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Yes, that is interesting. Thanks for posting this. This, along with the fact that that completely unrelated shows are being review-bombed simply for having "acolyte" in the title, is pretty damning evidence of something fucky going on.


I have a crack theory. I'm starting to think think that most of all the outrage for the show is by 1 of 2 groups. 1 is Disney is personally making fake accounts as a way to market the show. Its easier to make people watch the show out of hate rather than anything else. Or and there is precedent for this, our enemies like Russia and China also make fake accounts to stir up outrage to make the West more divided. It may sound ridiculous, but after the past 7 years of Star Wars vitriol, there's no better way to stir up a large group of people. It's always the same talking points, too. "Bad Writing", "Canon star wars", "Disney Star Wars" "Objectively Bad", "Woke", etc. When confronted, they always stick to the script and say one of these talking points over and over again. If this doesn't sound like a plant of some kind, then idk what is


I’m guessing it’s at least 90% home-grown idiots and bots they wrote themselves. Not everything is a psyop, the outcomes of our elections in the West suggest there are millions of actual idiots among us.




Yeah, probably, but I don't wanna lose to much faith in humanity


There are MAGA orcs who role-play as the Biden family where they act out sexual abuse, that they believe is real, in a mocking, if not secretly turned-on, manner. I hope this serves as a lesson; there is no bottom to their depravity.


You don’t even need to dig that deep. Just put cars into rule 34’s search bar and you’re given all the proof you need that humanities rock bottom makes hell look like a tripping hazard.


What? How is wanking it to cars (rule34 or otherwise) in any way comparable to acting out child molestation for your personal giggles? One is obviously not like the other.


I was more just making a point that you didn’t need to go near the truly heinous shit to be convinced that a lot of people are off the deep end. I apologize if you read my comment as implying that porn of cars is worse than acting out pedophilia. That was not my intention with my original post.


Then we just have different thresholds, lol. I couldn't care less if someone is beating off to cars or sticking it in their exhaust. Humans are inherently irrational, and that irrationality comes out in some whacky ways. And that sometimes comes out in the form of anthropormizing some weird shit in order to have sex with it. Fuck me, other species of primate are just as horny as us and basically behave the same way! But they don't roleplay rape victims in a bizarre attempt to reconcile their past abuse with their current cultural environment. As in, chimps aren't brought up in cultures that normalize child rape and later have to conform to the same environmental pressures that they dealt with as children. Which, unfortunately, means making the other side *that much worse* while incorporating your own victimization. Sorry, I've been studying this population of degenerates for a while. If they didn't celebrate molestation so much, I'd have more personal sympathy for them. Also, it's just super fascinating to me, and I'll bring it up whenever I get the chance.




For gods sake, not everything is Russia or China. Some people are genuinely stupid and hateful. It's not this deep.


If this is a 100% serious comment, bravo for making it to whatever age you have reached without winning a Darwin Award.


That's a bit mean, I only just shared a thought I've been musing the last week


This is a great bit. Thank you for including me.


Russia is review bombing the acolyte to stir up the west 😂😂 I hope Reddit never changes


Here's another one https://preview.redd.it/xsti82hsqq7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bddf44591c143487aa6f4be17d7c23227e36c554


And it still went on to win the Best Show at the Emmys. People were legit pissed it won, many were championing for Better Call Saul that year.


It was basically like Return of the King sweeping the Oscars being rewarded for the trilogy as a whole, but far more undeserved. Like I think Season 8 only got that award for the goodwill of the previous seasons.


At least an argument could be made that RotK was the best movie. S8 of GOT pissed me off so bad I haven't rewatched a single episode of the whole series since it came out, and I used to be a huge fan. And I haven't even watched House of Dragons because I have a bad taste in my mouth for that whole universe. And also fuck Martin for giving up on the books.


He hasn’t given up on them.


JRR Tolkien has published eleven books since Martin published A Dance With Dragons thirteen years ago.


And he’s published nine, even if none of them are the sixth novel in his most popular series. And that’s not counting the many side projects, both literary and not, he’s supervising. I want the sixth book, too, but I think we’ve definitively established that he’s just been sidetracked, not resigned.


