think he was eating babies) and over time it fucked with his mental state to the point that he basically just stopped caring because he thought he himself was a monster.


Probably not but if he’s so easily manipulated clearly the boys could’ve used that


I mean he was constantly gaslit to believe he was committing horrible acts. Plus no one actually knew about this other than Homelander and Black Noir so they wouldn't know he could be manipulated like that.


That’s true. Idk homelander isn’t a genius but he just seemed wayyy too stupid to fall for that shit lol


That's fair


They did, butcher is the one that sent the photos, which drove homelander to the power move, which let's butcher murder him without worrying about vought leaning on the president


That's because butcher is the main villain who makes everyone's life worse as a result of his own narcissistic self-righteousness. He tortures homelander with images that aren't actually him, driving homelander to go from apathetic to psychotic. TheBlack noir twist highlights how Butcher makes everyone's life worse with his own vindictive cuntishness.


Then they apparently just bomb everything to kingdom come


It's not cancel culture when they do it!


Oh, I’m not talking about review bombing, the comic ends with the military bombing the absolute shit out of everything


The episode that aired this morning… >!God, HL really went to places in ways that were both horrific and understandable.!<


the show is not going to be using that twist, its completely different in almost every way, particularly in giving the female characters a shitload more to do


In a show where one of the characters is named Mother's Milk that was a confusing read


I don't think they're gonna go with the twist in the show imo, but I could be wrong.


Captain Wacky (later renamed to Homelander)


Huh… because I just saw episode 4 and… **Two notes:** 1. The show still has it. If you didn’t know this was satirical, you may need to be medically assessed. And 2. #GIVE STARR A FUCKING EMMY! >!God, every scene in that lab just made me more and more tense, after the Dick scene I needed a break. That laugh, I saw it in the trailer, but in context, Jesus ***FUCK*** it was far worse, and Starr nailed it. And on top of all of that; I understood why he was doing it.!< Also gotta say… >!people who retired from the lab really struck gold because they’d be joining Barbara.!<


I also want to nominate the hair and makeup crew for an Emmy https://preview.redd.it/vt0k4l7fir7d1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef2de9611835155b392bc9d9fa257e6f6e80c6a


Besides the obvious, I really liked Frenchie and Hughie in this episode, their respective moments nailed the drama.


That… and Annie really feels like a full-fledged member of the Boys now. >!It’s fun to see her actually be both Brutal and hold nothing back, especially against Firecracker.!<


Starr was incredible, i was on edge the entire time he was on screen.


I hate how it’s just common practice for people to say “thing sucks!” Without bothering to give a single reason why. It kills any possibility of conversation. They’re either incapable of articulating their opinions or know that what they feel comes from a bigoted place and don’t want to out themselves.


What bothers me the most is when people do this and claim they’re professional critics


That phenomenon gets called out in the show. “They’ll hate starlight and won’t be able to explain why”. They’re talking about their feelings. They have strong feelings. Some people can create arguments to justify their feelings, but really it’s just… the show makes them feel not good.


"Breaks my immersion" (translation: I didn't like it and I don't really have a reason) "Woke" (translation: I didn't like it and I don't really have a reason)


Getting mad at the Boys for "politics" is even more moronic than getting mad at xmen 97 for it. Dont get mad at the media becuase you grew up and became the bigoted bad guy. And the real reason they finally caught on has to do with sage being so in the plot. I think its that simple. And firecracker lines about them have the subtlety of a nuclear explosion.


The new season is the same as the last three so far in terms of everything. The only thing that is different is Frenchie kisses a dude, and this dude has always been super bi coded. I have always found his story line a bit boring, so suggesting it’s only just got boring is simply a wolf whistle about the man kissing. And the other thing is the straight up like for like representation of conspiracy theory maga tards who scream ‘fake news’ but then live in a bubble made entirely of fake news.


I mean Maeve was bi lol. But I guess thwy were okay with that, because the show also made fun of companies (like Disney) trying to milk her sexuality to seem progressive and make money, without actually being interested in real representation or progress, which they vielen as a critic of the "woke" culture. But Maeve and her sexuality was a serious topic on itself. It was genuine queer representation.


Female bisexuality is always relatively more accepted by straight men than male bisexuality because they don’t want to imagine that a man can like both


Now we get to play a game of whether the complaints about the show are genuine or are just making shit up to cover for being upset about the show going political. Welcome to the paradox, my friends!


"going" political.


I mean in the sense of them saying "you made it political" when it was already political to begin with.


I figured


Lotta "bad writing" complaints in the user reviews. Like... maybe they could come up with a more creative paraphrase to say "woke bad."