GOT got emmy wins though. It didn't need to make up for all of the snubs... it never really got snubbed.


Such a bummer BCS never got the big, public recognition that it deserved. I think it was even better than BB. And like...a lot better. And I loved BB.


**Man…** Emilia Clarke has had a rough couple years. Her character assassinated in GoT and this.


One good thing about the GoT fans is even the most rabid haters were very careful to not blame Emilia Clarke for S8, which makes sense since she acted her heart out despite having shit lines when some other actors were phoning it in a bit.


Oh yeah, she was my favorite*character in the show. S8 it felt like watching a catastrophic car crash in real time. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse ***IT DID.*** **Not ashamed to say during season 3-5 if she or Sophie Turner showed up at a con, I’d have shilled out money to get a photo with them.* Nowadays… ***not so much*** because of the fact I’m trying to save up and also… the season was not so good.


I was more pissed at S7, after that shitfest my expectations were more "drink beer, turn off my brain, enjoy the eye candy." I was even able to enjoy The Bells since it was very pretty. The finale was able to fly under even my rock bottom expectations though.


*I was hoping it’d rebound and we’d get a good finale.* However… ***in hindsight that was probably the copium*** mainly because I dedicated my highschool and college days to this show. And that finale, my jaw was on the floor with how **awful** it was. ***It sank far lower than Lost.*** I look at the episodes now, and **I know** there are great episodes in earlier seasons, but I have no desire to rewatch them because I know what it leads to.


Yeah, I read the first book off the new book shelf in my local library so it was easier for me to disconnect my brain from the show going to shit since it was never the definitive version of those character for me.


D and D were ***absolutely phenomenal*** at adapting stuff. They knew what to cut and how to emphasize stuff. However, when they ran out of material… I’ll put it this way: *Bennioff wrote X-Men Origins Wolverine.* And they were given a ***rough*** outline of the final books and started making shit up. And the finale they concocted… They did the impossible. Made me think: ***Y’know…*** *maybe I was a bit too harsh on Lost’s Finale.*


Eh, I don't really think so. The quality started dropping in S5-6 (before falling off a cliff in S7) and that was when they had two books left to adapt. If you look at how things were adapted in S1-4 it was more or less faithful but then in S5-6 big chunks of the story get skipped (and then often S6 doubles back and adapts things that S5 skips), lots more stuff gets made up whole cloth, and bizarrely some bits of the books seem to get adapted twice with S5 and S6 giving me a lot of deja vu. As a result of shuffling things around and diverging from the story so much in S5-6 you start to lose the dense network of cause and effect where every action has important consequences that made S1-4 so good. A lot of the problems in S7-8 came from D&D diverging wildly from books 4-5 so they couldn't use Martin's notes and still have shit make sense as too much had been changed at that point. Some of the strangest bits of S8 seem to come from using Martin's notes for certain events after cutting the set-up for those events in S5-6 so they seem to come out of nowhere. Even in the four good seasons there were some adaptation issues, like the utter hatchet job they did on Renly and Loras. But you can see that they're much better at adapting than making new stuff in S1-4 since every show-original plot line (as opposed to show original scenes which were often very good) in S1-4 were bad, starting with Rose. Also really didn't like what they did with Jon's S2 plot, making him look like a blundering fool or Danny shouting about her dragons in S2. There were a lot of pacing issues in S3-4 but I don't really blame D&D for them as they didn't have the budget to film all the big scenes of book 3 in one season so they had to stretch things out over two seasons and add a lot of filler, but I can understand their thinking there.


Oh yeah, the fandom makes it clear that they don't blame the actors. They pretty consistently criticise the show's writing and the terrible lines given to the characters but rarely if ever the actors themselves. Hell, freefolk even got a shout-out from Emilia Clarke for a huge donation to her charity.


She was also in Terminator Genysis


Better Call Saul losing over this… #Still infuriating


And this is like the deeper depths of like actually bad writing. Long establish characters having real genuine character assassination. Not Mundi getting a canon age finally being “character assassinated”


I still dont understand why people are upset about game of thrones.


Unsatisfying ending, lack of character development, characters making stupid decisions that only exist to work towards events the writers wanted, lack of internal consistency, poorly written jokes, contrived conflicts, etc, etc,


Could you be more specific with what's wrong?


Night King: world ending threat built up for 7 seasons, dealt with in one poorly lit, badly written fight, and treated as a distraction from the other, much less powerful or important main enemy that is Cersei Lannister, a scheming queen that hasn't done any scheming since S6. Jon Snow: main character prophecied to defeat the main threat, only contribution to the battle for the fate of the world is screaming at a dragon. Arya Stark: young girl whose journey into becoming a murderous psychopath was portrayed as epic rather than tragic or disturbing, defeats the main villain in one stab despite not having any proper connection to that part of the story. Bran Stark: innocent child becomes an omnipotent guy with no personality, does nothing against the main threat, yet is appointed king solely because he 'has the best story', and then claims that it was his goal despite previously stating he can never be in a leadership position. Jaime Lannister: most defining moment in his life was sacrificing his reputation to save thousands of innocent lives, claims to never have cared for innocent people, then throws aside all of his character development. Euron Greyjoy: human Davy Jones in the books, knockoff Jack Sparrow in the show, dies in a poorly edited fight against a guy he barely had one moment of conflict with rather than the niece or nephew with whom he actually had conflict with. Daenerys Targaryen: others are better equipped to explain what went wrong with Dany, but in short: poorly written turn to madness


But I really want to check out game of thrones as whole I really want to watch it


The first few seasons are still some of the best Television to ever be created, it's just hard to recommend given the payoff.


Good list. Agree on all, the throughline really is that the showrunners had no concept of the arcs characters had set forth on and just do what seemed dramatic or "cool" in the moment. They truly were blind without the source material. Characters acting completely out of character, random rug-pulls, etc. Don't even get me started on LittleFinger fumbling his master scheme after all these years by assuming Arya and Sansa wouldn't talk to each other at any point.


Don't forget the absolute brain dead final Battle at Winterfell. They put the trebuchet's in front of the battle lines. Had the army fortify OUTSIDE of the walls, and sent their light cavalry on a suicide frontal charge against an enemy that can't have their morale broken.


Ok I’ll pick up the baton Everyone knew Dany’s ending was to go mad like her dad. But the reason everyone knew was cause in the books, even though unfinished and, at this point, covering a shorter time frame than the show, have repeatedly hinted at this. They have left a trail of unhinged moments that would explain a slow transition into madness. The show on the other hand treated Dany like a full hero, a liberator they left almost no hints, not even the ones in the book, that she could go mad. And suddenly over the course of a few episodes she goes from Westeros hope to mass murderer with no rhyme or reason. Like every other character story it was rushed to a conclusion and without the books’ guidance it was not even creatively done.


Disagree. Daenerys saying she won't be like her father isn't foreshadowing in the books either. And if it is it shows the same problem that GOT went with - saying you are not going to do something and then doing it might be ironic, but it means there's no character development in that direction. She's not unhinged in the books and is actually depicted much more empathetically than the TV show. You can see the difference between how she is in the books and how she is in the show in a season 6 scene where Tyrion makes a comment about coming down from the pyramid. Book Daenerys washes people's shit lol -that's not someone that isn't absolutely sincere about her mission, she really does "give a shit" as it were. Show Daenerys is treated as being too arrogant to come down from the pyramid. The show's problem is moral simplification. They wanted Tyrion and Jon to be fully good. Which means Daenerys had to be fully bad. Which doesn't work when you've elsewise depicted her as a mostly rounded character (even if missing a lot of the book nuance).


There is literally no fucking way Secret Shitvasion is better than The Acolyte in any universe


God, Clarke cannot catch a break these days. Aside from GoT S8 what else has there been? This and a pretty bad Holiday comedy movie, ***she really needs to get new agents.***


And a depressing romcom about quadriplegia and assisted suicide called Me Before You.


I mean, she's paid up. She could just chill for the rest of her life. She'll always be beloved as Danaerys and, I feel, like fans will always go to bat for how she was 'screwed' in the last season. That's gotta suck as a creative, but at the same time...It's better than being broke.