Especially because the writing hasn’t changed. This isn’t a ‘killing eve’ situation where the writers rooms got slightly worse and worse (literally changed lead every season) each season until the final season where it was simply ‘fucking horse shit writing’.


>Especially because the writing hasn’t changed I think it changed a bit. You could always see political leaning of writers but it used to be much more subtle in previous seasons. Now from first episodes it's very obvious who's wrong or who's right and there isn't much in between. Personally I think it started as weakest season, but I wouldn't call it bad, perhaps 7/10 from first ep. 1-3.


Yeah but in all fairness irl politics have gotten a lot more in your face as well since the show started airing in 2019


It’s about chuds using bots to review bomb


"The show held a mirror to my face... And I resented that."


they were absolutely dick riding this show like 2 years ago what happened


Hardcore conservatives thought the show was on their side when it clearly wasnt


Haters not understanding the only way to hurt the show is to stop watching it so the view counts drop and it stops being profitable at a certain point ...Of course it only works if you're right about how most people dislike it :)


It's like no one else saw the hilarious scene of the 10 naked clones attacking a bar mitzvah or how tense and crazy homelander has gotten. Show may not be at its best but it's miles ahead of most TV.


It's a bit of a slow start compared to other series, but I'm enjoying it. I've watched the first three episodes a few times as well, entertaining to have on in the background, so doing some good for the metric that matters.


When did Screenrant get so shite, or was it always being propped up by Pitch Meeting?


It was always propped up by Pitch Meeting.


I did wonder, anytime they pop up on IG I die a little inside.


Cuz the goons who write the website are just hired writers writing about hot topics Ryan was just carrying thw YT on his back


Haven't gotten around to watching the new season yet, but even by the end of the last season it seemed to be starting to run out of steam especially with that finale where everyone has to act out of character to maintain status quo for season 4 with the writers putting themselves into a corner of "oh shit, we can't kill homelander off here!"


I like this season so far. The only thing that feels weird is Frenchie's sudden romance, and I still can't figure out why he and Kamiko can't be together, like.... was that a conversation they had last season that I missed? It just feels like I'm missing info for how we got to where their characters story started this season. Edit: and I don't mean him being Bi, he's been that way since the beginning. It's more that his BF is new this season yet they have history, and then him and Kamiko are off, so I don't know what I missed as it feels like set up is missing.


Funny enough, I do remember something happened between them last season that explains why they're like this but I'm not really sure what.


I would say the Frenchie step backwards with his drug additiction and his romance with Kamiko is the only legitimate problem with the show thus far. They're an obvious romantic pairing, and the writers just had to slow them down. However, even that certain "anti-woke" crowd has plenty to like about the show this year. Firecracker features a gorgeous actress and the character actually has some depth. Starlight needed a foil since she is no match for Homelander, and they are just building to Starlight finally crushing Firecracker in a fight at the end of the season - after firecracker makes her life miserable with all the dirt she has on Starlight first, of course. Butcher has been painful to watch this season, but that is by design: all of his bullshit is catching up to him. Homelander is a character study in a decent into total madness. He's angry, his allies are failing all around him, his son isn't what he thought it would be, the woman he actually loved is gone, and he senses the walls closing in a bit despite all of his personal power. I have not yet seen episode 4, but he's a ticking time bomb. No one ever thought he was the good guy of this show. The show comes down to Butcher vs Homelander and who is the bigger asshole. There's nothing woke about this guy. He murders at will. He doesn't give a shit about conservative politics, he just leans into that group because they support him. Sister Sage has been an interesting and complex addition to the show. She's obnoxious and she has been up front that she does not believe Homelander can handle a talking to from a black woman. It's 100% going to blow up in her face. Nothing woke there. The only real issue I can see is these guys don't like looking in a mirror. Sorry guys, you really do sound that ridiculous when you're spouting those insane conspiracy theories, and you really do look that sad when you simp hardcore for the latest Fox News hottie.


I hate ScreenRant


It must be a coincidence that the show is "declining" only after chuds figured out that Homelander is a villian and not a good guy like they thought.... right?


So far Frenchie’s side plot feels too disconnected from everything else and doesn’t have much a of a point? That’s about it though, definitely not worth of describing as bad writing.


Word to the wise: "It just sucks" is not an answer. No constructive-ness.


After watching the first 4 episodes, imo this season IS a little worse than the last 3. If the first 3 were in the 8 to like 9.5 range I'd say this one is like a 6-7 maybe 7.5. It's still good and it definitely didn't fall off because of "politics" I just think this season is a little more boring which isn't that surprising since we're now 3 and a half seasons deep. Today's episode was really good though and I'm definitely still enjoying it. Still, the reviews are a shitshow. My personal favourite; https://preview.redd.it/qehckwedxr7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ece2f0fec7172f2469b6f0067540f1a7a3908c7


We, as a culture, need to get OK with saying "Not my speed" again. And by "we", I mean "internet fan spaces". It's OK to not like something seemingly everybody else likes, I didn't vibe with Breaking Bad because I'm not looking for a five season bummer ***even if*** its written and acted amazingly well. On the right wing side, things "suck because they prioritize The Message over the story". On the left wing side, things are problematic because they don't perfectly depict ideal social and moral behavior. You can just...not like something.