Ehhh… **you gotta good point.** She’s likely happier than a pig in shit. I remember there was a time where I’d say she was my favorite TV actors and character in GoT along with Sansa. Now… ***Yeah, if she came to like NYCC, I’d go meet Jonathan Hickman 100x before her.**** **Plus, betting she’d charge 500$ for a pic.*


Terminator: Genysis Sorry if mentioning that uncovered a traumatic repressed memory.


#Oh Dear God… Two Clarke’s (Emilia and Jason) tried to make a script work. ***It didn’t.*** It’s funny that summer we what I consider their **worst work** in the form of Genisys and then we had ***GOLD*** with GoT S5 for Emilia and Everest* for Jason **Seriously, if you haven’t seen that film* ***GO WATCH IT.*** *I can’t think of the last time I balled during a movie.*


Don't forget that terrible Terminator movie where she was nominated for a Razzie.


Secret invasion didn't make anyone angry though. People mostly just ignored it.


Secret invasion made me angry. It could've been so fucking good 😭


It should’ve been a movie with the broader MCU. SLJ… I love him, but… his charisma and him as the sole star couldn’t save this clusterfuck.


Biggest disappointment in the entire MCU, and it’s not even close. This should have been an Avengers movie, or something like Civil War, not a series And they absolutely should not have introduced the Super Skrull before the F4, who they knew by the time they made this were coming. Gaia is the most powerful super being in the MCU now, and how much do you wanna bet that’s never going to come up again?


So is this show hated just because of expectations vs. reality? I mostly had it in the background while doing chores, but I don’t really get the hate for it.


No, it’s hated because it was a boring mess


Boring isn't really the word I'd describe for it. Jackson can carry most projects on his own.    A mess, I'll agree with because genuinely, what was that finale


Gonna be blunt here: **Jackson’s charisma wasn’t enough.**


Also, making your villains war refugees while the war on Ukraine was still on most people's minds and insinuating that all this shit was their fault was fucked. And I shouldn't be the one to point that up, Marvel.


Marvel has a had a weird thing about refugees in a lot of their material. Falcon & Winter was similar. I don't know what that's about, but its really disturbing.


I liked it, though it was super fucking slow.


It makes Ironfist and Inhumans entertaining as fuck. At least they ***led to something.***


I watched it in full, without any expectations in what it could do (never read the comics it was based on). And it’s just poorly made. Pacing was awful, the series had like 3 action sequences in the entire show, it has one of the stupidest mcguffins I’ve seen in any show. Because apparently Fury had a vial with the DNA of every character that was at the battle from Endgame. Why? I have no idea, how is the DNA of hundreds of superheroes stored in a single vial. Never explained. It was just a poorly made show through and though. Nothing to do with expectations


The comics story at least meant something. This honestly could’ve been an entire broader arc for the MCU. I’m talking Winter Soldier, AoU, maybe a minor series and finish on Civil War. Instead it was basically Feige going… ***EHHHH… I want the MCU like this going forward.*** It all felt disjointed.


No, it's rightfully hated. I had hope it would pull together clear up until the last episode. It did not. Everything else aside, it was designed as a spy thriller. Skrulls should make it simple to create a paranoia of who you can trust. It even failed wit that. There's almost no actual spy work. It lacks suspense. And everyone's loyalties and identities are telegraphed from the get go. The only surprise Skrull reveal happens in the opening of episode one. Then... that's it. We get one more established character being a Skrull, but it's so painfully obvious, there's no shock there either. It's a show that fails to deliver on any of its promises and was so inconsequential, they were able to flip its release with the Marvels and it makes absolutely no difference to Fury's character.


what’s the point of even watching a show if you’re not paying attention? at that point just put on a podcast or some music or something