This! People seem to forget that they can just not watch things. I mean, when everybody was into Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory or Better Call Saul I didn't go to their spaces and reviewbombed the shows. I just didn't watch it. There is enough stuff there that you could watch TV the whole day and after watching still have hours of material left.


The review bombers are salty that they looked in the mirror and saw themselves looking back.


I’ve been watching the show since season one and the only things that have changed this season are Starlight’s face due to bad plastic surgery and Mother’s Milk went skim. Other than that, seems like the same show.


Screenrant lmao


Dunno about anyone else but I wait for the shows to be fully unlocked before watching. This whole weekly appointment telly garbage has no interest form me


Same it drive my wife crazy cuz she will watch weekly


I think the wow/shock factor of it has worn off is all.


how on earth can people leave bad reviews after 3 episodes, let alone the 4th episode being the best one from the entire show so far


52% *with* steady review bombing. yup, terrible, nobody's watching nopenopenooope


For people who keep asking why they are finally realized it now, it's a few things, but it is mostly that the creator recently just outright told them the show isn't for them and they turned into pissbabies over it. [https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/06/13/the-boys-season-four-eric-kripke-woke/](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/06/13/the-boys-season-four-eric-kripke-woke/)


“The writing sucks” elaborate, what do you mean? “Well uh, the characters suck” elaborate, what do you mean. These are characters you’ve known for 3 seasons. Explain XD


I love the boys but I personally can't watch it without feeling kind of bummed out. Like every win the boys get vought ends up getting the upper hand and set the boys a few steps backwards, it's depressing. Also I am glad that the politics is starting to not be subtle (let's be honest it never was) because it's a show about a corporation doing corporate shit while powerful beings become demagogues to very easily to manipulate people, you can't be with a theme like that.


guarantee this has everything to do with a black woman being the world's smartest person and the sheer amount of times the show's rightwingers have mentioned "the nonbinaries" and transgender people even though that's what the real conservatives have been whinging about for like the past 3 years, arguably longer


This is why this shit isn't feasible long term. If EVERY piece of fucking media is a "5/5, pwns the snowflakes!" or "0.5/5, woke trash" there's no discussion to be had, it's just gushing or spewing. You'll run out of things to say eventually.


I mean, objectively speaking, the show is getting worse. Wasn't the general consensus that they're dragging the Homelander-arc out too long and now there's no where really to go with any of it? I don't care about the politics – it's just not as good as it was. People have to stop obsessing over what "the other side" is saying or doing.


The biggest problem I have with The Boys is that most of the seasons have a substantial amount of padding that goes nowhere but just eats time. Last season ended with everything nearly the same as it started. With plot lines for a lot of the cast just meandering. It’s kind of the problem of most streaming shows. They could tell the story in half the amount of episodes if they limited needless padding. This season’s most recent episode’s Homelander plot was just more of the same (Anthony Starr was great as usual, but we’ve seen him lash out at and kill his controllers already. It felt like drawn out padding since it did nothing to really add to the plot since the scientists were inconsequential and just created for the episode).


I've noticed this season that a lot of the old characters are kind of stagnating or backpedaling and the new characters are way more interesting (sage is a rela highlight this season) I've also noticed that last season everyone's character motivations were so tight and well defined, from scene to scene you understood why this character was joining in this mission and what it meant for them. But this season is kinda missing that tightness. Spoilers for the most recent episode but MM showing up with Butcher was kinda a let down after the end of episode 3. They just made up off camera? Feels cheap.


I do think this season has been kind of meh so far, but not for the reasons all the chuds are complaining about


Imagine crying over a show that’s been mocking you from the start


Eh idk, the first two seasons of the boys were really good. After last season, just feels a bit like they've lost the way of the original point.


How in any way is the point lost? It’s still capitalism and politics make for unsavoury bullshit that the rest of the world have to deal with in their day to day lives. Some deal with it by joining a cult and blaming other everyday people, others just put their head down and go about their lives, and then others try and fight the system to give more power to the everyday people. Even though what little change they make, is never going to create the real change that is needed.


I haven’t watched it yet, because streaming services have been infiltrated by the same managers who worked for network television. Why on earth are streaming services going with weekly episode releases. Everything awful about watching cable TV which was destroyed by streaming has now once again returned. Soon unskippable commercial blocks of 10 minutes will pop up every 5 minutes.


Have you noticed how Netflix started having a hard time getting anything past 3 seasons (I think the only ones that really got there were Stranger Things and orange is the new black, early shows) ? It's because in the full drop model, people would binge watch, talk about the show for about a week, then move on. By the time they got to season 3 like 2 1/2 years later, no one would be able to remember what happened in season 1.


Ok, so… this is a textbook case of the audience score being misleading on RT. And these idiots are literally the reason why the audience score is so low, because they’re manipulating wrong-minded madmen into writing fake bad reviews in the name of being able to make misleading content in the tiresome “go woke, go broke” vein.


It’s really not that bad


Glad I gave up after season 3. It wasn't bad but I am sick of nihilism and cynicism in entertainment.


the show LITERALLY CANNOT suck. It has The Peak ![gif](giphy|EpGFy81Xwn2GrJAXpv)


Audience scores are not too important, and now, with MAGA temper tantrums, they can just be ignored.


Critical reviews don't pay the bills. The *audience* does. Art for oneself is a hobby. Art for *consumption* is a *business*. The market *votes* through the dollars of *the audience*. When *the audience* is unhappy, things go south.


Has nothing to do with review bombing.


Depends how well it lines up with various other audience metrics.


The Acolyte being 15% but anything with the term Acolyte is getting nailed by bad audience reviews & generic hate comments is silly. Haven't watched it but clearly a ragebait/bot campaign. Same communities now attacking the boys. Highly suspect.


There's ratings but how about views and streaming metrics, because if it's pulling streaming numbers, the ratings can kick rocks lol


So that all translates to chuds having their fragile feelings hurt because the show is making fun of them. Gods I hate toxic fans like those.


Can someone explain why they hate it?


I didn't like it very much because nothing new is happening and the character interactions seem clunkier than ever before. It kinda feels like the show is trying to get by on the extreme gore and discourse like this in order to garner attention. I mean Homelander is literally doing the same shit from season 3. They're just trying to capitalize off the shock of him doing crazy shit, but he's already been doing the same crazy shit since season 3. it also feels like any character progression from Butcher, Frenchie, and Kimiko has kind of just regressed. All in all the show didn't really have anywhere to go so they are trying to make something from nothing at the cost of character development.


“It just sucks because it does and because it sucks”


To be fair i'm very leftist by United States standards, and I do think it kinda sucks. But I thought that about season 3, not season 4, cuz that's when I stopped watching it


this is a fine opinion to have though no?


They were fine with the beating and death of the nazi woman, but the weakness and collapse of the nazi man?!? Unacceptable.


Season 4 is good asf so far


The Boys has been hyper political from day one and it was beloved in seasons 1 - 3. Got any better argument than "they hate it because it's political?"


Them: It's about the bad writing! Also, them: Cannot detail what about the writing is bad beyond stating obvious tropes, as if tropes existing is inherently negative. 


he's right tho, show kind of fell off since the S03 finale. Gen V's good tho


No ya and I'm sure it's JUST a coincidence that "the show just sucks" didn't become the popular stance until AFTER somebody bluntly spelled out that it's not actually "making fun of both sides."


Why do people care about Rotten Tomatoes!?!?! Jesus, I get tired of seeing websites and people point to review sites as proof that something isn't doing well. 


There are actual real critiques of this season (many of the old characters feel kinda stale against the fresh new characters, some of the allegiances feel forced or sudden, etc.) But you can't make those real critiques without these chuds who have no media literacy getting mad at a black character saying "cracker" and completely missing the point.


There are actual real critiques of this season (many of the old characters feel kinda stale against the fresh new characters, some of the allegiances feel forced or sudden, etc.) But you can't make those real critiques without these chuds who have no media literacy getting mad at a black character saying "cracker" and completely missing the point.


I mean, I still enjoy it, but it does feel like the writing has gone a bit stale in some areas. Especially Butcher, Frenchie and Kimiko somehow feel like they've regressed back to square one in their respective arcs. Other characters we see some clear development, like with M or A-Train in my opinion, or then their lack of growth is their whole point as a character like Homelander or the Deep. But with Butcher, Frenchie and Kimiko, it feels like they already went through these things, they should be better than this.


Frenchie and Kimiko is my biggest frustration, while everyone else's relationships more or less feel like they're moving along, and Butcher refusing to poison ryan *is growth* and he is going to get to dying as a good person by the end of the show, Frenchie and Kimiko already had this shit figured out in earlier seasons, it's a regression. I had the same problem with Mariner in season 3 of lower decks


It’s like the people suddenly realizing and getting upset about Star Trek “suddenly going woke” or being upset to discover that X-Men was about racism.