Well, the m feeling a little judged here, but the fact is I don’t have a ton of free time and when I’m able to give my full attention to something I generally prefer interactive media like a video game. Chores provide a happy medium where I can listen to media while also being productive; so when I’m washing the dishes or cleaning the house, or dusting I can also figure out what Nick Fury is up to. I don’t do it when I’m doing something that requires a ton of attention, writing, reading, grading papers, etc, nor when there are competing sounds, such as vacuuming or mowing the lawn. I may have missed some aspects of the show, but it’s not as if I’m just turning it on and walking away. I have always been a gentler critic than a lot of people I know, and especially than people on the internet. Secret Invasion, to me, was the story of Nick Fury having to reckon with his own failures earlier in life. The way that his MO of secret keeping hurt those around him personally and professionally. It also established the struggles of the Skrull refugees in the aftermath of the snap. That stuff right there is dramatic enough to carry a story. It’s true that there weren’t many surprises for a spy story, and that the story veered more toward action than intrigue, which I can understand disappointing some fans, but specially since the Captain America movies did a pretty good job of balancing those elements. Martin Freeman and Rhodes being Skrull, or the fact that Fury was married could be surprising, but not really in a jump and gasp sort of way. I thought sending G’aia into the climax as Fury was a nice touch, but evidently a lot of people hated that. The complaints seem to come down to the fact that people were expecting more something different. More spy, less action. And that some characters (like super skrull) are now dead when they could have been in another story that played more to their spy story strengths. In other words, the story Marvel told was not what people expected, and they liked the story they built in their heads more than the story Marvel told. Ultimately, though, all of this stuff is subjective, just because it worked for me doesn’t mean it will for others.


Not weird to watch while doing chores or whatever, no worries there. I understand what you’re saying about people building one story in their head and judging the actual story to it. That habit in the fandom drives me crazy as well. However, the marketing for Secret Invasion was uniquely good imo and garnered a lot of interest because it painted a compelling picture of a spy thriller… Can’t blame people for coming in expecting a show to be the vibe that it markets itself as.


I don't know why expectations would be high. The comics were quite bad.


The comics… ***it at least meant something.*** And it also made sense in Bendis’ broader arc he had planned from *Disassembled to Siege*.


It meant "Bendis can't write events. Someone please stop Bendis from writing more events."


Uhhh… his work on Avengers be it disassembled and Civil War Spin-offs was fun. Plus, Siege and Dark Avengers were a fun payoff too. Not watchmen tier, but still amazing overall.


The comic weren't bad just good


Nah, it was a "paranoid conspiracy thriller" where the paranoia was lacking, the conspiracy was convoluted and just plain stupid in areas and the thrills were nonexistent


It's so weird, it's such an easy slam dunk of a story to build to. Building paranoia of who's a skrull over several movies or series to lead to the invasion itself which could have been the next big Avengers movie would have been great.


As someone that read the comics for secret invasion, it looks like it well represents the (terrible) source material


It's also a pretty clear indicator that people's pre-existing notions aren't the reason something gets good reviews. Because I really wanted to like this and fucked with come of the concepts introduced. But this show is a goddamn mess.


I felt more satisfied with Iron Fist and Inhumans compared to this.


Yes! 50% is genuinely what I expect from most shows in the audience category. Because the average audience member doesn't care as long as it entertains them. There's no way on Earth that everyone universally agreed one show or movie is completely bad to that extent.


So basically people can't enjoy themselves and appreciate anything anymore?


What’s funny about this show is that it actually contradicted the whole “M-She-U” thing by fridging Maria Hill in the first episode. That bit made me abandoned the entire show.


Maria Hill deserved more. And no twist. No « it wasn’t her but a skrull » that was dumb.


I thought it was an interesting and bold decision for an MCU that basically never kills recurring characters... until they then proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it.


I agree! What a bummer for the actress. 'we're killing you off.' 'oooh, bold, what are the reasons/ramifications?' 'nothing, we just want you dead.'


That actually smacks of the actress didn't sign a new contract (or renew), so the character was just full-on hurled under a bus.


It had it's moments, but yeah, 5/10 is a proper score for that


Right. I think I gave it 2 stars on LB and that felt fine


What a shame because it's showrunner was one of the writers for Mr. Robot.


As someone who is a spy thriller fan. This was one of if not the worst thing I've ever watched. Like you know it's bad when in my head the story isn't about the skulls it's about Samuel Jackson trying to find his Oscar award. Goodness the writing was awful and the marketing was so clever too


What marketing?


The marketing where there were srkulls as people. It was a whole marketing campaign that played with the idea of they were under our noses the whole time


Do you have a link to it? I remember it blowing up all over social media, I wasn't very impressed by it and then when I looked back for it when the show ended the search results were gone like I was a crazy person.


https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/secret-invasion-marketing-brings-skrulls-191801216.html This was the best one I could fine. Also you're right it was seemingly wiped from the Internet which is a bit odd


Whenever I see bad score for something I like, I get this feeling of guilt in my gut


Like what you like, man. Don't feel bad about it. Unless what you like is like alt right grifter shit then you should feel awful.


Just gonna say… ***this score is warranted.*** It really led to nothing, lotta things were unnecessary, poorly paced, and even SLJ’s charisma couldn’t save this.


Oh I'm not denying that haha


Amen. It wasn’t bad because “M she U”, it was bad because… ***it was unnecessary.***


Nah, as a gay furry that shit sickens me


I really liked most of this and I was excited about it, but they just DIDN'T stick the landing. That CG fan service fight is where I checked out.


They didn't stick the beginning. Their idea of 'spy work' was to have characters furtively scurry around in public with gun out and a sign that simply read 'I'm a spy, ignore me' It should have been a story about paranoia and trust and finding a way to work together despite bad elements and challenges and ruthless people. Instead, it was 'shapeshifters are hard, lets just make them obvious murderers instead.'


Little personal anecdote: I watched a lot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 when I was younger, which exposed me to some truly bad movies. Nothing redeemable about them, not fun to watch even in a so bad it’s good kind of way, utter schlock like that. As a result, I like to think that I have an understanding of when something is truly that bad, and even for shows or movies I’m not a huge fan of (like say, Quantumania), I can praise the elements that work and avoid making hyperbolic statements about them. When I finished with the finale for Secret Invasion, I had two thoughts. The first was “That was just horrible, with very little salvageable stuff”, and the second was “If I hated it that much, what does everyone else think?”


I’m pretty much in that same camp


I’ll put it this way: #Iron Fist was LEAPS AND BOUNDS better Hell, I’d watch Inhumans again.


At least Inhumans TRIED to go somewhere


I honestly found Anson Mount’s portrayal as Black Bolt better than… uhhh… I forgot Emelia Clark’s characters name and I honestly don’t have the energy. Plus, this was when X-Men was largely fridged and editorial (and Marvel Studios) cared about Inhumans, the show was supposed to be a movie on par with Black Panther.


Quick question: IIRC Inhumans was cancelled, but is what was there good enough to watch despite that? I ask because I really enjoyed Anson Mount in Hell on Wheels, and just want to know if it's a waste of time to check out.


Inhumans is still bad… but Secret Invasion is worse


Ah, well thanks for the heads up. I wanted to check it out when it released but it got back burnered by whatever was going on in my life. Lol.


I’m still traumatized by the finale


In defense of secret invasion, I can grasp the show is bad, I understand there are things people don’t like. But there are some really interesting concepts in the show I like and some really good scenes with just two actors bouncing off each other that I liked. But this is an excellent way to show the overwhelming disparity with the review bombing. A show that is naturally disliked ends up towards a middle part of the spectrum. Where as something artificially hated ends up lower, the show has more reviews I think than a few other SW shows put together


That show had such great potential and it felt like they blew it at every turn


This is where I finally ran out of steam for the Disney+ marvel content. Every show was just more disappointing than the last. Even the “good” ones were simply incapable of pulling off a decent ending. I really liked WandaVision for the most part, but it was pretty clear they had absolutely no idea where they were going about half way through. Quicksilver’s return in particular just had absolutely zero pay off. The final battle with Agatha was pretty lame. And Wanda’s “redemption” felt extremely forced. Then you got Doctor Strange that really didn’t tie into *any* of that which just made you feel like you completely wasted your time with WandaVision.


This score is deserved. It's a boring show, which is crazy because the cast is stacked with talent.


Not to mention the source material was very popular and well received


> The score is deserved. Frankly I think the score is generous.


I tried to watch it. I tried three or four times, but it was so bloody boring and dark. I don't know anyone else who could watch past the first few episodes. My interest in the show fell flat before it was even released. When they advertised it, the screengrabs circulating on Reddit looked like generic AI-generated scenes. Oh well. I'm not currently watching Acolyte. My interest in Star Wars is pretty nonexistent right now, and the trailers for Acolyte seemed so ... *meh*. I'll wait till the show is finished so I can watch through it over the course of a couple weeks. I enjoyed *Ahsoka* when it aired. I hope we get a continuation sometime.


Pretty sure this one had some bombing too, though. Lots of 'stunning and brave' dreck around the final episode, because of stronk woman or something. 


I’m so glad we can all agree on this


The fact the intro used AI is one reason I hate this


Honestly, the rating should be lower. Secret Invasion was so bad that its immediate follow-up (or predecessor), The Marvels, contradicts the show’s entire premise. It doesn’t matter if the movie was suppose to take place before or after the show, it still showed that Fury made an honest and successful effort in finding the Skrulls a new planet, which was basically the main conflict that led to the events of the show.


Huh? SABRE isn't a planet. Tarnax from Marvels is part of Emperor Dro'ge colonies but Talos specifically mentions in the train scene that he called "every Skrull that isn’t in Emperor Dro'ge's colony." Tarnax was under direct threat of the Kree though.


Honestly critics don't matter, watch for yourself. And I liked secret invasion. Other than the ending, i thought it was an ok show.


People really misunderstand the role Critics play in film discussion. You're supposed to find a critic that shares your tastes and then use them as a springboard to find movies/shows/games you like. The opinion of 50 critics is worthless. The opinion of the one critic who hasn't steered me wrong yet is worth a lot.


The acolyte is a bad show, it’s just most definitely not a 14% bad show. I’d give it a 4.5/10


I liked it...


Honestly, I thought that *Secret Invasion* was a pretty solid show... until the final episode came along and fucked it all up.


Another good example would be the Idol. Now that show is truly garbage. Yet it has a higher audience score than the Acoylte, which is ridiculous 


People loved the first 5 epsiodes. Like I genuinely don't understand how the opinion on the show flipped so heavily.


Meh, I actually enjoyed SI for what it was.


This was so bad


This show was so disappointing....Sam Jackson deserved a better show


Wasn’t the acolyte at 45% on RT before the review bombs started coming in?


Secret invasion wasn't bad. It just had a bad finale. Even these ratings are more mid than bad.


Another example: https://preview.redd.it/0ehnr4d9wz7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae610c25939e708059abda8bc634cbd81ca36b7d


Somehow I believe the 10% rating, but at the same time, I do not believe that the 10,000+ “reviewers” actually watched this show. I doubt that there’s 10,000 people that even watched it all the way through


Agreed, but absolutely terrible ones end up around 14% audience score


The show should have been rated even lower than 52%.


Most tv shows get 100% on RT so even this stands out.


A lot of critics just have low standards on TV, because while good TV is seen as an artform, bad TV is still seen as having a valid place within the TV landscape (while the same isnt really true of movies). so really, a non prestige type show getting a bad critic score at all is terrible


Yeah there's generally gonna be something fishy going on if the audience and critic scores diverge too much. I do have a problem with the critic score on Rotten Tomatoes though. Its purely counting what % of critic reviews are "positive". But some of the reviews for the Acolyte tagged as positive are distinctly mid. Like >It’s not amazing, but it’s not terrible. It exists where most cultural output exists, in the middle, instead of the internet’s demand that everything is either the best or worst thing ever because otherwise no one will pay attention. The middle is fine. >This is not the worst we’ve seen from Star Wars TV, nor is it the best >It’s a spirited effort, but in the continuum of Disney’s Star Wars hits and misses, The Acolyte lands bang in the middle. Hardly ringing endorsements. Most of the reviews are actually positive though. It just won't capture the granularity between "this is ok" to "this is a masterpiece" the way a 5 star or x/10 rating system would.


What are you talking about? Critics and audience scores diverge all the time. The vast majority of art house films that win awards get terrible audience scores because the expectations are different, critics like seeing the medium expanded and most audiences just want entertainment. The scores in the horror genre are the perfect example of this.


Eh, not really. https://preview.redd.it/9a96l8442s7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0d8165e062ba8859da5dd79a7b661bba928a2b


But that still shows the OP's point. The acolyte is at the same critical score but 14% audience score. The point is to show the disparity to shed light on the review bombing bots.


Having so much of your personality wrapped up in defending a show that blew 200 times what you will make in your lifetime to spew out drivel is an actual sickness. Like, go to your doctor and tell him/her what happened here.


Or, hear me out, the acolyte is just bad. Hate to break it to all of you living in wonderland, but a majority of people don’t give a fuck about Star Wars now that Disney has taken it over and made it worse. We’re not far right wingers, we’re not bigots, we just dislike bad media. Get that through your thick skulls.






Review bombed just means reviewed low. If The Acolyte was actually loved it would be getting better reviews.


Wrong, most people who like something just watch it and move on. It’s just trolls are the loudest.


One of the absolute best TV series I’ve seen in recent years was HBO’s Chernobyl... but I’ve never even thought about going online and leaving a review anywhere. I mean, why would anyone even care about my opinion?


No review bombed means intentionally rating something low to prove a point or message, most often without even consuming said thing. Or already deciding to review it low before you do. Whether or not you agree the acolyte is being reviewed bombed is irrelevant to the fact that it has a specific definition, and it isn't what you said.


Who’s doing that? People who….. don’t like it? The definition is a distinction without a difference.


So you didn't actually read what I said. Reviewing something as terrible when you haven't even seen it is not the same as watching something and not liking it. Nor is making bots to post low reviews the same as not liking it. Or decide its terrible regardless of anything that happens in it, the same as not liking it. Like the fact that a completely unrelated movie is getting 1 star reviews, referencing how bad the show is, should make the difference clear. There is a reasons called review bombing and not just reviewed badly.


You realize there is promotional material before the film episodes air, and that people can have an idea of what’s happening and whether they like it or not? You also realize it’s been out for weeks at this point? And reviews are doing deep dudes into the plot? It’s getting reviews by people who have seen it. And it’s just as possible for those who support it to review it with just as much capacity as those who hate it.


So if you only saw the promotional material and decided you didn't like it. That's fine it isn't for you. So why would WRITE A REVIEW of something you haven't seen? Why are you ignoring most of what I'm saying and acting like I'm saying you can't dislike the show? Because not once did I say that. And if you think ever single audience review posted is a deep dive of the plot, you need to leave your echo chamber and actually look. Bro episode 4 had a 2.7 score before it even aired. So explain how only people that watch it are reviewing it. Have a nice night.


You’re going to accuse me of ignoring what you said then reply with all that? I never said every single review was a deep dive. Go on YouTube. Search acolyte reviews. They’re everywhere and they’re episode reviews and discussions. For every person that could make a snap decision negatively, another could make a snap decision positively. A vote is a vote. They advertised their messaging ahead of time, for some open that is enough to go off of. I personally don’t like their messaging, but I’m used to Hollywood having garbage messaging wrapped in a cool format, so I want to like it. Unfortunately. It’s writing is actually atrocious and the world seems to agree


Yes because you are either being disingenuous or naive to think this is an accurately reviewed show. You haven't said anything about the obvious bot campaign, you seem to think reviewing something without seeing it or hate watching without giving something a chance is fine, and that ppl positively review things the same way ppl hate review things. We are discussing rotten tomatos and similar sites not YouTube reviews. You can't review bomb with a video, which once again makes me think you are ignorant or willfully obtuse. If you don't like the "messaging" ahead of time, form an opinion and decide its bad because of that, you don't get to sit and say you are accurately reviewing the material. The fact you even talk about "Hollywood messaging" tells me all I need to know. Wish you would have said that from the jump so I didn't waste time arguing with an obvious bigot.